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Daft Punk - RAM lOTl - They're nice robots, they chose to stay.


This mornings delivery!

So, once again, the album collection is complete, both on CD and Vinyl!

Bonus ongoing 12" singles collection:


I just can't get over how perfect Give Life Back To Music and Contact are. For a band to be absent from making new studio material for eight years and come back swinging with such a great opener is awesome. It was so hard not to smile to that opening riff. Contact is also a crazy beautiful sendoff to the album. It's like the rebuttal to Human After All (the track), it feels like it makes everything come full circle.
Yeah, Give Life Back to Music is pretty great. I'm still not big on the album as a whole, but I love that track.


So after absorbing this record for the past week, I am coming round to the opinion that this is my favourite record of theirs.

I have been a fan of Daft Punk for a good many years; and seeing them at Alive 2007 is definitely one of my top-tier concert experiences. They've always pulled me in with their big dance anthems like 'da funk', 'one more time' and 'alive' but there has always been some fluff on their albums which reduced their impact as a whole.

Not with RAM though.

RAM feels like the most complete record. It's a much better listen from start to finish. It reminds of Kid A in the sense that it's whole is greater than the sum of its parts; that while I may not rush home to listen to tracks like 'beyond' or 'within', when played in the full order of the album it just sounds right.

Once again they've taken their sound to a new direction. The live funk band vibe that permeates this record is fresh yet sounds like Daft Punk at the same time. Taking some of the songs in a more standard pop arrangement, rather than loops and samples, just works.

Anyway, there's my thoughts. One of my favourite records this year.


Why are people so into Pitchfork? Are they respected a lot for their reviews just like Edge is for gaming? I see the name so often...


Why are people so into Pitchfork? Are they respected a lot for their reviews just like Edge is for gaming? I see the name so often...

Its probably the biggest music website out there. They're alright I guess for reviews. Its all kind of meaningless really...one person's opinion.


It's really amazing. Listening now for the first time and it sounds damn awesome. The Giorgio piece is the best in my opinion.
i dunno thats still too much imo...there are a ton of indies that put out presses/sleeves of that quality for much lower prices.

it still has nothing on the massive rip that was the mbv vinyl which had probably the cheapest, shittiest sleeve of any record I've ever owned (though the wax itself did sound great to be fair).

Ordered it from their website and my first copy was in terrible condition. The paper was so thin that the record tore through the top and bottom in shipping. I requested a replacement and the second copy had much thicker sleeve.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Sad News

Romanthony, a house producer and singer perhaps best known for his collaboration with Daft Punk, has died, Billboard reports.

Romanthony, born Anthony Moore, reportedly died in his Austin, Texas, home May 7. According to Spin, he passed away due to complications of kidney disease, and was 45 years old.

According to Chicago's 5 Magazine, it was singer Daone Remmidy (aka Eve Angel) who first broke the news of Romanthony's death on Facebook several days ago, writing, "Our Music Industry has lost yet another pioneer and music legend, I am deeply saddened to Announce the Passing our my Label Owner, Producer, Manager, and Family. Our Beloved World Renowned DJ and Producer Romanthony has passed away."

Romanthony's sister Mellony Moore subsequently confirmed the news on Facebook, writing, "Thank u for your calls and prayers my brother was a musical genius."

Romanthony will be remembered for performing the vocals on the Daft Punk hit "One More Time," on their 2001 album "Discovery." "One More Time" was ranked No. 307 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time list and No. 33 on the magazine's 100 Best Songs of the 2000s.


I'm kinda dissapointed in Doin' It Right. It's catchy but I think it would be a song to benefit from going somewhere, but no, the first minute is basically the song.


I love how everybody seems to have a different favorite track. I don't know why exactly, but the album really grows on you. Love it.



Daft Punk’s fourth studio album, “Random Access Memories,” is an attempt to make the kind of disco record that they sampled so heavily for “Discovery.” As such, it serves as a tribute to those who came before them and as a direct rebuke to much of what they’ve spawned. Only intermittently electronic in nature, and depending largely on live musicians, it is extremely ambitious, and as variable in quality as any popular album you will hear this year. Noodly jazz fusion instrumentals? Absolutely. Soggy poetry and kid choirs? Yes, please. Clichés that a B-list teen-pop writer would discard? Bring it on. The duo has become so good at making records that I replay parts of “Random Access Memories” repeatedly while simultaneously thinking it is some of the worst music I’ve ever heard. Daft Punk engages the sound and the surface of music so lovingly that all seventy-five loony minutes of “Random Access Memories” feel fantastic, even when you are hearing music you might never seek out. This record raises a radical question: Does good music need to be good?


I know those words but that paragraph makes no sense.

Weirdly it makes total sense too me. Too tired to put this properly in words and develop the thought but mainly it feels like in any other circumstances you'd find the music completely cheesy and not corresponding at all to the genre you usually listen to but when mixed by DP it becomes addictive and awesome. Fuck yeah.


This thread is impossible to catch up on but I just wanted to say that I had so many moments with this album this past weekend. I honestly like every track on the album depending on my mood, and I love the album immensely as a straight-through listen, but the tracks I keep coming back to are:

Instant Crush
Lose Yourself to Dance

Instant Crush is a really sad song to me, despite being up-tempo. Initially I thought it was surface-level and easy to digest but further listens make left me with the feeling that it is really complex, in terms of whatever message/story that Julian/Daft Punk are trying to communicate. Nevertheless, I keep listening...

Lose Yourself to Dance is a great, stompy track with a lot of earnest energy. I feel like it begs and calls out to all those passive people who sit on the sidelines at wedding receptions who are afraid to leave their comfy tables. I love the repeated, escalating "C'mon, C'moon, C'mooon..." part and can't get it out of my head.

Touch is incredible. I originally thought the vocals were clunky and awkward but now I see they are essential. Once you succumb and make peace with how much lyrical content is on the album, and figure out how it connects to the individual songs, it's easy to submit to it. I am in awe of Touch's power and journey and feel like I have been transplanted into the head of a robot that has been rebooted.

Fucking magical.
Thread moves too fast for me to keep up with it... :)

See Amazon may have removed the AutoRip label with the CD? It was there yesterday.

EDIT: Possible it was the vinyl, but, would swear was looking at the CD version. Maybe not.

Assuming it does have AutoRip, will that unlock at midnight?


The first time I played Touch, my girlfriend hated it. Said it reminded her of Phantom of the Opera.

So I blasted it throughout most of the weekend. By Sunday night, she begrudgingly told me that she was starting to like it.

Such is the power of Touch.
What an utterly dull album so far. This is hot garbage so far. It is about as catchy as a straight fishing hook.

Aight, just need to unequivocally state how dead fucking wrong my initial opinion of this album was. The "shock" of the direction and tone of the album blinded me. For those who may have felt like I did during the first listen, make sure to listen to it from start to finish, at least twice and preferably with some decent speakers or headphones (the mixing is phenomenal)

This album gets better with each listen. I love it, its amazing. This weekend I was just playing Kerbal Space Program with this album on repeat and loving it. My first time touching down on Duna with RAM playing was perfect.

I was a kneejerk fool with my initial sentiments. I am tempted to get a turn table and finally start buying vinyl just for this album.


Aight, just need to unequivocally state how dead fucking wrong my initial opinion of this album was. The "shock" of the direction and tone of the album blinded me. For those who may have felt like I did during the first listen, make sure to listen to it from start to finish, at least twice and preferably with some decent speakers or headphones (the mixing is phenomenal)

This album gets better with each listen. I love it, its amazing. This weekend I was just playing Kerbal Space Program with this album on repeat and loving it. My first time touching down on Duna with RAM playing was perfect.

I was a kneejerk fool with my initial sentiments. I am tempted to get a turn table and finally start buying vinyl just for this album.

Welcome, brother.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The Newyorker review to me just reinforces how we become stuck within a prison of our own taste without realizing it.

You hear a piece of music that you like except you practically try to argue to yourself that it's shit because "that kind of music is shit" or "I don't like this kind of music". We're contradictory - we constantly demand fresh new things because we're bored, but we're really only comfortable with more of the same because the pattern of enjoyment and reward is already pressed into place.

I appreciate when my boat is rocked, when I am made to like something I never thought of before or even actively disliked at first. At one level it almost literally means neural maps are being redefined and that opens up the potential for truly new experiences.

I was a kneejerk fool with my initial sentiments. I am tempted to get a turn table and finally start buying vinyl just for this album.

Try not to feel too bad. It's a real effect: give someone a mug of dark brown liquid and tell them it's hot coffee, while they smell hot coffee in the room. Then they sip it and find it's tea. Instead of tasting the tea, they'll experience the most foul-tasting cup of coffee ever and spit it out.

Expectations can seriously warp perception and later you'll have trouble understanding how you reacted a certain way before.


Finally it unlocks soon on iTunes lol. Also NME gives the album 10/10 but the reviews are down they must be updating or something.
The Newyorker review to me just reinforces how we become stuck within a prison of our own taste without realizing it.

You hear a piece of music that you like except you practically try to argue to yourself that it's shit because "that kind of music is shit" or "I don't like this kind of music". We're contradictory - we constantly demand fresh new things because we're bored, but we're really only comfortable with more of the same because the pattern of enjoyment and reward is already pressed into place.

I appreciate when my boat is rocked, when I am made to like something I never thought of before or even actively disliked at first. At one level it almost literally means neural maps are being redefined and that opens up the potential for truly new experiences.

Try not to feel too bad. It's a real effect: give someone a mug of dark brown liquid and tell them it's hot coffee, while they smell hot coffee in the room. Then they sip it and find it's tea. Instead of tasting the tea, they'll experience the most foul-tasting cup of coffee ever and spit it out.

Expectations can seriously warp perception and later you'll have trouble understanding how you reacted a certain way before.

Very well said. Its very hard to escape that mentality right now.
My Amazon vinyl order arrived at my local post office this morning (shipped via FedEx Smartpost so they just drop it with the local USPS folks), early enough to theoretically make it onto the truck even, but the estimated delivery date is Wednesday. Mail, why do you play with my emotions.


Shit! Mine is out for delivery...

I thought I has some more time, do I get new speakers today? uggggg. I need new brakes on my car.


The first time I played Touch, my girlfriend hated it. Said it reminded her of Phantom of the Opera.

So I blasted it throughout most of the weekend. By Sunday night, she begrudgingly told me that she was starting to like it.

Such is the power of Touch.

I had one of those epiphany moments with that track... where it all just clicked. It sounds stupid (and I was totally digging most of the album before this) but it really was like I cracked that window and could now properly see what the entire concerted album effort was trying achieve.

I love how one track can potentially make that happen and I realize how pretentious that sounds. Don't give a fuck.



My vinyl from amazon hasn't even shipped yet - it's being 'prepared'. I hope that doesn't mean played on some crappy record player...
Fragments of Time. Just complete excellence. When it really gets into the groove and the solo kicks in, right after that when it hits staccato and the beat is pounding. I just wish it went on longer.


The Newyorker review to me just reinforces how we become stuck within a prison of our own taste without realizing it.

You hear a piece of music that you like except you practically try to argue to yourself that it's shit because "that kind of music is shit" or "I don't like this kind of music". We're contradictory - we constantly demand fresh new things because we're bored, but we're really only comfortable with more of the same because the pattern of enjoyment and reward is already pressed into place.

I appreciate when my boat is rocked, when I am made to like something I never thought of before or even actively disliked at first. At one level it almost literally means neural maps are being redefined and that opens up the potential for truly new experiences.

In an interview (don't remember which, sorry, I have I read too many daft punk articles the last month) they said that Homework was an attempt to show rock kids that electronic music can be good, Discovery was the opposite, trying to show electro kids that rock can be good. They have always had this philosophy of trying to expand people's horizons. This album, with the marketing and Get Lucky, was kind of a musical trojan horse. Just look at some of the Daft Punk threads we have had here, people have been asking for tips for more old funk, other have explored their earlier work and asked for more electronic music of that kind etc.

You can say whatever you want about the musical aspects of RAM itself (I personally love it), but when people are saying this and this artist are doing it better, they tend to oversee the position Daft Punk is in. They are not trying to outclass every single band out there, they're just fighting the current trends in the mainstream. They made this entire launch a musical event, to bring some attention and love back to the craft itself. I'm amazed how many (and myself) are buying the vinyl. If you look at amazon's top seller list, the vinyl is on third place in a list with only CDs. Only for that this album's impact is really cool. How many people must be buying a vinyl for the first time? In an age of spotify and youtube, it's refreshing.
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