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Crysis |OT| Big Screens, Comfy Couches and 5.1 surround sound



Big Chickens.
Phaethon0017 said:
Basically I'm only getting 18fps on very high at 1680x1050, so I decided on sacrificing the resolution for the graphics (feel free to tell me I'm an idiot for doing this when I could do a or b or c, I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing anyway). In a autoexec.cfg file I went to change to a custom 16:10 res of 1280x800, but it only put it to 1280x960. Anyway around this? I've gotten 35-45 fps at 1152x864, so I'm guess I can get 30fps at 1280x800.
I'd like to know this too as i only get one 16:10 res option in the game which is 1680x1050. My PC struggle with a mixture of medium/high on this so i want to drop the res down without skewing the aspect ratio (which looks shit).


formerly sane
Kamakazie! said:
I'd like to know this too as i only get one 16:10 res option in the game which is 1680x1050. My PC struggle with a mixture of medium/high on this so i want to drop the res down without skewing the aspect ratio (which looks shit).

Powerstrip is your friend if a game won't add it in manually use that add a custom resolution and it should recognize it.
Messing around inside the core, I'm pissed that the atmosphere effect doesn't show in edit mode.








Running around in -200' C.




Then I decided to change the time of day:





Outside the sphere:




Very nice. It sucks knowing that this wont be anywheres near as eyegasmic in a year or so when I finally get to play it as it should be played :(

How destructible are the enviroments?
Solo said:
Very nice. It sucks knowing that this wont be anywheres near as eyegasmic in a year or so when I finally get to play it as it should be played :(

How destructible are the enviroments?

A year from now this will still be the best looking game around.

The environments are extremely destructible.


MickeyKnox said:

A year from now this will still be the best looking game around.

The environments are extremely destructible.

Lets hope so. What are the specs on your system, BTW? Your shots look incredible.


Solo said:
Very nice. It sucks knowing that this wont be anywheres near as eyegasmic in a year or so when I finally get to play it as it should be played :(

How destructible are the enviroments?
They'll be releasing gfx patches I thought. :p As hardware catches up.


Incredible, CGI-like screens Mickey.

We have finally matched 2D, prerendered backgrounds from late 1990 PC adventure games and Square's Final Fantasies and can render them IN REAL-TIME on high-end PCs.


The Core section must be absolutely stunning in motion.


This game rocks so hard, just got to the part where you
fly a VTOL and battle it out against the aliens in the sky
. A strange bug hit me where
I had to reload the map, and when I did, the VTOL wasn't responsive so the plane just dropped straight down to the ground a couple of times directly after the cutscene :lol


Those sceenshots Mickey postet ... just wow. I really think Shawn might be right ... currently there's nothing announced for 2008 that matches Crysis in the graphics department.
I decided to take pictures of the core while in game to try and capture the atmospheric effects that are going on, as good as all these look, you really have to see it in person to realize how much it "pops"

I love the lighting in this game.






Ash, do you see this?


I've never seen anything like it.


Let's get outta here.


We've come this far we must go on,


We have to go on.


Wait a minute,


There's movement.


It seems to have life.


Oh how badly I want an Alien(s) game done with this engine.






The night vision is truly the most ridiculous filter I've ever seen in a game.



Mickey needs some sort of tag noting his status as screenshot guru. :eek:

Good stuff, although I enjoy the jungle setting the most.
My luck with this game hasn't been very good. During the hostage mission, I destroyed both tanks and the next checkpoint wouldn't load, enemies would just keep showing up out of nowhere. I had to restart the level twice to get it to work. Now I'm storming through the jungle after leaving the excavation site, and I'm running into far too many squads to be normal, plus a helicopter? What gives?! Hardest game ever, or glitches, or me sucking? Goddamn I'm on easy mode and I'm being flanked by 15 soldiers at every turn!

Doc Evils

Ok this is weird.

I loaded Paradise Lost today and everything was running smooth.:lol

I'm currently on the Aircraft Carrier level.

Mickey could you take some snaps of when you get outside the sphere and meet the 4 legged thing?

that level is pretty stunning and really gives the game its deserved title Jesus Crysis.

the nuking of the sphere is so fucking awesome. Such an amazing Matrix like vibe to this game


MickeyKnox said:
Messing around inside the core, I'm pissed that the atmosphere effect doesn't show in edit mode.

What are your specs?

And on what settings are you running it on?

Doc Evils

Niiice. Just finished the game. Looks like we are going to have number 2.:D

If your system can run this game on High, I highly recommend you buy this game and see how it visually shits on every single game out there.


Doc Evils said:
Ok this is weird.

I loaded Paradise Lost today and everything was running smooth.:lol
When it first loaded for me, my visor was all distored, but it looked intentional... And my fps were horrid. When I loaded up today, it was fine, no distortion, and fps were fine.

Beat the game... Sequel coming lol.

Have to say though I prefer the jungle/rivers/camps. It's a beautiful game, can't wait for those patches and drivers. Graphics updates will ensure its pretty. Though I imagine they won't do that forever, and will be developing the next game to blow this one away visually.


Jesus Crysis. I'll admit I wasn't as impressed with this game as I thought I'd be when seeing screenshots from what I thought were top of the range machines, but holy crap MickeyKnox's photos are something else. This game looks like it will keep giving when the best graphics cards updated.

Best videogame shots I've ever seen. It looks amazing.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
The game looks that good if you go out and get a $270 8800GT. My 1+ year old rig with a 8800GT runs everything at high at 1280x720 perfectly smoothly. Though for some odd reason I get stutters occasionally that aren't framerate related (the game locks up for a second) and even people with 4gb of memory are having this issue. That's my only complaint.

I am glad Mickey posted those screenshots of the alien levels as it is _beautiful_. I can't understand anyone complaining about playing through them.

And as good as it looks, it looks better in motion. The volumetrics are just insane.


MickeyKnox said:
For one thing, don't use 4xAA as it disables edge AA which is what works on foliage.
ok.. i tried AA off and 2xAA but its still worse than your screens. but then i noticed you don't really have any close shots of foliage so i was wondering if they don't look as good when you get closer to them.

but then again i see lots of jaggies in the core while your screens are totally smooth :p


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
jee said:
ok.. i tried AA off and 2xAA but its still worse than your screens. but then i noticed you don't really have any close shots of foliage so i was wondering if they don't look as good when you get closer to them.

but then again i see lots of jaggies in the core while your screens are totally smooth :p

What's your card? Do you have your ATI/Nvidia settings set to override AA or sampling settings? (It should be set to application controlled). What are your texture/shader settings like in Crysis?

Alpha maps shouldn't so much be affected by AA but rather how they are sampled. I'm not an expert but the foliage shouldn't be an AA problem. If you have issues in the alien environments, I don't know though... as unless you are referring to the particle effects and sci-fi screens there aren't too many alpha mapped objects.


So, despite a terrible experience running the Crysis demo on my system, I decided to grab the full game yesterday, praying that there would be some "Optimization". Thankfully, there is. I can play the game with everything low at about 25-30fps at 800x600.

I'm thinking of upgrading my system soon. At the minute i'm running Crysis on the following:

ATI Radeon x600.
Pentium 4 3.2GHz.
1GB Ram.

I'm suprised it's even running, and more so that it's running at a playable framerate. However, I plan on getting an 8800GT 512MB card and another gig of RAM. Should I be looking at getting a new Processor too? If so, any recommendations?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OK, those shots Mickey posted are insane. I want to know if it is possible to play the game at a smooth framerate with such settings, however. Judging by most other shots and impressions, most people are not seeing image quality anywhere near that good. It's amazing how much of a difference AA can make as that "Very High" snow shot without edge AA is ugly as hell compared to Mickey's shots. Looks like a different game, almost.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Borys said:
Fucking bummer that my thread got locked :/

dark10x, wait for next-gen of nVidia video cards.
I think I will. I was tempted to hunt down an 8800GT and build a new machine, but I think it would be wise to wait. I fear the price, but I know it will be worth it. Even if I wait a full year, Crysis will still be the best looking game on the market.


dark10x said:
I think I will. I was tempted to hunt down an 8800GT and build a new machine, but I think it would be wise to wait. I fear the price, but I know it will be worth it. Even if I wait a full year, Crysis will still be the best looking game on the market.

The pics posted above look like damned paintings or paintings of concept art. FUcking unreal.


dark10x said:
I think I will. I was tempted to hunt down an 8800GT and build a new machine, but I think it would be wise to wait. I fear the price, but I know it will be worth it. Even if I wait a full year, Crysis will still be the best looking game on the market.

This is the best idea, IMO. There is no point in buying a 100mph car when you can wait and buy 150mph one later (although more expensive). The 9XXX series will be quite future-proof. Finally real, powerful cards for DX10 gaming.

Let's just hope nVidia doesn't go trigger happy with pricing. Nobody will buy $699 video cards, even if they had 1GB of RAM and ran Crysis at 100 fps.
Borys said:
Let's just hope nVidia doesn't go trigger happy with pricing. Nobody will buy $699 video cards, even if they had 1GB of RAM and ran Crysis at 100 fps.
People bought Ultras at that price.

In any case we need to hear what nVidia's next high end is going to be, I want a single card solution, not the dual and triple 8800gt SLI they are trying to pass off as their new high end.


MickeyKnox said:
People bought Ultras at that price.


MickeyKnox said:
In any case we need to hear what nVidia's next high end is going to be, I want a single card solution, not the dual and triple 8800gt SLI they are trying to pass off as their new high end.

That too.

However I am afraid this will be the future of GPU evolution. Much like CPUs stalled on Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz 4 years ago and intel and AMD went on to increase number of cores instead of upping the clock more and more, I think nVidia and ATI will do the same: stop the mad MHz and GB race and output multi-gpu, single-card solutions. I think ATI already does with the newest crossfire (XF) cards.

Let's just hope that dual-gpu cards are:

a) fast as fuck
b) reasonably priced (say $399-$499 for 2 GPUs, $699-$799 for 4 GPUs and so on)

BTW Mickey, check my locked thread for fun:



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
[QUOTEDoes any body want pics from the carrier level?[/QUOTE]
Yes please! I'd be happy with pictures from anywhere in the game.

Are those shots truly representative of what you see while playing the game (that is, are you using that much AA while playing the game)? I just can't believe how good it looks.


Hail to the KING baby
Damn you Mickey, making me jealous as hell over here. I'm trying to tweak the hell out of my settings (not that I know much about what I'm doing, but cheers to Google), but my setup (2x7950gtx, e6700, 4GB) seems to have settled on Medium Settings + High Textures in order to maintain 30 FPS.


Doc Evils


I decreased my resoultion from 1680 x 1050 to 1280 x 800 and I can now run the game very smoothly with all settings very high with 4 x AA.

how do activate edge AA though?

do I have to use 8 x AA?


is it the the AA Transparency setting in the nvidia driver, where you can choose multi and super sampling that enables edge AA?


Thunderbear said:
What's your card? Do you have your ATI/Nvidia settings set to override AA or sampling settings? (It should be set to application controlled). What are your texture/shader settings like in Crysis?
8800gt and in nvidia control panel i have checked "let the 3d application decide". everything is very high in crysis.

:( no AA in that shot. what do i do now?
I played a couple of games the other day, I go in today and I get "Server Authentication Failed" on screen and "Invalid CD Key" in the console.

Is this multiplayer server connection problem global or just limited to a few unlucky sods?

(or is the answer "its EA" as I suspect it is!)
dark10x said:
Yes please! I'd be happy with pictures from anywhere in the game.

Are those shots truly representative of what you see while playing the game (that is, are you using that much AA while playing the game)? I just can't believe how good it looks.
Well I'm downsampling from 1920x1080 to 1280x720 since I want to have some nice desktop backgrounds and be able to upload them. As far as overall IQ what I see when playing is a bit jaggier in some parts, but in the end it still carries the same visual impact since there are some crazy post effects that really pop in motion.

I took a bunch of Carrier pics, but some (most) of them are really spoiler material, so I don't really know if I should post them.
MickeyKnox said:
Well I'm downsampling from 1920x1080 to 1280x720 since I want to have some nice desktop backgrounds and be able to upload them. As far as overall IQ what I see when playing is a bit jaggier in some parts, but in the end it still carries the same visual impact since there are some crazy post effects that really pop in motion.

I took a bunch of Carrier pics, but some (most) of them are really spoiler material, so I don't really know if I should post them.

Just put links to them and warn of spoiler. I'm not there yet, so I'd prefer not to see them.

By the way, I'm curious how far in the game I am.
I'm at the mission where I have to take down a few artillery things so that my comrades can land..I think it's the third or 4th mission. I feel like the intensity is ratcheting up quite a bit as if I were nearing the end, but I know theres still several places I haven't even seen a hint of, so I can't be THAT close.
WHOAguitarninja said:
Just put links to them and warn of spoiler. I'm not there yet, so I'd prefer not to see them.

By the way, I'm curious how far in the game I am.
I'm at the mission where I have to take down a few artillery things so that my comrades can land..I think it's the third or 4th mission. I feel like the intensity is ratcheting up quite a bit as if I were nearing the end, but I know theres still several places I haven't even seen a hint of, so I can't be THAT close.
You're not near the end.
You've got 2 more levels till you even reach the core.

Doc Evils

Ok I figured somethings out.

I disabled the driver based upscaling and have gone back to my montiors res (1680x1050) annd also figured out how to take screens with the built in program.:lol

For those wondering, you need to type in con_restricted=0 and then use f12 to take the screens.

here's the levels I played around with downscaled to 720 and 56k friendly:















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