Do we know what's coming after Operation Fallback completes tonight? Have enjoyed playing some of these maps on proper servers so hopefully another Operation.
Yeah I don't know. I think the more popular maps should be put in the normal rotation. Could make the operations a good way to test community maps for public play.
I'm at silver but I would need like 35 more hours for gold and I just...can't!
Here's your second chance to get your gold badge, folks.
So, my current speculation:
-Silencers later this month.
-New Operation at the start of September.
Valve has made it clear they are aware of the desire by some members of the community for movement changes and for Cache to be made official, so I would not be surprised if either of these things happens in the near future as well, though possibly not this month. That would make a helluva comp update, though (silencers, movement, Cache).
More respect from the homies. (so, nothing really...)What happens when you get a gold badge?
What happens when you get a gold badge?
You get people asking you every other comp match how many hours it takes to get the badge, followed by people in your lobby accusing you of idling in Payback servers.
lol no
Glock + armor > 5-7 or p2k + armor
I would be soo happy if they go F2P or announce like 5 new maps. If its just silencers and new movement then this update has been way overhyped
A revamped movement system would fix a lot of issues with this game and would be worth the hype. Just silencers and some gungame maps I dont care about definitely wouldnt be though.
I mean it would be awesome but people were saying it would make the game "explode". Right now it seems to be floundering, the comp scene could crumble very easily
Is there any place to download a map pack for the most commonly played maps? I just installed a new hard drive and I'd like to skip on having to redownload every map ingame.
This week!!! Prize Pools!!!
Something like Dota 2 where you buy a ticket to watch a tourney?
Oh yeah. Unless its CS:GO going F2P, valve run esea-like service, and a spot at TI4, then I doubt its going to do anything for the size of the pro scene. 2013 Case
I don't know how to feel.
it's going f2p
can't argue with it, the quality of the game definitely is "free2play"
I can't tell if you're trying to disparage the game or what. GO is a good game with the potential to be a great game with the proper fixes. Also, Free2play doesn't automatically mean a game is bad. Dota 2 and TF2 are proof of that.
I'll just say that I've never played a good F2P game (yes I've played TF2) and GO is certainly not a good game. They should really be focused on patching this game instead of adding crates and hats and F2P garbage. This could be a decent game with 128tick servers for MM, fix the movement because it's super wonky and Source-like, balance the weapons ffs and add some damn maps to MM. It would really be nice if this game wasn't treated like a red-headed stepchild to Valve, but that's just wishful thinking.
mcampbeLegendary Eagle Master 6 points 4 hours ago
Here are all the different gun skins
"hy_ddpat" "common"
"hy_arctic" "uncommon"
"hy_desert" "common"
"hy_copperhead" "rare"
"hy_skulls" "rare"
"hy_webs" "uncommon"
"hy_ak47lam" "mythical"
"hy_gelpen" "uncommon"
"hy_v_tiger" "common"
"hy_ddpat_urb" "common"
"sp_spray" "common"
"sp_leaves" "common"
"sp_short_tape" "common"
"an_navy" "rare"
"sp_snake" "uncommon"
"an_silver" "uncommon"
"an_red" "rare"
"am_ossify" "rare"
"aa_flames" "rare"
"aa_fade" "rare"
"so_yellow" "mythical"
"so_night" "common"
"aq_copper" "rare"
"aq_blued" "uncommon"
"aq_forced" "uncommon"
"aq_oiled" "mythical"
"am_dragon_glock" "rare"
"am_lightning_awp" "legendary"
"am_zebra" "rare"
"am_zebra_dark" "rare"
"aa_vertigo" "mythical"
"am_carbon_fiber" "uncommon"
"am_scorpion_p2000" "rare"
"sp_mesh_tan" "common"
"hy_feathers_aug" "rare"
"hy_blizzard" "uncommon"
"hy_forest_winter" "uncommon"
"hy_forest_boreal" "common"
"hy_ddpat_orange" "mythical"
"so_caramel" "common"
"so_grassland" "common"
"so_purple" "rare"
"so_sand" "common"
"so_tornado" "common"
"so_whiteout" "rare"
"sp_mesh_glacier" "rare"
"sp_spray_jungle" "common"
"sp_tape_dots_urban" "common"
"sp_tape_urban" "common"
"so_jungle" "common"
"so_tangerine" "mythical"
"cu_catskulls_p90" "ancient"
"sp_palm" "uncommon"
"cu_walnut_nova" "common"
"aq_brass" "rare"
"sp_splash_p250" "mythical"
"hy_hunter_modern" "rare"
"hy_hunter_blaze_pink" "legendary"
"hy_hunter_blaze_orange" "rare"
"sp_nukestripe_orange" "uncommon"
"sp_nukestripe_green" "mythical"
"sp_nukestripe_maroon" "uncommon"
"sp_zebracam" "common"
"sp_nukestripe_brown" "common"
"hy_ak47lam_bw" "uncommon"
"hy_blam_simple" "mythical"
"sp_dapple" "common"
"sp_zebracam_bw" "uncommon"
"hy_icosahedron" "rare"
"hy_doomkitty" "rare"
"sp_nukestripe_green_tec9" "mythical"
"name": "kill eater",
"defindex": 80,
"attribute_class": "kill_eater",
"min_value": 0.000000,
"max_value": 1.000000,
"description_string": "This weapon features StatTrak technology, which tracks certain statistics when held by its owner.",
"description_format": "value_is_additive",
"effect_type": "positive",
"hidden": false,
"stored_as_integer": true
I'll just say that I've never played a good F2P game (yes I've played TF2) and GO is certainly not a good game. They should really be focused on patching this game instead of adding crates and hats and F2P garbage. This could be a decent game with 128tick servers for MM, fix the movement because it's super wonky and Source-like, balance the weapons ffs and add some damn maps to MM. It would really be nice if this game wasn't treated like a red-headed stepchild to Valve, but that's just wishful thinking.
I wouldn't be surprised if you told me you're a low rank that barely does matchmaking then. The game needs to be fixed, whether you think so or not. The competitive scene is almost dead and its a new game, HINT: that means its not good.
I guess they could just turn this into another pubscrub paradise game like TF2, which is likely what will happen.
I wouldn't be surprised if you told me you're a low rank that barely does matchmaking then. The game needs to be fixed, whether you think so or not. The competitive scene is almost dead and its a new game, HINT: that means its not good.
I guess they could just turn this into another pubscrub paradise game like TF2, which is likely what will happen.
Thanks, you're a great poster and I bet you're amazing at CS. Keep up the good work.Judging by your posts not having you in the community for this game or any other seems like a great thing for everyone. When they do fix the issues with the game I hope you stay far away from it.
Thanks, you're a great poster and I bet you're amazing at CS. Keep up the good work.