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Crackdown 2 demo impressions

Jtyettis said:
If agility orbs are gaming crack then renegade orbs are seriously the crack-cocaine. Pure genius.

I know, right?

Last night I was chasing a Renegade Agility Orb for seriously 10 minutes or longer. It was so frustrating, but so satisfying when I got it.


Raide said:
The Devs should play Borderlands for 1 month solid and then start thinking about Crackdown 3. Take everything that is awesome about Crackdown add a new engine, larger variety of mission types, skill trees to specialize your agent, using the Agency tower as a base to research weapons/armour upgrades/vehicles etc.

It would be my Game of the Forever! :lol
I don't understand that comment at all - are you saying that Borderlands had strong mission variety? That game was chock full of bland, unimaginative and repetitive missions.

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eshwaaz said:
I don't understand that comment at all - are you saying that Borderlands had strong mission variety? That game was chock full of bland, unimaginative and repetitive missions.
Yo son, Borderlands was hella boss.
Crackadeezy with a smidge of the Blands all up in it would be some real shit.

I have some issues

-freaks, I hate them! yeah the numbers are impressive, but the concept is just really lame, killing them is pointless so they are just an annoying obstacle at night.

-blood spray/clouds, why do peds (and freaks, which makes more sense) explode into a cloud of bright red shitty looking blood? not only is it just silly, but it actually blocks your view.

-aiming, this has been covered already, auto-targeting is broken to the point I rarely lock onto the intended enemy in larger groups.

i'm just not feeling it, the first game was awesome but needed a sequel to take it that step further, but it feels like the same game, all they have done is added freaks and made the city look like there is no local council to clean it up.

budget price purchase if anything for me, i'm not laying down $100AUD for that.


Ruffian boss twittered this CD2 demo statistics:

1. - 262m Freaks have been killed (88m of them were run-over J)
2. - 109m Cell killed.
3. - 20.9m Agility Orbs collected
4. - 500k audio logs collected
5. - 400k Live orbs collected.
6. - 900k hidden orbs collected
7. - 2.8m tac locs completed.
8. - 1.7m Agents have killed Agents
9. - 1.7m kills with Mags
10. - 136k players have one or more Demo Achievement (running at 28% of players and rising)
11. - Total gaming time clocked up: 75years!

holy moly.
I think my mathematics are correct:

136k players have one or more Demo Achievement (running at 28% of players and rising)

We know 136,000 players make up 28% of the total number so 136000/28 = 4857.14/100 gives us a total of 485,700 who have played the demo.

Total gaming time clocked up: 75years!

There are 8736 hours in a year so 8736*75 = 655,200 hours have been played which averages out (655200/485700) to 1.34 hours for each player. Obviously the glitch may have skewed this slightly.


Played the demo and thought it was average, this is not the Crackdown sequel I wanted but rather Crackdown Remix Edition. The graphics are dark & dull, I don't like the design of the agents and I prefer the gangs of the first game than these zombie cell things.
Overall I can't help really put my finger on it but this sequel just don't feel right, despite this I'll still buy it for cheap just to collect the agility orbs.
Here's hoping Realtime Worlds eventually makes another Crackdown game themselves.
1. - 262m Freaks have been killed (88m of them were run-over J)
2. - 109m Cell killed.
3. - 20.9m Agility Orbs collected
4. - 500k audio logs collected
5. - 400k Live orbs collected.
6. - 900k hidden orbs collected
7. - 2.8m tac locs completed.
8. - 1.7m Agents have killed Agents
9. - 1.7m kills with Mags

Here are the average numbers per player for the rest:

1. 539 Freaks
2. 224 Cell
3. 43 Agility Orbs
4. 1 Audio log
5. 0.8 Live orbs
6. 1.8 Hidden orbs
7. 5.8 Tactical locations
8. 3.5 Agents have killed Agents
9. 3.5 kills with Mags


Xav said:
Played the demo and thought it was average, this is not the Crackdown sequel I wanted but rather Crackdown Remix Edition. The graphics are dark & dull, I don't like the design of the agents and I prefer the gangs of the first game than these zombie cell things.
Overall I can't help really put my finger on it but this sequel just don't feel right, despite this I'll still buy it for cheap just to collect the agility orbs.
Here's hoping Realtime Worlds eventually makes another Crackdown game themselves.
Not gonna happen. Realtime Worlds is now something different. Ruffian = Crackdown Studio.
Man, we should put that in the OT then ;)


JambiBum said:
Buddy and I were just playing and it kicked us off for an update. Turns out that they patched the time glitch :(.

Well at least I got in a nice long session last night then. Week and half now so not too long of a wait.


Hooked up my stupid 360 to download this demo.

I say meh. The graphics look worse than the original, the driving is less enjoyable. Targetting is stupid and grips to wrong targets all the time. Jumping mechanics are effectively broken - about ten times less precise than the original game. Also, the controls were unresponsive on some occasions.

The one thing I adored in the original was the car morphing. Since this one will not feature any car upgrades, I say boo.

-1 sales.


JambiBum said:
Buddy and I were just playing and it kicked us off for an update. Turns out that they patched the time glitch :(.


Yeah sure now they can get a patch out in time. With other games you have to wait months for a patch ( I'm looking at you BFBC2 BLERGH ) and other times it's there after a few days :(

glaurung said:
Hooked up my stupid 360 to download this demo.

I say meh. The graphics look worse than the original < wrong, they are pretty much the same. Check the comparison vid on GT

the driving is less enjoyable wrong, driving is so much better. So is handling.

Targetting is stupid and grips to wrong targets all the time There's already a day one patch for that

. Jumping mechanics are effectively broken - about ten times less precise than the original game Didn't feel that way at all, did you level up at all? At level 5 Agility I was hopping around and grabbing ledges everywhere

The one thing I adored in the original was the car morphing. Since this one will not feature any car upgrades, I say boo. No morphing cars DOES SUCK

-1 sales.

Just filling in the blanks


I am unimpressed after the demo. Count me among those people who don't think it is as fun as the first game. I like the look of the first game better, but then I also think they made a mistake by using the same location again. I just don't know why they did that. Also I was really frustrated by the auto-lockon and other little control issues. I might pick this up if it ever drops as low in price as the first one did, but there's no way this is worth $60. I'd rather just play through the original again.


zam said:
crack and crack-cocaine are the same thing...

Not quite, but I learn something new everyday....:lol

Anyhow, as far as the visuals go as I stated already they are a bit rougher and that is likely due to the textures. Other than that though it's still not too bad compared to the original although you would have thought they would have made the step up really. The driving I haven't had enough time with to decide. I would have rather had the original changing vehicles as well. The aiming should be approved upon with the day one patch. CD1 didn't have much in the way of story and that is certainly not why I would be picking up the second. Other than that I still like what is going here with the added gameplay and orb hunting is as good as ever if not better imo. The platforming I say here is certainly just as good so far. The one freak lair I took down was a nice challenge as well. The audio logs are a nice touch and should add overall to the game. Overall it seems they took some things out, but added some nice stuff as well. I haven't even touched multi yet either. Oh and they should have let us try those choppers out.
not a fan; very disappointing.

-the targeting system is a joke and somehow worse than the original; although i do like how it will auto-target the next enemy if you kill the first one you target.
-run speed is noticeably slower. irritating.
-driving feels fine, although i never really had a problem in the first one. i prefer the morphing cars but its not a huge deal.
-jumping feels sluggish, almost like i'm underwater. i do like that they seemed to have increased the overall height, but the mechanics feel bogged down.
-collision detection is horrid. try jumping out of a pack of freaks and find yourself consistently brought to a stop because you encountered some kind of enlarged hit box.
-announcer says the same lines over and over and over and over; commentary on the audio logs is funny i guess. i suppose i could chalk his repetitiveness up to the demo not including all the sound files needed.
-new weapons seem interesting, UV shotgun is the stand out. overall the weapons seem to pack less of a "punch' when you use them. they're just as effective but they aren't as fun to use.

overall the game tries too hard. i didn't think crackdown needed a sequel to begin with and this game only reinforces my opinion. i won't bother buying this, ever.


I wish I had messed with the forever mode before they patched out. That probably would've been enough Crackdown 2 for me.


Opus Angelorum said:
I think people are too busy shooting (539) and running over (181 of 539) the freaks!
I'm fond of getting my strength up to level 3 and just diving into a lair swinging. *poof*poof*poof*poof*


Jtyettis said:
Not quite, but I learn something new everyday....:lol
I guess one's the D.A.R.E. name for it, but yeah they're the same.

And holy hell if I didn't buy the game on Amazon within ten minutes of closing a 2-hour game I had going a few days ago. four player co-op is the best thing to happen to Crackdown since...well, two-player co-op.
Rebel Leader said:
I prefer the 1st game
Me too. Somehow this one even looks worse, years later. Targeting is terrible and the new objectives seem like busywork.

Oh well, I can replay Crackdown 1 over and over so I guess this doesn't bum me out too much.
So the infinite time glitch is out? These people aren't shooting themselves in the foot, they're taking a fucking hacksaw to it.

People complain about a shitty time limit and when a glitch is discovered to get around it the devs race to fix it? God forbid anyone actually gets a decent amount of time to have fun in your demo.

Oh and yeah, I gave Crackdown 1 a whirl earlier. The jumping is much less responsive in CD2.


Had lots of fun in the demo though the time limit really pissed me off. Other than that, the noise you make when jumping pisses me off - sounds like some bullshit anime thing.

Not cool.


Trucker Sexologist
Rabbitwork said:
not a fan; very disappointing.

-the targeting system is a joke and somehow worse than the original; although i do like how it will auto-target the next enemy if you kill the first one you target.
-run speed is noticeably slower. irritating.
-driving feels fine, although i never really had a problem in the first one. i prefer the morphing cars but its not a huge deal.
-jumping feels sluggish, almost like i'm underwater. i do like that they seemed to have increased the overall height, but the mechanics feel bogged down.
-collision detection is horrid. try jumping out of a pack of freaks and find yourself consistently brought to a stop because you encountered some kind of enlarged hit box.
-announcer says the same lines over and over and over and over; commentary on the audio logs is funny i guess. i suppose i could chalk his repetitiveness up to the demo not including all the sound files needed.
-new weapons seem interesting, UV shotgun is the stand out. overall the weapons seem to pack less of a "punch' when you use them. they're just as effective but they aren't as fun to use.

overall the game tries too hard. i didn't think crackdown needed a sequel to begin with and this game only reinforces my opinion. i won't bother buying this, ever.


I loved the demo, aside from the 30 minutes timer, should have been longer. Other than that, it's pretty much crackdown again, but with a lot more pack of ennemies to level up your explosives skill on (freaks), and mag grenades.
Orbs are still there, awesome level design is still there.

I don't really understand what happens with you guys. I didn't notice the noise when you jump. I didn't mind the graphics (I even found the colors to be more vivid, the first one which I played right after seemed a bit bland in comparison). I did not find the jumping less responsive. I did not find the car handling was shit. I had no problem with the targeting system. What's that about the running speed being slower ? Aren't you supposed to be slower when you're only lvl 1 ?

Basically to me it was just more crackdown with even more cool stuff added on top, which means buy.

I'm also very curious as to what people calling it Crackdown 1.5 wanted for a Crackdown sequel. I personally was afraid they'd change too much things, so I'm glad they just bettered everything that was there before.

Major Williams said:
Is there a new way to get infinite time with the update?

I just want to know if someone tried to do it the Just Cause 2 demo way. It might work, for all I know.


I'm generally liking the demo, but I think the devs completely missed some of what made Crackdown so special.

Transforming Cars | I have no idea why they took this out, but that was one of the coolest parts of the first game. Crackdown 2 needed more, not none.

Player Impact | Am I missing something, or do our actions no longer shape the game world? One of the best things about the open structure of the first game is that you could not only take out the kingpins in any order, but doing so had various affects on the rest of the game. From what I can tell, none of the tasks in Crackdown 2 have his affect - they're all compartmentalized tasks.

Obs | More is not necessarily better. Hidden Orbs and Agility Orbs encouraged what was so great about Crackdown: climbing and exploration. Now apparently there are agility orbs, hidden orbs, Live orbs (WTF?) and those moving ones. Any others? Just tossing in more orbs does not make them better.

None of these things are fatal. I don't think they improved any of the core mechanics beyond mêlée, and aside from the (hopefully fixed) targeting, I don't think they made any worse. It feels like a sideways move. And the return of the same city, tweaked, only heightens the sense of deja vu.

I've seen the ".5" tag applied to a lot of games, but it really does apply to Crackdown 2. It's the same gameplay as Crackdown, in the same city, with new missions, enemies and weapons & gadgets. I'm not convinced any of it is better than Crackdown 1, and in some ways is a step back (see above), but the core is still good enough that I'm looking forward to the final game.
SapientWolf said:
thats not a commentary on how i feel about the first game; i think its a great piece of gaming.

however, i wasn't left with the prospect of wanting more that crackdown offered. at least not in the way that the sequel has presented it. i think games like infamous, prototype, and just cause 2 were conceptually more like a crackdown sequel than the actual one.

really thinking about it, crackdown 2 is embarrassingly dated compared to jc2.
GhaleonEB said:
I'm generally liking the demo, but I think the devs completely missed some of what made Crackdown so special.

Transforming Cars | I have no idea why they took this out, but that was one of the coolest parts of the first game. Crackdown 2 needed more, not none.
It was a technical reason. Something about memory I think.

Anyway, I think Crackdown 2 is a better game than Crackdown 1. Why? Because of the Freaks alone. There's nothing quite like jumping into a horde of Freaks and beating them down, or running over hundreds of them with your car.


Jtwo said:
You shut your mouth!
I refuse! What made them great was what they were not how many of them there were! CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?!

I have a particular objection to the concept of Live orbs, because I can guarantee I'm not going to find anywhere near half of them, ever. They're walled off unless I know people who want to play and let me wander aroundl looking for them. And come September, I'll be taking one hell of a long break from Crackdown 2, and by the time I circle back to it, no one will be playing. I think it's kind of cruel, actually.


Xav said:
Here's hoping Realtime Worlds eventually makes another Crackdown game themselves.

That's like hoping Infinity Ward makes the next COD game. Look, there are certainly things to be concerned about with Crackdown 2. The new artstyle, enemy types, orb types, recycled geometry etc. may not sit well with everyone. The demo is simply way too limited and narrow for me to be all doom and gloom, personally. When I watch the Machinima.com trailers, THAT is the Crackdown I can't wait to be playing. The demo only affords the tiniest of tastes, but it's still a lot of fun once you get back into Crackdown's unique rhythm. We simply do not know what the full game has in store.

Take a look at this: http://www.ruffiangames.com/profile (CTRL-F: 'Crackdown')


Trucker Sexologist
Rabbitwork said:
thats not a commentary on how i feel about the first game; i think its a great piece of gaming.

however, i wasn't left with the prospect of wanting more that crackdown offered. at least not in the way that the sequel has presented it. i think games like infamous, prototype, and just cause 2 were conceptually more like a crackdown sequel than the actual one.

really thinking about it, crackdown 2 is embarrassingly dated compared to jc2.
Those are all great games but they're no replacement for Crackdown. To start off, none of the them offer multiplayer. The environments and the core mechanics are also different. But the thing I liked the most about Crackdown is that it made you feel like you were inhabiting a world worth exploring, which gradually opened up as your abilities and capabilities grew. That concept is not new but no game executes it in quite the same way that Crackdown does.


paranoidfortean said:
Don't really care for the zombie mutant people. Seem to be a barrier lengthen the game somehow.
If you mean that they are integrated into the story and there is a reason they are here, then, yes.

SapientWolf said:
Those are all great games but they're no replacement for Crackdown. To start off, none of the them offer multiplayer.
this is actually a good thing; even though you obviously feel otherwise.

SapientWolf said:
The environments and the core mechanics are also different.
the core mechanics of those games involve: exploration, combat, upgrades, empasis on vertical movement. each of them offers a very urban environment (jc2 not so much) and each are designed to be very open and tall to accommodate the gameplay. not sure what what you mean by different.

SapientWolf said:
But the thing I liked the most about Crackdown is that it made you feel like you were inhabiting a world worth exploring, which gradually opened up as your abilities and capabilities grew. That concept is not new but no game executes it in quite the same way that Crackdown does.
i will agree that there is definitely something unique about the way crackdown unveils its world to you (via your progression of skills rather than timed/set unlocks). i just don't feel that another game that repeats the exact same process (and to me, takes several steps backward in terms of control) was needed.


Wondering how many of the folks who keep talking about picking it up on the cheap (which annoys the fuck out of me, but I'm sure I'm speaking from a pretty biased position here) are the same guys who, way back then, were clamoring for more of the same...and offering to pay for it...if only someone would make it.

I know I was not alone in my request. Hoping there's a silent majority here who's really digging what they've seen so far!
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