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DC TV Community Thread [Summer of Superfriends]

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Exciting. It seems early to start, but it is probably to work around overlaps with The Flash and Arrow if they need for instance Sara there.

Eh, I guess depends

Arrow and The Flash started in July got October premieres

This is Sept for Jan premieres... similar time frames
Zero hype.

Constantine should've been the leader of this bunch.

I'd trade Cold and Heatwave for John.

At least he'd bring something unique to the table, though it's clear they wanted to make this a much more heavily action-oriented show and John isn't exactly an action hero.


Exciting. It seems early to start, but it is probably to work around overlaps with The Flash and Arrow if they need for instance Sara there.

Well they're all going to be filming Flash and Arrow episodes 8 in a month's time due to the cross overs so it's probably better to get a jump on things.

For those who want Constantine in Legends of Tomorrow, they've said it's going to be a rotating cast.
Justice League Dark
in season two, baby. Arrow S4 will be the perfect place to introduce more mystical members. And Captain Cold will probably come back to Flash.


just saw the flash trailer...hella hyped. Who is the actor who plays new mask dude? He looks like a young Clancy Brown.

edit: its wwe's edge rofl.
Arrows costume looks really good. Also alittle pumped to have Thea on the team

Kinda trying to hold out some optimism for diggles costume in action



Why does Damien Dark have force powers
Also this promo now cements the OT title I proposed
Arrow Season 4 |OT| It's Greener on the Dahrk Side

And while we are a month away might as well continue to push the buttons for Supergirl (because I can't think of a good Flash subtitle)
SuperGirl Season 1 |OT| Smallville Season 11
Smallville season 11 is an actual thing, so that's out.

Arrow S4 |OT| The Dahrk Side will make you powerful
Flash S2 |OT| What if Grodd was one of us?
Supergirl |OT| It's a bird! It's a plane! It's that one guy's cousin!
Legends of Tomorrow |OT| The Leftovers


Smallville season 11 is an actual thing, so that's out.

Arrow S4 |OT| The Dahrk Side will make you powerful
Flash S2 |OT| What if Grodd was one of us?
Supergirl |OT| It's a bird! It's a plane! It's that one guy's cousin!
Legends of Tomorrow |OT| The Leftovers
Legends of Tomorrow |OT| Vandal-izing the Arrowverse


OMG...just 2 episodes into the second half of Arrow season 3 and this show has gone off the fucking RAILS after The Climb.

Wow....why the HELL are we focusing on the pointless crap with Brick and his plan??

Everything should be about Ras Al Ghul and the League...and Maseo...and Thea/Merlyn(the most interesting thing in this season to me)....that's IT.

I don't give a shit about Diggle or Roy or Felicity...even Palmer. Who CARES???????

I can't believe that characters like Ted Grant and Brick has had more screentime than Ras this season.

Only an absolute amateur writer would do something like that....and this show is full of them.

Marc Guggenheim must have had brain damage.


OMG...just 2 episodes into the second half of Arrow season 3 and this show has gone off the fucking RAILS after The Climb.

Wow....why the HELL are we focusing on the pointless crap with Brick and his plan??

Everything should be about Ras Al Ghul and the League...and Maseo...and Thea/Merlyn(the most interesting thing in this season to me)....that's IT.

I don't give a shit about Diggle or Roy or Felicity...even Palmer. Who CARES???????

I can't believe that characters like Ted Grant and Brick has had more screentime than Ras this season.

Only an absolute amateur writer would do something like that....and this show is full of them.

Marc Guggenheim must have had brain damage.

It really is strange how massive the drop was between season 2 and 3.
Well they're all going to be filming Flash and Arrow episodes 8 in a month's time due to the cross overs so it's probably better to get a jump on things.

For those who want Constantine in Legends of Tomorrow, they've said it's going to be a rotating cast.
Justice League Dark
in season two, baby. Arrow S4 will be the perfect place to introduce more mystical members. And Captain Cold will probably come back to Flash.
JLD is already an upcoming film, so I wouldn't bank on it.
That's more like it
Smallville season 11 is an actual thing, so that's out.

Arrow S4 |OT| The Dahrk Side will make you powerful
Flash S2 |OT| What if Grodd was one of us?
Supergirl |OT| It's a bird! It's a plane! It's that one guy's cousin!
Legends of Tomorrow |OT| The Leftovers
I respect all of those, though I stand by mine:
The Flash Season 2 |OT| 3x2(9YZ)4A=?


What was it, that was so bad about S3 of Arrow? In not saying the drop isn't there, I just didn't notice it, maybe because I thought S1 and S2 weren't that high quality to begin with.
What was it, that was so bad about S3 of Arrow? In not saying the drop isn't there, I just didn't notice it, maybe because I thought S1 and S2 weren't that high quality to begin with.
Basically botched execution. My analysis of Felicity in this season (which seemed to be a highly disliked aspect by the fanbase):
Well, and rightfully speaking, in S3 everyone's character arc was that everyone was torn between two "identities," so to speak. Oliver Queen or the Arrow; Ray Palmer or the Atom; Diggle being a sidekick or a father (which didn't get nearly as much focus as it should have); Roy Harper as a hero or a murderer; Laurel being true to herself, or just trying to be her sister again; Thea Queen or Thea Merlyn. Very good ideas in theory, but in practice they were shaky. Very shaky.

Felicity's arc was "where do my loyalties lie?" type of thing. Which, again in theory, is a very good arc. In practice it was simply a love triangle with a superhero angle. Upsetting, because part of her arc was that she was also having a rough time taking control of her own life, which was part of the whole "identity crisis" motif going on. Again, in theory it's a good idea, but in practice it didn't pan out as well. The reason why Felicity's arc didn't go so well is that the writers decided to have her take control by playing the victim while trying to basically get everyone to do things for her all the time. She's basically second-in-command of Team Arrow. The thing is her barking orders (in some cases to people she has no association with i.e. Ra's) and then whining that things aren't fair is a poor mentality, and one that she should not have gotten away with. In the end she totally does, and that's what truly pissed me off about Felicity's character this past season.

This brings up my biggest issue with Arrow as a whole, primarily focusing on Laurel:
She isn't, but she is a prime example of the Arrow writers' big weakness: the contrivance of a character to meet plot beats. Her arc in S3 is strong in all aspects except for the lie she tells for two-thirds of the season. Naturally, her telling that lie early on is understandable, but for two-thirds of the season? And other characters even HELP her? Ludicrous. And all to get Quentin to turn on Oliver, because they didn't have any other way of getting the police to turn on Oliver. I could think of a couple, but hey, a super-contrived character arc is one way to do it.Thea's character arc (I've said it before and I'll say it again) has the shell of a good character arc. The meat of said character arc, however, leaves much to be desired. That being said, I still like Thea.

So, basically, good concepts with poor execution. I haven't even gotten into the super contrived Merlyn gambit and how poor Ra's (or rather the League as a whole) was a big bad. Close, but not quite at Adam (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) levels.

A good chunk of my full season opinions/analytics are present in the Arrow Season 3 OT, but that's assuming it's even possible to go back to that.


What was it, that was so bad about S3 of Arrow? In not saying the drop isn't there, I just didn't notice it, maybe because I thought S1 and S2 weren't that high quality to begin with.

S2 is pretty high quality when evil Slade showed up...his appearance completely changes the dynamic of the show. And after watching S3, I realized how good S2 was...seriously.

S3 just focuses way too much on useless characters (which is just about everyone) and not enough on the important stuff. Hell, if I was writing it the I would have most of the season take place in that Nabat Parbat place...I couldn't care less about Starling City at this point.

Look at Daredevil, they only focus on the characters that are worth a damn. Almost every episode Matt and Kingpin get most of the screen time...that's how it should be. They don't spend the whole time on Karen Page do they?
. I haven't even gotten into the super contrived Merlyn gambit and how poor Ra's (or rather the League as a whole) was a big bad. Close, but not quite at Adam (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) levels.

Saving the reveal that you have to destroy your home city to ascend to the role of Ras al Ghul for as late as they did was a pretty big failure. Playing that card earlier would have framed Oliver's refusal to take on the role even as the League started killing to persuade him more heroically, whereas it came off as selfish without that little nugget of information.


JLD is already an upcoming film, so I wouldn't bank on it.

They wouldn't necessarily be called Justice League Dark it would still be called Legends of Tomorrow, but clearly the mystic characters are available for TV. And JLD has been in development hell for years. ALSO STOP USING MY AVATAR.
For those who want Constantine in Legends of Tomorrow, they've said it's going to be a rotating cast.
Justice League Dark
in season two, baby. Arrow S4 will be the perfect place to introduce more mystical members. And Captain Cold will probably come back to Flash.

Trigon threatens Earth, and Raven comes to recruit a team to defeat him.

Her recruits include John Constantine, Nyssa al Ghul, Slade Wilson and whoever they introduce in Flash season 2.
Saving the reveal that you have to destroy your home city to ascend to the role of Ras al Ghul for as late as they did was a pretty big failure. Playing that card earlier would have framed Oliver's refusal to take on the role even as the League started killing to persuade him more heroically, whereas it came off as selfish without that little nugget of information.
I've noticed people like to play that off as some sick gambit (there was a Xanatos Gambit thread months ago), but it felt super convoluted to me. Like, there was so many instances where Merlyn didn't benefit from a scenario (which in turn removes its status as a Xanatos Gambit) that it was ridiculous.

What if Oliver wouldn't have gone to fought Ra's? Ollie admitted that Malcolm wouldn't have sold out his own daughter (which played into Ollie's death wish arc). So how would he have benefitted? The League already pegged him as the perpetrator regardless, since Nyssa refused to believe that Merlyn didn't kill Sara (which he in fact did by proxy). If that had never happened, then the whole gambit was blown. What if Oliver had immediately sold out Merlyn to Thea? Then Merlyn is back to square one, only twice as fucked as before.

What if Oliver had never come back? Then Merlyn couldn't fulfill the prophecy because he would have no means of escaping Ra's or having an in to the League without them suspecting his plot. What if Ollie and/or Thea had been killed by Slade? Then again, he's fucked. What if Ollie hadn't survived the plane crash along with Ra's? Then Merlyn has no means of acquiring the Sacred Thimble of al Ghul, and since he's already pardoned from any bounties on his head because of Oliver, then all he benefits from is Oliver being dead, which doesn't matter since they hadn't been true enemies for at least two years. His "gambit" is simply a deal made where should Ollie succeed in killing Ra's and acquiring the Thimble of Justice, then Merlyn ascends to the throne.

That's it. There really isn't any gambit at play. The ONLY way I could accept it as a sick, super dope long con is if Merlyn had contacted Maseo in order to rescue Oliver. Then that means Merlyn planned this all from the beginning. As it stands, his initial plan was to get Oliver to remove all of his bounties and then later use Ollie as a means to seize control of the League. They're two separate, disconnected plans.
They wouldn't necessarily be called Justice League Dark it would still be called Legends of Tomorrow, but clearly the mystic characters are available for TV. And JLD has been in development hell for years. ALSO STOP USING MY AVATAR.
JLD was in development hell because it was del Toro's baby. Then they made a N52 comic out of his idea, which sped up the process when the DCCU schedule announcement came round. The del Toro was booted off/left the project to do PacRim2, which has now streamlined it further.

Also no. It's not yours anymore.
Trigon threatens Earth, and Raven comes to recruit a team to defeat him.

Her recruits include John Constantine, Nyssa al Ghul, Slade Wilson and whoever they introduce in Flash season 2.
Weather Wizard and Mirror Master.


Trigon threatens Earth, and Raven comes to recruit a team to defeat him.

Her recruits include John Constantine, Nyssa al Ghul, Slade Wilson and whoever they introduce in Flash season 2.

Raven might actually be off limits because of Titans and TTG!. There's plenty of other villains that could work though. Nyssa would also make sense in a semi-mystical team. Slade could be haunted by Shado's actual ghost for a change.

JLD was in development hell because it was del Toro's baby. Then they made a N52 comic out of his idea, which sped up the process when the DCCU schedule announcement came round. The del Toro was booted off/left the project to do PacRim2, which has now streamlined it further.

Well if it is coming, it isn't coming remotely before early 2017 which is when a Constantine-led Legends could air. And again it doesn't seem like it would necessarily interfere, only certain characters - Deadshot and Harley - are off limits. It seemed like Amanda Waller would be retired but she's back too.

Also no. It's not yours anymore.

Well go to hell then.
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