Anyone up to trade? Looking for a m4a1 Darkwater but refuse to spend money on keys, skins, etc.
My inventory if anyone is interested.
Who are the Euros that are playing this?
need a tutorial to learn the basic concepts of the game
Sigh, servers down again and the flashbang bug wasn't fixed. Really glad they're putting all that key and marketplace money to good use
I like that not only they failed at fixing it, but they actually made it worse by disabling the quick fix with the mouse-wheel flick.Sigh, servers down again and the flashbang bug wasn't fixed. Really glad they're putting all that key and marketplace money to good use
Sigh, servers down again and the flashbang bug wasn't fixed. Really glad they're putting all that key and marketplace money to good use
I got CS:GO a couple of weeks ago after not playing CS for about 10 years, it has certainly changed. I used to be really good but not so much any more, it feels like my head is 10x larger as I seem to get instantly headshot before I can blink half the time.I don't know if it's a severe rust issue or what, but the reg seems horrible. Back in the day I could pop off multiple 1 shot deagle headshots in a row, full team aces etc but now it's a struggle to put just one guy down.
Also, I bet if you went back to 1.6 it would take some time before you were 1 deaging peoples heads and acing rounds.
Deagle is atrocious. It's no longer the handcannon it was in CSS.
This will be fixed in the next update.
So I played on a server with 15 ping and 128 tick, it was like a completely different game. I've been playing on the default matchmaking servers and I didn't realize how bad they were until now. All the issues with "soak" were gone, people actually died when I shot at them. 1v4 clutch pistol round, ho ho.
For sure, back then I had my teenage reflexes and I didn't have a trapped nerve in my elbow like I do now. Part of my brain just expects nothing to have changed, when obviously that's not reasonable.
does anyone have a good video that teaches you how to handle the m4a1's (not silenced) spray patterns?
Here's an excellent M4A1 guide. I am a little biased though, as I made it myself.
Here's an excellent M4A1 guide. I am a little biased though, as I made it myself.
i mean't the m4a1 not the m4a1-s
Basically, 2-3 shot bursts at mid-long range. For full auto, the recoil goes up and to the left, and then to the right, so you want to not be moving and move in the opposite direction of the recoil.
I know how to burst fire...what i'm trying to learn is how to shoot 5-7 bullets at a time and still retain accuracy. When I watch youtube videos of pro matches, I see people do it all the time. I know the general bullet pattern, but I wanted to know if there was a guide that gives me some pointers instead of having to spend 2 hours in a deathmatch server dicking around.
It just means Operation Payback: Season 2 will be starting soon, probably Wednesday or Thursday. So let's start speculating which maps will be in it! My guesses include:
East Borough
I wouldn't be surprised if Valve pulls a Library and includes a less-than-serious map like Cheesefire. I am assuming they will do eight, which is what they intended to do last time (with Pool Day being the deleted eighth).
Note: I am deliberately leaving out maps like Cache, Season, Mill, and any other competitive maps, as I'm assuming Valve would rather eventually make them official, like they did with Mirage. I'm also leaving out Siege, as there are probably some legal issues preventing its inclusion (specifically, unlike Thunder, it still ships with 1.6).
I just bought it and played a quick round, can't remember the map name but it was OK. And yeah, playing something other than Dust 2 will be fun. It was me and a team of bots though, so hopefully people start buying it.
I was in a casual server with lots of people on both teams - I guess it comes down to timing?
Also played a comp round of Seaside. As expected, the ranks were a bit uneven, but at least we won.
yep, used in comp, has a scorecard that keeps track of your stats, playing on maps gives you an added chance to get exclusive skin drops and higher chance of getting the crate
i mean't the m4a1 not the m4a1-s
Yeah, I was just unlucky the first game.
It seems Cache is the new D2, it just gets voted over and over.