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Cyberpunk 2077 |OT| The Future Is Now

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Famitsu cover is beautiful



That is a gorgeous OT, great work everyone involved.

2 more days and 8 year wait is over. I just hope my 2080Ti and 2700X will be enough to power this dream.


Black Chamber Black Chamber Komatsu Komatsu B B-universe M mortal EviLore EviLore

Thanks for the topic and the work in general. Glad we can discuss this amazing game without having to deal with drama.
Im so excited to play, I cant even remember the last launch I was this excited about. Maybe GTA5?
Looking forward to night city and all it has to offer!

Still cant decide what life path to choose. Maybe it will just come naturally after I create the character.
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Umm wtf? That is absurd and stupid decision on their part.

On the contrary, it is the only correct decision for a storydriven game. Games that allow playing after ending always diminish the impact of the ending. I wish Witcher 3 didn't allow it either.

I solve it by simply doing the main quest last.


I don't expect there to be a dramatic increase in performance increase from Tom's Hardware, but I'd love to be wrong.
It is a combination of - new drivers by nvidia and amd (not yet released), day 1 patch (not yet released) and lack of DRM. Hopefully these three things will provide decent uplift. But I don't expect any huge increase either.
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Damn, stunning OT, well done fella.

So pumped to drink in every square inch of this game, take my time and truly experience the world and characters.

If you look at the high-quality PC screenshots here:

...the game does look absolutely amazing. To think that there's an entire massive futuristic open world with this level of visual fidelity, and with NPCs looking this detailed.... man... Bring it on.
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I just noticed that there's this warning going around about how certain patterns of intermittent lights in CP2077 could eventually trigger epileptic seizures in vulnerable subjects.

More details here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comme...epileptic_psa/

Of course, resetERA in its blind rage decided to turn it into a thread where the overall tone could be summarized in four fucking pages of "Those damn bastards!" and "They are surely doing it on purpose. Damn it, CDPR, is there any low you wouldn't fall into?!?".
And that's without mentioning the mandatory accusations of "ableism" (imagine thinking that's an actual thing).

Yeah, it's just a pointless colorful side note. Just to stress once again what a bunch of insufferable deranged lunatics they are.


Gold Member
Just gonna ask just to be sure I’ll be safe here.

Is this thread still gonna be spoiler free or do I have to bounce soon?
An official thread for a videogame? How dare you.

Congratulations, amazing OT! Let's celebrate this game boys! 8 fucking years.
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gonna miss this at release, hope I can get it in january... I have to watch tons of bug and glitch vids to contain my hype.


I've never been too sensitive to bugs.
Some of my all time favorites have been (and remained) notoriously buggy games for years after release.
It comes as an almost implicit part of trying to be a big, complex and ambitious title.

But yeah, going with the reviews floating around this sounds like something more than few sparse glitches here and there. Some journos/youtubers are making it sound like the game is barely functional at its current state.
I'll play it day one regardless (and probably a half dozens more times over the months) but I'm fully expecting this to become a "ready to go" package only in few months.


I'll join in to say that the OT is majestic.

2 days is a long time though. Hopefully there won't be too many game breaking bugs in my playthrough or it will have to become more of a 2-month wait.


Neo Member
great op. I am 99% sure this game will be great. the only thing I am worried about a little is bugs. I hope there are not too many (especially game breaking bugs)
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Fantastic ot gaffers

I can’t wait I’ll be grabbing this for pc and next gen when I’m able to pick one up 😩👌
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Nobody was talking about Cyberpunk before this. Their first tweet in over 5 years. It feels almost surreal that we're only days away now. It's time to jack in, brothers.

uh yeah people have been talking about cyberpunk before that lol but that is when shit started happening.

it's been a long wait and it's crazy we're almost there.
uh yeah people have been talking about cyberpunk before that lol but that is when shit started happening.

it's been a long wait and it's crazy we're almost there.

Of course I didn't mean it literally, dude. The hype went into overdrive after this tweet.


Great job on the OT

Can’t wait for this, the impact is going to be incredible.

Had a read about the character creator and the trans flags available for vehicles and would like to congratulate CDPR on making one of the most ambitious games of all time, and the most inclusive AAA game of all time.

Changing the world.
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