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Daft Punk - RAM lOTl - They're nice robots, they chose to stay.

PSY・S;57841030 said:
cdyhybrid is replying to the post where you pull this crap

And follow that up with

No one is saying that their image hasn't played a large role in their popularity, and don't act like you weren't trying to annoy people with your posts.

I'm just being realistic. I don't see this kind of thread for any electronic producers who don't wear robot helmets. We'll see when the new Boards of Canada is out I guess.


I'm just being realistic. I don't see this kind of thread for any electronic producers who don't wear robot helmets. We'll see when the new Boards of Canada is out I guess.
Boards of Canada isn't as accessible or popular as Daft Punk, so that won't happen, although there will certainly be interest.


Someone on reddit posted the contents of CD booklet I can't post the link right now (using a shitty phone) but It looks great.
I'm just being realistic. I don't see this kind of thread for any electronic producers who don't wear robot helmets. We'll see when the new Boards of Canada is out I guess.

I laughed.

Boards of Canada are great but they're nothing like Daft Punk. Their style of music doesn't have the same mass appeal.

Edit: Thanks for the heads up, IceCold. It does look great.
Having listened to this a bunch of times, the one track that really annoys me is Lose Yourself to Dance. Drags on for way too long, and doesn't build at all. It's like they came up with the one idea and didn't know what to do with it so they just copy & pasted. After the 50th loop it just gets boring. If it was ~3 minutes it would be much better.
Hey guys! Thanks again for all the support for my last tee!
I've got another limited edition Daft Punk t-shirt, this time up at www.Teefury.com!

Get Lucky & Roll Out! ♥


Ordered. Great work.

Ran rp

Having listened to this a bunch of times, the one track that really annoys me is Lose Yourself to Dance. Drags on for way too long, and doesn't build at all. It's like they came up with the one idea and didn't know what to do with it so they just copy & pasted. After the 50th loop it just gets boring. If it was ~3 minutes it would be much better.

Get Lucky has the same problem. I think Doin' It Right is the only one of the three that pulls it off since it's only 4 minutes and doesn't pretend likes it's going to go build up to anything.


Honestly, this thread reminds me why I hate the ever growing influence of music critique since the 90's. I hope many in this thread truly understand that they are looking at this record, after a 72 hour sampling, in comparison to records that they have been able to ingest for 8, 12 and 16 years.

Like many here, I awaited and bought Discovery the day it came out. 12 years ago. I can understand if your expectations were too high, you were expecting/wanting something like Discovery etc., or whatever. But this focus on which record is better, how good is it, is it innovative, etc., that is permeating our art culture today is horseplop. Straight horseplop.

Frankly, it's why we have so many examples of Discovery getting middling reviews, then in hindsight after a good deal of time ingesting the music, it's heralded as one of the best records in a 10 year span. It's hilarious how many of those examples you can find, and how they completely destroy the point of critiquing music RIGHT AWAY.

Now, I'm not saying all you guys will come around and love it, of course not. Many won't I'm sure. But give it time, take it easy, don't let mainstream, pointless archetypes like hype, rankings, 'innovation', ruin your chance at enjoying something. Give life back to the music. (Did it.)
I want to dedicate this post to four songs which I don't think get appreciated enough;
Game Of Love, Within, Beyond
and Motherboard.
I love 'em. It's like someone is delicately massaging my brain, sending signals down my spine and soothing my entire core.
They're just very easy to listen to.


I want to dedicate this post to four songs which I don't think get appreciated enough;
Game Of Love, Within, Beyond
and Motherboard.
I love 'em. It's like someone is delicately massaging my brain, sending signals down my spine and soothing my entire core.
They're just very easy to listen to.

I agree.

My only issue is the placement of Game of Love. It feels like it should be in the second half of the album. At least certainly not as track 2.


Honestly, this thread reminds me why I hate the ever growing influence of music critique since the 90's. I hope many in this thread truly understand that they are looking at this record, after a 72 hour sampling, in comparison to records that they have been able to ingest for 8, 12 and 16 years.

Like many here, I awaited and bought Discovery the day it came out. 12 years ago. I can understand if your expectations were too high, you were expecting/wanting something like Discovery etc., or whatever. But this focus on which record is better, how good is it, is it innovative, etc., that is permeating our art culture today is horseplop. Straight horseplop.

Frankly, it's why we have so many examples of Discovery getting middling reviews, then in hindsight after a good deal of time ingesting the music, it's heralded as one of the best records in a 10 year span. It's hilarious how many of those examples you can find, and how they completely destroy the point of critiquing music RIGHT AWAY.

Now, I'm not saying all you guys will come around and love it, of course not. Many won't I'm sure. But give it time, take it easy, don't let mainstream, pointless archetypes like hype, rankings, 'innovation', ruin your chance at enjoying something. Give life back to the music. (Did it.)

Honestly I don't need to listen to shit for 10 years just to confirm that it's shit. Not that this album is completely shitty, but by its very nature it relies on the audience falling for its vibe. If you're not suckered in by that, you're left with a fairly shallow experience that is a fun ride at first but gets old fast. I've listened 7 times, and I'm confident this is not a record that I will find to be edifying. That said, I do think you're correct that a lot of reviews come too soon. All the early RAM reviews that hyped this record into oblivion look pretty foolish now.

Also, I don't think there's any reason to tell people to stop analyzing their music. Some people want to hear innovative sounds. When they hear something that is stale, they will say "This is stale." That's just what people do. There's nothing wrong with it.

Also does anyone honestly herald Discovery as one of the best albums of the last 10 years? First I've heard of it. I suppose folks from a DP message board probably would.

They're just very easy to listen to.

That's why I personally don't like them. They breeze right by with no consequence. Challenge me with the music of the future, Daft Punk. Not with dumbed-down Herbie Hancock lounge.
I'm just being realistic. I don't see this kind of thread for any electronic producers who don't wear robot helmets. We'll see when the new Boards of Canada is out I guess.

Why don't you make a Boards of Canada Appreciation thread? I just don't see the point of whining about people talking about Daft Punk in a Daft Punk thread.


Honestly I don't need to listen to shit for 10 years just to confirm that it's shit. Not that this album is completely shitty, but by its very nature it relies on the audience falling for its vibe. If you're not suckered in by that, you're left with a fairly shallow experience that is a fun ride at first but gets old fast. I've listened 7 times, and I'm confident this is not a record that I will find to be edifying. That said, I do think you're correct that a lot of reviews come too soon. All the early RAM reviews that hyped this record into oblivion look pretty foolish now.

Also, I don't think there's any reason to tell people to stop analyzing their music. Some people want to hear innovative sounds. When they hear something that is stale, they will say "This is stale." That's just what people do. There's nothing wrong with it.

Also does anyone honestly herald Discovery as one of the best albums of the last 10 years? First I've heard of it. I suppose folks from a DP message board probably would.

Ok come on. Discovery is pretty damn well regarded, everywhere. It ranked everywhere in the recentish end of the decade lists.


Ok come on. Discovery is pretty damn well regarded, everywhere. It ranked everywhere in the recentish end of the decade lists.

Hmm maybe I am just exposed to different crowds. RYM has it at 51 of the 2000s, that's pretty high I suppose. I do like Discovery a lot, but for me it probably wouldn't make my top 100 of the decade.


Also, I don't think there's any reason to tell people to stop analyzing their music. Some people want to hear innovative sounds. When they hear something that is stale, they will say "This is stale." That's just what people do. There's nothing wrong with it.

That's why I personally don't like them. They breeze right by with no consequence. Challenge me with the music of the future, Daft Punk. Not with dumbed-down Herbie Hancock lounge.
This is my exact point. Define these? Please. Because you cannot, they are artificial creations drummed by musical critique in order to attempt to justify its own existence.

You lambaste those who overhyped this record prior to going into it, but you yourself have so clearly gone into with preconceived notions, in the opposite direction, so tell me, what's the difference here?


so now that i've given it a few listens, i'll have to say that "contact" is my least favorite track on the album.


This is my exact point. Define these? Please. Because you cannot, they are artificial creations drummed by musical critique in order to attempt to justify its own existence.

You lambaste those who overhyped this record prior to going into it, but you yourself have so clearly gone into with preconceived notions, in the opposite direction, so tell me, what's the difference here?

Innovation is a rather simple word to define, is it not? I want sounds that I am not familiar with and did not expect. Maybe they do this by renovating the past, that's a fine technique (I believe they attempted to do this but did not succeed).

I have found past Daft Punk records to be only pretty good. So of course I didn't just expect them to suddenly be mind-blowing. Call that what you will, but I hoped it would be a great record and would have loved for it to be great. I want everything that I listen to to be great.


Innovation is a rather simple word to define, is it not? I want sounds that I am not familiar with and did not expect. Maybe they do this by renovating the past, that's a fine technique (I believe they attempted to do this but did not succeed).
Look I'm not gonna start some big discussion with you, if you don't like it you don't (though I will say listening to it 7 times in 72 hours to determine if you do is super counterproductive), but here's my point again based on the bolded:

So rock, hip-hop, blues, jazz and country music is all out then and thus not innovative? Those genres, unless you count adding in electronics and/or other production techniques, have all been producing the same sounds for decades.

I clearly assume you don't think this, thus you must think that it's not just that, but the individual creation of the music, which thus makes this 'innovative' notion moot, because then ALL music is both innovative and not innovative. Frankly, it's only ever used for EDM now, because people just assume technology will create something new.

That's all, I'll stop now.


Look I'm not gonna start some big discussion with you, if you don't like it you don't (though I will say listening to it 7 times in 72 hours to determine if you do is super counterproductive), but here's my point again based on the bolded:

So rock, hip-hop, blues, jazz and country music is all out then and thus not innovative? Those genres, unless you count adding in electronics and/or other production techniques, have all been producing the same sounds for decades.

If a band just retreads the conventions of a genre, then I probably won't be interested on a production level. Of course even then if they have strong songwriting I will still enjoy it. Daft Punk only utilize the occasional melody so that doesn't apply so much to them, with a couple exceptions (Digital Love would be amazing no matter the production). My issue with RAM is that I feel like I'm not getting anything out of it, I'm just getting a less funky version of artists that already did this way better many years ago. It's not new, and it's not as good as the old. If someone doesn't know any of the albums that RAM is emulating, I can see why they might think this album is amazing.

I'm not trying to shove my opinion down anyone's throat, I'm simply making an attempt to communicate it clearly.

ps: I haven't heard any really creative EDM in a while. In fact I'm pretty sick of most of it.


Contact is just so ridiculously undercooked. Hopefully it'll be developed more when it's inevitably remixed with Together to close out concerts.


Hey guys! Thanks again for all the support for my last tee!
I've got another limited edition Daft Punk t-shirt, this time up at www.Teefury.com!

Get Lucky & Roll Out! ♥

Damn that's a nice shirt. Price can't be beat, ordered one in black.

Will you bring back the glow in the dark shirt at some point? Maybe on your personal site? If there's demand for it why deny your market!
That's why I personally don't like them. They breeze right by with no consequence. Challenge me with the music of the future, Daft Punk. Not with dumbed-down Herbie Hancock lounge.

Just seen you post in a Franz Ferdinand thread, I think our tastes in music couldn't be more different!


My issue with RAM is that I feel like I'm not getting anything out of it, I'm just getting a less funky version of artists that already did this way better many years ago. It's not new, and it's not as good as the old. If someone doesn't know any of the albums that RAM is emulating, I can see why they might think this album is amazing.
Yea see this I don't agree with at all, and a few people have used this 'argument' in this thread now, and frankly it's so incredibly passive aggressive in its pomposity. "Well, I can see how you dig it cause you just don't know other music like I do."

More important though is your comment that you dislike EDM lately as a whole, which is just so absurd I don't think I'll ever be able to understand where you're coming from. So bygones.


I'm actually surprised people are talking about this album and "EDM" in the same breath.... There's hardly anything electronic-y (or even dancy, for me) about it.

My issue with the album is just the overall lack of energy, I guess stemming from what I was hoping the album would be leading up to its release. I feel like there's too many cheesy, croony vocals across the map that are detrimental to the tracks, but I'm sure I'll love the whole thing in a week's time.

Outside of a few standout tracks, it just feels.... boring, I guess.


Yea see this I don't agree with at all, and a few people have used this 'argument' in this thread now, and frankly it's so incredibly passive aggressive in its pomposity. "Well, I can see how you dig it cause you just don't know other music like I do."

More important though is your comment that you dislike EDM lately as a whole, which is just so absurd I don't think I'll ever be able to understand where you're coming from. So bygones.

There's nothing passive aggressive about it. If you have a lot of experience in a certain genre, you're probably going to be more discerning towards new music in that genre than someone who is hearing it for the first time. When I first heard Coldplay it was a new style to me and I thought it was really great. Maybe if I had more experience in the genre I would have said "wow this is pretty boring". (actually coldplay is a bad example because it IS pretty great but i digress, lol)

I like EDM. And I was actually too harsh on its creativity, because there are new things going on, it's just that there are waves of generic things you have to wade through to get there.


Listening to the album now.

Give Life Back to music is gdlike. Listening to Game of Love right now and it seems rather inspired by Daft Punk's own song, Something About Us. Me likey.

EDIT: omg, Giorgio by Morodor is heavenly

This album is impressing the fuck outta me right now, Daft Punk redeemed?
Listening to the album now.

Give Life Back to music is gdlike. Listening to Game of Love right now and it seems rather inspired by Daft Punk's own song, Something About Us. Me likey.

It's fair to say that Something About Us has been comfortably dethroned as the song which demonstrates Daft Punk's softer side. And I say that as a huge admirer of Something About Us. Beyond is another one to watch out for.

The king is dead, long live the king.


Hmm, I far prefer Something About Us at this point. Much more appealing melody and I think the music is more gripping too.

Something about the melody in Game of Love rubs me the wrong way, can't explain why yet though.
Innovation is a rather simple word to define, is it not? I want sounds that I am not familiar with and did not expect. Maybe they do this by renovating the past, that's a fine technique (I believe they attempted to do this but did not succeed).

I have found past Daft Punk records to be only pretty good. So of course I didn't just expect them to suddenly be mind-blowing. Call that what you will, but I hoped it would be a great record and would have loved for it to be great. I want everything that I listen to to be great.
whenever I hear someone talk about innovation in music, I think of Dylan. You don't always have to be innovative to make fantastic albums. Daft punks albums aren't groundbreaking, nor should any album be so. You're placing an expectation on the album for a silly reason. Like radiohead, I appreciate their willingness to try new sounds for them.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I really like the vocals in Doin It Right, it's like pet sounds era Brian Wilson jammin with the robots.


After a lot more listens, I think Instant Crush is my favorite song on this album.

Contact is sorta becoming grating after a while, I still like it but I usually switch to something else at the end.
I want to dedicate this post to four songs which I don't think get appreciated enough;
Game Of Love, Within, Beyond
and Motherboard.
I love 'em. It's like someone is delicately massaging my brain, sending signals down my spine and soothing my entire core.
They're just very easy to listen to.

I just wish beyond didn't have that cheesy opening
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