evil solrac v3.0
That's the point Super WOULD do that. Because he's isn't trying to look to for the "human" way. Mostly because he isn't human. He's the ideal of humanity. The paragon of what we hope to be, not what we want (because to want to be in who give the impression that we can, hope is something that's always there we just don't do it)
Case and point your statement.
You don't understand......That movie......is basically is saying that the hero Superman is as we know him. Couldn't exist in our world today.
Paranoia, the fear, human emotion. He wouldn't be able to rise above it much like we wouldn't be able it.
That the thing you guys are defending.....You guy are defending a world where superman........isn't superman. That idea of what he represents, that the cynicism in our world would overcome EVEN HIM.
Which is the point of Superman. He's a do-gooder boy scout asshole with a sense of humor. The LEAST cynical being in existence.
You have to PUSH him to that point the movie already had him at by default.
The being who wants to do the right thing. The being who is the only ONE who can do what we can't imagine, can't understand.
That movie. Not the entire DCU, I mean we could always get him.....eventually.....hopefully sooner rather than later would be great tho.
The soundtrack suggests that heroes are real...and in the end they will triumph and power through whatever that stand in there way.
Seriously.....I feel like Hans is the only one who got the meme that's it's a Superman movie. Lol.
But the movie.......it suggests that.......that he can't exist.
1. I know. Also......What ? he didn't have the entire fight to realize what it was doing to the civilians ? Lol....I mean.....guys ? Really ?
2. Noooooooo......They made a movie about Superman and didn't have him be Superman and/or act like Superman......Seriously what the fuck is this ? I get he's "new" at this 33 years....What was he doing this whole time ? But lets sidestep that. Why can't a Superman as he IS....be presented as he IS in OUR world today ?Wouldn't the appeal of that be amazing ? Could a guy like that survive in having his will tested mentally, physically in our jaded world would his principles change ? In a post 9/11 world you don't think we need a guy like that ?
3. Son, He's 33 years old ? WHAT ? WHAT IS THIS ?? Yeah, I'm more of a proponent for the Cartoons. Paul Dini......I mean.....that guy.....killed it.
I don't fuck with the Reeves movies like that. Not a big reader if the comics,,,,,I don't hink Superman Returns is THAT bad. Lol. Honestly, if you think about it.
The Matrix movies 1 and 2 serve as a better implementation of a Superman Story than Man of Steel ever did.
I accept what he is......I just question it. I like to think, lol. I don't know.
Batmurder with his M60 ready to body the criminals of Gotham. lol
.................ellipses....................ellipses everywhere!
edit: that's a shotgun Batman is holding FYI.