Well somebody's got to post the video of the comic-con announcement
Then the following year we got the first teaser footage.
When Supes showed up the guy was having an orgrams
Well somebody's got to post the video of the comic-con announcement
Then the following year we got the first teaser footage.
Batman v. Superman has always promised ground-shaking action, but theatergoers in New York City will have the opportunity to really feel it thanks to 4D cinema. The upcoming superhero flick will show at NYC's first ever 4DX theaters, with the technology providing environmental effects synced with the movie, including "motion-activated seats, wind, fog, rain, lightning, vibration, snow, and scents." Batman v. Superman will be the first film to show at the new 4DX-enabled screens at Regal Cinemas' Union Square location on March 25th (and Regal Cinemas' E-Walk 13 on April 28th), but other films will follow.
Comic-Con is gonna be nuts this year, WB/DC preppin' to drop some bombs.
Entertainment Weekly: This film has been in the works for three years, so what are your earliest memories of getting back into the cape and picking up the story after Man of Steel?
Henry Cavill: My first memory of getting back into it was delving back into the comics and finding bits of personality. Obviously, I had to wait for the script to come back so I knew what I was allowed to implement, and then it was just about trying to get as much of Supermans character into the script as possible as far as how I saw it and of course everyone has their different viewpoints on the character. My lasting memory, was going back to the comic books and really exploring the psychology of the man with the hope that I could apply it to the script.
There were complaints from some fans that it was out-of-character for Superman to allow the Man of Steel fight to cause such destruction and loss of life. In Batman v Superman, that anger is part of the story its why Bruce Wayne hates Superman. Did it surprise you that they incorporated that?
I think that may have been part of the master plan all along. When it comes to the major story stuff I cant really speak on that, because that was above my paygrade. What I can speak of is the idea of Superman, especially when the finger is pointed at collateral damage in the first movie. I mean, were talking about a greenhorn.
Do you think hed do it differently now?
Lets say now, [if] Superman has the same threat again, thats a different story. He would, of course, bring collateral damage to an absolute minimum, but in that, hes just trying to survive because if he doesnt, the planets gone. Thats the excuse I make for Superman. Hes fresh and hes new, and its very easy to point out the faults in someone after theyve done it, but put yourself in their shoes and see what happens.
When is Comic Con happening this year?
I'm also ready for the opening of ticket sales in two days. I'm so gonna be there for the premiere!
New interview with Cavill seems to get Superman
Some VP of Regal theaters tweeted that he has taken his seats for the screening.
Anyone got suggestions on sick T-shirts to wear to the opening? Ideally something with both Batman and Superman, or just Batman. Sorry #TeamSupes.
Got tickets for Batman v Superman midnight showing the 22nd of march in my hometown. I can't believe this movie even exists. Its like a childhood dream come true.
If you could hear his goddamned voice.Bane was such a great villain.
oh boy
If you could hear his goddamned voice.
If you could hear his goddamned voice.
Fuck this guy and everyone attending a screening this weekhttps://mobile.twitter.com/sylvioso?p=s
Just spoke to someone who saw #BatmanVsSuperman and said it was better than any of the Nolan movies. I'm so pumped
18 - Telltale Batman Reveal
19 - #DCSuperHeroGirls Animated Special
22/23 - Flash/Arrow Returns
25 - Batman v Superman Premiere
26 - #DCRebirth Presser
28 - #SuperFlash crossover
My guess for BATMAN V SUPERMAN: it will be fine. Some people will hate it, some will love it, most will think it's ok.
If it's better than the Nolan films then holy shit.
I don't take anything like this at face value, but eh
Also wonder if DC will try to promote like a #DCSuperWeek
Also the Batman v Superman Nascar stuff
The wait is painful but sweet. Like a Mexican chili candy.
Bane was such a great villain.
They are the shit. Don't underestimate the mexican need for a burning mouth, those people are fire breathers . Not even Superman's cold breath would stand a chance.chili....candy...what?
If it's better than the Nolan films then holy shit.
Faraci bracing for impact
Anyone got suggestions on sick T-shirts to wear to the opening? Ideally something with both Batman and Superman, or just Batman. Sorry #TeamSupes.
Bwahahahahahahaa, so sweet.]
Faraci bracing for impact
I don't take anything like this at face value, but eh
Also wonder if DC will try to promote like a #DCSuperWeek
Also the Batman v Superman Nascar stuff
Has someone done a Batman/Superman montage?
As in starting for the 70's all the way up to Dark Knight Rises/Superman Returns showing the growth and changes to both characters in film... I'd love to see something like that.
Just got my BvS Funko box. Some great stuff in there, including the shirt I'll probably wear to the premiere.
wait, are they really showing off the Batman TT game on the 18th, or where you hoping they would?
BATMAN: Telltale Unmasked with Greg Miller
Friday, March 18
4:30PM - 5:15PM
Admission: FREE
Austin Convention Center
531 E 4th St
Ballroom C
Official panel listing: http://schedule.sxsw.com/2016/events/event_PP92323
Were excited to talk some more about the series and how development at Telltale can often work quite unlike most other game developers out there. In case you missed it, just this week Telltale CEO Kevin Bruner spoke with Kotaku discussing the future of the studio, hinting just a bit about whats in store for our new series, simply saying, "Its not like any other Batman game out there."
Not going to be in Austin for the show? We've got you covered. The whole panel will be streamed LIVE right from the heart of Texas. Catch it here: twitch.tv/sxswgaming
Got tickets for Batman v Superman midnight showing the 22nd of march in my hometown. I can't believe this movie even exists. Its like a childhood dream come true.
If it's better than the Nolan films then holy shit.
You dare?!The Nolan movies are overrated anyway.
The Nolan movies are overrated anyway.
I will tell you how you'll get those scars.Nolan movies were great, loved how his take was more about Bruce Wayne than it was about Batman. Add the villains, the score etc. Nolan delivered.
Also: TDKR>BB>TDKfight me