Getting mad motion sick playing this. Anyone else?
Hmm think I missed this, too. Where is it exactly?
Oh god one of the arena pits for PVP is amazing:It's just a bridge over the abyss. Makes for great duels.
Could someone help me out? I feel like I've explored every nook and cranny of Forest of the Lost Giants except for one spot, and I don't know how to get to it.You know that part where you get the flame sword? Well, exit that cave and go left. That raised area.
As a dual-wielder, how do I get in Power Stance? It read that you have to hold triangle/Y, but it just two-hands my left hand weapon.
I guessed I must have missed a covenant or something, arenas?
I'd like to know as wellAs a dual-wielder, how do I get in Power Stance? It read that you have to hold triangle/Y, but it just two-hands my left hand weapon.
Getting a little frustrated.
-No Idea how to get the boss to spawn in the wharf.
Getting a little frustrated.
-Stuck in forest if giants, found dead end, cant go further
-Saw some boss guy fly in on a eagle, an ran away since I had no health pots left, he wont come back.
-No Idea how to get the boss to spawn in the wharf.
And god damn, the AI is a hell of a lot more aggressive in this game.
Im trying hard to not use a wiki/walkthrough on my first time through.
It's for the. You knee at a statue for matchmaking when in the covenant. That's how invaders earn their Cracked Red Eye Orbs.Brotherhood of Blood![]()
First boss down
game is absolutely amazing
@are the servers down? can't seem to get an access since this morning
Could someone help me out? Need to know if Dark Souls 2 regular edition for the PS3 comes with a manual or not. Bought it from Gamestop and it seemed like it might have ebeen re-shrunk, and it had no manual in it.
Oh I was wondering how to get those. I thought you got them from theand was wondering why he won't give me any.covenant guy by using tokens of spite and killing invaders
I totally forgot that Snuggly (and someone else? It sounded like two different voices to me) was in the tutorial area. Anyone done any trades with her yet?
That's what I thought too! When you talk to him though, he mentions that if you kill your members in a duel, he'll reward you with an orb.![]()
So am I the only person who's been let down by the bosses so far?
so is my ps3 on the fritz or do things like item images in the menus take a second to load now?
so is my ps3 on the fritz or do things like item images in the menus take a second to load now?
Mid/late? Boss spoilers:is total bullshit. What a poorly designed fight. Killing theRoyal Rat Authorityisn't hard, but this fucker hits like a truck and doesn't give you time to move. Burned all my effigies trying to wait for someone to co-op it but nobody is laying signs there. Is there any trick to killing him?adds
so is my ps3 on the fritz or do things like item images in the menus take a second to load now?
Could someone help me out? Need to know if Dark Souls 2 regular edition for the PS3 comes with a manual or not. Bought it from Gamestop and it seemed like it might have ebeen re-shrunk, and it had no manual in it.
1) Fought the Last Giant? If yes, you got a key after that.
2) Use the key when you go the ladder down, past the escalator, through the exit where two enemies will try to gank you, go right through the door, go stairs up, kill Eagle Guy
3) Use the switch to spawn the ship. It is on the highest area in this area, it is also the point where you drop down to a corpse and loot something, where you have to drop down the house with the enemies which fear torches. Don't go down to the corpse but look to the right on this wood platform to find the obvious big switch. Ship will spawn and you can go down down down there and to the ship. Be aware that there are many enemies and also a teacher for sorcerecy spells.
Is the wharf connected to Majula? I can't find that area or the Bastille.
Is the wharf connected to Majula? I can't find that area or the Bastille.
Manual? Hahahahah, THIS IS DARK SOULS!
under the tower after the dragon rider.
Yeah, I haven't rechecked but they definitely were in my download list when I preordered the game on EU PSN. They appeared as these "auto download when available" items, as the main game did.I could have sworn that when I digitally pre-ordered, it said I'd get the dynamic theme and the weapons. Now I'm not so sure anymore... The EU digital pre-order certainly has them advertised.
You can't summon for that fight, so you've been pretty much using your effigies for nothing. lol I just beat him last night after almost snapping my controller in half. I'll put a strategy a few spaces down in case you want the help or if not so you can avoid it.
First thing you want to do is kill the smaller rats quickly. Find a strategy that works for you based on your build, fire works well on them I've found. Then once the big fucker comes out (well, by the point, he'll probably be out already) you'll want to get underneath him and stay there. That's the one spot where he can't hit you. Hack away at him and when he jumps around just run straight at him till you get underneath him again. I don't think I got hit a single time after nailing that strategy.
So, I think I completely passed this by accident and went off in a completely different direction from everyone else... How does one get toAfterHuntsman's Copse?I went straight to theThe Lost Sinnerand now I'm a few areas ahead of that, but it seems to me that most people went to that first mentioned area before where I'm at. I'm just curious to see what I missed since I don't seem to be very good at finding hidden passages or the like...Shaded Woods
Also, thisboss, what area is he/she the boss of?Pursuer
Are you supposed to have a white soapstone right away? I haven't found one.
From Majula I went straight toand foughtHeide Tower of Flameand I continued on to the place where you meetthe 2 bosses there (Cathedral of Blue and the guy with the shield). Am I on the right track here? Is there not a set order you're supposed to do things? I assumed as long as I was able to beat the enemies in the area I was going the right way (sort of like DS1).Lucatiel
I have a mechanic question, feel free to spoiler tag the answer: are there methods to reset enemy extinction in a particular area on the same playthrough? Once the enemies are entirely gone that is.
Yeah, I haven't rechecked but they definitely were in my download list when I preordered the game on EU PSN. They appeared as these "auto download when available" items, as the main game did.
Then again, in my experience, EU and US digital preorders behave differently: I've always had the option to preload games for my EU account, with games appearing immediately on my download list, preloading when available and activating on release.
OTOH, with my 3 digital US preorders, all I had was a theme or some shit and later on, I had to go download them from the store, not my DL list.
I have a mechanic question, feel free to spoiler tag the answer: are there methods to reset enemy extinction in a particular area on the same playthrough? Once the enemies are entirely gone that is.
Anyone who trudged throughknow the answers to the above?Heide Tower of Flame
Pursuer is a boss in the giants forest. To get to Huntsman's Copse, go through the path that would lead you to New Anor Londo, and use the contraption.
Are you supposed to have a white soapstone right away? I haven't found one.
From Majula I went straight toand foughtHeide Tower of Flameand I continued on to the place where you meetthe 2 bosses there (Cathedral of Blue and the guy with the shield). Am I on the right track here? Is there not a set order you're supposed to do things? I assumed as long as I was able to beat the enemies in the area I was going the right way (sort of like DS1).Lucatiel