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Daft Punk - RAM lOTl - They're nice robots, they chose to stay.







pretty much lol.

I heard that 1st and was like HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT.

Listening to the rest now.


That last track. THE DRUMS WERE CRAZY.

It's been a good journey. The kind I'll revisit over and over again.

It's not perfect but nothing is apart from Alive 2007.

1. Contact
2. Give Life Back to Music
3. Giorgio by Moroder
4. Lose Yourself to Dance
5. Instant Crush
6. Beyond
Listened to my first playthrough and enjoyed the album in general. It's a little softer than I thought it was going to be, but still great. What I love I really love too. Gonna give it another couple of listens today and let it sink in some more.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Ok seriously...Contact WOAH It's like the album is a sedative and Contact just slaps you across the face with a crowbar!


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
So glad this is not another overproduced EDM record. Was listening to Nero the other day and now compared and this blows it out of the water. Love how 'clean' it sounds, I can't explain it well. I just love how it sounds.

Instant Crush now, so far I like every song I've listened to. The robots delivered, which is insane considering the hype.


December 16, 2009. 4:00 AM. THE LIGHT FIELD is the force. The mind. That guides. Controls.
Here's my review. I was super excited when loading up the album. It started it out so strongly with those first three tracks. The killer guitar in Give Life Back to Music. The entirety of Game Of Love (reminded me of their best tracks from Discovery). The orchestral fireworks towards the end of Georgio By Moroder. The excitement and enjoyment however started to decline from Within onwards. Within is just not a good track compared to the rest of the album or anything Daft Punk has ever done before.

Instant Crush is decent enough but I have no desire to listen to it again. Lose Yourself To Dance is when the album starts to redeem itself. I agree with the rest of you that this track in particular is amazing. Reminds me of an old school seventies style disco track with Daft Punk's modern signature. I loved the second part and climax of Touch with the choir. The second part specifically is quite lovely and beautiful. I think the issue I had with Touch is that it sounds nothing like a Daft Punk track at all. If I had heard it standalone I would have never believed it was by them. I'm not entirely sure whether this is a positive or negative.

Then we have the album version of Get Lucky. Several orders of magnitude beyond the radio edit. I felt that this was the definitive version of the track and the one they should have released. Get Lucky needed more room to breathe and the album edit demonstrates this perfectly. I really like the album version much more than the radio edit. Then we have Beyond. Decent enough but nothing planet shattering. Motherboard however is to me one of the standout tracks. It's an awesome instrumental and I'm so glad it's featured on the album. It was the first time throughout the second half of the album I felt "stunned" by a track. One of the best on here for sure.

I can see that many of you are loving Fragments Of Time but this was the disappointment of the album for me. I equated Todd Edward's appearance on the track as evidence that the track was destined to be something great but I just feel that the chorus doesn't deliver. The lyrics are so good but the music behind them doesn't sound that enjoyable. The track never clicks. I just expected something better coming off Todd's contributions on Discovery. Then we have Doin' It Right which works completely as a decent Panda Bear track but doesn't really belong on this album. It's too repetitive and doesn't sound like Daft Punk. It sounds like Panda Bear giving Daft Punk one of his own tracks to use on their album.

Then we have the album closer Contact. Contact felt like more a sonic build-up of sound designed for live shows as opposed to something as mind-blowing as DJ Falcon's previous collaborations like Together or So Much Love to Give. It works completely as the climax to the album but I think it's something that's only possible to be truly appreciated when heard live. I feel that DJ Falcon's previous work with Daft Punk on the previously mentioned tracks are much, much better than Contact. Contact also sounds very similar to the track they played in that DJ set from 2002. I was hoping Contact would have been reworked and improved since then but instead it sounds like the same track I've already heard. Expected more from the DJ Falcon collaboration. I was hoping for another Together.

Overall: I love some of the tracks on here but I finished the first listen feeling disappointed. I think the hype shot my expectations into the stratosphere; expectations that would have been almost impossible to meet and given this album is merely "good" as opposed to "great" I now feel let down. I can't realistically believe that this album has anything on the best tracks from Homework (Fresh for example) or almost everything on Discovery. I would say this album is better than Human After All but only just. I think that the disappointment I'm feeling is primarily due to expecting a Discovery part two; an expectation derived from hearing that Daft Punk were returning to disco.

I think that because RAM is definitely not a continuation of their sound from Discovery; or even an evolution of that sound I am left feeling disappointed. RAM is a very different album to anything they've ever done before and a complete divergence in their sound. I would have preferred a return to Discovery-era Daft Punk as opposed to what they have chosen to do here which is attempt something completely new. I wanted to love this. I really really did but thus far I only like it and that thought to me is a disappointing one. To finish on a positive note: I'm glad so many of you are loving this and finding so much enjoyment in their new music.

I just wish I could feel the same.


C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon


Fragments Of Time is the worst song on the album. Do we all agree?

Wut. It's my favorite. The verse is just nuts.

Would agree with Get Lucky. But that's probably just because I've been hearing it for a couple weeks straight. Not bad at all, just overheard.


Don't know what to make of this record. Some of its really good and some of its really bad. Gonna listen again when I'm out of class.


Holy fuck just before the end of contact when it drops after all the build up my phone crashed and the screen just went black. Crazy lol its like the phone was actually building up to it lol.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Holy shiiiiiiiiit at Contact

:O :O
so are some of you just not famliar with the popular music of the 1970s and early 80s?

this album is that. it's that with 201X production values and the advantage of being able to sift what was good and what was bad about 30 year old music. some of you are acting like this is the first time you've ever heard a drum kit and a bass guitar.

the last 1:20 of beyond should've been another 4 minutes.


I probably like Within the least. Giorgio by Moroder is my favorite one. It's just amazing. Dat bass near the end.
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