Nah, he's from Arrow.I'm on the episode of The Flash where they're transporting the villains, who the hell is this laser eye guy? Did I just completely skip over an episode?
Nah, he's from Arrow.I'm on the episode of The Flash where they're transporting the villains, who the hell is this laser eye guy? Did I just completely skip over an episode?
nice to see Felicity got contacts. i'll miss the glasses
Yeah I've just read The Kill Machine and The Outsiders War. I have one more trade volume to go. I would love for Tatsu to come back so we can get a really cool equivalent scene:Hope so. Lemire's run had so much potential and introduced so much great mythology. It was tragedy it was cut short. I would love to see those ideas get the treatement they deserve in TV format.
Hope so. Lemire's run had so much potential and introduced so much great mythology. It was tragedy it was cut short. I would love to see those ideas get the treatement they deserve in TV format.
The Flash got new duds
While I'd love to have Arrow take a crack at the concepts in Lemire's run, the strength of that book was never in the writing. Sorrentino owned that title. Any adaptation would have to be pretty loose to get the most out of it.
To me the real strengt was neither the actual plot Lemire made or the art Sorrentino did. To me the best thing about this run was the world building. It finally gave Green Arrow the groundwork for it's own mythology. I don't really care about the trip to Europe or Richard Dragon's run of terror. Or even Outsiders war. Everything was way to short and wrapped to quickly. What I want is for show to take the Outsiders concept and run with it, not try to recreate the actual plot from the comics.
That shirt. "Big announcement" teased too.
I'm going to call for a swerve and continuation of the JSA theme.
Alan Scott, Green Lantern. Hence the wooden bat, with wood being old GL's weakness. Dovetails with the growing magic idea.
I'm going to call for a swerve and continuation of the JSA theme.
Alan Scott, Green Lantern. Hence the wooden bat, with wood being old GL's weakness. Dovetails with the growing magic idea.
Wanted to share a quick story from Comic Con this year. When I was getting ready for my Nerd HQ panel (and quietly rehearsing the Little Mermaid in my head) one of the volunteers let me know that a young girl named Emily Nagel and her Mom Cindy were backstage hoping for a chance to say hello. They had come from North Carolina for Comic Con and felt a special connection with our show because it played some small part in making certain days better than others. Both Emily and her Mom were kind - too kind - once we got a chance to meet. The next evening we made sure they got a good seat for our Hall H spectacular. Now I just want to take a quick opportunity to thank them. I'm lucky to meet lots of people and hear lots of stories. Thematically, they're always positive, now matter how dire the beginnings. And it honestly might break my brain if I ever did a deep dive on the number of times I've been blown away by generosity and courage in the past few years. So... thank you, Emily. Consider yourself a chief representative of the best fandom I can imagine. See you again soon. xo
He just harnesses this life. Truly amazing.Amell continues to be a class act with his fans. This was an update on his page about meeting someone at ComicCon.
Stay classy, you awesome mofo. I can't help but love the guy.
Oh what the hell? How can you end the season like that? God dammit.
But yeah, despite some annoyances (mainly having to do with The Flash's inconsistent powers), really enjoyed the first season. I had to stop watching Arrow because it started taking itself way too seriously, so this was a breath of fresh air.
The White Canary will be launched in the first few episodes of Arrow. 4×08, our typical crossover episode, will be doing a lot of heavy-lifting in terms of getting the Legends of Tomorrow characters set up and also seeing where they are with relation to The Flash. Its a big episode.
Read More: 'Arrow' Season 4 to Introduce White Canary Before 'Legends' | http://comicsalliance.com/arrow-season-4-white-canary-legends/?trackback=tsmclip
Don't forget Supergirl!Really looking forward to this new season of both shows! And Legends of Tomorrow too.
Some new info on White Canary and this Season's crossover:
Damn he is a swell man.Amell continues to be a class act with his fans. This was an update on his page about meeting someone at ComicCon.
Stay classy, you awesome mofo. I can't help but love the guy.
Yeah but bees thoFlash's powers are inconsistent in every medium. It'd be a nightmare of logistics for writers to actually deal with it realistically. Just one of those things you have to let go.
Confirms that 408 of Flash and Arrow will be the crossover again and focused on LoT, as expected.
Damn he is a swell man.
Damn him for being so swell
Damn him
Yeah but bees tho
Yeah but bees tho
LoT's Jay Jackson might be the new other half of Firestorm? I can't find any corroborating articles though. Explains how they would be getting around Robbie Amell. Really wanted Static though.
Speaking of Static, with the latest Milestone announcement at Comic Con, I thought we'd get some info on that Static show. He'd fit in perfectly with this universe.LoT's Jay Jackson might be the new other half of Firestorm? I can't find any corroborating articles though. Explains how they would be getting around Robbie Amell. Really wanted Static though.
British actor Jimmy Akingbola has nabbed the recurring role of DC Comics villain Baron Reiter well known as Baron Blitzkrieg on Arrow's fourth season.
Akingbola will recur on the series as Baron Reiter, an adversary for Oliver, and appear in the show's prominent flashback scenes. In the comics, the character is the leader of the nefarious group Shadowspire.
New villain for Arrow!
Baron Blitzkrieg is the leader of Shadowspire and allied with Vandal Savage's organization known as Symbolix.
More information on Legends of Tomorrow
More of an anthology show. If the show proves to be popular and gets a renewal for a second season, it's likely that the second season will be about a completely new team with new villains.
Give Blue Beetle pls
LoT's Jay Jackson might be the new other half of Firestorm? I can't find any corroborating articles though. Explains how they would be getting around Robbie Amell. Really wanted Static though.
More information on Legends of Tomorrow
More of an anthology show. If the show proves to be popular and gets a renewal for a second season, it's likely that the second season will be about a completely new team with new villains.
"Its more like a caper, because its sort of like Oceans 11′, where you have a team of misfits, a dirty dozen, and theyve been sent on essentially a suicide mission
Wrong Blue Beetle.
Jaime > Ted
Why not both
Why not both
Honestly, Booster and Ted doing the two gay dads routine through time with Jaime as the straight man is my perfect setup.
What happened to Robbie Amell? Is he out of Legends?
He was never confirmed for LoT.
So there's a chance Animal Man might show up?
I know there's no chance