Days Gone sales prove reviews don’t matter.
The positive sentiment from folks online backs this up. Days Gone demo’s incredibly well (despite the early days of wonky performance during past E3 events). And it’s these moments that have clearly created enough momentum to ensure the sales have longevity. My fiance and I are both really enjoying the story and characters, despite them both being a common thread in many of the critical complaints. And when you consider all of the above, alongside the undeniable impact of social media on how games are viewed nowadays, it’s not that big of a leap to state that the reviews really don’t matter. Metascores and back of the box quotes might be important to publishers, but I think it’s the content that sells the game.
If it continued to play how it started through the whole game I could understand the low scores. But the game just keeps getting better and better as you go along and unlock more things.
It’s quite the evolution unlike many games where you still feeling like your playing the same thing up til the end.
not really,sometimes this is how some reactions are after so much time,I experience it myself and kind off mess me up when I got to that part of the story because it made me remember things.Just finished the story..
is it just me or did sarah come off a bitch. Like finding her was so anticlimactic.
No they dont walk pass they go to alert state. But depends on group and enviroment i guess. It has one or better one AI for doing stealth that iv seen better then AC last game or division when one enemy sees you and all starts shoot at you in second
Yes, I also found the AI behavior to be inconsistent regarding corpses detection.
The enemies can go into alert from seeing a corpse, but in my experience it was a very rare occurrence. It happened something like 5 times max during my whole playthrough.
I remember specifically one where not only did the corpse alert a patrolling enemy but it did from a great distance.
I am not talking about killing enemies close to each other, but really the cases where you kill an isolated enemy and somebody notice it moments later.
Less rare but there is also the fact that sometimes you will alert the closest enemies from repeatedly using a silenced weapon.
I suspect that it's probably not inconsistent AI behavior but more like you have to match some arbitrary algorithmic criteria (firing x times in x seconds), hence getting away with it sometimes because you waited more between two shots.
On Days Gone, this involved a lot of back and forth with the brilliant Sony music team. They would design these interactive systems and I would write music to fit in that system. For example, I would write music in layers so that all the layers together sounded like a cohesive piece of music but the game engine could selectively turn layers off or on based on what’s happening in the game. That’s a little oversimplified but the result was a score that felt more like it was scored linearly, like a film, but it was responding dynamically to the action. It’s a big additional layer to the process that film and TV don’t have.
I feel like there's something weird going on when the game gives you horde locations late in the game. Like the hordes seem much smaller than they did before it gives their locations. Before I was facing hordes of 70-80+ and now it's like 30-40 if that.
Playing on hard mode to so I don't get it. I'm at over 70% hordes cleared now to.
Have completely avoided hordes so far. IMO Bend has created one of the most intimidating antagonistic forces I've ever come up against in a game.
No doubt. I’m at Lost Lake.How far are you into the game? It really doesn't take that long before you have the resources to take on some of them, and they're a good source of EXP and trust for the camp in that region. Heck, one of them near a NERO camp practically gives you the win due to a generous amount of explosive items near it.
Does anyone know how many “zombies” make up the horde at the Saw Mill? Has the developer mentioned it?
Agreed. Some of the characterization in this game is absolutely top notch, better than anything I've see before. The pained look in Deek's eyes during some cutscenes is very compelling and sympathetic. We've made our way out of the valley of the shadow of the uncanny.Just finished it up. A totally great game. Good story overall. Great character writing. One of the more “adult” interactions ive seem in a video game. (Ie, a lot of it was how real people would interact and not some super hero). I’m surprised how good it was overall. (Definitely some quibbles here and there; but overall a great offering)
Can’t wait for the sequel.
so they fixed those cutscenes audio in new update ? anyone can confirm that ? thats cool
(Copied from the gif thread. Credit to Cormack.)
Finally Platinum'd.
Any chance of DLC based on the NERO ending or will they go for a sequel directly?
The game is actually very progressive so I wondered why it got targeted politically. However take a look at the "anarchists" enemies in the game and how Deek really hates them. Look at where Bend is located and their proximity to Portland with what's been going on there. It's basically a giant middle finger to them lol.
It's a bit of a stretch but I bet ya that's why it got targeted politically.
(Copied from the gif thread. Credit to Cormack.)
Finally Platinum'd.
Any chance of DLC based on the NERO ending or will they go for a sequel directly?