Your age shows. It really shouldn't bother you that much. <3It would be my first time actively rooting against a black superhero movie getting made
Like, I feel like it would somehow make him worse
Your age shows. It really shouldn't bother you that much. <3It would be my first time actively rooting against a black superhero movie getting made
Like, I feel like it would somehow make him worse
Normally this shit wouldn't. But my Lord, no. No Cyborg movies. Please.Your age shows. It really shouldn't bother you that much. <3
What if turns out to be a fun movie? Like, you know, character has potential. Don't write him off, we have barely seen anything of him.Normally this shit wouldn't. But my Lord, no. No Cyborg movies. Please.
No one wants it
You can start him out as a blank slate and I still don't feel like a good movie can be made with him as the lead.What if turns out to be a fun movie? Like, you know, character has potential. Don't write him off, we have barely seen anything of him.
Is she going to take down Donald Trump and his evil empire?
I want it only because Ray Fisher seems like a good guy
But haven't even been able to get into Cyborg's solo series
THR: Wonder Woman sets up early Oscar Buzz...
Best makeup like Suicide Squad?I struggle to think what it could be nominated for outside of costumes.
Chris Pine as best supporting actor. If there was an Oscar for stunt choreography, I'd nominate it for that.I struggle to think what it could be nominated for outside of costumes.
THR: Wonder Woman sets up early Oscar Buzz...
Edit: And The League of Academy continues....
I could see the film getting a nomination for Best Costume Design or Best Makeup, since it's a period piece and the Academy fucking loves period costumes.
Lmao it's a great flick, but lets not get crazy here.
It's no Suicide Squad
But yea. I just got back from my 2nd viewing just a bit ago. It was packed yet again.
Surprisingly my biggest complaint was how long the movie was after my first viewing. It really didn't feel that long this time. Maybe because I knew what was coming.
Now I've said this before, but I'm a fucking sap when it comes to anything that's supposed to be sad. So of course the last like 20 minutes the tears start rolling down my face.
I also think this is something people wanted out of MoS or any Superman really. I mean when it all comes down to it. Diana shows compassion to humans and stopped herself from damning us all. I feel that's something that Cavill's Superman is lacking. He loves humans, but he's too conflicted on his role in the world.
This movie is hitting a cord first off because is features and empowering characters on screen kicking ass, being humorous, angry, compassionate and curious. But on a deeper level. Her commentary on man and how she runs head first willing to help without thinking gives you hope.
Sorry if this is too long or if it feels like I kinda rambled on.
... She's aging backwards.Saw this on a SHH forums
The physical difference is incredible. She worked her butt off to be in great shape.
Don't know if this was posted before
I really couldn't care less what the Academy thinks. Bunch of old fellas that just latch onto the latest Oscar bait movie while ignoring certain genres because they are 'dumb'
No matter how good a sci-fi movie is, it has absolutely zero chance of winning an Oscar. Same goes for comicbook movies.
Saw this on a SHH forums
The physical difference is incredible. She worked her butt off to be in great shape.
That's what I imagine a CW Wonder Woman would look like.
THR: Wonder Woman sets up early Oscar Buzz...
Edit: And The League of Academy continues....
For that, we need to go, Halloween Express deeper:
I totally forgot that was a thing that almost happened.
What would you guys think of Josh Duhamel as Wayne?
He's been in nothing but garbage, but I think he looks the part if Ben ends up leaving
Is Harley Quinn still the biggest dc female character?
I feel like if they can keep this ball rolling they can make wonder woman their biggest dc character in merch after Batman.
Also gal and patty better get a salary raise for their next one.
Is Harley Quinn still the biggest dc female character?
I feel like if they can keep this ball rolling they can make wonder woman their biggest dc character in merch after Batman.
Also gal and patty better get a salary raise for their next one.