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Daft Punk - RAM lOTl - They're nice robots, they chose to stay.


And so finally my copy of Random Access Memories finds it's proper home where it belongs.

The vinyl sounds so damn good. Now time to find some interesting mixes between these tracks and other Daft Punk tracks.
Man, this album is so good, you guys.

On my second time through. I really liked the track with the Animal Collective guy and Lose Yourself to Dance my first listen.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on--" vocoder going up the scale. So good.


Junior Member
Listened to it.

I really loved "Life back to music", but then starts to get a little slow and meloncholy but picks up again around "Get lucky".

Verdict 8/10 very creative, but too much slow stuff and not enough dance tunes.
Listened to it the first time on the train this morning. Wasn't too shabby. Listened again and again during work and son of a bitch...these songs are really good.

I'm very impressed with this album.

9/10 here.


'enry 'ollins
Finished first listen.

Top 3 tracks in no particular order:
Give Life Back to Music
Instant Crush
Doin' It Right

Definitely a bunch of other great ones, but I wanted to force myself to pick 3.

There were some snoozers, but I'll give them a fresh listen tomorrow; I had an exhausting day, so my brain wasn't appreciating the slower tracks. The closest one I came to disliking was Touch. Not a fan of Williams's vocals. Rest of the song was fine.


I keep alternating. Giorgio By Moroder was my favorite when it first leaked (I got tired of the vocals though), then I couldn't stop listening to Give Life Back to Music, and now it's Touch.


I shot people I like more for less.
I've never really listened to Daft Punk before, but decided to give this CD a go. I love it, haven't listened to anything else for days. The only songs I don't like too much are The Game of Love and Within, but even those are tolerable. Both tracks with Pharrell are just infectiously awesome. I kind of have to be in the right mood for Contact (mainly the latter half) but everything else is just really damn good. Particularly liking Doin' it Right, Instant Crush, Give Life Back to Music, and Touch along with the songs with Pharrell. I realize I named just about everything, but that's how much I'm enjoying it.


Hated the Giorgio monologue at first but now i find it integrates well with the background beats and once it hit me that his message
"Once you free your mind about a concept of harmony and music being correct, you can do whatever you want. So nobody told me what to do, and there was no preconception of what to do."
was precisely what Daft Punk were trying to do with this album, the 4th wall crumbled and I enjoyed all the tracks even more.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Hated the Giorgio monologue at first but now i find it integrates well with the background beats and once it hit me that his message
"Once you free your mind about a concept of harmony and music being correct, you can do whatever you want. So nobody told me what to do, and there was no preconception of what to do."
was precisely what Daft Punk were trying to do with this album, the 4th wall crumbled and I enjoyed all the tracks even more.

I agree, it's grown on me as well, although I do find some of it to be a tad too rambling in the first part. It's hard to imagine the track without it now, though.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Wow I don't put much stock into reviews for music but scoring 87 on metacritic is nothing to scoff at. Mighty impressive. The robots have done it.


the vocals on the first track are so bad lol, shame cause I love the instrumental

i feel embarrassed listening to some of these lyrics/vocals on speakers
Finally gave it a full listen all the way through. This is in no way indicative of how I will end up feeling about the album but after this first go around I can't say it did anything for me. Sounds like a Daft Punk album made to be elevator music.

Just broke up with my gf.

*Cue Game of Love*

this song really grew on me. i occasionally find myself humming the "and it was youuuuuuuu" followed by that little instrumental part around 1:27

"within" is the only track that i havent really felt strongly about at all

dont worry bro, go out with some bros and have fun! meet some girls, start dancing and if youre doin it right, you might get lucky and touch and soon be in regular contact :)


I wish I was still young like you guys and didn't think every new thing that was bad, was awesome.

Enjoy youngins and or people with bad taste.

Considering it's there first album with new music in 8 years.. I guess it could have been worst.
I've listened through the album a few times now. I like it well enough so far, and I'm kind of indifferent to other Daft Punk records. My favorite tracks are Get Lucky, Touch, Giorgio by Moroder, and Doin' it Right. The second half of the album is really good.


Listened to it a couple of times during the iTunes stream last week and was feeling mixed on it. Still bought it today. I gave it like 4 listens today and have completely fallen in love. The album certainly has its low points, "Game of Love" for one, but it's highs are incredible. I love "Touch" and "Instant Crush". Those two songs alone justify the album for me. It's a less consistent album than Discovery, but I still love it.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Contact is such an amazing fucking song. I need to hear it at a concert.


I wish I was still young like you guys and didn't think every new thing that was bad, was awesome.

Enjoy youngins and or people with bad taste.

Considering it's there first album with new music in 8 years.. I guess it could have been worst.

When I’m your age, I hope I’ll still be able to write intelligible sentences.


I wish I was still young like you guys and didn't think every new thing that was bad, was awesome.

Enjoy youngins and or people with bad taste.

Considering it's there first album with new music in 8 years.. I guess it could have been worst.

I once got my dad into a band that he ended up listening to a lot. He asked me "When did they start making music?" and I replied with "1991/1992" and he was shocked because around the end of the 80s/ beginning 90s he gave up on music and just listened to his classics because he thought it was all shit from that point onwards. If it were not for GAF and their music OTs then I probably would have the same stance on modern music now as he did back then.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
The album finally clicked with me. I had a really shit day at work, came home exhausted so I grabbed a whiskey, dimmed the lights and stuck the headphones on.

Dear god I had a journey inside my own mind.

Makes me wish I still got high.
Just got home from the RAM listening event, good times. The DJ was having issues with the vinyl at first (and everyone booed) but once that got sorted out it was great. The album holds it's own very well when played to a crowd on a nice loud sound system, everyone was into it. Giorgio, Get Lucky and Contact were the crowd favorites.

Shit was awesome and I managed to bring home a few DP masks.

I'm going to bed, I'm drunk.


A nice little touch: if you have the vinyl, check out the innermost ring on the last side, they have engraved "If love is the answer you're home"
Tried to take a picture of it, but it turned out to be too difficult...

EDIT: According to this, RAM is now number one in 85 countries


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Damn now I want to listen to Horizon, I thought it was going to be a throwaway bonus track.


Question to people in UK

My friend wants to order the Vinyl from Amazon does it come with mp3 album version for free also. I know my preorder from Daft Punk site via myplay did just wondering if Amazon copies do

Foxix Von

It just occurred to me how great get lucky is as a single. The lyrics didn't make much sense to me as a single, but in the context of the album am I wrong in thinking it's basically a love letter to 60's and 70's music? That and these little digs about the present having no ribbon, and raising the bar. It's an invitation to getting back to musical roots.

If I'm looking at it right it's actually really clever to hide this kind of a thing behind the rest of the lyrics. Would also explain why this song got released as a single first over lose yourself to dance. It's kind of their artist's statement for the album imo.
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