So I just defeatedThe Lost Sinner
He apparently gave me an(?) according to the maiden. Is heOld One's Soulin the game?one of the 4 great souls that you're after
So I just defeatedThe Lost Sinner
He apparently gave me an(?) according to the maiden. Is heOld One's Soulin the game?one of the 4 great souls that you're after
Still early. Enjoying it. Two things I really loathe though:
1) Weapon durability. Drops ridiculously quickly and adds a layer of back-and-forth tedium that I don't think makes the game harder so much as more laborious. I get that they probably want equipment management to play a larger role, but I'm not feeling it.
Okay, so there's an icon under my life bar I don't quite understand. It looks like a white circle with a red line through it. Anyone have any ideas? I was cursed bybefore, but I'm pretty sure I got rid of that.the pursuer
Still early. Enjoying it. Two things I really loathe though:
1) Weapon durability. Drops ridiculously quickly and adds a layer of back-and-forth tedium that I don't think makes the game harder so much as more laborious. I get that they probably want equipment management to play a larger role, but I'm not feeling it.
I finally head to a new area,And then an enemy just spawns out of nowhere and kills me. Like, honestly I think it was a glitch because I walked over the section of dock four or five times back and forth and there was nothing, then suddenly bam enemy that took me by surprise and killed me. At least I have somewhat of a shortcut, and tomorrow is going to be dedicated to getting on that ship and seeing what's what.
2) Playing Dark Souls on PC makes you really appreciate the snappy load times higher end hardware can bring. Impatient as it sounds, having to wait 20 - 30 seconds between deaths as it loads in the last bonfire area gets old very quickly.
Maybe you can burn an NG+ thing at the last boss you fought and reset it? Sounds bad.I think I ran into a possible gamebreaking endgame bug. I may be doing something wrong, but it doesn't seem like it.
I died as the doors to Drangleic were opening. After that the doors remain permanently closed for me. The Emerald Healer reset her dialogue to telling me to search for boss souls to fight the King. I'm not sure what to do now and this kind of sucks.
I tried reloading my save, but no dice so far.
There are 3 orcs hanging off the side of the pier that activate when you walk past them. Kind of like the guys very early in the undead burg
Maybe you can burn an NG+ thing at the last boss you fought and reset it? Sounds bad.
If it's like what happened to me when I got cursed, one of your items might be broken, like a piece of armor or a ring.
I think I ran into a possible gamebreaking endgame bug. I may be doing something wrong, but it doesn't seem like it.
I died as the doors to Drangleic were opening. After that the doors remain permanently closed for me. The Emerald Healer reset her dialogue to telling me to search for boss souls to fight the King. I'm not sure what to do now and this kind of sucks.
I tried reloading my save, but no dice so far.
This is my biggest gripe so far. It's great that I can be summoned within 1 second of putting my sign down, but then there's a 30 second load screen. Then the host dies in 2 seconds because he sucks and I face another 30 second load screen. Then I put my sign down and face a 30 second load screen....rinse, repeat.
Never played a souls game- 2 questions-
1- should I just play demons souls first? Can prob get it cheap
2- how workable is this game over remote play to my vita?
You and your friend should buy thecoop ring from the cat. When you wear it you choose the same "god" to be under, which is actually just forcing you onto the same server.
Never played a souls game- 2 questions-
1- should I just play demons souls first? Can prob get it cheap
2- how workable is this game over remote play to my vita?
Grabbed the PS3 version and put in a few hours. I'm really digging this game. Was a huge fan of the previous games, so it makes sense, I suppose. I love the feeling of not knowing where to go and what everything is.
I will say that I kind of regret the purchase, though. The frame rate is really bad. I'm not sure how much more I'm going to play of it before the PC release, but so far it seems like a really cool game. did you guys deal with the whole random poison thing in the one area afterthe rat king
It's like people are randomly throwing it at me and I don't even know what to do
I feel like this game pushes you in a specific direction more than the first one. In the first one, you could end up in 2-3 "way too hard for you yet" areas just by leaving Firelink Shrine in the wrong direction. Where in DS2 I can't seem to find any other place to go except the only open path out of town that leads to the area you're supposed to start in. Not sure how it is later as far as keeping everything locked away until you're "supposed" to be there, but it starts out that way at least.
I've been wondering if theWhat's with the giants/trees in the forest that you can sort of interact with? Do they do something if you use a certain item or something?
Still early. Enjoying it. Two things I really loathe though:
1) Weapon durability. Drops ridiculously quickly and adds a layer of back-and-forth tedium that I don't think makes the game harder so much as more laborious. I get that they probably want equipment management to play a larger role, but I'm not feeling it.
2) Playing Dark Souls on PC makes you really appreciate the snappy load times higher end hardware can bring. Impatient as it sounds, having to wait 20 - 30 seconds between deaths as it loads in the last bonfire area gets old very quickly.
Eh? Starting out, you immediately have two places you can go from Majula. Three if you grind the souls to buy the fall damage ring but that's a bit much so I won't count it. Still, you can go toandForest of the Fallen Giantsimmediately, so I dunno what you mean.Heide's Tower of Flame
I want to say that I think From actually fixed the backstabs. They needed to be changed because in Dark Souls most humanoid enemies could be easily dunked on by swiveling around insta-bsing them. Plus the fact that you're completely invincible during the animation, that shit had to stop. Anecdotal evidence: I've been in PVP situations where people only backstabbed eachother repeatedly.Wtf were they think when they came up with the new "backstabs"??
Why would they change that?
This just feels off and looks stupid.
Being invaded even as a hollow really blows.
You can revert back to human form by being summoned by other players using the soapstone, and fulfilling your duties. You don't need to use the effegies.Is there a lot of summoning that happens in this game? My problem so far is the very finite ability to become human which seems to still be the only way to summon people. If you keep popping your human effigies to get rid of your health penalty, are you out of luck then to get help from others when you run out? I remember you earned humanity randomly while fighting in areas where the boss wasn't beaten in DS1, but all that appears to be gone, so it seems like summoning other players has become way more limited because you simply can't become human as often.
Is that the case or am I missing something?
Is there a lot of summoning that happens in this game? My problem so far is the very finite ability to become human which seems to still be the only way to summon people. If you keep popping your human effigies to get rid of your health penalty, are you out of luck then to get help from others when you run out? I remember you earned humanity randomly while fighting in areas where the boss wasn't beaten in DS1, but all that appears to be gone, so it seems like summoning other players has become way more limited because you simply can't become human as often.
Is that the case or am I missing something?
How the hell do you pvp in this game without the usage of consumables?
The Dragon duels covenant seems to be the only way.
For whatever reason I'm unable to drop my white soapstone anymore. I can leave messages, and I see plenty of other messages and bloodstains, so I assume it's not some network thing. But my white soapstone is grayed out wherever I go. Anyone else run into this?
So, I just now realized this is because Ijoined that Champion convenant.
This happened to me as well. You gotta fight the boss all over, i killed a boss but died to an add as victory achieved popped up but it doesn't the kill![]()
My guy is wearing elite knight armor set and it seems his roll is slow. What do I upgrade to change this?
God, I'm kinda conflicted now.
At the lost bastille, and I think that I've pretty much cleared out everything before the, but I have 18K souls, and I've never fought them before. Also I really don't want to clear out those enemies again.ruin sentinels
To go on or not to go on?