Cyberpunk 2077: Patch 2.0 Patch Notes


Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
Theres still quite a lot of jank in this. Had a police fight last night, with the NPC police clipping through street walls. Together with the performance issues still present in multiple areas, even with VRR enabled, I'm shelving this. I've already completed it once, so for me it looks like that was enough.


Gold Member
I'm not against level scaling in overly easy games.

Base enemies of your level still get fucked if you have your build on point.
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Anything with Netrunner hacks. Later on you will just press a button to infect a target and everyone around them. Group melts in 5 seconds.

Full hacker.

But unless they really balanced the challenge, you are gonna end like a god on earth no matter the build after 20 hours or so.

I feel.....dead ass that is the only way to play lol

I'm just doing the same thing I did when I played the base game. Netrunner 100%...fuck the rest lol

That build is incredibly fun and incredibly boring at the same time.

You feel like an untouchable god and people going on fire or shooting themselves never gets old, but it completely remove the challenge from the game so you just go mindlessly throught the motion, and they made it even stronger in the dlc...

I was about to create another hacker for my third run but i already played a mindless, uber easy first person action rpg for the past 60 hours and i didn't wanted to repeat the same, shitty experience with cp77.

Too bad that the other 2 builds i have in mind are gonna be almost as broken but at least you have to fucking enter the location of the mission and not just hack the fuck out of everyone from afar.
You guys are in for a surprise...


Gold Member
You guys are in for a surprise...
You have to explain that because if full hacker is now very challenging i could still go for that.

Tbh i already had some gunfights and the ia doesn't seem improved too much (or at all).
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You have to explain that because if full hacker is now also very challening i could go for that.

Tbh i already had some gunfights and the ia doesn't seem improved too much (or at all).
I think he will say the hacking is much more limited by your RAM capacity, etc.


It's looking quite nice on the Series X in performance mode. Runs quite well but there is a little stutter.


Gold Member
I spent a couple of hours playing the PS5 version last night and I’m really happy with the changes. The vehicles feel better, the city seems busier and less prone to odd stuff, the ability trees are much better and I look forward to levelling up now because it feels like I’ve got more control over my build.

The game looks great and it runs well in performance mode - I may have noticed a few drops here and there during busy moments, but it’s certainly better than it was. The city seems like a better place to explore (I can’t quite put my finger on why) and I’ve already found myself in a few surprising moments just wandering around.

I’ve tried quality mode, and whilst it looks decent and runs well enough in 30fps, I don’t see much benefit (if any) in the visual Quality. I’d be interested to see some side by side for the console versions.

Anyway, awesome patch and I’m looking forward to the DLC.


Gold Member
Double-tap triangle [or whatever your "draw weapon" button is] to get the fancy "using weapon for the first time" animation for whatever weapon you're carrying.

It works every time, so not just when first using the weapon.


So ray reconstruction is only available when using path tracing, weird cause normal RT can also be kinda jittery at times.


Gold Member
Pretty much.

You'll have a better experience for it too lol

These are not even real "patch notes" this shit is early access notes, this is beyond simply a "update" this is continued development when core elements like this are being worked on that should have been in the game day 1. I would have never thought 3 fucking years later this game would still be updating feature by feature.

I don't think anything is wrong with wanting to fix a game, however I have issue when that excuse turns into 3 years of patches after they charged consumers full price. At this point, these are not "additional" type updates, its merely them continuing core development with an excuse that its an add on or a "fix" or something.

What can they even say when they launch another game? Don't buy it day 1, buy it year 3 or 4 when they are done making it or ? I feel with how open the gaming community is, we would have all be completely fine if they were just upfront and like "its an early access" as look at BG3. So if they wish to have an early access, I feel that must be transparent to consumers
I still haven't played this game yet so I popped in here to see the consensus. The first thing I read was the line about how the police will actually chase you now... on foot or by car.

And that's one of the biggest complaints this game had from the start! Totally agree with you EDMIX EDMIX . Plus I'm bummed every enemy is now level scaled.


You have to explain that because if full hacker is now very challenging i could still go for that.

Tbh i already had some gunfights and the ia doesn't seem improved too much (or at all).
I still haven't started my own run, finishing Deus Ex, but many in the 2077's subreddit are absolutely livid the netrunners are not automatically melting people anymore. It's a lot more involved and requires a lot more actual gameplay in order to win.

They went in depth on that in the latest stream too, the one from yesterday.


Gold Member
I still haven't started my own run, finishing Deus Ex, but many in the 2077's subreddit are absolutely livid the netrunners are not automatically melting people anymore. It's a lot more involved and requires a lot more actual gameplay in order to win.

They went in depth on that in the latest stream too, the one from yesterday.
just readed a dude on reee saying that they nerfed the whole thing a lot.


So ray reconstruction is only available when using path tracing, weird cause normal RT can also be kinda jittery at times.
You can actually , you just cant enable it ingame for some reason ...

Im too lazy to search for the DLSS ray reconstruction in the UserSettings.json so I just turn on path tracing and ray reconstruction , then go into the usersettings > disable path tracing , enable ray tracing .

Its work , ray reconstruction still on but grey out . No more shimmering/jittery , clearer reflection , and shittier ghosting .
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Haptic Gamepads 4 Life


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Welcome aboard team Judy!
Not on PC lol. You can romance Judy as a male V with a simple mod. The funny part is that it's been fully voice acted so you don't miss out on anything. Same for a male romancing River or female romancing Panam. It's all possible.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Gotta say I thought the cooldown system on the grenades and health inhalers would kind of suck, but it actually makes you play a bit more carefully. I approve.

Too bad 2.0 didnt get rid of the god awful, repetitive, C-tier Doom 2016 clone battle music. Everything else though is phefuckingnomenal.


Played some on RT mode on PS5 (Performance mode flutuates too much, imo)

I'm working but all I'm thinking right now is to play some more.

I've played the Street Kid beginning, and I'm 100 sure that they've even added new animations (or character model) for the barman

I cant wait to check out what else they added without even mentioning on the patch notes

Shooting while driving feels great. I thought it would be too cumbersome, but nope, feels great.

Seems like there are more cars/people on the streets too

Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
I've shelved this. But after many hours historically with the PS5 version. I used these first person settings with a dualsense edge and no aim assist. I found the default set up even after 2.0 still makes fine adjustment whilst aiming down sights awkward. Might be worth a try:


Gold Member
Played some on RT mode on PS5 (Performance mode flutuates too much, imo)

I'm working but all I'm thinking right now is to play some more.

I've played the Street Kid beginning, and I'm 100 sure that they've even added new animations (or character model) for the barman

I cant wait to check out what else they added without even mentioning on the patch notes

Shooting while driving feels great. I thought it would be too cumbersome, but nope, feels great.

Seems like there are more cars/people on the streets too

Im playing in RT mode too. Game looks better, it looks dull without RT shadows and game drops from 60 regularly. I have a VRR tv but doesnt seem to work because i feel the stutter even when the fps is way above 48



CDPR is well known for making their games better since Witcher 1. They've released massive patches and free enhanced editions for all their games.
Witcher 4 is going to sell a fuck ton even if they say "this is crap don't ever buy it".

CP2077 was also reviewing higher in Steam on it's release state than Starfield now, and even higher (90% positive) today - so maybe be concerned for Bethesda instead.
Except for the fact on next gen consoles its inexcusable how they changed the graphics settings to make them WORSE and never sorted it out. Its so bad on XSX i cant even play it, the awful reflections and surfaces ruin the entire game for me. How anyone OK'd that shit is beyond me, and 2.0 was my last hope they would fix. The game looked better on release than it does now. At least Bethesdas latest game looks shit hot even on consoles


I’m wondering whether to start a new character now or not.

Does Phantom Liberty contain more game enhancements than Relics or is it pretty much just new missions?


According to the reviewers, I should now play through this long game again because I can shoot out of cars? No, thank you.
I can't tell if this is a serious post or not. But i'll bite....

No, they are saying you should play the 20 hour expansion in the new section of the map. Thats what the reviewers are reviewing guy......


Except for the fact on next gen consoles its inexcusable how they changed the graphics settings to make them WORSE and never sorted it out. Its so bad on XSX i cant even play it, the awful reflections and surfaces ruin the entire game for me. How anyone OK'd that shit is beyond me, and 2.0 was my last hope they would fix. The game looked better on release than it does now. At least Bethesdas latest game looks shit hot even on consoles
People playing this on xbox need to stop conflating with ps5 by saying "next gen consoles". Apparently this game has always run shittier on xbox.


Glad I didn't play it, bought it a while ago but waited for this, seems like it's finally what it should've been three years ago.
I put 3-4 hours in when it first came out but decided to wait for the next gen version, glad I did. Starting fresh from 2.0 and so far it seems a vast improvement.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Played some on RT mode on PS5 (Performance mode flutuates too much, imo)

I'm working but all I'm thinking right now is to play some more.

I've played the Street Kid beginning, and I'm 100 sure that they've even added new animations (or character model) for the barman

I cant wait to check out what else they added without even mentioning on the patch notes

Shooting while driving feels great. I thought it would be too cumbersome, but nope, feels great.

Seems like there are more cars/people on the streets too

Yup same and all I'm thinking about at work too. And this is my third playthrough! Good thing Im in no rush to finish Starfield (it took me eight years to finally finish Skyrim).

Pedestrian and traffic density is definitely improved. I noticed differences in the bar scene too. Also playing Street Kid and at the dead beginning of Act 1. I tend to wipe out all side stuff like gigs and hustles in a district before I move on to story stuff. It usually takes me like 15 hours before I hit that gorgeous title card.

I think its one of the best looking games on the console at this point.


Gold Member
Ive been waiting 3 years since release to play this stupid game. As far as I see it, whatever decisions they made with anything, with 2.0 this is the game they wanted to make and that's the one I want to play. It is what it is.


*Refreshes biennially
They actually fixed controls on console. Dynamic with substantial aim-assist did the trick lol

Yeah it was a shit show on a controller before but I'm playing it now and it's actually pretty great. I'm more of a stealthy character so precision aiming is not that important and it works!


Started yesterday, already finished today lol. If you do the main quests the game is really short. Anyway played it fully with pathtracing and everything maxed out. performance was great with a 4080 laptop at 1080p around ~100 fps on average i would say with dips to 90 at times and heights of 170.

I must say nothing beats the visuals of this game. It's really good looking pretty much always. pathtracing really works well.
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