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Crackdown 2 demo impressions

I'm kind of worried about everything levelling up too quickly. Except Agility. I had about 89 or something orbs when I finished up last night and everyone else was maxed. Way too easy to level everything up. At this rate you can level everything in about 2 hours (or less if you just focus on it) and probably barrel through everything. UNLESS enemies get super hard and it doesn't really matter if you have full abilities, I'm worried it might be too easy of a game.

I'll still buy it.

Nelo Ice

Megadrive said:
I'm kind of worried about everything levelling up too quickly. Except Agility. I had about 89 or something orbs when I finished up last night and everyone else was maxed. Way too easy to level everything up. At this rate you can level everything in about 2 hours (or less if you just focus on it) and probably barrel through everything. UNLESS enemies get super hard and it doesn't really matter if you have full abilities, I'm worried it might be too easy of a game.

I'll still buy it.

the leveling is purposely sped up for the demo

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Fuck, I love the internet. Thanks for the infinite time glitch, going to use this tonight. 30 minutes was WAY too little. :lol


Tech breakdown from DF;

Tech Analysis: Crackdown 2 demo
June 22nd, 2010

It's been a long time coming. Crackdown is something of a fan favourite for many Xbox 360 owners, and the confirmation of a much-delayed sequel from Ruffian Games was some of the most exciting news to emerge at last year's E3.

But actually, it doesn't seem to have been a long time in development. Ruffian itself is a fairly new outfit, and the development schedule for this one has been brief compared to the typical AAA title (if there is such a thing). There was nothing to show at the E3 2009 announcement other than a CG trailer, yet the final game passed Microsoft's certification process and effectively went gold on 4th June just over a year later.

So how has Ruffian done? The recently released demo code gives us our first chance to play Crackdown 2 in the Digital Foundry labs.

Technologically speaking Crackdown 2 is more evolution than revolution. The building blocks of the engine appear to be unchanged from the original, so with that being the case we still have a partially deferred lighting solution, a full 720p framebuffer with 2x multisampling anti-aliasing and a frame-rate capped at 30FPS.

Although initial impressions are that the game's performance level is roughly in line with its predecessor, going back to the original Crackdown soon proves that there have been plenty of optimisations. Crackdown 2 tears far less frequently than the first game, and sustains 30FPS more evenly. Similar to the first game though, the sequel does drop v-sync when the scene gets busy and the engine starts to frame-out.

Massive on-street battles can cause performance drops, but there's no doubt that Crackdown 2 feels smoother, more refined and less prone to screen-tear than its predecessor.View this video in HDIn terms of overall appearance, we're seeing what looks like a gently massaged and tweaked version of the original Crackdown engine. The cel-shaded look is present and correct, with much the same black outlining system, but it seems as though the water rendering is much more advanced, which looks nicer. Maybe it's because we're seeing a limited demo with only a small sampling of the day/night cycle, but cloud rendering appears to be a touch less dramatic than it was in the first game, too. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly but the overall lighting scheme is more refined.

Probably the most impactful enhancement is the implementation of a new crowd system, which crams the scene with enemies during the hours of darkness. If you find yourself in a wide open area you can truly appreciate the scale of this addition, with the Freaks filling out the environments well into the distance.

While our explorations of the demo have been fairly limited thus far, it also looks as though Ruffian has included some new specific crowd-control weapons too, which combined with the existing, excellent physics system should make for some great gameplay.

The Freaks emerge from their lairs at night-time, meaning that the Agents need to participate in some all-out crowd control.
It also looks as though the developer has indulged in some tweaking of the Crackdown engine, and while the overall impression is positive, one thing that is apparent is that an additional layer of environment texture overlaid over the basic art has been removed.

To get an idea of what this actually means, here's a shot of Crackdown 2 compared to the original game. You will note, however, that Ruffian has added an animated foliage system, and we suspect that further comparisons would reveal other additions to make some areas of Pacific City look less sparse than they did in the first game.

The same game area in Crackdown (left) and the sequel (right). Note the additional layer of texture detail in the first game, but also note the many changes Ruffian has made, including foliage that shifts in the breeze.
So there's no outstanding technical leap across the board as seen between, say, Uncharted and its sequel. It's clear Ruffian has sought to exploit the existing engine as much as possible in the pursuit of new gameplay opportunities instead.

The Crackdown single-player game used to be about the exploration, orb collection and annihilating territory-specific bosses. It's clear just from the initial stages of the demo that far more thought has gone into solo campaign this time around, with some pleasant surprises in how the orb-collection mechanic has been tweaked. Multiplayer has been similarly improved with the inclusion of more Agents and of course the new Xbox Live-specific agility orbs.

Ruffian has also managed to improve on the basic brilliance of the original Crackdown demo itself. For those that don't remember, the ability to accelerate the development of your Agent within the confines of the time-limited demo made for an experience that could be played in any number of ways: the replay factor in the sampler code alone was immense.

This has been expanded upon still further in the sequel with many more things to do, and at the same time it retains the option simply to explore the city collecting orbs. Additionally, 100 gamerscore can be earned within the demo itself, although you will need to buy the full game in order to get the unlocked Achievements.

The sheer amount of content in this demo makes it something of an essential download, a game in itself almost, like the original Crackdown demo before it. It'll be really interesting to see the full scope of the complete sequel, set for release in the UK on 9th July.

This game is REALLY fun in co-op. With just one other person, even being restricted with the timer, and weaponry, it gives me flashbacks of why I spent so much time with the first game. This is going to be one of the best co-op experiences with 4 people, and the ability to join randoms in the full game.

Mag grenades + vehicles = Non stop hilarity.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Well I'll be fucked, the glitch worked. :lol

I haven't even done much yet and it's that much better knowing I'm not under some limit and I can take my time doing shit.
Damn, when I first got the Squirrel Suit, I didn't know how to use it. So, therefore I thought it was garbage. But when I figured out that you had to dive until the trails turned red, and then swoop back up, I was having a blast. I think I spent at least an hour jumping and gliding off the same building to see how far I could go.

Crackdown 2 = Day One
Gave this a try last night. Thank god for the timer glitch; 30 minutes is way too short. They definitely dropped the ball there as you hardly get any time to play with high level abilities.

Cool stuff:

More varied and fluid hand to hand combat animations

New abilities were interesting

Maxing out strength felt really awesome; stuff seems to fly much further than in CD1. The ground attack is brutal!

Bad stuff:

The first game's story was basically "go over here and shoot/kick some guys with slightly bigger health bars than the grunts". Now it's just "go here and wipe out these grunts/zombies". What, you can't think of ANYTHING else?

Combat still has almost no depth to it. You can do some very cool stuff; kicking items that smash in to someone and send them flying is the shit. But why bother half the time? It's far more effective to run up to them and kill them in a single hit. In some cases throwing a heavy object at someone does less damage than a single punch.

Same with weapons. Some welcome variety but a lot are still pretty similar and interchangeable. And why bother shooting people in the arm or leg (other than the hell of it), when you can shoot them in the chest or head and kill them quicker.

Picking up ammo and grenades seemed far more clumsy

Automatically locking on to vehicles 100m away instead of the guy running right at me was annoying. As was locking on to the guys right by a vehicle when I'm trying to target the vehicle to blow it up with a well placed shot.

Crackdown was amazing at letting players create really cool situations and generally messing about in a playground blowing shit up. It was pretty novel and easy to overlook the shortcomings of the game because of this. But I can already do this in CD1, so any other game needs to offer much more to make it worthwhile for me.


Photolysis said:
Crackdown was amazing at letting players create really cool situations and generally messing about in a playground blowing shit up. It was pretty novel and easy to overlook the shortcomings of the game because of this. But I can already do this in CD1, so any other game needs to offer much more to make it worthwhile for me.

You can do all the same shit you could do in the first title, except now you can do it with 3 of your friends, with mags, in helicopters, while beating the shit out of hordes of zombies.

Worthwhile says hello.


Diablohead said:
This game and saints row 2 have some of the best npc speech ever, I love what some of the civilians say :lol

Right at the start of the game, I ran up to a peacekeeper, and he said, "I wish we got armor like that!"
Megadrive said:
I'm kind of worried about everything levelling up too quickly. Except Agility. I had about 89 or something orbs when I finished up last night and everyone else was maxed. Way too easy to level everything up. At this rate you can level everything in about 2 hours (or less if you just focus on it) and probably barrel through everything. UNLESS enemies get super hard and it doesn't really matter if you have full abilities, I'm worried it might be too easy of a game.

I'll still buy it.
The crackdown 1 demo did the same thing, it was about 10 times faster in the demo.

Circle T

ShapeGSX said:
Right at the start of the game, I ran up to a peacekeeper, and he said, "I wish we got armor like that!"
I was hopping around the shipping yard collecting orbs last night, and as I jumped over a peacekeeper he says...

"Um, you're supposed to be a killing machine, not a fucking acrobat!"

Then later, after using the timer glitch and getting my Agent mostly maxed out, I killed some Cell that the peacekeepers were fighting and one of them said...

"Whoa, I bet you can bench... like... a SHITLOAD!!!"


Played for like 4 hours last night and got 150 agility orbs + 10 renegade orbs, needless to say it's definitely Crackdown and I definitely pre-ordered it. It was kind of tricky doing the glitch with a wifi connection considering there's a disconnection delay.


Circle T said:
I was hopping around the shipping yard collecting orbs last night, and as I jumped over a peacekeeper he says...

"Um, you're supposed to be a killing machine, not a fucking acrobat!"

Then later, after using the timer glitch and getting my Agent mostly maxed out, I killed some Cell that the peacekeepers were fighting and one of them said...

"Whoa, I bet you can bench... like... a SHITLOAD!!!"
:lol Awesome. Were the NPC´s in the first one that chatty? I can´t remember.

Just listened to the Giant Bombcast btw. Guys do not like it, it seems. :/

Circle T

derFeef said:
:lol Awesome. Were the NPC´s in the first one that chatty? I can´t remember.
I'm just happy that in all the time I've been playing this demo, I haven't heard many of the same phrases from the Cell yet. It seemed like in CD1 all the gang members had like 5 things they would say, and it got REALLY old very quick. The Shai-Gen would constantly tell me it was "Time to die!!" or "Prepare to die!!". It was kind of hilarious really. Hearing things like that repeated, and having the Voice tell you silly wrong-context stuff, to me gave the game a funny charm.
You wanna go really high up? Get two ramp trucks together, put a buggie on the end of one so the wheels barely touch the ramp, then back up the other ramp truck into it.

You will go flying. The wingsuit from that height is just awesome.
derFeef said:
:lol Awesome. Were the NPC´s in the first one that chatty? I can´t remember.

Just listened to the Giant Bombcast btw. Guys do not like it, it seems. :/

Jeff hated the first game so there is no surprise that they wouldnt like the sequel. Brad and Vinny both seemed to like it before when they went and played it.


godhandiscen said:

With only 8 months of dev time. I guess they could only add gameplay features.
i hope cd2 does well and they can do part 3 with a new engine, new city and more new gameplay elements (i want female agents with psycho powers!).


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
S1kkZ said:
i hope cd2 does well and they can do part 3 with a new engine, new city and more new gameplay elements (i want female agents with psycho powers!).
Yeah. I am buying CD 2 for sure though.


Trucker Sexologist
godhandiscen said:

With only 8 months of dev time. I guess they could only add gameplay features.
I knew this going in. I certainly hope there are more PvP modes than DM, TDM and Rocket Tag.


Haklong said:

Does anyone know how old the code is in the demo? The animation compared to the first game is rather rough. I think i actually prefer some of the cleaner textures in the original and yet some of the details are better in the demo. If it's not ready MS should have pushed it back for a few months at least. I'm hoping the final game looks more polished.. but it's out in 2 weeks.
I wish the demo had Multiplayer too, just so I can try it out. I really want to buy this game on day one, but if the Multiplayer is mediocre, I'd probably wait until it's $30.


godhandiscen said:

With only 8 months of dev time. I guess they could only add gameplay features.

There seemed to be some significant changes to the geometry as well, though. Plus, we haven't seen much of the underground levels yet.
just played the demo and had a blast...

crisp graphics. fun gameplay.

the years are showing and it should have mede a bigger leap, but it's still the fun Crackdown i remember...


The NPC chatter is priceless.

I was on the oilrig to the SW of the map jumping around killing Cell members and one of em mouths off in the MOST sarcastic tone you can imagine.

"Oooh look at the badass agent flying around like a fairy."

:lol :lol :lol
One thing that is either VERY annoying, or I'm just to blind to see how to do it: Not being able to completely zoom out the map. I hate how it's just one fixed section of the map you're able to see at any one time.


i think the first crackdown looks alot better stylistically.. i like the colors and the explosions more

i dont like the fighting.. i feel like i lock on to people instead of just being free to run and punch like in the first game

i like being able to see the agent's face

Chris R

Is the demo on the Marketplace? I tried the demo for Crackdown 1 and didn't like it, but I'm willing to give this one a shot.


Net_Wrecker said:
One thing that is either VERY annoying, or I'm just to blind to see how to do it: Not being able to completely zoom out the map. I hate how it's just one fixed section of the map you're able to see at any one time.
It's only because the demo is limited to that section of the map.


S1kkZ said:
i hope cd2 does well and they can do part 3 with a new engine, new city and more new gameplay elements (i want female agents with psycho powers!).
They've said that Crackdown 3 is something they'd really like to do, and they would definitely move it to a new city and drastically mix things up. I imagine the dev cycle would have to be pretty rough, just opening a new studio and having to dive headlong into development of a sequel when the parent studio has some hard feelings over the departure.


July 6 is going to be awesome. It is the day following my last assignment do for my summer class, and I can relax and play Crackdown 2 in celebration of it being over.


Havok said:
They've said that Crackdown 3 is something they'd really like to do, and they would definitely move it to a new city and drastically mix things up. I imagine the dev cycle would have to be pretty rough, just opening a new studio and having to dive headlong into development of a sequel when the parent studio has some hard feelings over the departure.
They have said this many times when being interviewed by press and I hope they do get to do it.

But I think MS gonna take the wait-and-see approche, so if it bomb then... :( for Crackdown fans.


Rhino said:
I think they patched the time glitch :[ I can't get it to work again.

Can anyone else confirm?

Still working. I was hoping it was as I'm planning a nice long session tonight.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, so I can fly from the top of the oil rig to the barrier just past the ship.
Super fun, can't wait to see what you can do from a really tall building.


Havok said:
They've said that Crackdown 3 is something they'd really like to do, and they would definitely move it to a new city and drastically mix things up. I imagine the dev cycle would have to be pretty rough, just opening a new studio and having to dive headlong into development of a sequel when the parent studio has some hard feelings over the departure.

The Devs should play Borderlands for 1 month solid and then start thinking about Crackdown 3. Take everything that is awesome about Crackdown add a new engine, larger variety of mission types, skill trees to specialize your agent, using the Agency tower as a base to research weapons/armour upgrades/vehicles etc.

It would be my Game of the Forever! :lol


3 or 4 grenades on a group of cars=win. Anyhow Crackdown still represents some of the best if not the best sandbox platforming this gen.


TheOddOne said:
They have said this many times when being interviewed by press and I hope they do get to do it.

But I think MS gonna take the wait-and-see approche, so if it bomb then... :( for Crackdown fans.
I doubt the bar for success is high, Ruffian's a small startup and they worked on Crackdown 2 for only about a year, if that. If the game is unprofitable then something went really wrong.


Raide said:
The Devs should play Borderlands for 1 month solid and then start thinking about Crackdown 3. Take everything that is awesome about Crackdown add a new engine, larger variety of mission types, skill trees to specialize your agent, using the Agency tower as a base to research weapons/armour upgrades/vehicles etc.

It would be my Game of the Forever! :lol



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