Yet there is still another mechanic to be always human even when you dont have efigies aka altar of the death
Yeah but it doesn't work if you have effigies on you. I need them for the Darkdiver covenant.
Yet there is still another mechanic to be always human even when you dont have efigies aka altar of the death
And fucking tired.
Of getting invaded.
Over. And over. And over. And over. And over. And over.
Apparently the entire fucking game is now the belfry.
And fucking tired.
Of getting invaded.
Over. And over. And over. And over. And over. And over.
Apparently the entire fucking game is now the belfry.
Play offlineSick.
And fucking tired.
Of getting invaded.
Over. And over. And over. And over. And over. And over.
Apparently the entire fucking game is now the belfry.
So I finished this game at last. I was doing basically no walkthroughs/gear guides at all (except where to go when I got completely stuck) so I'm sure it was probably the most inefficient run in history but I had a great time with it. I was at about 50 hours, SL 160 when I beat the last boss. I'm sure I was over leveled because it was a cake walk. Checking out some of the DLC stuff then will have a poke around in NG+
Is there any better light armor I should be aiming for? I currently have penal mask, Alva armor, vengarl's gloves/leggings. Only the Alva is upgraded because the other stuff needs twinkling titanite and I used all of mine maxing out my black knight greatsword.
Ugh, someone in my class who also plays this game was talking earlier today about using cheat engine to get weapons early today. I almost wish I was willing to use a program like this (but only on my offline characters, not that I ever PvP anyway besides getting invaded), because I find the most tedious part of the game to be the time from starting a new character until when you get the weapon you want to use for the rest of the game. For example, I really want to try out a hex build with the Silverblack spear, but I would have to have a random weapon to use through Heide's, Huntsman, Harvest Valley and half of Earthen Peak, and I would need that weapon to be good enough to kill three bosses with. Not hard or anything, but I have used all the beginning weapons to death and they bore me to tears, especially if I don't take the time to unlock Melentia and Lenigrast for the weapons they sell as well.
I don't think I am hurting anyone by giving myself a Silverblack Spear on a fully offline character once I get to Majula, but I don't like the idea of using something like cheat engine. I guess I just wish there were a few more sneaky skips to get forward quickly to get specific weapons via an item like the Master Key in Dark Souls 1. I would kill for a way to get to Earthen Peak or Tseldora (even Doors of Pharos would be fine) from Majula.
Could always just play offline. Or burn an effigy. I guess burning the effigy is the more "honorable" route, does it prevent co-op type stuff/all online interactions or just invasions?
Yeah but it doesn't work if you have effigies on you. I need them for the Darkdiver covenant.
Trying to play with my friend, offline doesn't work.
You could co-op those bosses if you really want to make it easier on yourself. As for burning effigies I don't think it negates invasions completely, it just puts you at the bottom of the invasion list, like Way of the White did, I think. And it does it for all world connections, co-op included. It's a trade-off, it would be overused if it cut off invasions but kept co-op.
You could go offline till you get to the fog outside the boss room, then quit and go back online, then both of you wear the name-engraved ring and summon him that may work.
Wow, it took me over 80 hours my first time, but I searched ever crevasse, ever area, I went in depth trying to find as much as I could. I got stuck a few times and wondered aimlessly for hours till I finally found my way. I think I was around 200, and I died over 250 times I think. Most deaths due to. My second character who beat NG++ is at 80 hours and my current who beat NG+ and the first DLC is at like 50 hours. I put way too much time in this game heh.Ancient & Vendrick
Yeah I dread to think how many times I died, how do I even see that?
Yeah I dread to think how many times I died, how do I even see that?
Eh, given that the bosses in question are Dragonrider, Skeleton Kings and Covetous Demon, I would feel pretty silly summoning for any of those. Dragonrider is basically the easiest boss in a souls game, Skeleton Kings are pretty simple once you get the hang of it, and Covetous Demon never attacks you for a second if you know the "break the pots with prisoners" trick.
Though I could co-op for the annoying runs up to the bosses, that would make it go a bit faster. Actually not a bad idea at all.
My experience is that if I am going to get invaded, it happens within seconds of going online in a specific area. Looking at you Belfrys. I really don't like the invasion system in Souls games, but that is for another post I guess. I feel like it is too low risk for the invader and too high risk for the invadee given invader has to choose to do it and invadee has no say in the matter.
Well, that's the point of invasions, you're not supposed to really have a say, it's like a home invasions basically, just with your world rather than your home. But I do agree with the low risk part, if the invader dies their bloodstain is where they used the red eye orb(which is usually near their bonfire if they want to have as low risk as possible) whereas your bloodstain is where you die. However, you do have the ability to heal, and can use seed of the giants to turn the tide of battle, which is pretty nifty. I just wish going offline/online was easier than it currently is.
You could go offline till you get to the fog outside the boss room, then quit and go back online, then both of you wear the name-engraved ring and summon him that may work.
..NOTE: My annoyance isn't that we are being invaded. That's to be expected, it's Dark Souls. It's that literally there is an invasion every 3 minutes. It's just pissing me off.
Totally agree but still looks like he was just added later and somewhat dont fit in my perception in the game to fit the alonnes and iron kings lore.
Eh, given that the bosses in question are Dragonrider, Skeleton Kings and Covetous Demon, I would feel pretty silly summoning for any of those. Dragonrider is basically the easiest boss in a souls game, Skeleton Kings are pretty simple once you get the hang of it, and Covetous Demon never attacks you for a second if you know the "break the pots with prisoners" trick.
That's one of the reasons why I had no misgivings about poison/toxic clouding the gank squad on my solo Company of Champs guy. Fuck these assholes, if they're going to be cheap, then so will I.100% this.
I am constantly using them and I hate myself for it, but DS2's tendency to fuck you over with lame gank squads and/or sketchy hit detection means that you kind of have to stoop to its level to avoid heartache and bullshittery.
That's one of the reasons why I had no misgivings about poison/toxic clouding the gank squad on my solo Company of Champs guy. Fuck these assholes, if they're going to be cheap, then so will I.
Eh I guess I'll just talk about it now. I think the major problem with the invasion system is how unbalanced it is towards the invader. As an invader you can control where your bloodstain is to basically make invasions a 0 risk proposition, and without a Seed of the Tree of giants you are totally immune to almost all of the dangers a host has to face in their world. Yet you as an invader are knowingly coming into someone else's game who is trying to progress and trying to more or less screw them over. I think there should be more negative consequences for being kind of a jerk and invading people, but there aren't.
On the other hand, as the person getting invaded, sure you can heal but a good invader shouldn't let you. Since invaders can't be attacked by other enemies in your world, it is only their own fault if they let you get away enough to heal. And anyway, they can invade you when you are deep into clearing towards the boss, with almost no estus or spell uses left. The host is clearly at a disadvantage, they have limited fighting arenas because any place where enemies are still alive is a no go and they might currently be low on weapon durability, spell use or health because they weren't expecting this invasion. Sure you can use a Seed, but it isn't exactly a plentiful item and I know I don't check for spawns after every invasion. Plus, an invader was prepared for PvP. They might have stamina grass and resins on their hotbar with a fully upgraded weapon, while the host is in PvE mode because invasions are infrequent, with a +3 weapon because they aren't going to use it for much longer and no buffs anywhere on their hotbar.
There is also a harsh penalty to the person getting invaded. If they have a bloodstain down and get invaded, they lose whatever souls were there (this was solved in Dark Souls 1 by no invasions if you were hollow). If you are deep in the level, you drop all your souls and have to fight back to them, potentially losing your souls also. And now in Dark Souls 2, you lose some of your max HP and are prevented from summoning co-op partners until you use an Effigy (but can still be invaded!). All this compounds with the fact that you gain almost nothing from successfully repelling an invasion as the host. I guess at higher levels you gain a decent amount of souls, but early on you get a couple thousand souls at best.
Now don't get me wrong. I ENJOY invasions. I like PvP (I don't generally seek it myself, but I find it fun). The ONLY reason I post all this is because academically I don't see how the invasion system is any good. Why in the world would someone even want to play online? Why not just play offline until the fog door, then take the 30 seconds or so it takes to go online if you do need help with a boss, summon and continue? A little bit more trouble, sure, but worth it? I played through Dark Souls 1 and 2 the first time completely offline, because I don't like summoning help the first time I kill a boss (I would rather overcome challenges myself) and the invasion system was silly to me. I have to assume many players did the same, because why bother with invasions?
For a game that works so much better when everyone is connected, I wish this system was more fine tuned so that there is no reason not to want to play online. Sorry for the massive post, just always a bit of a sticking point of mine about the Souls games. I am sure other people will have plenty of counterpoints and I absolutely welcome them, if I am wrong in my thought process I would love to hear why!
I agree with a lot of what you said, DarkHearted, especially that they fixed a lot from DkS 1 to 2. I wish a few mechanics worked a little better. I played through an entire character as a BlueBro and was never summoned once to help someone. I assume you need to be in the same area as them? I don't think this should be the case. Anyway, it kind of sucks that in order to have this protection you have to give up on every other covenant, but not that bad of a trade off. And I am also not sure that being a sinner is enough punishment for invaders, because I sin on almost all of my characters so I can be invaded as a sinner too. Hell, killingwith the cracked eye orb counts as a sin.Licia
I agree on the summoning part. I don't summon help, but I love helping others. Nothing more satisfying than knowing someone is summoning help because they have had a hard time with a boss and seeing them through it. I wish there were some better ways for that as well.
I wish company of champions didn't block co-op. Seems kind of silly since you can drop the covenant at any time to do some co-op and re-join after without losing progress in that covenant. Seems like it wouldn't be that hard to disable awestone drops during co-op but maybe it really is and I don't know what I'm talking about. I mean, this is the developer that tied weapon durability to the number of frames of animation leading to the 60 FPS durability bug, so who knows how things are actually coded.
I think he's the one that killed the most, so yes, I agree.I don't know what the consensus is but for me Fume Knoght is the single hardest souls boss I've faced.
You can repair them in Dark Souls 2. That's all that's needed to make the mechanic completely exploitable.Not really sure why people are so down on the Ring of Life Protection in a souls game kind of thing. Maybe because we got four ring slots this time? You could buy up to 10 rings of Sacrifice from Oswald for 5k souls each in the original Dark Souls but I don't really know of many people who used them that much in DkS 1, aside from corpse run insurance. Maybe Ring of Life Protection in Dark Souls 2 should take up 2 ring slots? Seems the issue is that the trade off for using it at all times isn't high enough.
Edit: I guess also because there is a lot more downside to being hollow in Dark Souls 2, with the max HP loss and still being able to be invaded going on.
Where does the majority of PvP happen in Brume Tower, Gaf? A specific bonfire, or is it all chaos?
Can someone tell me if the loot on the higher ledges of the Iron Passage (where you have to dodge the fireballs) are worth it?
I don't know what the consensus is but for me Fume Knoght is the single hardest souls boss I've faced.
I think he's the one that killed the most, so yes, I agree.
I don't know what the consensus is but for me Fume Knoght is the single hardest souls boss I've faced.
... Dear God.
It is all garbage. No unique items worth worrying about
Dried fingers remove the invasion timer allowing you to be invaded more often once they are used. Delicate string is the permanently on version of it.Oh don't worry, we get invaded faster than we can summon.
Which makes me wonder what the hell the point is of the dried finger -- the timer can't seriously just be the time it takes to die and spawn again.
Fucking wow I thought chunks was some of the hardiest upgrade materials to get thanks to the poster that said there was a vessal in the undead crypt lololol right at the other end of the same room as the second bonfire is 3 chunks and a dragon bone then the vessal and up the ladder is a soul of hero but I do have to kill vestadtl again