A Sentient Keyboard
Is this set in the game? I've seen certain enemies wearing it and it is fresh as hell.
Yes, I believe it's called the Archdrake set.
Is this set in the game? I've seen certain enemies wearing it and it is fresh as hell.
I'm almost level 100 and haven't used a torch yet. Not really even sure how to, but I haven't come across any dark areas where I felt I needed it either. I have like an hour and a half of time already.
I'm almost level 100 and haven't used a torch yet. Not really even sure how to, but I haven't come across any dark areas where I felt I needed it either. I have like an hour and a half of time already.
The actual BKGA is in Iron Keep.
The key is in Belfry Luna, past the boss.
I have the axe but can't remember where I got it =\
They key isAt the end of an optional area you reach by using a pharros lockstone in the room below the servant's quarters. At the very end of where that path takes you.
And did the same as you in that boss fight. That was rough.
Thank you everyone!The Black Knight Greataxe is in the game along with the other Black Knight weapons. The BKGA is in the iron keep if I remember correctly. Don't remember the exact location though, sorry. >.<
Well that's a bummer, how much faith is needed?It has a faith requirement now, though.
there is some kind of knight in the forest that wouldn't talk to me. now he is in the bastille and still doesn't care.
Is there anything of interest in the bell tower area in the? I went around picking up some items/weapons/shields which is cool. I rung the bell (not sure what that did), but I didn't see a boss gate like in the other bell tower. No boss?Iron Keep
The best mob so far has been in Belfry Luna. It was so good that I don't want to spoil it:
After the gargoyles, you go down the stairs in the tower and along a castle wall to a bonfire.
Near the bonfire there's a ladder leading down to a small area with a pack of 6-7 dogs and a NPC invader.
The dogs aren't too bad in groups of 2-3 but they easily overwhelmed me in a group of 5, then the invader had a prod and the other two other dogs. I was done for.
It was very a Dark Souls kind of ambush.
Not sure if I should upgrade large club or greatsword. The sword looks alot cooler. Im torn any help?
Also I love my bandit axe any other similiar axes that are better and locations?
The best mob so far has been in Belfry Luna. It was so good that I don't want to spoil it:
After the gargoyles, you go down the stairs in the tower and along a castle wall to a bonfire.
Near the bonfire there's a ladder leading down to a small area with a pack of 6-7 dogs and a NPC invader.
The dogs aren't too bad in groups of 2-3 but they easily overwhelmed me in a group of 5, then the invader had a prod and the other two other dogs. I was done for.
It was very a Dark Souls kind of ambush.
I actually thought that was one of the worst designed portions of the game. I slid down the ladder and a good chunk of them charged me before I got off, so I just ended up climbing back up the ladder and picking them off one by one.
Can someone tell me how to swing my one handed weapons faster? I am a strength build. Do I need more strength?
Without spoilers, what do you guys think of the areas in this game? Overall, are they as visually interesting and memorable as the areas in the other games?
To me, the other games, Dark Souls 1 especially, evoked a sense of place that few games can. They felt less like hand-crafted areas and more like real places (even though the progression through them is more game-y than your average FPS). For example, the continual descent underground in Dark Souls 1 felt AMAZING to me. It really felt like some long journey underground.
PvP is pretty much non-existent after SL 120.
Especially covernants are useless now.
Felt like a warmup for the, that I'm currently cowering in fear of.Rat King boss
Why?You need the key.
Bastille key from Belfry Luna chest, make sure you visit and clear that area before attempting the boss in Sinners rest
PvP is pretty much non-existent after SL 120.
Especially covernants are useless now.
Without spoilers, what do you guys think of the areas in this game? Overall, are they as visually interesting and memorable as the areas in the other games?
To me, the other games, Dark Souls 1 especially, evoked a sense of place that few games can. They felt less like hand-crafted areas and more like real places (even though the progression through them is more game-y than your average FPS). For example, the continual descent underground in Dark Souls 1 felt AMAZING to me. It really felt like some long journey underground.
I was doing terribly in this fight until Itried a firestorm spell. I still died, but at the same time as the boss. Sadly, I didn't get any souls for it. I did at least get the boss soul or whatever you're meant to be rewarded .
PvP is virtually constant on the Iron Keep bridge. There's dragon eyes and red soapstones everywhere. Just in general I found PvP was pretty active in most places.
SL 170.
Get invaded by reds a lot
Where is the Washing Pole located? I might want to pick one up.
Is this game really that horrible for the ps3, I just left the downgrade thread and making it seem like it's unplayable
So how do you invade people in bell convenant? Seems I was the only one being invaded....
Are you wearing the ring?So how do you invade people in bell convenant? Seems I was the only one being invaded....
SL doesn't matter, just your total soul count that matters. Friend of mine and I were able to summon each other earlier in the game, but then he became a sunbro and cooped his face off. We are both SL 97, but his soul count is 1.2m while i'm at 600k. We can't summon each other at all despite the God ring and being in the same covenant. I think the soul count limit is 50k. Clearly too low IMO.
I just thought of another random question I had, related to the hole in Majula area.
In Black Gulch is there an easy way to get by the poison statues without laboriously breaking them every time? Doing the boss I would just drop down from the bonfire, get poisoned by the last couple of statues and wait it out at the fog gate until it was gone. I am hoping I was missing something obvious so I don't have to do the same on new games.I thought the Gutter was interesting but really hated Black Gulch.
I just thought of another random question I had, related to the hole in Majula area.
In Black Gulch is there an easy way to get by the poison statues without laboriously breaking them every time? Doing the boss I would just drop down from the bonfire, get poisoned by the last couple of statues and wait it out at the fog gate until it was gone. I am hoping I was missing something obvious so I don't have to do the same on new games.I thought the Gutter was interesting but really hated Black Gulch.
I just thought of another random question I had, related to the hole in Majula area.
In Black Gulch is there an easy way to get by the poison statues without laboriously breaking them every time? Doing the boss I would just drop down from the bonfire, get poisoned by the last couple of statues and wait it out at the fog gate until it was gone. I am hoping I was missing something obvious so I don't have to do the same on new games.I thought the Gutter was interesting but really hated Black Gulch.
So how do you drain the poison?
It's such an idiotic mechanic. It adds a completely unnecessary barrier to co-op that actively punishes you for helping others. The more you are summoned, the greater a separation you create with others as the game progresses and the smaller the co-op player pool becomes. It's frankly moronic and I hope they reconsider it.
It's such an idiotic mechanic. It adds a completely unnecessary barrier to co-op that actively punishes you for helping others. The more you are summoned, the greater a separation you create with others as the game progresses and the smaller the co-op player pool becomes. It's frankly moronic and I hope they reconsider it.