Day 4 and I’ve used up half my toilet paper. Why didn’t I panic buy?
Day 4 and I’ve used up half my toilet paper. Why didn’t I panic buy?
order a bidetDay 4 and I’ve used up half my toilet paper. Why didn’t I panic buy?
My curtains are rather expensive, thank you very much!Because you can wipe your ass with anything.
Amazon no longer delivering.order a bidet
Order directly from the manufacturer curtains are rather expensive, thank you very much!
Amazon no longer delivering.
I'm sure bidet's are backordered too. And, every time I've used one I have needed toilet paper afterwards.order a bidet
Day 4 and I’ve used up half my toilet paper. Why didn’t I panic buy?
But you use less. So you end up saving more.I'm sure bidet's are backordered too. And, every time I've used one I have needed toilet paper afterwards.
TrueBut you use less. So you end up saving more.
avatar checks out
i left the house for the first time today since Friday. kind of empty but also kind of normal. still see joggers and homeless and the usual folks on the street.
Starbucks parking lot empty at 8am was a wild sight to behold. there was a sign in the window saying the store is closed indefinitely. welp.
went to Publix to get supplies. i really wanted bread and all they had left is the sugar rich white bread. no TP or tissue paper or paper towels to be found in the store. thankfully i bought a pack of TP a week ago, which will last me 3-4 weeks.
i did get some wine. which i'm about to pop into...
My country (Italy) is in an utter mess... . I keep hearing several people (online feeds, chats and so on) that ask for complete lockdown, so even of all kinds of companies (and not just some of them) for months. When you point out that that they are needed otherwise we won't find anything to buy in stores (even things we need daily), you hear the reply (I'm translating the best I can from italian):
" we are at war"
"if we don't do it (meaning closing down also all companies and ANY kind of business), we will ALL die"
"you don't need to buy F***ING clothes" (those were their literal words/reply when I said that some things/stores should still remain open or at least have delivery at home and they actually used the swear words, I have just translated)
"we must use the army to enforce complete lockdown"
"we must forbid any kind of outside activity for everybody" (even running alone)
"the right of movement, who cares"
" owners of businesses can just close down because they all have money saved and are rich, who cares, health above all" (this one is so much not true in my country, that I even laughed and I know because I have my own business)
"carriers must stop delivering otherwise they will get infected and they will infect others, people can just survive with what they already have at home, so no need for online delivery and couriers" and so many other similar thoughts ... Some on my social feed ask for a complete lockdown until end of summer at least and some other ridicoulous things.
This is what happens when you hammer the public/audience 24 h a day with apocalyptic news and reportages of graves on TVs.
I can already see that my country is gonna become a third world country (or even worse) at the end of this.
Also running and any other kind of outside physical activity is soon going to be banned completely by the government (according to many newspapers and rumors) and it was already impossible to do in my area, because people attack you or insult you if they see you on the streets (even if alone and in theory it's allowed).
What is the damn point of living if you have to be reclused inside my home for months (because that is what some people on my social feed are asking, to be in complete lockdown for months). I understand temporary measures (3-4 weeks), but it's clear that here many people are ready to accept (and actually ask strongly) to remain in complete quarantine inside their home for months and are ok with getting all their other rights completely removed.
i regret so much coming back to this country several years ago. It's true that this epidemic is happening everywhere, but to be honest, death is part of life and not everybody is ready to be buried inside their home for months just for something risky. life is a risk; every activity you do has a risk of death, but you can't stop living forever just because of the fear for a disease.
Also today it's day 12 of quarantine for my province (for Padua it started on 9 of March if I'm not wrong). 12 days since I left my house for any reason. My parents are also pretty down in morale because they only allow one family member (not together) to go buy food, while they always have always gone together for several years, and have a lot of issues by going alone (one or the other).
Unfortunately it's not allowed in my town (comune) and my town forbid it just a few days after the lockdown for Padua province started (going against the government directive which allows physical activity when alone) . Not only that, but even in the days before my town mayor forbid it publicly, people were attacked/insulted even though they were running alone and it was in theory still clearly permitted by the government website.While there's of course people who go overboard just to sound cool ("lock down everything" or "who cares lol"), even more restrictive measures are going to be applied if people have problems following simple instructions, even during a sanitary emergency.
You want to run around, and that's ok and permetted. Too bad that now, suddenly, everyone wants to run around. Some people, interviewed on national tv, kindly stating they've just started jogging during the lockdown. That's not rational nor reasonable, so now guess what? Nobody can run around anymore.
That's the correct answer to an idiotic problem.
Of course primary stores need to stay open, but if someone wants to buy clothes right now, it's most likely not for necessity, but simply out of spite. Just like those people jogging. Of course people get mad at you, I would too.
The lockdown and social-distancing is not for you, is primarly for the sanitary system, that's evidently not prepared to have thousands of people gasping for air, all at once.
You think life is a gamble and death is worth it, and I have no problem with that attitude actually. But you also have to accept the gamble of having your parents dying because of the illness you brought home, while you were bored.
More importantly, I respect your gamble but other people don't have to be part of it.
Looks like London will be going into lockdown pretty soon fam.I'm glad us British are leaving the EU.
EU is about to economically collapse.
Tick tock.
Alcoholism is a big comorbidity in Coronavirus deaths. Drinking alcohol raises your blood pressure too. Just saying....Great time to be an alcoholic.
Anand there we goLooks like London will be going into lockdown pretty soon fam.
Apparently the army has been called down. So I've been told anyway.
Unfortunately it's not allowed in my town (comune) and my town forbid it just a few days after the lockdown for Padua province started (going against the government directive which allows physical activity when alone) . Not only that, but even in the days before my town mayor forbid it publicly, people were attacked/insulted even though they were running alone and it was in theory still clearly permitted by the government website.
Clothes are not a necessity now? Like a few weeks ago one of my trousers got completely ripped up by accident, luckily I had a few spares, so what I am supposed to do if that happens again while in lockdown if i can't even order them online as some people ask? (people asking to block online deliveries) Should I go to buy food with just with my underwears if it happens again?
Also no, walks have not been permitted in my town. My town mayor made a post forbidding walking/running pretty soon after the lockdown for the province of Padua started and just today has forbidden the use of any cycle lane, except that my house is connected exclusively by that (bike lane which acts also as pathway) to the other roads are, so according to her unless I'm going to buy food or going out for work (which is not my case since I'm working from home for now), I'm not allowed to use it even though the government site says physical activity/running alone should be allowed.
The fact that people abused it, is not my problem; you don't take away 100% of people rights just because you can't enforce policing on some other government rules. So it is right to forbid completely any kind of physical activity to all the other people (who keep distances and go alone), just because some other people were using it as an excuse or went in group? So now I don't have any right of movement or doing some short physical activity at all even if I had respected the rules by the government?
Also about gamble, So I'm not allowed to live anymore at all? Not even going alone in countryside roads? Basically 100% of my rights of movement (which in theory is protected by constitution) have been taken/stripped away (and the prime minister made it pretty clear that this complete quarantine will keep going for a long time so it's not something temporary), since my town forbids walking outside. I mean if i respect social distancing (I always went alone and never in groups and always kept my distances) then why is my right of doing some short running or walking/jogging being completely taken away? Police/punish the ones who don't keep social distancing when jogging, not me by taking away even just that few minutes of walking, espceially since many of us live in small flats.
2 weeks? not really. I have been in quarantine for 13 days already (Padua province), and there are 2 more weeks before the supposed end of quarantine. (3 of april)You have a point in your reasoning, and that's what usually is/should be done.
As you (and me, and everyone else... we're all together in this, even if we argue we're on the same side ) most likely already realized, this is far from the usual. Entire nations are being caught off-guard, actually.
Just think about this: if everyone stayed at home, we would be out of this in 14-20 days. We would be already out of it, or on our way out at minimum.
But no, the counter resets every time someone thinks that this is such a lovely day for window shopping.
This is a global pandemic and all we're asked for is to stay 2 weeks at home.
What the hell is difficult about that.
Clothes are not vital. Food and water are, as much as air.
What don't you people understand? If everyone stays home, it's just a matter of weeks. Be disciplined for once omg.
Use your hand, soap, water, w/e. And yes, we're animals
DAFUCK dude? Just wipe with a single square. You don't need a massive amount used for every crap geezDay 4 and I’ve used up half my toilet paper. Why didn’t I panic buy?
A single square per poop? Do you like shit on your hands? Because that's how you get shit on your hands.DAFUCK dude? Just wipe with a single square. You don't need a massive amount used for every crap geez
Lol at italy and Spain are doing the right thing. Watch the news doofusFor introverts, this is Easy Mode.
For everyone else, welcome to our world!
Italy and Spain are doing the right thing, but a few weeks won't cut it if someone catches it on Day 14 of the Lockdown as they will not show symptoms for days and it will start all over again.
It is likely going to peak in 3 months when people will crave a Summer Festival unless everything is cancelled for the year.
I sadly predict that this will spike again at Christmas.
No a single square at a time. So like 5 or 6 per poopA single square per poop? Do you like shit on your hands? Because that's how you get shit on your hands.
No a single square at a time. So like 5 or 6 per poop
Geez dude. Spread em wide before you start to minimize cleanupIf I only need 6 sheets for a shit, I'm having a good day. Easy 24+
I always did my activities following rules for those few days it was still allowed (keeping distances, secondary roads and always alone and not even stopping to chat even if I see someone I know from a distance). It is not my place or duty to sacrifice my liberty and right of movement just to emphatise with other human beings. My own right of movement (and mental sanity/health) is a right just as the right of health of others. I can agree to concede and restrict part of my fundamental rights for a national emergency like this one, but my own mental health is just as important and keeping me locked (basically house arrest) is depriving me completely of any right of movement. One thing is reducing it partially for a determined amount of time, another is imprisoning me inside my own home for an undetermined amount of time (because conte has already said clearly it will be extended).
Just think about this: if everyone stayed at home, we would be out of this in 14-20 days. We would be already out of it, or on our way out at minimum.
But no, the counter resets every time someone thinks that this is such a lovely day for window shopping.
This is a global pandemic and all we're asked for is to stay 2 weeks at home.
What the hell is difficult about that.
The worst thing of this all is the virtue signaling on twitter about people who dare do things that The Authorities Do Not Approve Of.
2 weeks? not really. I have been in quarantine for 13 days already (Padua province), and there are 2 more weeks before the supposed end of quarantine. (3 of april)
furthermore yesterday Conte has already declared that it will be extended further. So essentially they are asking me not to do any kind of physical activity or even just going outside for a walk for who knows how many months.
For who knows what reasons, my town mayor decided to forbid any kind of physical activities (I didn't even know they could do that without any kind of external check) just a 3-4 days after the lockdown started in my province (2 cases in a town of 12K people so not a red zone/focolaio or anything), even though it was allowed by the government in most other cities. So in the towns besides/near me at least until two days ago, they could take walks or activities occasionally; mine specifically not so much. So Locked in a flat for 13 days, and there are still 2 more weeks, which will be for sure extended (conte already said yesterday it will be extended). Does anyone realizes that for some people being locked inside a flat for 3-4 months has a huge toll on mental health and sanity? I'm not asking for events, parties or anything but a short walks or joggings near my home alone.
If the government is not able to police and stops people from grouping, that is not my problem and not I should suffer because of its incompetence or lack of personnel or funding. Why should I even care about others not following rules and make groups and if that is causing deaths? People die all the times; it's life. I don't care that people die, I have learnt to accept it, otherwise I would have to cry everytime a child dies in africa for a disease (a child dies every minute in africa just from Malaria alone which in my eyes are just as important as an old man in italy). It's just not what I would expect from a first world country; that freedom and rights are discarded so easily just out of fear. Yes people die, virus do exist but you can't deprive all the others of their freedom for an undetermined amount of time just because people expected to be invulnerable and are not used to large-scale diseases.
I always did my activities following rules for those few days it was still allowed (keeping distances, secondary roads and always alone and not even stopping to chat even if I see someone I know from a distance). It is not my place or duty to sacrifice my liberty and right of movement just to emphatise with other human beings. My own right of movement (and mental sanity/health) is a right just as the right of health of others. I can agree to concede and restrict part of my fundamental rights for a national emergency like this one, but my own mental health is just as important and keeping me locked (basically house arrest) is depriving me completely of any right of movement. One thing is reducing it partially for a determined amount of time, another is imprisoning me inside my own home for an undetermined amount of time (because conte has already said clearly it will be extended). Many of us live in concrete blocks/flats barely enough to walk, with no gardens or anything. Can't even go buying food by foot, because here you have people literally attacking/insulting you if they see you walking. Some people even got photographed and shown publicly on social networks (which also violates privacy law btw) by other people just because they were walking outside, even though those people photographed could have had good reasons to go out. (shopping for groceries/emergency/going to a store to buy something they need etc...)
Unfortunately, I have testimonies from some of my friends who got insulted on the street while going to the street market (mercati all'aperto dove vendono cibo, not sure what is the correct term in english). I have also seen people being photographed on facebook and insulted (and this was done on perfect strangers, so they couldn't have any idea if they were out for a necessity or just walking). So if I go out by foot even if I go to the supermarket, there is quite a lot of possibility that I will be attacked or insulted or photographed; it might or it might not happen, but the fact that it happened to some people in my town is not acceptable. And to think i'm in a middle-sized town in province of Padua, not even Padua itself, so you would think people would be more reasonable, I was so wrong.I actually understand most of your reasoning. I've searched a little online and apparently in Padua people are a bit much the aggressive about quarantine (posting messages on the walls and whatnot), starting with the major.
I think the major was simply on the more cautious side, but the people are a different thing and going out for groceries (by foot or car) is part of the "primary activites" and you should not be attacked for it, that's not reasonable.
It contrasts with the unruly people in other areas, mocking every regulation just to feel above the law (and then shout against the government anyway).
Do you think that if you go out for groceries, clearly with a shopping bag with you, and equipped with mask and gloves, people would still attack you? Jogging to the supermarket, if feasible, could help in this case, even if just a bit.
Lastly, I just wanted to say that you're not the only one confined in a small cement flat, with no garden and no space to walk or excercise. I know it doesn't help you in a tangible way, but just in case you'd like to feel a little less alone in this.
People die all the times; it's life. I don't care that people die, I have learnt to accept it, otherwise I would have to cry everytime a child dies in africa for a disease