pretty done
boss is tearing me a new asshole. God damn.Sinner's Rise
He was the first boss I struggled on, then
royal rat fucker
boss is tearing me a new asshole. God damn.Sinner's Rise
I don't know why people keep coming into this tower, it's so impossible to get to the top -- seems to be 2 grey spirits defending it each time. got 14 chunks of titanite now, only stopped because online got messed up and it seemed like a good stopping point.
now that I have this, I'm still missing the large titanite to bridge my wearpons to the chunks. any idea where to find this stuff?
I'm currently renting it and except for one bad jump, I haven't dies yet and finished the first boss (bosses?Since there were two). How am I doing?
Also, LOL at finding the bonfire AFTER killing the two giant enemies.
Hey, can someone that's pretty far in the game help me out. On the wiki there's a game progress map of the different zones.
It shows that the Cardinal Tower area in the Forest of the Giants contains. Did I miss that somehow? Or is it a mistake in the guide?a Large Soul of one of the Old Ones
If I want to play a dex build dualwielding archer. Best to start with swordsman or bandit?
IS Kkickifn my arghhhhhhMedusa
Game will be pretty tough without a shield in that case, yes.Did I accidentally choose hard mode by going with two swords? I didn't play enough of 1 to really have a firm grasp on things.
bandit. swordsman has points wasted in INT/attunement.
So how do you use thesoul vessel?
a question : saw an user review of the game on metacritic complaining that the lock-on system didn't work all that well, any truth in this?
on a side note : it's getting mostly positive professional reviews, saw only 1 French magazine giving it 7/10 and that one's gone now on metacritic?
a question : saw an user review of the game on metacritic complaining that the lock-on system didn't work all that well, any truth in this?
on a side note : it's getting mostly positive professional reviews, saw only 1 French magazine giving it 7/10 and that one's gone now on metacritic?
Justgo back to the three witches in the beginning.
a question : saw an user review of the game on metacritic complaining that the lock-on system didn't work all that well, any truth in this?
on a side note : it's getting mostly positive professional reviews, saw only 1 French magazine giving it 7/10 and that one's gone now on metacritic?
I agree 100% with thisThe layout of the different areas with respect to each other is about as unintuitive as can be. I honestly cannot tell where I should actually be. I've just kind of meandered about fighting whatever boss I come across. Beaten. Also found myself inthe giant, Pursuer, Dragonrider, Ornstein, the rat swarm, and the sentinels, but it just feels like there's no rhyme or reason to where I'm going and what I'm fighting. Nothing feels like a cohesive progression order, and the game is kind of disappointing to me because of that.Belfry Luna
Is dark souls better than demons souls?
These questions come down to preference.
so thatin Bastille, anyone know what it's for or if it's important?petrified person blocking a switch or something
Yes, very important.You'll get an tree branch item, that will un-petrify him. You trade him boss souls for unique weapons.
I guess. All I know is that I fought like 10 people and there was not one backstab in all those matches. That would never happen in DS1.
I think it is better. But I also think it is quite a bit easier so far.
Getting to a katana takes an annoyingly long time in this game. You can start to get them at (Area Spoiler)The Iron Keep, where the Alonne Knights drop them.
Speaking of, got a Blacksteel Katana (this game's Iaito equivalent) earlier today. Finally, I am reunited with my old friend.
Wow, I know where I am going next. Can you remind me where that is though![]()
Wonder what I'm doing wrong but someone mentioned npc summons on bosses and I'm about 15 bosses down and haven't seen any available. I regularly use effigies to max hp too on the bosses as well.
Are you in champion's covenant? They disable all summonsWonder what I'm doing wrong but someone mentioned npc summons on bosses and I'm about 15 bosses down and haven't seen any available. I regularly use effigies to max hp too on the bosses as well.
Oh my fucking God, did theDemon just eat all myCovetous?equiped armour, weapons and rings
Edit: phew,it's not permanent
Are you in champion's covenant? They disable all summons
Thinkin bout getting this with my hard earned dime.
Is it funky like 1? It worth my time?
Does anyone have any info on the Name-engraved Ring? Supposedly it makes it easier to co-op with friends.