Eh, based off all the feedback so far I could it getting certified fresh. But they'll be 3 star reviews so the average rating will sit around 6.5-7.
Nope, not gonna happen. Some reviewers already hate it. I think 70-75 would be great, but sticking to my 65-70 prediction.
Oh really? What has been the negative stuff said about it so far?
If you enjoy it and it makes enough for WB to continue with their plans, what do the RT scores/rankings/whatever matter?
If you enjoy it and it makes enough for WB to continue with their plans, what do the RT scores/rankings/whatever matter?
I just hope reviewers can go into this accepting of this Superman for who he is instead of who he isn't this time.
Oh really? What has been the negative stuff said about it so far?
Here is that chinese clip of Wonder Women talking
Awesome! I love her accent
How dare DC/WB make a DC movie. Preorder cancelled.I've only seen one 'negative' review and it was "It's like a DC movie".
A sociopath ?
A 33 year old alien who has no concept of.....humanity ?
Oh oh. An unfeeling dick.
Seriously.....33 years on the planet. he decides eh you know I'm gonna do something with this alien shit.
Zod comes, ON TOP OF THAT.....He not only basically says fuck his home planet, he says I'm gonna make sure they stay dead.
I get it's a "different" Superman. But that's bad writing.
The line "Krypton had it's chance" made my heart sink.
Because seriously......."Krypton had it's chance" ? Superman might be a dick....might be arrogant......But he would NEVER be THAT much of grossly.....egregiously uncaring fuck.
Like good god man.
Some new footage in the Brazilian Jeep ads.
Damn they increased the Metropolis destruction! lol
I like how you see more of it from Bruce's POV like the ship crash and the fighter jet hitting the building because of Black Zero.
Anyone checked this out? Saw it pop up on SHH.
Here is that chinese clip of Wonder Women talking
Awesome! I love her accent
Here is that chinese clip of Wonder Women talking
Awesome! I love her accent
RottenTomatoes can go to hell.
9go seems to be an Australian channel.What network is that? Checked out HBO where they usually do a first look but they have nothing scheduled that I see from now until the film's release.
In Terrio we trust! Plus early buzz appears positive.True. And also y'all overestimating the scores for this.
Snyder movies don't rate that high
Early buzz for super hero movies are usually positive anyways, doesn't mean muchIn Terrio we trust! Plus early buzz appears positive.
Usually but not always. Plus a lot of the early buzz for the recent superhero movies has actually been fairly predictive. I know it's not definitive but I do think it means something coupled with the other information we have. Of course it wouldn't be the first time I've been accused of being overly optimistic.Early buzz for super hero movies are usually positive anyways, doesn't mean much
I think BVS is very good
I would give a grade, but definitely batter than Age of Ultron
dark knight is indeed very dark,very terrying.Bruce's pass give him many mental injury
WW is just beautiful and badass.All i want to say:"Marry me, my goddess."
Though sups is call Man of Steel,but he isn't so steel insida his heart.But luckily he has Louise being there with him.
BVS's Lex Luthor is quit different from other versions I know before,but he is excellent in the film,can make people feel a sense of crisis,but sometime he is quite funny.
I cant spoiler the story of the film,but i think it's good
It's Zack Snyder,ofcause the action is great.
Soundtrack is ok I guess,I didn't pay too much attention on it.
There are many easter eggs.
If have to compare with MCU films,I will between Age of Ultron and Winter Soldier
WW and Batman had a little flirt,Superman and WW just getting know each other in the end.
I haven't watched Batman Begin in very long time,but I think BVS is better .
The dark knight definitely is the better film,but BVS is the more comic accurate film.
I preher BVS than The Dark Knight Rise.
The best part I think is the Batman VS Superman,the Doomsday fight,every things about Batman,Sperman and Louise 's daily life and his internal strugger,and yes WW
Luthor part is also great.
the last act is a little rush,hoping it can be fix in Director's Cut.
.If it is better than Batman Begins, it is also better than Winter Soldier.
Although I'm getting tired of it's better than X but not as good as Y comparisons. It doesn't mean much at all.
Some new footage in the Brazilian Jeep ads.
''Not my Wonder Woman'' (I wouldn't even be surprised)
I'll bet the reviewer who will write that has never read a Wonder Woman comic in his life.
It looks like he is charging into something.
New perspective of the scout ship crash makes the destruction grander than MoS. Doubling down is gutsy. Somebody should do a side-by-side of the crash.
"So if we're done measuring dicks...can you have your people show me what you found?"
"You know, it's true what they say about little boys...born with no natural inclination to share"
Possible Chinese review of the film
possible repost from 10 posts ago
I agree, but I suppose the wording of some things could irk people, petty as it may be. Like you can mark it down because you don't like it, obviously, but to mark it down because it's still not "my Superman" (which I agree it, but it doesn't bother me too much because it's not like "my Superman" stops existing) is like the reviewing equivalent of "stop hitting yourself". Sorta. Eh.
I have the Hot Toys Batman Begins batsuit, Dark Knight batsuit, Dark Knight Joker, 89 Batman, and 89 Joker all displayed in an IKEA glass case called the DETOLF. It's the cheapest glass case you can find, it runs like 60 bucks.Out of curiosity do any of you guys own any of 1/6th Hot Toys stuff, or figures in general, and how do you display them? Going to bite the bullet on the Supe/Bats special edition but wondering for the future the best way to display them....really want to get the Bat signal too when it releases...
Surprised to see this is the Barbie Batman too. lol
Custom though but he only swapped out the bodies and used a different head sculpt from another figure.
I'd like to think the reviewers aren't that petty. But given the's kind of a hard watch.