so reading about the new expansion, any idea what this means?
Augmented item descriptions.
Augmented item descriptions.
OMG SPOILERS DUDE!!!!! :|Just means some of the item descriptions have changed. One known example is that the description on Soul of the Last Giant now confirms that he is the Giant Lord you defeat in Memory of Jeigh
Just means some of the item descriptions have changed. One known example is that the description on Soul of the Last Giant now confirms that he is the Giant Lord you defeat in Memory of Jeigh
Old knight weapons have very low durability so if you want to use one you really need repair powder and bracing knuckle rings. Two handing the halberd gives a useful spin attack that has pretty decent range and rather high damage with maxed halberds.I do have an old knight halberd that I tried out. I like the range but I have a fat roll with it. Puts me at 71.5%. I might put a point in vigor and use it for a while in my left hand.
There is probably more than a few that have changed like the last giants one. Not all of them have as the rottens and veldstadts souls are the same along with the watchdragon parma (which now has the item boost up symbol when equiped).is there any other description that changed? I don't mind getting spoiled
Killed the bastille trio, skeleton trio and now I'm lost again. Seems only thing I can do is kill the rotten. In Dark Souls I never really had to wander around trying to find a place to go, but here it happens a lot :/ I'm failing at finding new locations.
so reading about the new expansion, any idea what this means?
What's the best platform to buy Dark Souls 2, and is the Collectors Edition worth it? There's a PS3 CE nearby I might nab.
PC and PS3 are the best platform to play, the LE is not really worth it unless you can find it pretty cheap aside from the figure there is nothing interesting (I bought the steelcase edition). And probably you could wait for the incoming SotfS edition that have all the dlc and exclusive extras
You can also go back to the bridge approach bonfire in Huntsman's and hang a right after crossing the bridge, then cross a second bridge to a new area. You should try luring them out one at a time.Killed the bastille trio, skeleton trio and now I'm lost again. Seems only thing I can do is kill the rotten. In Dark Souls I never really had to wander around trying to find a place to go, but here it happens a lot :/ I'm failing at finding new locations.
You can also go back to the bridge approach bonfire in Huntsman's and hang a right after crossing the bridge, then cross a second bridge to a new area. You should try luring them out one at a time.![]()
No they're not they're talking about another way you can go in huntsman's copse to the purgatory instead of earthen peak where the windmill is.Talking about the area that leads to the windmill?
Hey guys, I've a question regarding Scholar of the First Sin.
I currently have the PC version of the game, No DLCs. Will SOTFS be avaiable as an upgrade for pre-existing owners or will it be a completely separate compilation?
Completely different.
Did you get a certain halberd with a high AR or buy some excellent weapons from the head merchant?Been poking around trying to find items I might have missed. Grabbed a bunch from an area in the shaded woods. Place near the scorpion king and the huge peepers. Found a locked door I don't know how to open yet and apparently I need a ring to speak with dwayne johnson. Came upon the Iron Castle earlier as well. I think I'll go back to searching old areas for stuff missed.
Did you get a certain halberd with a high AR or buy some excellent weapons from the head merchant?
If you like swords, I suggest buying a Claymore off of him and playing around with its moveset and reach. It's perfect for me, a STR/DEX build.I bought some stuff from the head, dunno about a halberd. Did find a ring though.
Many hours ago I went back to the cathedral in forest of giants with the intention of offing that damn fire lizard. I poison him a couple times and finally, revenge for him killing me before. I jump down to claim my prizes!
...there was another :|
Offed him after coming back, and another in the hole, then the last got stuck running in a wall so I let him live.
If you like swords, I suggest buying a Claymore off of him and playing around with its moveset and reach. It's perfect for me, a STR/DEX build.
I'll check it out. Right now I'm using a warped sword +2 and my +4 scimitar.
So while exploring the Bastille I came across an underground area, and fought the boss there. I was surprised when it dropped a lord soul as he was quite easy. Anyone know what key I need down here to open these doors?
I'm finding this dual wielding is a lot of fun and more fulfilling thatn my shield turtling I did in Ds 1.
Beat those damn gargoyles in the bell tower. Got invaded a ton in there as well. The first guy who invaded tried to attack as I was doing praise the sun gesture, I rolled out of it and backstabbed him, then beat on him until he was just about dead, then he went running upstairs to wait for backup.
And another time a guy invaded I rang the bell, then me and him had a sweet gesture-off and jolly merriment til a second bell bro arrived and wanted to fight.
If you ran into a guy weilding a large club in the bell tower last night that might have been me! First time I've used heavy weapons so it's a bit of an adjustment for me but I had fun pancaking people with it when I could land the R2
Also, there's no reason you can't get that Scimitar to at least +7 based on where you're up to. Should bump your damage output a bit. There's an item in the first few minutes of Iron Keep that (in a roundabout way) gets you access to purchasing unlimited Large Titanite which will get you to +6. You should also have a couple of chunks by now based on where you've explored to take it even further
It is your characters name I think on PC.What shows up online, my character name, or steam account name?
I believe there was a club wielding maniac on the loose that I saw :3 And yeah, I got some chunks and a slab I think. Large titanite has been evading me. I read earlier that I could farm it in the gulch, but maybe I'll explore the keep some more and see what's up.
What shows up online, my character name, or steam account name?
Rather ironically they're not even required to collect, barely even that strong anyway not even lord souls.Been out on walkabout today gathering supplies and precious souls. Dropped another lord soul bearer and I'm one step closer to being KING OF DRANGLEIC! Screw curing the curse, I want to rule with an iron fist.
Funny, I couldn't remember fighting Duke's Dear Freja and didn't have her soul. I had to go co-op her to jog my memory. She must've been super easy. I vaguely remember Vengarl's body and his dialog had changed when I talked to him. That's what I get for playing Drunk Souls.Of course not, there's only 1 lord soul in Drangleic, and it belongs to me, Moleman.
Edit: Killed Dukes Dear Freja on first try. I dunno if it was weak to fire but I assumed since it was a spider so I charcoaled up. Also found a dull ember to make that one blacksmith stop being lazy. Now if I only knew what making a weapon mundane, raw, etc did.
First controller to have ever gotten destroyed for this game. It truly is a piece of shit C-tier shitfest. Honestly, From Software made a one-hit wonder with Demon's Souls because the company itself is abysmal-tier and comparable with turds like Konami PS3-era.
It's almost as if I don't want to buy their next turd, because they've made two anus games out of three. Why risk it?
It's not nice to throw things. Surely you jest. The predecessor is flawed, but still, it's an undeniable masterpiece. Nowhere near turd-tier.First controller to have ever gotten destroyed for this game. It truly is a piece of shit C-tier shitfest. Honestly, From Software made a one-hit wonder with Demon's Souls because the company itself is abysmal-tier and comparable with turds like Konami PS3-era.
It's almost as if I don't want to buy their next turd, because they've made two anus games out of three. Why risk it?
You wouldn't crush me. That wasn't me.It's not nice to throw things. Surely you jest. The predecessor is flawed, but still, it's an undeniable masterpiece. Nowhere near turd-tier.
BTW, I absolutely crushed someone with "Yoshi" in their PSN name last weekend. It was in Belfry Sol or Drangleic Castle...might have been you![]()
Get nakedI'm tired of trying to jump to the pillar in the iron castle for whatever item is on that dead body. My guy won't jump, he raises a knee but gains no height every time and I just plummet into the lava. What the fuck.
Get naked
First controller to have ever gotten destroyed for this game. It truly is a piece of shit C-tier shitfest. Honestly, From Software made a one-hit wonder with Demon's Souls because the company itself is abysmal-tier and comparable with turds like Konami PS3-era.
It's almost as if I don't want to buy their next turd, because they've made two anus games out of three. Why risk it?
Eh, it's not like I gave DkS(1) twenty other chances. I've played approx. 400 hours of it and still consider it absolutely trash (after >50%) - so I think it's fair that I can say whatever I want about the game. My opinion is the valid minority - but I can't blame most people who hold it as the greatest thing ever. For most people (probably 90%), it was their first Souls.
They patched Lost Shitalith? What're the changes?
I have. And yes, that is indeed on par with Demon's Souls. I've always said this - <50% is so, SO fucking good.Get to O & S normally, do Painted World, get the Broken Pendant, complete the DLC, Kalameet included, and tell me it's not at least on par with Demon's Souls.
I'm tired of trying to jump to the pillar in the iron castle for whatever item is on that dead body. My guy won't jump, he raises a knee but gains no height every time and I just plummet into the lava. What the fuck.
What pillar? The one in the broken stairs?
I'll use Metallica albums as an analogy. Demon's Souls is like Ride the Lightning, where everything clicked and we definitely saw the vision the artist was looking for. Many thought this would be hard to top because it played so brilliantly. Dark Souls is like Master of Puppets in that the first half is absolute perfection, but the second half is less so. Still, the second half was great and infinitely memorable. Dark Souls II is like ...And Justice for All. Technically, it is far superior. The PVP works great except for the occasional lag. Summoning/invading is much more immediate. The movesets for weapons are much better thought out and sorcery is actually viable. It tried to outdo it's predecessors in every way, but came up short in terms of heart and content. Regardless, it bashes us over the head with difficulty and sheer numbers. It's easy to denigrate Dark Souls II when comparing to its past, but remember, the team that made it is its own entity, and IMO, they did a fine job.I have. And yes, that is indeed on par with Demon's Souls. I've always said this - <50% is so, SO fucking good.
lolEh, it's not like I gave DkS(1) twenty other chances. I've played approx. 400 hours of it and still consider it absolutely trash