Has anyone found a merchant that can absolve sin? I hit an NPC with 3-4 arrows from a distance and he ended up aggroing him by mistake.
Nice writeup. I hope there's eventually something like O&S that just kicks your ass though.
Dark Souls II is pretty much a sequel to Demon's Souls.
Are PS3 servers up? It said "Failed to log in..." whenever I try to log in.
So how are people feeling about the "weight" and "feel" of the combat now?
So does anybody know yet if the Seed of a Tree of Giants is a one time use item? I'm debating between it and the Life Ring as my gift.
are absolutely kicking my ass. Anywhere else I can go afterRuin Sentinels?Pursuer
Parry windows also seem a bit more forgiving, which is going to either be a plus or minus depending on your perspective.
Yeah go toHeide. The opposite way as the Forest if youre starting at Majula. Go through a stone archway past the contraption that doesn't budge, down the stairs and open the floodgate thing at the bottom
east mujula if west is the starting area.How do you get to? I'd like to know as well.Heide
and throwing knives also!Holy crap the bow & arrows are so much more easy to use and powerful in this game compared to DS1.
in the menu, no stone needed.ok another question where is the orange soapstone at to write messages
I rate and leave dirty joke messages more though....think I got rated up while playing at least 1 per hour, prolly a little more even.My clever & witty 'trap ahead' sign that warns of a trap ahead just saved my life with the slight heal. So clutch.
After putting a few points into Adaptability, it generally feels fine, but I'm still not really a fan of the newfound attack wind-up and recovery times on certain DEX weapons.
The dual-wielding stuff is great, however. That's a very welcome addition.
Parry windows also seem a bit more forgiving, which is going to either be a plus or minus depending on your perspective.
Yeah go toHeide. The opposite way as the Forest if youre starting at Majula. Go through a stone archway past the contraption that doesn't budge, down the stairs and open the floodgate thing at the bottom
I've lost all of my souls 5 times in a row now. Most enemies where I am at no longer respawn.
This is a fucking problem From.
Wow, even more? I thought it would be harder, since looks like they removed quite a few invincibility frames from the roll.
I really feel like the healing in this game is kinda whack. I mean it is like there is nothing on purpose. I have no life gems and only 2 estus flasks. At this point I am getting annoyed about it, it's just so annoying having to reset all the enemies every single time. I mean dark souls was perfect in my opinion, the way they have it now is just stupid. Also the weapon breaking is annoying as fuck as well, why in the world did they change that system as well. At this point they have seemed to make it harder just for the sake of doing so. I like everything else about the game but these two things are really starting to get to me.
I feel that the parry window (at least with shields) is actually tighter, but that could be just me not being used to the timing now as well has having shitty shields.
Can't emphasize how unhappy I am that they got rid of how riposte works from the last game. I was largely able to relatively breeze through the last game by doing parry/riposte, but it just doesn't work the same here. Not sure what it is with me and this game, but this game is just not working out for me. On the section of the game I am at now with regular enemies I have literally already died more times than I died on every boss in the last game combined. I'm probably doing something wrong, but I've already surpassed Bed of Chaos frustration in this game, and this is just me trying to get around and deal with regular enemies.
I feel like an idiot, but when does the woman appear next to The Far Fire in Majula? I'm about to fight the first boss but I want to be able to level up and get an Estus Flask.
Did I miss something?
Saw Sesslers review.
Is it true the hit detection is wonky in the game?
Rolling isn't quite as strong as in previous games (though that may change if you get Adaptability high enough), and it seems harder to circle-strafe around enemies for the backstab since they spin around more quickly to meet you.
But yeah parrying to me does feel more forgiving. I think it's for the better if it encourages people to parry more often, since a lot of people just went for the backstab in previous games.
I would definitely suggest taking more time to explore your areas. About 3 hours in I was sitting on 3 Estus+1 Flasks and I'm currently at 5. I don't ever use life gems because ADP makes Estus drinking faster than life gems.
I feel like an idiot, but when does the woman appear next to The Far Fire in Majula? I'm about to fight the first boss but I want to be able to level up and get an Estus Flask.
Did I miss something?
did you scan the area? I missed her too, she was staring at a tree or something near the cliffs. she'll move to the bonfire after your first encounter.
did you scan the area? I missed her too, she was staring at a tree or something near the cliffs. she'll move to the bonfire after your first encounter.
Progress report!
Just beat. Pretty good for a first boss fight, especially when hethe Last Giantrips his arm off and mixes up his moveset. Actually died a couple times. He's easy to evade but when he hits he hits like a truck.
Couple questions about this area. One,Two, [/spoiler]I found that asshole who got dropped off by the eagle. I died to him once unsurprisingly but when I went back to rechallenge him he wasn't there. Do you only have so many opportunities to fight this guy?[/spoiler]I investigated the area for Pate but died. Now the gate appears to be permenantly closed. Is there any way back in there?
I lied, third question: what does the Champions covenant do? I signed up just to see what it was but didn't get any sort of explanation.
Also chose Petrified Something as my gift. I realize it's probably just another useless joke item but there wasn't a master key equivilent so I just chose whatever.
Also did anyone noticeIs my memory serving me well here?on the long collapsed column where you find the halberd there's now two hollowed soldiers instead of the turtle knight that used to be there in preview footage?
Champions covenant makes the game harder.
After putting a few points into Adaptability, it generally feels fine, but I'm still not really a fan of the newfound attack wind-up and recovery times on certain DEX weapons.
Ohhhh...that's fucking awesome!Holy shit I don't know if anyone went this way but if you keep going down afteryou'll find your way to thethe Dragonrider bossWarf area. Activate something there, spawns a GODDAMN GHOST PIRATE SHIP (no ghosts on board though except maybe the boss. Then you commandeer the ship and it brings you to the next area!!!!
Hey guys help....I'm seriously going to start over if taking the itemmeans she is gone for good. I don't like missing important things like that especially rings. Does she come back ever or am I hooped?where the cat lady talks to you in the tent
Well that fucking explains everything. How the hell do I leave it?
I think you can go back and there is a leave option when you interact with the stone, if not then I have no clue. You could try to join the other covenant at majula. The guy is at the top of the stairs by the level up lady.
I think you can go back and there is a leave option when you interact with the stone, if not then I have no clue. You could try to join the other covenant at majula. The guy is at the top of the stairs by the level up lady.