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David Jaffe sets Twitter on fire after calling Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom “bland and old looking”

He is absolutely right. That screenshot alone makes me never want to play that shit.
Screenshot is pretty cherry-picked and looks like a 1998 3D game. Yes the game does sometimes look like that (and it makes me turn my head in disgust), however, most of the time it actually looks pretty great (for a switch game).

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
He's no longer in the industry. He's retired from making games. He likes being a youtube personality.

This isnt Neil Druckmann shitting on Zelda's graphics. He's merely asking reviewers whose job it is to critique games to actually critique the graphics which are atrocious. You honestly have to play this game on a big screen to see just how bad this looks.

I don’t think the graphics look bad at all
He's no longer in the industry. He's retired from making games. He likes being a youtube personality.

This isnt Neil Druckmann shitting on Zelda's graphics. He's merely asking reviewers whose job it is to critique games to actually critique the graphics which are atrocious. You honestly have to play this game on a big screen to see just how bad this looks.
On my 77" OLED even in 4k/60fps + reshade I can wholeheartedly agree.
I looks like....well, a game made for a 6 year old handheld.
Tried it for a few minutes on an actual switch in docked mode....the horror :messenger_poop:
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Did it though...
How many GameCubes can we tape together to get the power of the Switch? If the answer is not 3 or less, then the GameCube game looked very very good for its time compared to TOTK.


Considering this and the old defaillances, at this point I think he's just trying to promote himself and generate engagement through controversies.


Windwaker on GameCube and the hd version on the wii u looked better.
WIndWaker looks fucking fantastic but it's a matter of art direction, and you can't really compare two art styles so different just because they have a label on them saying "Zelda".


Flashless at the Golden Globes
How many GameCubes can we tape together to get the power of the Switch? If the answer is not 3 or less, then the GameCube game looked very very good for its time compared to TOTK.
Gamecube has 9.4 gflops.
Switch has 190 gflops in handheld mode. 390 glfops in docked mode.

So roughly, 21-41 Gamecubes duck taped together.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Screenshot is pretty cherry-picked and looks like a 1998 3D game. Yes the game does sometimes look like that (and it makes me turn my head in disgust), however, most of the time it actually looks pretty great (for a switch game).
It looks awful. Not to mention sub 720p. And 30fps. (I don't care about 30fps, I actually prefer it. But Redfall got SHIT ON for it)

Idk man, we were crapping on Redfall for how abysmal it looked, and running at 30fps. But not a single reviewer mentions it for this game.


GOW creator mocking Zelda game about visuals.....ok.
Some one tell that dude that gameplay in Zelda BOTW & Zelda TOTK is Si-Fi in terms of gameplay whatever Sony produced last 10 years. Imagine what will Nintendo do with powerful console like PS4 or PS5.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
WIndWaker looks fucking fantastic but it's a matter of art direction, and you can't really compare two art styles so different just because they have a label on them saying "Zelda".
They probably shouldve stuck with cell shading for BOTW and this game. The switch clearly cant handle this level of fidelity.


If it looked like that on ps5/Xbox… sure. However, you review based on the system(s) it’s on. On the switch, it looks great. No way around it.

We never treated psp, gbc/gba/ds/3ds, all isolated consoles with games not on other systems in different buckets. Why would we do it here?

If I compare it to anything else… yes, it’s dated.
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I think u can judge visuals from 2 povs- 1 is vs ps5/xbox series/current pc market, or vs what that zelda game actually runs on, super underpowered and outdated as all fk handheld that is about 1/3rd as strong as xbox one, that even back at its launch in november 2013 was bashed for 900p and under games(famous 762p on titanfall).

Its not devs/game fault new zelda doesnt look like upcoming ff16, simply ninny didnt provide us with up to date machine still, remaster/definitive edition on new ninny handheld will for sure look crispy and run in stable 60fps when its time.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
If it looked like that on ps5/Xbox… sure. However, you review based on the system(s) it’s on. On the switch, it looks great. No way around it.

We never treated psp, gbc/gba/ds/3ds, all isolated consoles with games not on other systems in different buckets. Why would we do it here?

If I compare it to anything else… yes, it’s dated.
They should have went with a different art style then. Good art is timeless. See Windwaker on GC.
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Gold Member
People disagreed with him when he was talking about modern triple a games being trash, and Indies are the future.
Don't need to quote them, because yall will prove me right when he says stuff about your beloved cinematic experiences :)
You said they were the same people. The onus is on you to provide receipts, otherwise you are throwing an emotional temper tantrum.


I feel like I'm in the minority but I actually think the game looks good, and the art style great. Playing mainly handheld.

The game does looks good, like you say its the art style.

However the game suffers with horrific performance issues, the FPS drops are worse than in BOTW, hoping it gets patched but not sure as BOTW never really had great performance.

Nintendo really need to get some upto date hardware out soon.
At least he isn't calling it a DLC. So he's learned a little bit (the bare minimum) since then 😂

Wow, wasnt expecting such massive difference

Really makes me appreciate what they were able to accomplish on the Game Cube

As we've learned now with PS5 & Series X, TFLOPs, or just FLOPs in general, are not a good measuring stick for a game system's performance & capabilities, at times even when they are of the same architecture.

FLOPs somehow became the new Bits. I wonder what buzzword marketing term will come next....
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I really hope next time we get handheld from ninny we actually get much stronger console-only mashine, wouldnt mind current zelda looks if u could put it into home console that would be able to at least run in in 4k60fps with less muddy textures and no visible pop in, even xbox series s console, that launched in holidays 2020 for 300$(now u can get it cheaper ofc, and much cheaper with promos) would be capable of it, power wise.
Think of it as actuall official switch emulator treatment


David Jaffe is right. Tears of the Kingdom looks like a late 7th generation game, meaning it looks old.

This doesn't mean the game looks bad or doesn't take proper advantage of the Switch's hardware. In this case it means the game is clearly pushed back by its exclusive hardware platform.
Perhaps the Switch can do better graphics, but it probably can't do better graphics on an open world game with so much stuff going on.

I don't know why people are getting upset about this, though. David Jaffe is bad because he's not supporting the current thing which is to worship Tears of the Kingdom non-stop?

Gamecube has 9.4 gflops.
I believe that's only for the pixel pipes. It's not counting the vertex pipeline or the TEV unit.
Regardless, we never really counted FLOPs before using unified shader units because it doesn't really lead to comparable outcomes.

The framerate gives me a headache and detracts from the controls. It desperately needs better hardware. Really a joke to be playing a Wii U engine at 25fps in 2023 for a game that the devs put so many years of effort into.
There's always that option of emulating the game on PC hardware. After properly purchasing a fully legal copy, of course.
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Eh, seems like a valid criticism, the visuals are indeed bland. Doesn't mean the game can't be amazing and he says as much himself.
It's the same shit with every new 3D Zelda game, for the first two years everyone goes apeshit crazy when anyone dares criticise any element of the new perfect game, and then after the third year or so it's finally ok admit that maybe it wasn't absolutely flawless.

Though Nintendo also deserves credit for fostering an audience that doesn't care about graphics. By focusing more on gameplay instead of just releasing the same stuff with better graphics (like most of the AAA industry), they've set a different set of expectations.
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He's right.

What makes it even more difficult to look at is aliasing and framerate. It's worse in motion.

Particle effects seem to do more harm than good in many cases because the overall image looks washed out to begin with.

Starting area also has an ugly color palette, but that's preference.


I'm getting tired of people assuming Zelda games get inflated scores. I was open to criticism with BotW because I thought some were fair, but I have seen a lot of horrible takes and misinformation about TotK. No, it isn't perfect. it has flaws, but it is one of the most impressive games I have played in years due to the gameplay alone. The visuals and performance while not the best, it still offers an aesthetically pleasing experience (especially on OLED) and is much more immersive and livelier than most other open world games I have played. I am finding so many differences between BotW and TotK that I convinced people who still say it is DLC haven't played it or are trolling at this point.


OK, it can look bland, but I disagree with what he said about reviews. The developers can only do so much in the Switch, and in that sense it's a technical achievement.
Exactly, I get comparing modern games across platforms but going in with expectations of it having the technical specs of a better system is unwise and unfair. Reviewing it as it stands on the platform it was designed for is best as it realistically leverages its strengths and weaknesses fairly. Unfortunately it seems that some people would rather have a shallow but pretty surface level game. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course, but for me this game is far beyond the open world competition regardless of platform.


I mean he's not wrong. But people don't care much for image quality or visual improvements on Nintendo games for some reason.. so they mostly get a free pass. Just look at the Pokemon series and sales lol.
If you read his actual tweets in full context (as in, actually…reading them) he’s spot on.

And like he says, the game is so good it doesn’t matter. He’s just surprised the reviews don’t even touch on it.

Look, it’s an old mobile chipset from 2015, running a very ambitious seamless open world, with a demanding physics system. I’m honestly amazed they’re able to do the sky island diving/ back to the ground thing so seamlessly. It’s truly impressive that they squeezed this game with near-stable 30fps graphics onto the Switch.
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I mean he's not wrong. But people don't care much for image quality or visual improvements on Nintendo games for some reason.. so they mostly get a free pass. Just look at the Pokemon series and sales lol.

They spend those resources on making the games fun to play. I'm sure most companies limit budgets on projects. They probably just prioritize theirs differently. It makes the market have nice variety -- a little something for everybody.
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