I used to pay monthly for this. But I lost interest in it. But after reading this thread, viewing videos and now it's free to play has really got me in the mood to play it. I'll end up paying monthly for it though, even though it's free.
Yeah everything is saved server side and tied to your station account. Do you have multiple station accounts?Today I launched DCUO on my second PC and sent me to make a new char, it never showed me my old one that I started on a different PC. Isn't this stuff done via my Station log in?
Server Downtime December 6th and the DLC
Extended Maintenance Notice: Tuesday, December 6, 2011
We will perform maintenance on all games and services beginning at 12:01 AM PST* on December 6, 2011. You may experience the following:
- Account management will be unavailable starting at 12:01 AM to approximately 10:00 AM PST*
- Commerce transactions, including purchases on our websites and in-game marketplaces will be unavailable between 12:00 AM and approximately 10:00 AM PST*.
- Forums will remain open during the downtime however you may lose permissions and experience occasional disconnects between 12:00 AM and approximately 10:00 AM PST*.
- All servers will come down at 10:00 AM PT and the DLC released. Downtime is anticipated to be approximately 90 minutes. Content will be available immediately to Legendary members and available for purchase to Premium and Free players. Note: Purchase of DLC is contingent on the weekly PlayStation Network updates for both SCEA and SCEE.
We apologize for this interruption and will resume all affected services as soon as the maintenance is completed.
*Convert to your local time
I'm having more trouble with the bounties. The spawn areas are basically a whole district and the spawn times seem to take forever.The mission the Flash gives you is the most annoying mission I have encountered in some time. Chasing down those NPCs... ugh.
Soooo many people in this game use the Demonic style, it's ridiculous.
Soooo many people in this game use the Demonic style, it's ridiculous.
Soooo many people in this game use the Demonic style, it's ridiculous.
I'm really liking these Lightning powers.
DLC is disappointing IMO. The Duo is fun and I'm excited to see what other origin stories they'll add, but all the other high level content is pretty terrible. They took the worst lv 1 - 30 missions (Kill #X of this, Bring #X of that to this portal, Activate #X of this), added a new terrible mission type (Chase #X of civilians), and made them all into dailies. Ugh. Who asked for this garbage? The best part of the lv 1 - 30 missions is the instances with the motion comics at the end not the garbage crap they throw at you in between them to extend your play time.
The bounties are also pretty bad. First of all they added Bounties that could actually use a raid group to take down and then forgot to fix the open world raid bug that's been in since launch (Single target heals don't work in open world raid groups and I think the same applies to Defib/Recharge/Psychic Emp while POT only works with 3 people). The respawn timers are also way too long, specifically for the bounties in Central City. There's 50 people in CC, most of them looking for those two bounties and as soon as they're found you have 30 people swooping in taking them down within a minute. If you miss out or don't get credit (this occurs way too often), you have to wait forever for them to respawn.
The Metropolis/Gotham bounties also have they're own set of problems. Hardest part of them is finding them. District wide manhunts are just not fun especially when the game (on the PS3 side) has long load times for NPC's when zoning into a new area. Worst part is when you manage to find the bounty and help kill it, but still don't get credit for it. I had this happen to my group several times.
I haven't had a chance to sink my teeth into Electric powers yet, but I really hope they're awesome cause the rest of the content in this DLC is not worth $10. This pack is nothing like the GL DLC.
I'm using Hand Blast right now for my character because I really like the glow color the Lightning power set gives it.Get the one that empowers your weapons with lightning - using brawling style feels sooo satisfying to have electrified hands.
That sucks. I really really want a 113 SPARC weapon so I stuck with it and managed to find all the villain bounties with my group. Seems like most of them spawn in the same spots so that whole district wide area felt like an artificial way to extend the initial search time. We fought Raven 3 times in the same spot, Static 2 times near Gotham Mercy, Nightwing 2 times in exact same spot and 1 time a couple of blocks away, Black Lightning & Flash 2 times each right behind the Flash Museum.Agree 100%.
I will say that I like the character additions-- Pied Piper especially, but yeah, our group got really frustrated hunting for bounties in Metropolis. It was a little easier in Gotham where zones are smaller, but we only found two. I managed to get a couple more in Metropolis via shouts but one I got no credit for. Wah wahhh.
I appreciate the effort to get more open world gameplay going, but a new "city" that's smaller than many of the alerts is not the answer.
Are you subbed? if you are you automatically have access to it.Where in the heck do I find the DLC?
I do a search via the store and it comes up but it says it cannot be accessed on my account? =/
Are you subbed? if you are you automatically have access to it.
If you're not subbed, have you tried the in game Marketplace?
The content was pushed out during U6 (Nov) and unlocked with the patch (500MB) this morning. If you're subbed you'll have access to it while you're sub is active. If you downgrade your account you'll lose access to the content, but not the electric characters you make and the DLC option in the store will unlock to your account so you can purchase it if you want to.Ahhhh gotcha, durp, yup I'm subbed. For some reason I figured it was something I had to download separately. I haven't played in quite some time so I'm a little out of touch hahah. Alrighty then, definitely looking forward to trying it out again. Thanks!
PC looks better, is more stable, and you can use a controller with it. PS3 version has less PvP cheaters (macros are apparently a big issue in the PC version).
I wanna play this so bad, but i'm actually scared by the size of the download for PS3. Can't even do a background download for it.
Let it load while you sleep!
Bought the game when it first came out and played the shit out of it, all the way to the hardest raids. Haven't played since a month or two after release, but having decided that Star Wars The Old Republic isn't for me, and considering this is free to play now, I'm thinking of going back right now.
Has enough been improved to make the game fun again? Is there a good amount of people playing now? How about the new content and raids?
Appreciate the input, DCGaf.
EDIT: Shit......now downloading a 14gig client.
Light powers from green lantern are pimp,
Electric is AWESOME from Lightning Strikes DLC
And the game itself feels more... community full than before.
Bought the game when it first came out and played the shit out of it, all the way to the hardest raids. Haven't played since a month or two after release, but having decided that Star Wars The Old Republic isn't for me, and considering this is free to play now, I'm thinking of going back right now.
Has enough been improved to make the game fun again? Is there a good amount of people playing now? How about the new content and raids?
Appreciate the input, DCGaf.
EDIT: Shit......now downloading a 14gig client.
Bought the game when it first came out and played the shit out of it, all the way to the hardest raids. Haven't played since a month or two after release, but having decided that Star Wars The Old Republic isn't for me, and considering this is free to play now, I'm thinking of going back right now.
Has enough been improved to make the game fun again? Is there a good amount of people playing now? How about the new content and raids?
Appreciate the input, DCGaf.
EDIT: Shit......now downloading a 14gig client.
I wanna play this so bad, but i'm actually scared by the size of the download for PS3. Can't even do a background download for it.
Bought the game when it first came out and played the shit out of it, all the way to the hardest raids. Haven't played since a month or two after release, but having decided that Star Wars The Old Republic isn't for me, and considering this is free to play now, I'm thinking of going back right now.
Has enough been improved to make the game fun again? Is there a good amount of people playing now? How about the new content and raids?
Game Update 7 Coming Soon!
The holidays are upon us and DCUO is ready to celebrate! Citizens of Metropolis and Gotham City are dressing up and decorating both cities, and you're all invited to join in on the fun.
But not everyone is feeling the happiness and joy the holidays bring. Larfleeze, the crafty leader of the Orange Lanterns, is doing everything in his power to make sure there's nothing left under anyone's tree, stealing presents from heroes and villains alike. Can you stop him?
And if all you want for Christmas is someone else's two front teeth, there's a brand new 5v5 Player vs. Player map that will take you into the heart of the Watchtower and provide you with plenty of heroes' and villains' faces to smash.
Whether it's holiday cheer, stolen presents, or PvP you're looking forward to, Game Update 7: Season's Greedings will be along just in time to make your season bright!
Been playing again after being a way for a long time. I not sure how I enjoyed this before. I played with a keyboard and mouse originally but playing it now is so frustrating and simply not fun when it comes to combat. I remember not having a problem with it before or at least getting used to it. I had to be fine with it because I have a level 30 Superman mentored character and a level 4 or 5 Batman mentored character. I wouldn't have gotten to that point if I hated the controls the way I do now. I'm going to give a few more sessions tomorrow but if it doesn't click, free or not, I'm going have to uninstall this.
Not yet. I'm talking about just general npc combat. I'm also noticing this weird lag in the controls as well and maybe that's playing a part. Still the general feel and setup is a problem.
*thinks about Update 7*
Okay, that makes a ton of sense and it's not another seasonal event with Batman villains. I am very much OK with this.
On the other hand, they REALLY need more from the WW/Circe side of things. Seems like she's getting ignored badly.