Cyberpunk 2077: Patch 2.0 Patch Notes


I must be taking crazy pills but traffic density seems to be improved on ps5 but framerate seems to be worse. I also noticed a strange ghosting effect at the back of my car when I'm driving in third person view and it's very visible.
Not a big fan of how they have reworked the perks system, I Guess I need to get used to it.
The game is definitely harder now, I used to be a god with my Quick hacks. Making enemies detonate grenades or kill themselves used to be cheap, now that's another story ^^ overall nice update but that framerate in performance mode has me concerned.
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Its the same on both mate, my wife plays on PS5 and they are practically identical
There is an exchange in this thread I think with someone saying the fps drops were horrible on xbox at launch which was not the case with ps5. And I definitely do not relate to the post I quoted playing it on ps5. So seems like xbox has more issues, idk 🤷‍♂️


Neo Member
anybody got a cool idea how I can play this with my girlfriend?

I already played the game when it came out and wanted to jump back in.
She is interested in the story but is no gamer at all, so I think she wouldnt be able to handle combat and all the rpg stuff. I don't want her to just watch me though. I want to involve her, let her make decisions, create her own character etc.

any ideas? maybe let her play certain sections that dont involve combat, let her handle dialogues and stuff?


I am a bit confused on crafting now, I had 3 legendaries equipped before the update, now they are tier 1 and white. I upgraded them but the tier didn't change, trying to find info explaining how this new system works. Hopefully I don't have to find the same weapon but in "tier 5".


I have both PS5 and X Box and I have had them since launch and you can't tell them apart at all. I am playing PS5 because of haptics and I prefer the controller but other than that there is no difference at all.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Man while all the updates are great, the writing is still pretty cringe 😬

balls of snow

Gold Member
You mean they continued development on core features? You can fucking call it what you want, patch, update, fix.....they are continuing development on core features that should be in the game day 1.

So this basically is an early access game, using this horse shit excuse, basically any publisher can release broken, incomplete games with core elements missing and be like "don't worry bro, GTA 6 will have Ai and cops driving cars 3 years later, but hey its a PATCHEZ" lol If they were open about this early access type thing, I would be fine as I ignored BG3 knowing it was in early access, I don't give a shit man, but BG3 didn't also try to release incomplete and then act like the remaining elements of the game will be "patched" or "fixed" as if that isn't on going development cause you word it in some bullshit PR way lol

So nahhhh man, any person with fucking eyes can see that this game was designed around those elements as their absence was just too damn obvious, why would you have a star rating for cops to magically teleport after you in a fucking game that has cars? So this isn't a "fix" this is merely them continuing something that had no business releasing in 2020 at that state.

Ai is now a 3 year update? smh

Nah, that game released with its concept complete, even with all the loading shit, its still a complete idea and concept based on what the publisher stated.

Nothing even remotely near this fucking train wreck with CDPR regarding lawsuits, record high returns in the millions and being removed from a store based on being unplayable.

Nothing like that is happening with Starfield, that fanbase isn't out here waiting 3 years for Ship Battles or customizing ships as a "uPdAtE"

I mean, guys are still waiting on customizing cars, but shit another 3 years and they'll have it, but its ok cause its a "patch".

@tommycronin I mean, wasn't it like that in Oblivion with the scaling?

Must be lonely on that hill watching everyone enjoying themselves with Cyberpunk 2.0. Its ok bro, ac mirage is only 2 weeks away.

It was a power fantasy build but it trivialized the game too much.

Yeah quickhacks are gonna be suplementary to my blade wielding v. Crowd control really. The fact you can deflect fucking bullets with the katana, my god im genji.


Gold Member
Anyone who can help me with controller feeling like shit on pc?

Like the stuff to turn off to avoid accelaration and shit?

I just want an even speed curve, not something that start slow and accelerate, i barely touch those things usually so i'm kinda of a noob.


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
I can't start from the beginning, I already have several hours and I also made my creation to the perfect V.!!



Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
aim-assist all the way! I'd say it's probably the most aggressive aim-assist I've ever tried lol. If this were in a crossplay multiplayer game, people on pc would be furious
I love this type of aim assist on controller, it's why Destiny has been the best feeling shooter for the last 8 years.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Decided to finally buy the game as l wanted to experience the path tracing and ray reconstruction on my recently purchased 4070. I'm damn impressed with the lighting, reflections and shadows, feels like I'm playing a next gen game. Need to enable frame gen to get above 60fps at 1440p and it work pretty damn well.

The NPC AI though, buggy. AI that appears and disappears?

At least the game seems to play well.
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Gold Member
Really looking forward to this. I'm actually surprised at how much time I've spent in the base game and the fact that the 2.0 makes it even better is fantastic.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Which part specifically. Because its lightyears what Bethesda attempted with Starfield where everyone is Ned Flenders.
I just find some of the slang and such over the top and trying too hard to be cool sounding. Almost like a kid's idea of what sounds adult and cool. I also never really like when characters exclaim things in a native language the way Jackie does all the time.


Writes a lot, says very little
Must be lonely on that hill watching everyone enjoying themselves with Cyberpunk 2.0. Its ok bro, ac mirage is only 2 weeks away.


I'm not buying AC Mirage and I've actually stated many times that I hope you guys enjoy and they are right to correct those issues and continue development.

My only issue is merely I'm not playing a single player game twice, 3 years after release cause they want to lie about an early access regarding core features still being worked on. Be transparent about that and most of the community will welcome the honesty, look at BG3. Keep in mind, I made the same statements about No Man Sky when it came out.

So I'm happy you are happy, merely that lots of complete games released this year that deserve more of my attention, then to jump into some DLC or something of a concept that should have been complete day 1, not 3 years later. imho, these ideas are not additional, they are core, they are massive features that alter the game in a great way btw, merely that they are also concepts that should have been in the game day 1 or open to the community about being early access etc. This is not Star Citizen level of bad, but its in the ball park and at least they are up front about it continuing development.

All I'm saying is, for a company that keep trying to give an appearance of being honest and nice, they lied the most regarding this thing then almost any major publisher when most of the community (including you btw) probably would have been completely fine with then just saying the game isn't complete, but you can join in on the beta, alpha etc like we saw from BG3. I really do hope you enjoy it as I know you are huge fan of the IP, merely that I don't like the idea of normalizing lying to people about continued development under the guise of a "fix" or "patch" or "update". We fix features sure, but to call Ai and major features like Ai driving and shooting a patch or fix is a bit exaggerated. Next thing you know, everyone will just use this excuse to sell you the first part of the game and then boss battles, animations etc suddenly become a "patch" or "fix" lol If such an idea is ok, you don't think maybe CDPR and its fans owe an apology to other publishers they attacked regarding this if now 3 years after release Ai being added to a game is something they approve now?

BG3 went into early access 2020
CP2077 released its (secret early access) in 2020 lol

Looking at 2023 and all the awards, praise and sales BG3 is getting, I don't think I'm crazy for thinking maybe CDPR should have just been honest about this whole thing.

Regardless, I do hope you enjoy the DLC and I'll likely jump in next year when I get the time to play it.


If your game needs level scaling, you should redesign it to work without "leveling," or at least without "stats" that automatically increase every level. Just unlock new abilities as you level and keep all the basic numbers constant. There's no excuse for the added layer of complexity that level scaling introduces. Very disappointed in CDPR but their game designers were never that good.
Started a new run yesterday and man I almost forgot how it feels to play a game with good combat after playing Starfield for 100+ hours. Loving the new monowire + quickhack synergy.

The only 2.0 change I don't like so far is that clothing no longer drops from enemies - you NEED to buy clothes from the stores, and most store stock has been underwhelming so far...


anybody got a cool idea how I can play this with my girlfriend?

I already played the game when it came out and wanted to jump back in.
She is interested in the story but is no gamer at all, so I think she wouldnt be able to handle combat and all the rpg stuff. I don't want her to just watch me though. I want to involve her, let her make decisions, create her own character etc.

any ideas? maybe let her play certain sections that dont involve combat, let her handle dialogues and stuff?
She don't wanna play on Easy? I was married to a couple of those...
I can't start from the beginning, I already have several hours and I also made my creation to the perfect V.!!



Started from the beginning, last night on the hardest diff. Wow.. I was getting pissed off about healing when I got to one of the first major fights in the game, but then, I used my eyes and read some stuff I should have... game is a damned breeze this time around. The enemies feel smarter, when they're not doing stupid shit. Like trying to figure out which side I am on. Some NPCs are doing the most odd ball shit, lol. Other than that, no major bugs or glitches and it feels almost like a new game.
I can say, after 10+ hours with the patch that it is in a better state, minus the increased thermals, which is negligible, as I expected.
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Feels like we need a name for this category of game that massively and controversially under-delivers at launch, but then the dev spends years improving the game and making it what it should have been in the first place. I get the feeling this won't be the last time it happens.

Late Bloomer?
Veiled Public Beta?
Hello Special?


*Refreshes biennially
Feels like we need a name for this category of game that massively and controversially under-delivers at launch, but then the dev spends years improving the game and making it what it should have been in the first place. I get the feeling this won't be the last time it happens.

Late Bloomer?
Veiled Public Beta?
Hello Special?

Grower, not a shower.


I don't like the level scaling, enemies and ripperdocs are no longer as unique. The QanT sandy was heavily nerfed, now it's pretty awful. The sound of the batmobile is worse for some reason. I don't like the removal of mods for body parts(heat blades are entirely new arms instead of just slapping on a part).

Combat is better, and the new skill tree is great. Thank goodness they removed the crafting perks, needing to dump points into that blew. Driving is better, not as good as it should be, but better.


Gold Member
I had no idea that was being patched in. Why bother upgrading your character if you'll never be more powerful than a single enemy in the game since the beginning of the game. Devs these days for some reason don't want you to feel too powerful.

This has pretty much ruined any chance of me playing it. You never get to experience yourself getting better at the game no matter how much you upgrade.
Basically it saves on dev costs hence why they did this. IMO, of course.

They don't have to do careful item placement, they scrapped the different tiers if weapons (legendary, epic, etc), it's all random. They also killed itemization point of armor/clothing.

All in all while from technical perspective and some of the combat / skill tree changes this is good... Itemization, level scaling, armor changes are terrible, IMO. Much like with Starfield we will have to wait for mods. Well, at least from technical perspective this isn't nearly as bad.


Gold Member
'Very hard' was very easy last time I completed CP2077, so I like they added level scaling.
It should be an option and not a default in a 3 year old game. Level scaling and basically new ARPG based itemization without manual item placement sucks.

There are better ways to balance difficulty, CDPR went with the easiest and dumbest.


It should be an option and not a default in a 3 year old game. Level scaling and basically new ARPG based itemization without manual item placement sucks.

There are better ways to balance difficulty, CDPR went with the easiest and dumbest.
I'm a good 10 hours in cleaning all side missions before talking with Takemura at the diner - and I've been challenged way more on normal difficulty than I've ever been on very hard pre-2.0.

That's a good sign, for me at least.


I love this type of aim assist on controller, it's why Destiny has been the best feeling shooter for the last 8 years.
and why none of the pro PvP players play on console anymore:messenger_tears_of_joy: The best feeling shooters on console are the ones where players can compete with pc players. Destiny is just a sad story of Bungie using a control scheme they've used for over 20 years. Thank god there's no crossplay PvP in CP2077 lol. At least you can adjust deadzone in CP2077 - in Destiny you're doomed to accept 20% deadzone, which is absolutely braindead looking at all other shooters today having under 10% deadzone. You'll never run into drift issues though lol
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Started my third playthrough yesterday and decided to take a slower approach and try to explore a lot more rather than jump from mission to mission.
It a lot of fun, I like the new perk system, you can pick and choose a little more freely, rather than being forced to choose perks you don't want, to get to the ones you do want.
I also like that the game is more difficult, pre patch at around lv.40 you were a god and firefights usually lasted like 8 seconds before I popped everyone's head with my pistol, enemies seem smarter and more aggressive now.


People playing this on xbox need to stop conflating with ps5 by saying "next gen consoles". Apparently this game has always run shittier on xbox.

This is how it worked Phanton Liberty in the preview on both consoles. They are equal or even better performance in XSX.
I think you are confused with the situation when the native version Of CP2077 was released where in XSX the framerate was less consistent in 60fps mode but worked at a slightly higher resolution. Also in quality mode. This was fixed with later patch.

It remains to be seen what it is currently like in the final build, but I doubt it will be very different from what was shown in that preview.


Very small detail but did they remove the 3 dots from Vs arm from the Injection Vik gives at the start?

Always bothered me that didn't vanish.


Gold Member
I'm a good 10 hours in cleaning all side missions before talking with Takemura at the diner - and I've been challenged way more on normal difficulty than I've ever been on very hard pre-2.0.

That's a good sign, for me at least.
Again, the issue is that it keeps scaling so the stupid bandits or random goombas are going to keep scaling with your level.

It makes no sense and you don’t have any sort of feeling of progression. For challenge, properly configured difficulty modes should have provided that.
Man, I have this on PC but no longer have a gaming pc. Which version is best on Series X or PS5? Can't find a text based article :)
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