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°Temp. member
Just finished this on PC. I knew what was going to happen but that ending still hit me like a ton of bricks. SE did an excellent job on this port - vibration works with my DualShock 4 when most PC games normally don’t and it runs butter smooth too. I really enjoyed my play though (I’ve played the original too) and it was great to experience this again.

Were the blue in game menus always like this or did they update it to look more like the FF7 remake? I can’t remember…

Also, I think they added a scene to tie it in to the next game FF7 Rebirth:
after you defeat Genesis and he’s laying against the chair, then Nero and Weiss from the Shinra Underground Unit come and pick him up. The game hints that he’ll be back and changed a bit. I can’t wait to see how this pans out… I’m expecting him to be an optional boss in Rebirth.

edit: ah, I guess this scene was in the original as well. I'm still looking forward to seeing what happens to Genesis.
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The nicest person on this forum
Were the blue in game menus always like this or did they update it to look more like the FF7 remake? I can’t remember…



Its really good remaster but I would say with NieR Rplicant 1.22 not only really improved combat but also add nice new story moments.
Fair point. I forgot about Replicant. Especially since it's my second favorite Square property after playing both NeiR games recently. Now I'm just ashamed.

Also NeiR Replicant v1.22 OST > Original NeiR Replicant and you'll never change my mind.


After seeing how amazing is the game on Switch, and considering FF7R is not an exclusive anymore, I wonder how many chances to see FF7R on Switch.

I mean its really good graphic wise but it's a fair amount uglier than the remake and its already 30 fps on switch. Don't think it would be possible without sacrifice a significant ammount.


This is a full remake right? I know the budget was lower than FF7 Remake but whole new engine, new UI and QOL improvements, etc…
That's kind of the tricky part, it's not a FULL remake, but parts of the game have been altered to be more streamlined. Square has been marketing it as "more than a Remaster", but it's not a full remake. It's like the best of both worlds, so-to-speak.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This is a full remake right? I know the budget was lower than FF7 Remake but whole new engine, new UI and QOL improvements, etc…

This is not a full remake.

It's like Halo: Anniversary. The same game, same animations and same structure with a coat of UE4 over it.
After playing on the PC, it's VERY hard to go back to the Switch version. So, I'm selling the Switch version. It's not like a Tactics Ogre: Reborn situation in which all versions run the same. However, it's more like the PC version runs 4K/120 FLAWLESSLY and I can't go back to 720p/30 even if it's portable.


Enjoying it more than I thought I would. I don't remember the original version allowing you to explore the Shinra building and the streets of Midgar as much as this. Always enjoy NPC chatter.

Nice little warm up for Rebirth in a years time.

Power Pro

I was so torn on whether I wanted to get this for PS5 or Switch. The portability of the Switch is a huge selling point for me, but I got this machine that also runs it at 4k/60fps, so it's hard not to want to use it when I can.

I never played the original PSP game, but has this version altered or added any content to make it tie in with FF7 Remake more? I feel like I need to replay FF7 remake, because it's so crazy how much is going on in that ending, but I remember it having some weird and new implications about Zack in it.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I was so torn on whether I wanted to get this for PS5 or Switch. The portability of the Switch is a huge selling point for me, but I got this machine that also runs it at 4k/60fps, so it's hard not to want to use it when I can.

I never played the original PSP game, but has this version altered or added any content to make it tie in with FF7 Remake more? I feel like I need to replay FF7 remake, because it's so crazy how much is going on in that ending, but I remember it having some weird and new implications about Zack in it.

Not at all. It is exactly the same game.


The nicest person on this forum
It's nothing like Kingdom Hearts.
in original PSP it has menu command button to attack and use your spell similar to KH games, you even had shortcuts similar to KH.


Difference is in KH the combat was much more smoother and you had more mobility


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
in original PSP it has menu command button to attack and use your spell similar to KH games, you even had shortcuts similar to KH.


Difference is in KH the combat was much more smoother and you had more mobility
Yeah that's not how this one plays now.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Now it kind of similar to FFVIIRemake.
Kinda, but not
Square is to attack
X is to Dodge
O is to use item
Triangle is Limited Break
R1 is to Guard
Hold L1 to Use Materia which are assigned to the face buttons
& L2/R2 to cycle through items
R3+L3 to summon
It can feel similar but it's different.
More simplified as you don't have the command options
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The nicest person on this forum
Kinda, but not
Square is to attack
X is to Dodge
O is to use item
Triangle is Limited Break
R1 is to Guard
Hold L1 to Use Materia which are assigned to the face buttons
& L2/R2 to cycle through items
R3+L3 to summon
It can feel similar but it's different.
More simplified as you don't have the command options
Yeah this game still made for PSP limitation, which only had one analog stick.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Yeah this game still made for PSP limitation, which only had one analog stick.
Ironically I had the original PSP version and I can't for the life of me remember how it played other then what you mentioned, which yeah it had that crossbreed action/menu system which I don't like.
But what they've done here...you can't even tell.
It plays just like more recent FF games.
If I was to nit-pick I'd say the item select would have been better on the D-Pad rather then the Triggers.
Oh and I forgot to mention if it wasn't obvious.
R Stick is for camara & R3 is to lock on target.
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I hated this on PSP because I wanted a traditional FF game so I ended up buying the first I and II games.

Now? Loving it. Maybe because I finished FF7 6 years ago finally lol


So after a very busy few weeks I've finally started this tonight. And while I've played the original and loved it back in the day on PSP, this remaster is just so much better?! The changes like shortcut buttons for quick casting materia makes the combat so much more fluid! Hell I'm enjoying the combat even more than FF7 Remake. I also really like how this game gives you much better and stronger effects, be it from equipment or materia, compared to FF7 Remake. The stat increases or halving damage or zero MP cost are so much more meaningful than FF7 Remake's minor effects. It makes the gameplay more enjoyable to me anyway.

Other than that, the character models in 4K and 120 fps look great. The pre-rendered cutscenes look worse lol. The music is pretty fantastic like the original. The story is fine.

I just finished chapter 2 and just met Hojo. Was fun beating his ultimate data, lol.
Overall, just having a great time!


7 hours in at chapter 6 I think and 18% of the missions done.

The first couple of hours were promising but the game got progressively more and more boring and it's many flaws more an more annoying.

-Cut scenes. Oh my god these short pointless cut scenes every 30 seconds. Enemy appears, cut scene. Enemy defeated, cut scene. Take two steps, cut scene. 7 hours and it still goes on. Just for a line of unnecessary dialogue.

-Story, characters, writing are garbage. Angeal, Genesis, Sephiroth, Zack have not uttered a single interesting word. They all have the personality of a brick. I do not care about what is happening (what is happening?) at all.

-Combat. It was fun at the beginning but as time went on the lack of depth resulted in boredom. The endless missions didn't help either, quite the opposite.

All I'm thinking is why am I not replaying the remake.
I will trade it and cut my loses.



FINALLY got it for christmas and played last night. Oh I really wish they would have just made this as standalone DLC for Remake with that combat/level of production value...

But we got this, and it's pretty good. Overall combat is much faster paced, and way more fun as a result, the changes are all positive. I'm playing on hard mode, and just cleared chapter 2, already died MANY times, you got to be careful and pay attention which is nice.

Gameplay is still pretty simple though, and that may still get tiring after awhile, but I'm having fun, overall, not the remake I wanted, but it's good for what it is, effectively a directors cut of CC.
My copy just got delivered (Switch).

Looking forward to this, although I played through this on the Vita in early 2020 in anticipation of the Remake releasing. We'll see what wins out between this and the Front Mission 1st Remake I'm halfway through. Either way, it's nostalgia overload.
How did you play this vita (hacked I take it) as it never came to psn. I know, I waited for years (had the umd on psp). Finally gave up waiting as I got a switch and later a steam deck, so vita got shelved.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
How did you play this vita (hacked I take it) as it never came to psn. I know, I waited for years (had the umd on psp). Finally gave up waiting as I got a switch and later a steam deck, so vita got shelved.
Yup - hacked Vita was the way I played it, after ripping the UMD with my PSP.

I'm about halfway through the game now, really liking it much more than the original.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
7 hours in at chapter 6 I think and 18% of the missions done.
Weird I'm on Chapter 5 and I'm almost double that time and I'm using the run button 🤔
The first couple of hours were promising but the game got progressively more and more boring and it's many flaws more an more annoying.

-Cut scenes. Oh my god these short pointless cut scenes every 30 seconds. Enemy appears, cut scene. Enemy defeated, cut scene. Take two steps, cut scene. 7 hours and it still goes on. Just for a line of unnecessary dialogue.

Apart from the back Story FMV with Angeal, Genesis & Sephiroth its been a bit cut-scenes lite.
Sounds like you're counting " Activating Combat Mode " as cut-scenes.
Yeah not sure what ya on about here.
-Story, characters, writing are garbage. Angeal, Genesis, Sephiroth, Zack have not uttered a single interesting word. They all have the personality of a brick. I do not care about what is happening (what is happening?) at all.
Yeah you only gonna be interested if you're played FFVII, because you see all the connections etc.
To a random it's gonna sound like gibberish and go straight over your head.
And if you have played FFVII....¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Don't know what to say.
-Combat. It was fun at the beginning but as time went on the lack of depth resulted in boredom. The endless missions didn't help either, quite the opposite.

All I'm thinking is why am I not replaying the remake.
I will trade it and cut my loses.

Yeah dude, sounds like that's the best thing you can do, sell it and go back to COD.
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Doing random missions and got Gravity materia. I don't recall much from the missions back in the day, but I know did all of them. But wow, gravity hitting for 9999 when even some of my summon attacks are in 1k-2k range.

Good stuff, and will make completing some advanced missions easier.
I'm still looking forward to seeing what happens to Genesis.

Well, look no further than the Dirge of Cerberus secret ending.

DoC happens after Advent Children, for the record.

The Crisis Core Complete Guide explains that Genesis has reappeared to protect the planet, and his final lines in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- (i.e. his finale of LOVELESS) explain his return, but in more of a riddle. Because Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII- is the last chronological entry in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, save for the final scenes of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete, Genesis's current status is unknown.
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I went back and forth between picking this up for Switch or PS5. After getting an OLED Switch for Christmas, and the fact that I am playing my Switch at work a lot, I picked up the Switch version. I’m looking forward to seeing how it looks on that new screen!


Never played this. Love FF games but this looked more like an arcadey type spin off to me? Also a bit skeptical that the mechanics will feel really out of date. I'm really in the mood for a new rpg though. Maybe a sale purchase


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Never played this. Love FF games but this looked more like an arcadey type spin off to me? Also a bit skeptical that the mechanics will feel really out of date. I'm really in the mood for a new rpg though. Maybe a sale purchase
They've updated it, feels more like FFVIIR then the original Crisis Core
And nah it not arcadey
For people on the fence watch DF's review
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This is a full remake right? I know the budget was lower than FF7 Remake but whole new engine, new UI and QOL improvements, etc…

It's weird, they ported the original PSP game straight to UE4, then from there, pasted some lower quality 7R assets on top of it, then made some gameplay tweaks. very similar to what R* did for GTA trilogy, except with MUCH better results.


Remaster wise its good but its still a PSP game at heart. Small areas, simple gameplay, and very cringe dialogue. I like it but i can't play it for too long. Its too simple, random and a tad boring for that. FFVIIR at least had, for me, excellent and more challenging combat. I also think FFVIIR had better writing and dialogue, despite not being quite good on itself. Everything thats spoken in CC is just worse and boring.


°Temp. member
I was also glad to see that they used the same voice actors for this as FF7 Remake. Nice tie in and good for continuity.


Reseterror Resettler
Remaster wise its good but its still a PSP game at heart. Small areas, simple gameplay, and very cringe dialogue. I like it but i can't play it for too long. Its too simple, random and a tad boring for that. FFVIIR at least had, for me, excellent and more challenging combat. I also think FFVIIR had better writing and dialogue, despite not being quite good on itself. Everything thats spoken in CC is just worse and boring.

I got to this game late, but I thought I'd springboard off of your post to give my thoughts.

At original launch, wee little Kira jailbroke his first PSP just to play this game ahead of it's US release. You can definitely tell, as a remaster, that for all of the updates, it's framework is very much based on PSP design restrictions. I will say, having completed the original again recently (was actually halfway finished when the anniversary stream announcing the remaster happened, lulz) I WILL say that the number of tiny little QoL updates that have been made really do tick up the fun percentage. Silly things that I'd forgive someone for not even noticing, but they add up, personally. I've made special note of:

-obviously visuals. I expected an upgrade, but what I didn't exactly expect were straight up lifting models and assets from FF7R, which brings it so much closer to being consistent continuity wise. Complaint here would be that no work was put into modernizing idle animations. This will look like a lower end modern title, and then Zack will do something like his "surprised," animation from the original release, where he leaps back three feet and tenses his arms up, and this kind of shorthand that made things seem more realistic in 2006 or whatever is starting to have inverse returns.

-Treasure counter in the UI during missions. This is a small one, but holy fuck, is it nice to not have to run around a giant trash mob pit full of enemies who spam Stop/Poison/Death for 20 minutes To make sure you didn't miss a Soma or your eighteenth chocobo armless.

-Voice work. It's just more immersive having every line voiced, even if the acting chops of everyone who isn't a main character is....questionable. Main cast continues to nail it in my book, with the possible exception of Zack's new VA, granted I haven't finished the game yet, so my opinion is subject to change.

-The changes in combat make it much more frenetic, and it kind of throws CC vets for a loop, because it creates more autonomy in the AI, it seems. In the original, there were certain enemies (most of them, really) where if you learned their script, you could basically avoid damage and get a perfect victory with nothing but attack and the dodge roll. This shit is harder to do now, which makes it feel like less a weird version of Bop It!
Kind of a shame Switch can't handle this game as well as the othrr systems as its literally perfectly matched for it. Love the short reused asset side missions, you get decent rewards from them.
Currently finished Chapter 2 and I have some thoughts:

1. The battle system is so much better it isn’t even funny. I remember absolutely hating the original’s gameplay and now this version is actually fun. Kudos to the dev team here. Also thank goodness the DMW no longer constantly interrupts gameplay, and also thank goodness you can skip the special attacks.

2. The pacing of the main missions is a little annoying. Walk 2 steps, short cutscene, walk 2 steps, another short cutscene. Also every enemy encounter doesn’t need an introductory cutscene.

3. Obviously visuals are improved but the lighting is very flat, at least on Base PS4.

4. SE did a great job with remastering the CG cutscenes for FFIX, X/X-2, and XII. I even think they did a good enough job remastering Type-0’s CG and in-game pre-rendered cutscenes. But here, the CG cutscenes are very weirdly upscaled, like the characters sometimes have weird thick outlines, the hair looks stringy, and there’s an inconsistent Vaseline filter. At least there was an attempt at upscaling, I guess, unlike VIII and Chrono Cross’ remasters.

5. I wish the cutscenes that just consisted of characters standing allowed you to skip dialogue if you’re done reading what they have to say

6. Story-wise, too early to say, but I remember hating it as a 10 year old or however old I was, so I can’t imagine I’d like it much now lol.
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They've updated it, feels more like FFVIIR then the original Crisis Core
And nah it not arcadey
For people on the fence watch DF's review

Huh, still a tough decision for me whether to go for the PS5 or Switch version. Dropping below 720p and the frame pacing at 30fps concern me, but the Switch version is portable and will likely hold its value.
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