Cyberpunk 2077: Patch 2.0 Patch Notes


Popped this in last night after finishing RE4:SW. Holy moly this is like a full fledged HD remake. I loved the game at launch on PC. Had very few bugs, just some rough edges. This is worthy of the "2.0" moniker for sure. Most tech'd out game in the universe as I type this. Nothing really holds a candle. #CyberpunkWasAlwaysGood
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Cause there too cheap to play test and balance gameplay otherwise so we get fucked now.

I used to love grinding for levels, skills, equipment so that I could have the feeling of being overpowered and absolutely obliterate enemies. Now games to prevent being too over powered it would seem and in addition to level matching, items get locked behind level caps to make sure you feel the struggle while making your way to the top even if you somehow manage to get end game gear early, just can't use it. One of the more recent games that annoyed me with level matching is Fallout 76 and Diablo IV. In Fallout 76, it wasn't so bad in the beginning but in late game it was kind of annoying to come back to a low level area and see a level matched blood tick trying to whoop on your ass. It got stupider the more I leveled up beyond my weapon/armors hard locked level which was 45-50. I understand that devs are maybe trying to preserve some challenge in the game but, sometimes a guy just wants to feel like the biggest baddest bitch on the block and rambo through an army of enemies in seconds. Diablo IV, pretty much the same story but what happened with me on that one is that I fell far behind the power gap with leveled enemies and just struggled to progress and be useful as a solo player. Maybe I needed better gear, maybe I needed better skills, I don't know, I just hit a road block and stopped playing or caring because there was no point in trying to level up as it would only increase the difficulty of the game artificially.


Is there any way to turn off the "vignette"effect (the shadows in the corner of the screen) ?Specifically the one that occurs when you crouch but also the one that's permanently on?


I think level balancing makes games so bland. Playing New Vegas right now and absolutely love making a wrong turn just to get raped by death claws and cazzadors. Didn’t even stand a chance. Makes running through those areas very exciting. Didn’t get any of that feeling in Fallout 4. Just lukewarm beginning to end


I used to love grinding for levels, skills, equipment so that I could have the feeling of being overpowered and absolutely obliterate enemies. Now games to prevent being too over powered it would seem and in addition to level matching, items get locked behind level caps to make sure you feel the struggle while making your way to the top even if you somehow manage to get end game gear early, just can't use it. One of the more recent games that annoyed me with level matching is Fallout 76 and Diablo IV. In Fallout 76, it wasn't so bad in the beginning but in late game it was kind of annoying to come back to a low level area and see a level matched blood tick trying to whoop on your ass. It got stupider the more I leveled up beyond my weapon/armors hard locked level which was 45-50. I understand that devs are maybe trying to preserve some challenge in the game but, sometimes a guy just wants to feel like the biggest baddest bitch on the block and rambo through an army of enemies in seconds. Diablo IV, pretty much the same story but what happened with me on that one is that I fell far behind the power gap with leveled enemies and just struggled to progress and be useful as a solo player. Maybe I needed better gear, maybe I needed better skills, I don't know, I just hit a road block and stopped playing or caring because there was no point in trying to level up as it would only increase the difficulty of the game artificially.
Yep. Shits the worst. Its bandits in oblivion wearing glass armour all over again.


Identifies as young
I'm sick of the bullet sponge enemies in this game. I've put about 5 clips into one guy, probably half a dozen headshots, and he's still upright.

So far.....I'm still not feeling Cyberpunk 2077, 2.0 or no.


Can’t Git Gud
I've killed special cops at the 5 stars and my wanted level was erased.
Is this known? I've seen opinions that you can't "out kill" the cops


Is there a perk or something that allows to use quickhacks without triggering detection ? (Other than that Quickhack, which I've forgotten the name, that costs 28 Rams)
I also had a perk pre patch that allowed me to become invisible. It has been removed right ? Cuz I can't find it anymore.
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Is there any way to turn off the "vignette"effect (the shadows in the corner of the screen) ?Specifically the one that occurs when you crouch but also the one that's permanently on?
Not yet for the the "always on" vignette. A few mods exist for this but they depend on mod tools that aren't updated yet.

The crouch one can be removed now with mods.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I enjoyed the shit out of starfield... but man playing this again now in 2.0 makes me see how far off the mark SF is. There is a lot of similar approaches in the game scope and design here between the two. They share a LOT of similarities, but this game just excels.

I liked the game a fair amount at launch, and really only didn't like the ending for CP2077 of what I remember of the game. Going into it now fresh again, and with the anime under my belt, and I'm LOVING the game. Mantis blades wasn't something I did first play through, and I never used the hacking abilities. Plus the rework of gear, how upgrades work, and skills... the game just flows and feels so satisfying. I think too I should've never played my first time on normal mode. On hard mode I have had a few game overs, and have to think about what I'm using to carve my way through enemies. Every level up is exciting to get more skills to deflect bullets, dodge fast, and more.

If PL's 30 hours provide a more focused narrative, and this "new ending" to the main game is more epic, then this game will be elevated to a GOAT status for me.

A lot of playing this really makes me pray the Witcher 4 or next CDRed game is Witcher Samurai edition. All that art and merch they have on their website for Geralt as a samurai, and the great melee combat here makes me want it bad.


Feels like we need a name for this category of game that massively and controversially under-delivers at launch, but then the dev spends years improving the game and making it what it should have been in the first place. I get the feeling this won't be the last time it happens.

Late Bloomer?
Veiled Public Beta?
Hello Special?

Covert Early-Access


I'm going to play through this again, Geforce Now - Overdrive mode looks incredible. Shame they could never get the cars right in this game, whenever you are being driven around it feels like some rusty carnival ride - total immersion breaker.


What a stupid decision to ruin the game with the level scaling... Why bother with stats and leveling up then? What's the point? Just make it an action game with no stats or something. This is the worst mechanic i have ever seen in an RPG.

"We wanted to make an RPG with leveling and stats but now we want to make a regular FPS action game, though we kept the stats and leveling in there because... people like numbers?"

I waited years for them to fix this game before playing it, guess i'll just stick to the old versions now if i ever do.

there was no point in trying to level up as it would only increase the difficulty of the game artificially.

Exactly. The only thing level scaling does is punish the player who gains a level.

I think its not bad, this just means that Cyberpunk now leans more into immersive sim than classic fps rpg.
This probably balances it more because now enemy strength comes from gear and cyberware and abilities rather than stats. I think for this kind of game where enemy variety is lacking it is the better design choice.

Ok then why don't they completely get rid of levels and stats? What's the point still having those mechanics if there is no point for them existing?
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So, do I start a playthrough now or do I wait for the DLC to release?
Will the new content (weapons, gigs etc) spill over to the base game or will it only be accessible in the new area?


Gold Member
- performance is better than ever
- graphics are out of this world, truly next-gen stuff
- new perk system completely changes how you play the game
- loot is completely changed, a lot of nonsense removed
- healing items and grenades are infinite but on a cooldown now, you have to be more tactical
- cyberware mechanics completely revamped, makes so much more sense now, even has a tiered system
- clothes are just clothes, no more armor stats. Again, makes so much more sense
- a lot of missions received QOL improvements to make them more immersive (Wakako doesn't just give you the Tyger Claw tattoo cyberware, you have to go to a ripperdoc; Padre doesn't introduce himself as if you didn't just do 6 months of missions for him anymore, etc.)
- level scaling means you don't run into enemies that are 20 levels higher than you, it's a level playing field
- NPC AI is better but still not great
- Enemy AI is much better, more realistic
- UI is completely reworked, especially noticeable in the journal/quest log, and the phone menu. Works much better now, more intuitive
- NCPD cops are actually patrolling the streets, both on foot and in vehicles
- Johnny Silverhand seems reworked, looks even more like Keanu now
- Still no NCART system though, unfortunately. Was never promised but it would've been baller to use the metro and take in the sights

It's a huge list of improvements.


*Refreshes biennially
The new driving physics are like GTA4 and GTA5 mixed together. I like it alot, its got a nice balance.

My thoughts exactly and I am surprised nobody is talking about it. Driving feels really good, much better than GTA 5 and that game has auto in its name. It is satisfying to just drive around Night City!

- performance is better than ever
- graphics are out of this world, truly next-gen stuff
- new perk system completely changes how you play the game
- loot is completely changed, a lot of nonsense removed
- healing items and grenades are infinite but on a cooldown now, you have to be more tactical
- cyberware mechanics completely revamped, makes so much more sense now, even has a tiered system
- clothes are just clothes, no more armor stats. Again, makes so much more sense
- a lot of missions received QOL improvements to make them more immersive (Wakako doesn't just give you the Tyger Claw tattoo cyberware, you have to go to a ripperdoc; Padre doesn't introduce himself as if you didn't just do 6 months of missions for him anymore, etc.)
- level scaling means you don't run into enemies that are 20 levels higher than you, it's a level playing field
- NPC AI is better but still not great
- Enemy AI is much better, more realistic
- UI is completely reworked, especially noticeable in the journal/quest log, and the phone menu. Works much better now, more intuitive
- NCPD cops are actually patrolling the streets, both on foot and in vehicles
- Johnny Silverhand seems reworked, looks even more like Keanu now
- Still no NCART system though, unfortunately. Was never promised but it would've been baller to use the metro and take in the sights

It's a huge list of improvements.

Great list, just a little note regarding clothes. Some still offer armor or other bonuses but it's done in a way that makes sense. So for example a bullet proof Arasaka vest will offer armor. A cyber-visor will offer boost to quick hacks, etc.

Loot / cyberwear / skill tree revamp is amazing. Makes the game 10 times better. I am completely hooked!!!

BTW, I just found my first vehicle with weapons on board. That thing is amazing...


Ok then why don't they completely get rid of levels and stats? What's the point still having those mechanics if there is no point for them existing?
You still would need some way to gate off abilities in a way that reflected player choices. Saying "you need to have X level in Y skill to do this" is a very straightforward way of doing this.
Looks like quite an update. I'll have to give it a go at some point now, this is one case where it looks like it really paid off to wait on it.

balls of snow

Gold Member
Yeah thinking about it the level scaling ensures that you can go into dogtown at any point once it unlocks. And since the majority will go instantly its available, its good to eliminate the grind to level up.


Gold Member
Yep. Shits the worst. Its bandits in oblivion wearing glass armour all over again.
Yep, it’s a combination of misguided design and desire to save on dev time. Completely out me off the game and DLC.

Edit: I also dislike that now we don’t have any point and loot for armor. It’s just dumb. It’s the future, there are railguns, energy weapons, advanced materials science. However apparently all of a sudden there is no body armor. He’ll, there should be Fallout style exoskeletons.

So giant meh on this. Game got even more streamlined into Action Adventure or maybe a mix with immersive sim. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but disappointing form what they origin were trying to sell.
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Gold Member
I'm sick of the bullet sponge enemies in this game. I've put about 5 clips into one guy, probably half a dozen headshots, and he's still upright.

So far.....I'm still not feeling Cyberpunk 2077, 2.0 or no.
That level scaling Oblivion feel! Kind of hate it.
- healing items and grenades are infinite but on a cooldown now, you have to be more tactical
Don't you just have to stop moving for a length of time...which is slightly annoying? A finite # would force the player to make judgement calls...which would seem more tactical. What am I missing?


I don't feel the level scaling bothering me so far. I like that I can get enough exp all the time to level up my skills.

Anyway the game feels like a true next gen experience now with path tracing and all the gameplay improvements.
It's crazy how good everything looks and feels just driving around the city, and the gunplay is heavenly good.

Shooting with a shotgun is like giving the enemy a sledgehammer in their face. They get beheaded and dismembered. God damn barbaric, I love it.
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Pre-2.0 I modded the game by having all enemies always be +6 levels higher. The game really was that easy. I honestly don't understand the complaints about scaling enemies in 2.0. The way they are now, it looks like their health and damage scales at flat rate. The player on the other hand has numerous multipliers, more health, more defense, higher tiers weapons, more weapon mods, more perks, more quick hacks, more chrome.


Gold Member
I don't feel the level scaling bothering me so far. I like that I can get enough exp all the time to level up my skills.

Anyway the game feels like a true next gen experience now with path tracing and all the gameplay improvements.
It's crazy how good everything looks and feels just driving around the city, and the gunplay is heavenly good.

Shooting with a shotgun is like giving the enemy a sledgehammer in their face. They get beheaded and dismembered. God damn barbaric, I love it.

Driving feels a lot better too with better controls and impact on crashes


Gold Member
Yes, but on the other hand Xbox have better vrr support so on 120hz tv it will be smoother (low framerate compensation).

i dunno man even with vrr this game is jittery when it drops frames even if its just a few frame drops
The game is fantastic, plays like butter on ps5. I’m discovering new stuff still after 90+ hours. Visuals are top notch and side quests are dope. Can’t wait for DLC to drop
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