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DC Extended Universe |OT3| A League of Academy Award Winners


Unconfirmed Member
Wonder Woman pulled in 11 mil last night


Warner Bros. Pictures and DC Films‘ Wonder Woman grossed $11 million from Thursday previews, with $1.5 million of that figure coming from IMAX theaters. It’s the best preview night figure for a movie directed by a female director, beating Sam Taylor Johnson’s Fifty Shades of Grey ($8.6 million). The film is expected to earn more than $90 million for its opening weekend.

The $11 million tops such original films like Doctor Strange ($9.4 million), Ant-Man ($6.4 million), and Thor ($3.2 million), and sits just behind Guardians of the Galaxy‘s $11.2 million. For 2017, it only trails Disney’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ($17 million) and Beauty and the Beast ($16.3 million).

Internationally, Wonder Woman added $12.1 million on Thursday from 32 markets. The international total is now $18.7 million.


Unconfirmed Member
Little Suicide Squad 2 blurb from THR speaking to Joel Kinnaman


What's the status of the Suicide Squad sequel and will you be back for it?

As far as I know they're writing the script and I think the plan is to shoot it sometime in 2018, but that could change. I think I'll definitely come back for it.

There's no director attached to it yet. Who do you want to direct it?

Ultimately, I'd love for David Ayer to direct it, but if he doesn't want to direct it then someone who is great with character and that's able to ground the story and maybe put these characters in a more normal situation. It would be really interesting to see these crazy characters interact with regular people as well.


On a separate note, I noticed that my B&N is stocking some Rebirth books. I saw that they had Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and several others. I wanted to start catching up on some of these so which ones would you guys recommend?

I looked online and there seems to be unanimous praise for Superman while everything else is all over the place. I'm in the mood for something epic with twist and turns and great art.


On a separate note, I noticed that my B&N is stocking some Rebirth books. I saw that they had Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and several others. I wanted to start catching up on some of these so which ones would you guys recommend?

I looked online and there seems to be unanimous praise for Superman while everything else is all over the place. I'm in the mood for something epic with twist and turns and great art.

Out of those, I've only read Batman (which I enjoyed), but I've heard various praise for Superman and Wonder Woman.

If Deathstroke is available, that's an absolute must.


I've heard great things about Deathstroke as well. I don't think they had it, but I am interested in seeing what it's all about. I don't know anything about Deathstroke except for what I've seen in Arrow and Teen Titans.


On a separate note, I noticed that my B&N is stocking some Rebirth books. I saw that they had Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and several others. I wanted to start catching up on some of these so which ones would you guys recommend?

I looked online and there seems to be unanimous praise for Superman while everything else is all over the place. I'm in the mood for something epic with twist and turns and great art.

Of those in order

Wonder Woman

But make sure Superman and not Adventure Comics.


Superman sounds really good from the impressions I'm hearing. Guess I'll dive in.

How is Scott Snyder's Batman book? I loved his run with Capullo but I haven't heard anything about his new one.
On a separate note, I noticed that my B&N is stocking some Rebirth books. I saw that they had Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and several others. I wanted to start catching up on some of these so which ones would you guys recommend?

I looked online and there seems to be unanimous praise for Superman while everything else is all over the place. I'm in the mood for something epic with twist and turns and great art.

all of it plus try and pick up Super Sons as well.

in order of best to "worst"
Wonder Woman


Unconfirmed Member
Joss on board



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Grabbing a bite to eat with the family before the movie starts in 35. Everyone is pumped!


Just got back. The cinema was packed, lots of women were in my showing.

The movie was absolutely beautiful... like no words. it was funny, heartfelt, cute, adorable, epic. The so called third act was freaking amazing. The girl sitting next to me started sobbing after that part at the
. The romance part was also lovely and very well done and i loved it.

The tone was perfect too. Diana and Steve have mad chemistry together. I felt
so bad for her at the end.

The whole cinema laughed so much at some of the scenes, especially the one with them in the boat. They showed the JL trailer before the movie.

WW is not just the best comic book movie of the year, it's one of the best comic book movies ever. I absolutely loved Logan but preferred this one by far.

Bravo Patty and co. Bravo.


Damn good. Honestly they nailed the tone. There's plenty of levity (my theater was roaring at times) but it took itself seriously and never undercut the drama with jokes. Whew, Gal. Can't believe I ever doubted her.


Old Member
Just got back. I give the movie a 9/10, maybe my favorite superhero origin movie ever. We'll see how I feel in a few days.

I give Gadot as WW 11/10. I posted in OT my feelings on the movie, and I'm not bullshitting when I say she's the first actor playing a superhero that I've believed in as much as I did since I first saw Reeve as Superman. She is phenomenal. I can't speak highly enough of her.


Just got back. I give the movie a 9/10, maybe my favorite superhero origin movie ever. We'll see how I feel in a few days.

I give Gadot as WW 11/10. I posted in OT my feelings on the movie, and I'm not bullshitting when I say she's the first actor playing a superhero that I've believed in as much as I did since I first saw Reeve as Superman. She is phenomenal. I can't speak highly enough of her.

You'd put it ahead of Batman Begins?


Old Member
You'd put it ahead of Batman Begins?

Yeah. I'm not as high on the Nolan films as most people are. I like Begins, but it does some things with the character I'm not a fan of. Previously my favorite origin movies were Man of Steel and the original Reeve Supes, but this one beats them out I think. I just bought into Gadot that much.


Anyone who says Gal was a bad actress in THIS movie. I'm sorry I just can't take that criticism seriously. Sure she's not the best in the world and she's certainly not winning any Oscars, but she really portrayed Diana Prince better than anyone imo. I can't see anyone else in that role at this point.

It was honestly a great movie and I had an amazing time. My only complaints are honestly nitpicks. I do kinda feel they relied on the slo mo a little too much, but it didn't' deter the action for me.

And I think the ending went on just a bit too long. I actually didn't have an issue with the fight against Ares. Aside from the "No Mans Land" sequence the ending was her most heroic moment. Her sparing Dr. Poison and rejecting Ares temptation.

Green light a sequel ASAP.

My quick thoughts when the lastline in spoilers are it may spoil the movie for some.
One day, you and I will fight!

How is Batman last on your list?

tell me something, do you bleed? *you will*
no you won't.

that's why I put "worst" in quotation marks as I don't consider any of them bad or even middle of the road by any stretch. It's just that I didn't really feel Tom King although he has turned it around a bit with "I am Bane" and Superman and Wonder Woman have been hitting heights they haven't reached in 10-15 years easy.


I am so happy for Gadot. She must be on cloud fucking 9 after proving all of the sexiest haters wrong. I bet a huge part of it is how much she genuinely likes the character and how excited she was to playing it. You can see it in every interview.

My screening is in 30 minutes and I can't wait.

Edit: I'm looking at Amazon for Superman Rebirth but I don't understand how this works. How do I read the whole story? Do I need to buy multiple?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hot damn!! Give Patty a billion and let her do whatever she wants WB. What heart this film has. I mean, you felt this movie and every emotion WW experienced. That's not easy to do. Very impressed with Gal specifically and everyone who worked on it. Wonder Woman has officially arrived and entrenched herself in the cultural relevance of our youth. I'm so happy for all the little girls especially that will carry this memory into adulthood. Bravo.
I am so happy for Gadot. She must be on cloud fucking 9 after proving all of the sexiest haters wrong. I bet a huge part of it is how much she genuinely likes the character and how excited she was to playing it. You can see it in every interview.

My screening is in 30 minutes and I can't wait.

Edit: I'm looking at Amazon for Superman Rebirth but I don't understand how this works. How do I read the whole story? Do I need to buy multiple?

You can skip the ones with Action Comics in the title, they're not very good. Each Volume is about 6 or 7 individual issues in a single paperback. I believe volumes 1 and 2 are out, and 3 is on preorder (this is for all Rebirth titles not just Superman).


well not really...yet
Gal Gadot IS this movie. Like, I don't think there's been any actor that's as convincingly sold the desire to help and do good as she did in this movie, just as she convincingly despairs at the realization that the world isn't as good as she thought. She owns the role completely and utterly.

Kudos to Snyder for seeing something in her that it looks like no one else did at the time, and kudos to Jenkins for bringing it to fruition.

One of the biggest strengths of BvS, and one of the things that set itself apart from the utterly hollow and cynical Civil War flick was it's meaningful presentation of the world and people that surround the heroes, and that continues in Wonder Woman. The setting and people don't feel like a prop, they impact the hero in a pretty profound way, and her interactions with the people she meets affects them profoundly as well. These movies are the only ones being made that fundamentally understand the meaning of bringing these characters into a real world setting.

Could go into nitpicking random issues, but ultimately its kinda meaningless when I think back and remember the scene of Diana listening to the women in the trenches and then deciding to go out fighting. Real feeling went into the making of this.


Just watched it. Liked it a lot but not sure if I love it yet. A few quick thoughts:

Great origin movie. I can see why people love it. Personally, I really missed the inner struggles from Snyder movies. Not even speaking about the quality of the movies, but just the concept. The classic heroism and heart is great, don't get me wrong. Just wish for a movie with both. I think MoS could have been that, but missed the mark. Yes I know she kind of struggles here, but not really imo and not for long.

I also really liked the third act. The movie really clicked for me during a conversation with Steve and Diana on that watchtower during it. Not sure why people say the final battle came out of nowhere. I feel like the movie built it up the entire time.

Anyway, still loved it. And the soundtrack is gorgeous. I don't know what it is about DC movies but goddamn do the scores always stand out. Not even talking about the theme. Oh and the credits were beautiful. Loved that art


On a separate note, I noticed that my B&N is stocking some Rebirth books. I saw that they had Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and several others. I wanted to start catching up on some of these so which ones would you guys recommend?

I looked online and there seems to be unanimous praise for Superman while everything else is all over the place. I'm in the mood for something epic with twist and turns and great art.

Green Arrow definitely. The biggest jump in quality Rebirth offered and the most consistently gorgeous combicbook in superhero genre,.
These movies are the only ones being made that fundamentally understand the meaning of bringing these characters into a real world setting.

I think the dark knight did that too. But BvS juggled even more by melding the larger comic universe to our reality and especially having to deal with the sci fi/fantasy elements like superman and wonder woman

But yeah. Despite my problems with how BvS was written i remain impressed at the world building Snyder/goyer/terrio pulled off with just one movie. That opening scene with superman fighting zod in metropolis was the most effective "grounded" depiction of these hero battle set pieces I've ever seen.

And with wonder woman I think they incorporated a real war with superhero fantasy much better than the last attempt with captain America tbh

Unbreakable definitely deserves a mention too even though it doesn't have licensed characters.

Edit: and in regards to Diana she's the most earnest and good natured superhero I've seen since Tobeys Spider-Man and Reeves Superman long before that. Damn good company. I hope she gets to co-lead with Batman in the league.
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