Superman 3 and 4 had original villains. No one was here for it.
The problem with original villains is that any villain concept you can come up has probably already been done in the comics. Why make my own "evil billionare," "serial killer," or "vindictive god-witch" when Lex Luthor, The Joker, and Circe already exist?
Plus, you have to factor in that 90% of comic book villains are pretty much blank slates that you can switch up if need be. Only the top tier - think Magneto, Red Skull, Luthor - are sacred cows that you would have to adhere pretty close to. No one will care too much if you change up, say, Doctor Psycho to fit the needs of a movie as long as enough of the iconography (short man with psychic powers, in this case) stays. With that in mind, might as well go with a name in the comics that hardcore fans can get excited about, and thus, help drive hype for the movie.
I would just prefer to have her in the monster universe (if that ever comes to fruition) and the batman universe side than have her in wonder woman. It always depends on the execution of course, maybe someone will come up with a perfect plot device to present what you described.As I said, set her up as a villain, but then become superfriends.
One thing I'd like to see more of from superhero movies is throwaway villains. Not every villains needs to or should carry a movie.
I'd love it if the next Wonder Woman movie opened with a big, fun fight scene between Diana and someone like Silver Swan or Angle Man. Something to help establish that there are a lot of villains running around.
Flash is a good candidate for that I believe, maybe Batman, too.
I really hope they don't call that movie Justice League Dark or Dark Universe.
You can't tell me they can't come up with a better name for a team of magic heroes. Call it "Shadowpact" or "Zatanna and the Sentinels of Magic." Hell, steal the name "Outsiders." The "Dark" names are just too plain for me.
"What, we some kinda....Justice League Dark?"
Slightly on the topic of female heroes, I'm calling Mera being the breakout character of Aquaman. Arthur will probably have his moment in JL, but I can see people walking out of his movie thinking Mera is the best character.
That's assuming, of course, that she gets a significant role and they do her hydrokinesis well.
"What, we some kinda....Justice League Dark?"
I'm still super curious how they're gonna have the Atlanteans talk underwater. Will it be telepathic using some kind of sound waves like whales/dolphins do? Will they just talk with their mouths and ignore the fact there's water everywhere and it doesn't just block all the sound? Can't wait to see how they handle all these technical hurdles too.
I'm still super curious how they're gonna have the Atlanteans talk underwater. Will it be telepathic using some kind of sound waves like whales/dolphins do? Will they just talk with their mouths and ignore the fact there's water everywhere and it doesn't just block all the sound? Can't wait to see how they handle all these technical hurdles too.
Well I know it's CG water, I'm just saying "in universe" how are they going to approach it? If they do a telepathic route (like how they portray Aquaman is able to "talk" to fish) and we just hear their dialog but their mouths aren't moving, would the audience buy that? Would it be boring?Well the water and stuff is all CG. I expect them just talking underwater
But what about Oscars?WW's gonna make WB a lot of bank.
I'm still super curious how they're gonna have the Atlanteans talk underwater. Will it be telepathic using some kind of sound waves like whales/dolphins do? Will they just talk with their mouths and ignore the fact there's water everywhere and it doesn't just block all the sound? Can't wait to see how they handle all these technical hurdles too.
I love the idea of underwater speaking but with a real sort of sonic, aquatic quality to it. So there's this sort of aquatic, almost sonar/whale thing. Even though it's in a human language, there's this slight sort of underlay to it, this ping to it, which I think would be interesting for us to design from a sound design perspective. Yeah, it will be fun. Also, Zack has some ideas that he'll be doing in Justice League.
What's the likelihood we get something from Aquaman at Comic Con?
What's the likelihood we get something from Aquaman at Comic Con?
What's the likelihood we get something from Aquaman at Comic Con?
What's the likelihood we get something from Aquaman at Comic Con?
I'm gonna say 100%. My Comic Con predictions are...What's the likelihood we get something from Aquaman at Comic Con?
Fuck yes! That's exactly what I was hoping for.James Wan gave an answer to this.
What's the likelihood we get something from Aquaman at Comic Con?
I'm gonna say 100%. My Comic Con predictions are...
- Aquaman footage screened for Hall H that will leak out potato cam style later
- Justice League scene or new trailer which will go live to the world after the debut at Hall H
- Zack showing up for the panel and getting a crazy ovation
- I'm 50/50 on whether Joss will be there, only to not take anything away from Zack and unless they have Batgirl stuff to announce, there's no reason for him to be there
- I think they announce release dates for Sirens, Flash, SS2, The Batman, and surprise us with either Green Lantern or MoS2
- Flash director announced and any other director shifting around also announced.
Fuck yes! That's exactly what I was hoping for.
Likely, I think. It's unknown if Snyder will be there given the news of his loss, but him and co. always show up with a surprise. Last two years we had super early footage of Justice League and Suicide Squad. In 2014, they brought the (unfortunately) never release clip of Batman turning on the signal and Superman showing up in the center, along with the first image of Wonder Woman.
It'll be something small, if anything. At the very least a photo of Black Manta and Ocean Master.
After Suicide Squad blew up, I can't imagine WB will keep anything SDCC exclusive.
WB learned and won't withhold footage from viewers at home.
Warner Bros will just upload anything they show. I think they're past the whole Comic Con exclusive after last year where they uploaded everything they showed.I'm gonna say 100%. My Comic Con predictions are...
- Aquaman footage screened for Hall H that will leak out potato cam style later
- Justice League scene or new trailer which will go live to the world after the debut at Hall H
- Zack showing up for the panel and getting a crazy ovation
- I'm 50/50 on whether Joss will be there, only to not take anything away from Zack and unless they have Batgirl stuff to announce, there's no reason for him to be there
- I think they announce release dates for Sirens, Flash, SS2, The Batman, and surprise us with either Green Lantern or MoS2
- Flash director announced and any other director shifting around also announced.
Fuck yes! That's exactly what I was hoping for.
And when is the Hall H event for DC?
Please Grodd let WB make the right move and announce Cyborg actually being a Titans movie.
PleasePlease Grodd let WB make the right move and announce Cyborg actually being a Titans movie.
I would assume it's that Saturday along with all the other huge studio showings. So, July 22nd?
Fuck a solo Cyborg movie
The story will take place in the U.S., which I think is right. Shes Wonder Woman. Shes got to come to America. Its time.
Please Grodd let WB make the right move and announce Cyborg actually being a Titans movie.
Is she going to take down Donald Trump and his evil empire?
It would be my first time actively rooting against a black superhero movie getting madeIt would flop so hard.
It would be my first time actively rooting against a black superhero movie getting made
Like, I feel like it would somehow make him worse
It would be my first time actively rooting against a black superhero movie getting made
Like, I feel like it would somehow make him worse