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DC Extended Universe |OT3| A League of Academy Award Winners


Kinda OT, but I hope Gal negotiated a phat ass contract.

Like she should be getting paid well just from being int he movies, but I hope her agent was smart enough to make sure she gets a good cut of the merch sales. I feel WW merch is about to skyrocket. Her character is going to be relevant for a long time and she's in two movies this year.

There are definitely going to be a lot of little Wonder Women walking around for Halloween this year.

Lets see if they can out-number the Elsas.


love on your sleeve
I think Harley is #1 to the audience that typically enjoys superhero stuff. People who aren't very familiar with comic books and stuff like Batman: TAS would probably know Wonder Woman before Harley.


Wonder Woman does do
the same motion in BvS that she does in WW where you see her look up and stare at the sky. I like that they added that as part of her mannerisms when she's emotionally not okay.


Seems like an obvious reference actually. Snyder had those stories mapped out already as far as the broad strokes go.
Yeah. Snyder didn't get a story credit for nothing. He's meticulous in ways people don't often give him credit for. That was planned and a great way to tie it into other films. WW makes BvS a little bit better by sprinkling in that added context.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm really scared WW is gonna have a huge drop off next weekend... Most of these block busters drop what, 55-60% in week 2? That means it has to take in 40 to 45 mil and for some weird reason I just don't see it doing that with Mummy coming out. Mummy is tracking for 40 mil, so WW would have to beat that to hold that 60% drop. Guardians dropped 55.5% in week 2 as a reference.
I'm really scared WW is gonna have a huge drop off next weekend... Most of these block busters drop what, 55-60% in week 2? That means it has to take in 40 to 45 mil and for some weird reason I just don't see it doing that with Mummy coming out. Mummy is tracking for 40 mil, so WW would have to beat that to hold that 60% drop. Guardians dropped 55.5% in week 2 as a reference.

Be cool man WW is gonna get 600 Worldwide minimum. Typical numering says that a movie needs to make 2.5x it's budget to break even so WW needs to hit 317.5 on a 127 budget. It'll do that friend.

Dont be surprised if warners announces a sequel at Comic con


Yea I think WW will still be the movie to see next weekend. The headlines and good reviews will push people as they like to be "part" of something.

WOM should solidify it. First day back at work for a lot of people. They'll be talking about it.

I'm interested in the weekday totals leading up to the second weekend myself.


So I get to the cinema to watch Wondy and I'm greeted with an employee saying their closed. Fucking power outage. Not sure when I'll get to see it now, maybe Friday.


Most I've seen a movie was TFA 5 times in theaters.

I did my 2nd viewing of WW yesterday. I still loved it and it didn't feel as long this time. That was probably my biggest gripe after the first viewing. I also caught a bit more.

If I see it for a 3rd time it'll probably be next Sunday as I'm pretty busy this weekend with a wedding and it's Also the start of E3. I do want to see it again because I really enjoyed this movie.

But I'm also at the stage where I want them to release a LE Blu Ray set, and I'm already looking at WW merch to buy.


love on your sleeve
I saw Force Awakens and Dark Knight 4 times each and Batman Begins 3 times.

Movies come out so fast on Blu-Ray I usually just wait but I am tempted to watch WW again.


love on your sleeve
Gitesh Pandya @GiteshPandya
#WonderWoman flexed more muscle than WB expected SUN dipping only 16% from SAT vs 28% estimate. $103M+ opening wknd, bright road ahead.

The crowds are buzzing.


Here in Spain we don't get Wonder Woman til June 23 (yeah, I know), so I visited Portugal a couple days ago and watched the movie there. Totally worth it. Amazing movie, what a ride!

I'm thinking of watching Justice League in the UK this November. I should call this the International DC Experience.
Here in Spain we don't get Wonder Woman til June 23 (yeah, I know), so I visited Portugal a couple days ago and watched the movie there. Totally worth it. Amazing movie, what a ride!

I'm thinking of watching Justice League in the UK this November. I should call this the International DC Experience.

Just out of curiosity, where did you see it? Lisbon?


Supposedly Snyder's cameo is when Diana is in the trenches. To all of you who are doing another viewing, please look for it and confirm this for me.
Cross post from spoiler thread:

I really enjoyed it. Didn't love it, but I do think it's the best DCEU movie so far. (juuuust barely edging out MoS which I actually like).

  • Thought all the actors did great. Gal played the fish out of water, yet still knowledgeable idealist who kicks ass when she needs to really well. I always like Chris Pine and I think he does really well. Their banter was really fun and they played well off each other. All the supporting cast was fun to be around (though Chief's acting felt kind of weak).
  • Action was really good. Loved how they shot her blocking bullets so efficiently. Stand out scene was definitely
    her rampaging through the town
    . No Man's Land was cool thematically but I don't think it hit me as hard as some other people. Everything the Amazons did was really bad ass and the scene on the beach was really good.
  • Glad they went with WW1 instead of 2. Felt like a fresh setting for this type of movie and we rarely see WW1 in movies in general.

  • I think it kind of lost it towards the end there.
    The Ares reveal was both a bit predictable and somewhat overwhelming. Even when they revealed Sir Patrick as Ares I was like "Ok, so this is just the form he's taken right?" then they show the flashback and nope! That's what he really looks like. Also he had the goofy mustache back then too. Their fight wasn't as cool as earlier scenes either mostly because it was just him constantly throwing stuff at her telekinetically. I thought the scene of Steve getting ready to shoot the gas was powerful and well done though.
  • The German villains were pretty weak. Ludendorff was fine as a generic bad guy, but we really don't know anything about him or what makes him tick. The closest we get to that is
    the gala dance
    . Dr Poison was more interesting and I feel like they started to scratch at something deeper there but didn't have time to.
    Maybe that's why they let her live.

  • The Charlie stuff felt odd. I feel like there's a scene missing after
    they save the town where he talks about why he couldn't shoot. He never really gets a stand out redeeming moment either. I guess it's to comment on and show Diana that mankind is complicated? But if that's the case it doesn't really come off that way.
  • This part which I also noticed:
    There's one scene near the end
    where she first confronts Ares. She reaches to her back for her sword, and finds it missing (because it's still impaled in the General on the roof). Then it cuts away to the other heroes...then when it cuts back to WW, she's hopping down off the roof with her sword as if to say "hold on I left my sword up there lol"

    Thought that was a super clumsy way of doing that...makes me wonder if there was another scene or shot planned in there and they had to cut around it.
    It was so odd that I assumed Ares had switched out the God Killer sword when it disintegrated in his hand, but nope! Just a weird edit of events.
  • Thought the steroid gas was kind of random and didn't add much besides allowing Ludendorff to be on Diana's level for a minute. Not even sure why he used it when gassing high command because they dipped right after he took it lol. Plus you'd think a super soldier gas (even if temporary) alone would be enough to convince command to continue the war.

So yeah, I really did enjoy it. I'm really curious to see where they go for the second one since it will be modern day (I assume). I feel like BvS Diana was a very different character than the one in this movie so I'm curious if they roll with that, or kind of ignore it. I guess we'll get a better idea in Justice League.
I haven't seen many movies multiple times in theaters, especially now since I don't have two separate groups of friends, and most of the movies I saw twice I would have preferred to see only once.

The only movie I saw more than twice in the theater was The Dark Knight at 4 or 5 times.
I only saw two movies more than once.

Mad Max: Fury Road 3 times.
Batman v Superman, twice. (only because my 12y/o cousin wanted to see it - he loved it)


I haven't seen many movies multiple times in theaters, especially now since I don't have two separate groups of friends, and most of the movies I saw twice I would have preferred to see only once.

The only movie I saw more than twice in the theater was The Dark Knight at 4 or 5 times.

I saw TDK 3 times
BVS 3 times
SS 3 times
Civil War 3 times
TFA 5 times
WW 2 times so far. I may go see this one last time next Sunday.


Schnepp floated the idea on today's movie talk and holy crap if WB ever got their act together... give us Batman, MOS2, and Wonder Woman 2 all in one year, the trinity.
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