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Daisy Ridley Thought Rey’s Parentage Was Revealed in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

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Can we get a Star Wars that doesn't focus on parents?

Even Rogue One fell victim to this shit.

There are other meaningful relationships that a character can have.

Gotta recycle that same old plot point till the end of the earth, heck even my brothers and cousins said how they are all the same and they like Star Wars.
Can we get a Star Wars that doesn't focus on parents?

Even Rogue One fell victim to this shit.

There are other meaningful relationships that a character can have.

If there's one thing that redeems Star Wars to me, it's the relative focus on parent-child relationships over overused lover-lover relationships that seem to be source of 90% of everything in 90% of everything. What exactly would you want?
Wow the whole narrative hook of Rey's parentage is thwarted by a leaked action figure.

Man we live in strange times.
he really was the key to all this..

He manipulated Palpatine to power, but the Emperor failed him. Now some splinter group is trying to take a movement that is rightfully his. Rey will be his revenge, and Luke will be next.

the dude was having a heart to heart with darth vader's helmet

the audience knows him as vader's grandson as well as han's son

I'm surprised that people keeps saying that Kylo isn't a Skywalker. Like being Leia's son doesn't count. Some patriarchal views here. Forget the surname. lol

The guy is Anakin's grandson for god's sake.
Ben Kenobi had an affair with a younger woman on Tatooine and made her pregnant,

she then as a single parent gave birth to a daughter who attended the same high school as Luke.
Luke got her preggers without knowing about it and left Tatooine in ANH to join the Rebels.

so LOL imagine if Rey is both a Kenobi and a Skywalker, double the force


Her being a nobody would be the most satisfying alternative to her being Luke's daughter. I hope one of those two happen, preferably the former.

No more lineages, please.


Can we get a Star Wars that doesn't focus on parents?

Even Rogue One fell victim to this shit.

There are other meaningful relationships that a character can have.

Agreed. I'll be pretty disappointed if her parentage has anything to do with her importance in the story. Anakin came out of nowhere, why not her?

Imagining the storyboard sessions and someone going "how about for this next trilogy, instead of being about Luke, it's about Luke's kid!" is eyeroll-inducing. It had to be the first-suggested and first-dismissed idea. And making it about Obi-wan's kid instead just reeks of them wanting to do a story about Luke's kid but trying to be marginally less predictable.

But at this point there's so much speculation around this that I'm afraid the only way to release the hype tension satisfactorily would be to make her Luke's kid after all. Certainly making her abilities a random occurrence wouldn't do at all anymore.
She'll be Leia's daughter, buy Immaculate Midi-chlorian inception.

She is the OTHER balance to the Force.

That's why Leia and Han broke up - not because of Kylo, but because Han thought she had an affair and doesn't believe in the Force stuff.

He doesn't come to grips with it until his, "It's true. All of it." speech.

The question is - WHO raised Rey? Leia must have handed her off to someone she trusted when Kylo went bad (or whatever went down post-Empire), to protect her like Obi Wan did with Luke to hide him from Vader.

Han might even had KNOWN it was her, but didn't bother asking any questions. He just tried to keep her safe by offering her a job on the Falcon.

The Force is strong in their family and JJ Abrams doesn't like making original stories. He just recycles existing ones.


Junior Member
So people are really clinging to a garbled together line from rotj in the trailer?

They are intentionally just creating mystery for the trailer.

Imo Rey is another daughter of Vader likely through some test tube scenario sometime shortly before he discovered Luke an Leia were alive.

I'm not sure if the timing of that works out. May not have been conceived until after Vaders death though theoretically if any remaining Sith felt they needed to create another super powerful sith.
Seriously though - I think Rey is a GRAND-daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, taken and hidden away by her mommy or daddy.

In other words:

1. Anakin + Ahsoka = Kid A
2. Kid A + Person (Rebel Pilot) = Rey
3. Kid A and Person (Rebel Pilot) fear for Rey's life and hand her off to someone on Jakku
4. War comes to Jakku and Rey winds up orphaned
5. The Force Awakens


Junior Member
Seriously though - I think Rey is a GRAND-daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, taken and hidden away by her mommy or daddy.

In other words:

1. Anakin + Ahsoka = Kid A
2. Kid A + Person (Rebel Pilot) = Rey
3. Kid A and Person (Rebel Pilot) fear for Rey's life and hand her off to someone on Jakku
4. War comes to Jakku and Rey winds up orphaned
5. The Force Awakens

How does Star Wars canon handle inter species mating?

Like does a dominant gene take over or something? Seems kind of racist the human would just wipe out the togruta traits.
How does Star Wars canon handle inter species breeding?

Like does a dominant gene take over or something? Seems kind of racist the human would just wipe out the togruta traits.

Well, Rey is 2nd gen, so maybe?

Human+Togruta = mixed child.

Mixed Child + Human (Rebel Pilot) = Leaning back to human child (Rey).

Who knows. But Anakin obviously didn't care about Jedi rules and he definitely had some sort of thing for Ahsoka in The Clone Wars.

Being the outcast daughter of a mixed mother or father, who themselves were born outside of the Jedi customs does kinda fit the narrative. Sort of.

And, it makes Leia and Luke her Aunt and Uncle.


Junior Member
Well, Rey is 2nd gen, so maybe?

Human+Togruta = mixed child.

Mixed Child + Human = Leaning back to human child.

Who knows. But Anakin obviously didn't care about Jedi rules and he definitely had some sort of thing for Ahsoka in The Clone Wars.

Yeah I'd say a clone / test tube daughter scenario is more viable than that imo.

I think from a narrative perspective it makes sense too. Anakin loses kid(s), eventually draws up plans to create his legacy, maybe never goes through with it as he senses he has children alive still through the force. Vader dies, someone (snoke) starts up Sith reproduction program again and Rey the offspring of Vader from that program. For some reason they don't want to create too many vaders running around (likely to much of a threat to balance in the force and it's relatively unpredictable if a force prodigee will go light side or dark side).

I think Rey was created to offset potential offspring from Leia, but ironically kylo broke bad and it looks like Rey is coming up light side.
Rey is a kenobi.

But considering how aliken VII was to IV, I can tell you now, VIII will have the line.

"Rey, I am your (grand)father". As the reveal. If they do that I might spit the dummy.
Seriously though - I think Rey is a GRAND-daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, taken and hidden away by her mommy or daddy.

In other words:

1. Anakin + Ahsoka = Kid A
2. Kid A + Person (Rebel Pilot) = Rey
3. Kid A and Person (Rebel Pilot) fear for Rey's life and hand her off to someone on Jakku
4. War comes to Jakku and Rey winds up orphaned
5. The Force Awakens
They'll never use a cartoon-only character for something so important in the mainline movies. Also, that would be SUPER creepy.


Seriously though - I think Rey is a GRAND-daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, taken and hidden away by her mommy or daddy.

In other words:

1. Anakin + Ahsoka = Kid A
2. Kid A + Person (Rebel Pilot) = Rey
3. Kid A and Person (Rebel Pilot) fear for Rey's life and hand her off to someone on Jakku
4. War comes to Jakku and Rey winds up orphaned
5. The Force Awakens

I was always more partial to OK Computer
She'll be Leia's daughter, buy Immaculate Midi-chlorian inception.

She is the OTHER balance to the Force.

That's why Leia and Han broke up - not because of Kylo, but because Han thought she had an affair and doesn't believe in the Force stuff.

He doesn't come to grips with it until his, "It's true. All of it." speech.

The question is - WHO raised Rey? Leia must have handed her off to someone she trusted when Kylo went bad (or whatever went down post-Empire), to protect her like Obi Wan did with Luke to hide him from Vader.

Han might even had KNOWN it was her, but didn't bother asking any questions. He just tried to keep her safe by offering her a job on the Falcon.

The Force is strong in their family and JJ Abrams doesn't like making original stories. He just recycles existing ones.

He does believe in The Force. You think after all he's seen in the first three movies he'd still be a skeptic? On top of that, he said it's real in The Force Awakens


At times she seems like she's Han's daughter also. The way she knows the Falcon in and out and how to operate it plus her and Han's chemistry when flying together.
Seriously though - I think Rey is a GRAND-daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, taken and hidden away by her mommy or daddy.

In other words:

1. Anakin + Ahsoka = Kid A
2. Kid A + Person (Rebel Pilot) = Rey
3. Kid A and Person (Rebel Pilot) fear for Rey's life and hand her off to someone on Jakku
4. War comes to Jakku and Rey winds up orphaned
5. The Force Awakens
And then Anakin started a GAF thread about how he isn't a pedophile but a hebephile
At times she seems like she's Han's daughter also. The way she knows the Falcon in and out and how to operate it plus her and Han's chemistry when flying together.
She got to learn the falcon when it was stationed in Jakku.
That's how she knew about the compressor


She'll be Leia's daughter, buy Immaculate Midi-chlorian inception.

She is the OTHER balance to the Force.

That's why Leia and Han broke up - not because of Kylo, but because Han thought she had an affair and doesn't believe in the Force stuff.

He doesn't come to grips with it until his, "It's true. All of it." speech.

The question is - WHO raised Rey? Leia must have handed her off to someone she trusted when Kylo went bad (or whatever went down post-Empire), to protect her like Obi Wan did with Luke to hide him from Vader.

Han might even had KNOWN it was her, but didn't bother asking any questions. He just tried to keep her safe by offering her a job on the Falcon.

The Force is strong in their family and JJ Abrams doesn't like making original stories. He just recycles existing ones.
I thought it was very clear that Han believed by the end of the OT.


Yeah, I'm in the Rey = Kenobi camp, that's the reason why they're not doing a Obi film just yet.

Also, Finn = Mace son?

Can we get a Star Wars that doesn't focus on parents?

Even Rogue One fell victim to this shit.

There are other meaningful relationships that a character can have.

One of SW main theme is family, always has been since it's inception.


Yeah, I'm in the Rey = Kenobi camp, that's the reason why they're not doing a Obi film just yet.

Also, Finn = Mace son?

One of SW main theme is family, always has been since it's inception.
No. I don't want one of the three characterized black people to be related to one of the other two. Plus it doesn't line up. Finn is just Finn.


Yeah, I'm in the Rey = Kenobi camp, that's the reason why they're not doing a Obi film just yet.

Also, Finn = Mace son?

One of SW main theme is family, always has been since it's inception.

Finn can't be Mace's son. He'd be older than Luke lol. Also Windu was very strict with Jedi rules so don't think he'd have a wife and an offspring. Maybe Lando's or grand son of Lando.


Yeah, I'm in the Rey = Kenobi camp, that's the reason why they're not doing a Obi film just yet.

Also, Finn = Mace son?

One of SW main theme is family, always has been since it's inception.

Let's not have all the black Star Wars characters be related, please. Rey, okay. But Rey and Finn? Nah.

EDIT: Not Lando's son/grandson either. Stop it.


I'm still 100% sure she's a Kenobi. Beyond the business sense it makes, there is just way too much imagery involved with Rey that suggests her lineage is that of a Kenobi. Daisy Ridley even said herself that Rey living in solitary is a big clue. Both Anakin and Luke were surrounded by friends and family on Tatooine.

The whole fight between Ben and Rey at the end of VII mirrors the Anakin and Obi-Wan fight at the end of III. They fight surrounded by snow, their grandfathers surrounded by lava. JJ even put in a shot of Rey picking up Anakin's saber after disfiguring Ben, once again mirroring what happens after the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan. That whole duel between Rey and Ben is one big callback to the Mustafar duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan.

And then there's the whole list of other imagery involved with her that suggest she's a Kenobi.
I'm still 100% sure she's a Kenobi. Beyond the business sense it makes, there is just way too much imagery involved with Rey that suggests her lineage is that of a Kenobi. Daisy Ridley even said herself that Rey living in solitary is a big clue. Both Anakin and Luke were surrounded by friends and family on Tatooine.

The whole fight between Ben and Rey at the end of VII mirrors the Anakin and Obi-Wan fight at the end of III. They fight surrounded by snow, their grandfathers surrounded by lava. JJ even put in a shot of Rey picking up Anakin's saber after disfiguring Ben, once again mirroring what happens after the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan. That whole duel between Rey and Ben is one big callback to the Mustafar duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan.

And then there's the whole list of other imagery involved with her that suggest she's a Kenobi.
Yeah, I could somehow see that Rey is somehow the next step of a virgin born Anakin by being a somehow born Kenobi and Luke found her.


Why would any of the main OT characters dump her off on some random shit hole as a little girl and never bother with her again though?
Rey is a Kenobi

Episode IX

Rey: It's over Ben! I have the high ground!

(Kylo Ren jumps up and Rey cuts his dick off from under)

It's like poetry it etc.


I'm still 100% sure she's a Kenobi. Beyond the business sense it makes, there is just way too much imagery involved with Rey that suggests her lineage is that of a Kenobi. Daisy Ridley even said herself that Rey living in solitary is a big clue. Both Anakin and Luke were surrounded by friends and family on Tatooine.

The whole fight between Ben and Rey at the end of VII mirrors the Anakin and Obi-Wan fight at the end of III. They fight surrounded by snow, their grandfathers surrounded by lava. JJ even put in a shot of Rey picking up Anakin's saber after disfiguring Ben, once again mirroring what happens after the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan. That whole duel between Rey and Ben is one big callback to the Mustafar duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan.

And then there's the whole list of other imagery involved with her that suggest she's a Kenobi.

Perhaps - but Luke's whole story in TFA revolves around him living in solitary as well. It doesn't have to be a call back for that hint to be true, it could easily be meant as a parallel to Luke's current state.

People cite the vision where Ben calls to her but we get echoes of Yoda as well. They were Luke's masters and she immediately after gets pushed by Maz to seek out Luke. Ben's presence and intention can easily be explained as a push to find Luke for no other reason than Obi-wan's own connection and the need for Luke to return.

As far as the duel, I still feel like Han is the more obvious parallel to Obi-wan from ANH. He plays the role of the old guy met on the journey who reveals truths to the hero, sets them on their journey, and then dies cementing the hero's path.

To be sure though - I can see all the arguments for her being a Kenobi as well. It's just not as 100% clear as people are trying to make it.

Really, anything but virgin midichlorian birth will be fantastic 😂


Perhaps - but Luke's whole story in TFA revolves around him living in solitary as well. It doesn't have to be a call back for that hint to be true, it could easily be meant as a parallel to Luke's current state.

People cite the vision where Ben calls to her but we get echoes of Yoda as well. They were Luke's masters and she immediately after gets pushed by Maz to seek out Luke. Ben's presence and intention can easily be explained as a push to find Luke for no other reason than Obi-wan's own connection and the need for Luke to return.

As far as the duel, I still feel like Han is the more obvious parallel to Obi-wan from ANH. He plays the role of the old guy met on the journey who reveals truths to the hero, sets them on their journey, and then dies cementing the hero's path.

To be sure though - I can see all the arguments for her being a Kenobi as well. It's just not as 100% clear as people are trying to make it.

Really, anything but virgin midichlorian birth will be fantastic 😂

I agree, it's not 100% sure, but on a personal level I think it's 100% certain (it's not even about being right or wrong for me, I just love to speculate about these kinds of things).

On the her vision, I do find it interesting that Obi-Wan is calling her out. Specifically mentioning 'Rey'. Yoda has a more generic (re-used) line for example same as Luke. Then there is the whole theory that her Force vision has some overlap with a vision that Kylo has about 'a girl'. And he's shown holding what looks like Obi-Wan's lightsaber in the vision:

The theory (origin of the theory) is that Rey has a vision about Kylo upon touching Anakin's saber and Kylo has a vision about a girl left on Jakku upon touching Obi-Wan's saber. Couple that with the tweet that went out on the official Star Wars twitter a while back:

It's looking like that it's going to be a plot point in future films. And finally I think Kylo's real name being Ben is going to have a more emotional pay-off then it just being his name, from a story point of view.
Can we get a Star Wars that doesn't focus on parents?

Even Rogue One fell victim to this shit.

There are other meaningful relationships that a character can have.

The story of Star Wars is the story of the Skywalker family. This has been, and will be, the MO of the mainline movies. You'll likely find what you're looking for in some of the spin-offs, but family is one of the most central themes of Star Wars.


Can we get a Star Wars that doesn't focus on parents?

Even Rogue One fell victim to this shit.

There are other meaningful relationships that a character can have.

Star Wars is a family soap opera in space. Family drama is a central element of the franchise. Always has been, always will be.


It's called Star Wars not Skywalker Wars.
George Lucas many times before said Star Wars is about Skywalker family drama.

Kathy Kennedy who runs it now says the main saga films are about the Skywalker family.

It is called Star Wars but the main entries have ALWAYS been about the Skywalker family first and foremost. That is what they are about. War is just the backdrop for the tale about this family.

It wouldn't be a saga film if it wasn't about this family, it would be a spinoff. It's like wanting a James Bond movie to not be about Bond


I agree, it's not 100% sure, but on a personal level I think it's 100% certain (it's not even about being right or wrong for me, I just love to speculate about these kinds of things).

On the her vision, I do find it interesting that Obi-Wan is calling her out. Specifically mentioning 'Rey'. Yoda has a more generic (re-used) line for example same as Luke. Then there is the whole theory that her Force vision has some overlap with a vision that Kylo has about 'a girl'. And he's shown holding what looks like Obi-Wan's lightsaber in the vision:

The theory (origin of the theory) is that Rey has a vision about Kylo upon touching Anakin's saber and Kylo has a vision about a girl left on Jakku upon touching Obi-Wan's saber. Couple that with the tweet that went out on the official Star Wars twitter a while back:

It's looking like that it's going to be a plot point in future films. And finally I think Kylo's real name being Ben is going to have a more emotional pay-off then it just being his name, from a story point of view.

yup, also I think in the novel kylo actually says something like "it is you!" when she calls the saber at the end lending credence to the fact that kylo also had a vision which included rey


I agree, it's not 100% sure, but on a personal level I think it's 100% certain (it's not even about being right or wrong for me, I just love to speculate about these kinds of things).

On the her vision, I do find it interesting that Obi-Wan is calling her out. Specifically mentioning 'Rey'. Yoda has a more generic (re-used) line for example same as Luke. Then there is the whole theory that her Force vision has some overlap with a vision that Kylo has about 'a girl'. And he's shown holding what looks like Obi-Wan's lightsaber in the vision:

The theory (origin of the theory) is that Rey has a vision about Kylo upon touching Anakin's saber and Kylo has a vision about a girl left on Jakku upon touching Obi-Wan's saber. Couple that with the tweet that went out on the official Star Wars twitter a while back:

It's looking like that it's going to be a plot point in future films. And finally I think Kylo's real name being Ben is going to have a more emotional pay-off then it just being his name, from a story point of view.

Wow @ this theory. Very interesting
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