So I'm playing with a Pyro build. I have low endurance so blocking many hits is impossible. I'm trying to get better with parrying, especially for pvp, and it's so frustrating. I guess I need a lot of practice for that. Messing around with weapons, I only have 12 str and dex so my choices are very limited. Have an Chaos Estoc and a Dark Barbed Sword which have ok damage. Currently level 64 with 24 Vig, 30 Attunment, 10 Endurance, 8 Vit, amd 25 int and faith. I guess I need to level up more to see some real damage. Also, pyro spells seem very limited. To me it looks like Chaos Orb is the best spell for damage, the others are pretty useless except for maybe Sacred Flame. I also tried using Rapport and that didn't seem to work at all... Any tips for a pyro? It sure is nice for enemies weak against fire, and those damn curse spiders go down with ease.