The bosses with minions were rarely done well in DS2 I agree. I think with the Gargoyles in DS2 though, it was fanservice - so they were expecting that many players will know the deal, or think they do, then go "Oh shit!" as more come to life! So even if you die the first time, you go back knowing what to expect and hopefully more prepared. I never expect to kill a boss first time, if I do great - but you don't know what gimmick they'll throw out to knock you off your game. After a death or three on the Gargoyles if you're still being chased by 4 of them scrambling to heal in between beatdowns, then you're just not playing smart enough!
I guess some points in the series like that are "dragon bridge moments" where your first run through is a little unfair unless you are being super-duper observant and cautious. But that's ok, learning from your deaths is what Souls is about. As long as you pick yourself up and think about a strategy - could be as simple as using a weapon buff, changing a ring or armour piece etc, then every death is a worthwhile learning experience.
I know how the souls game work but souls prizes itself on difficult one on one or one on two situations.
The whole combat system isn't really designed around multiple enemies nor is it any funs. I knew what to do with the sentinels but good lord they where so painfully boring, hit, raise shield and wait for the *perfect* moment for them to attack, repeat.
Multiple enemies outside of ornstein and smough just plain suck, don't have the same excitement, aren't fun and are usually very, very cheap or tedious or both.
I *HATE* summoning in my first playthrough of souls and didn't do it in Demons or Dark Souls 1 but after 10 or so tries I had no problems summoning on the ruin sentinels (and I hear there are more) and I'll do the same with gargoyles if I find the summon sign.
And I would have a much better time with the gargoyles if there wasn't such a high chance to be invaded immediately before the boss fight. Not only am I fighting a copy/paste boss from the first game but a near guarantee invader?
The idea itself is really cool but to place those two things together just reeks of cheap. So far the only boss I actually had a great time with was the Dragon Rider and the Pursuer. Everything else was either lol too easy (last giant and sinner where so disappointing) or just plain cheap/boring/tedious (ruin sentinels managed to be all 3!).
Souls series should stick with more intense 1 v 1 fights.