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Dead Nation |OT| This Is Thriller, Thriller Night


Cruzader said:
What the fuck!!!!! I just got stuck too!!!!! I'm so far into level 4 with the building rooftops!!! Fuck man spent like 30 min on this level already and I get stuck on what appear a set up stairs that go down. I'm rear a crashed plane on fire!

This is why I wish these game had a gimped jump button incase you get stuck on weird ass places. About to quit and lose my multiplier, gametime and progress.

Fuck this game.

I got stuck on the rooftops as well. It was some kind of crevice or something. Very frustrating having to replay a level because of a glitch. It makes the game a chore.


Did the second level last night....fun,just to make sure though,the armor inventory screen is only to show what you have equipped or what? i`m not sure I get it as I don`t seem to be able to confirm/change anything in there...it always says equipped... and I didn`t try it yet as I just got the hint that you can trample heath packs on the ground....is it the melee button?


Thrakier said:
Is it possible to replay the game on a higher difficulty with all your stuff unlocked?

From what I read I think the armor stays but not the guns...not sure though.


Maastricht said:
Guys see my post on the EU Blog about the lack of voice chat in the online co-op. Everyone here should go there and echo this sentiment. They do listen and these Finnish people are proud people and have pioneered just about every feature known to PSN, But we should make a loud voice, to make sure they pay attention.


Wow, there's really no voice chat in co-op? Who makes these decisions? Didn't the makers of Hot Shots Golf on the PS3 get crucified for leaving out online voice chat?


Started cooping this with a buddy. So good and man even normal is pretty difficult. Sad there is no newgame+ with your weapons though.
Given the incredible amount of support that Super Stardust HD received, I expect that they will continue to nurture this product and it will keep improving for quite a long time.

This in itself is a big selling point for me. I'm very close to plonking money down on this even though I have a big backlog already.


slaughterking said:
Yay, Germany is doing pretty well in the Global Ranking, even though the game hasn't been released here. :p

So it was not released in Germany after all? Now I am glad I picked up the US PSN card and got it right away.


Xater said:
So it was not released in Germany after all? Now I am glad I picked up the US PSN card and got it right away.

Nope, because the game still hasn't received a rating from the USK yet... Stupid SCE Germany, they had plenty of time.

I got it from the UK Store, though.


Anyone up for some co op?

Level: Sorrow Park
Difficulty: Grim

Trying to get a game but keeps on giving me AFK people >_<

Oni Jazar

AwRy108 said:
Wow, there's really no voice chat in co-op? Who makes these decisions? Didn't the makers of Hot Shots Golf on the PS3 get crucified for leaving out online voice chat?

Yeah I really don't understand how in 2010 these things aren't just standard. (Unless it's a game like Demon's Souls that has an excuse)
Man, the last 2 levels I just did were pretty challenging. There was one part where there were 3 of those big jumping dudes and I kept dying over and over. Finally did it though.


Had a pretty good time playing local co-op last night. Is it me or do the leaderboard numbers seem really low?

Having a demo that gives just a sampling of the game would probably help tremendously; I can't believe they went with no demo, especially when it's a game that's priced at $14.99. I mean, why not make it really dang short and right before you open the next gate, have a prompt say "Continue and purchase or exit"? Something easy and simple like that.
Sigh, I really hate these red zombies. For so many reasons, I've decided to list them:
- They spawn behind you 80% of the time, sprinting at you faster (probably) than you can run at default
- they're virtually silent aside from their initial growl
- they're very skinny and easier to miss than other zombies
- they make a conscious effort to get away from gunfire/your flashlight later in the game (which goes hand in hand with above)
- the second they touch you, they've already got two hits in
- and they resemble ash flying across the screen in very dark areas, thus making them extremely hard to spot sometimes
Damn near everything is in their favor, aside from the fact that they've got very low HP (on Normal and Grim, at least).

The more and more I play, the more I understand the lower reviews. It's just not as balanced as it probably should be. Valve did an amazing job in the creation of their infected and their abilities - there's nothing that truly feels "cheap". Every infected with the exception of the Tank has low health, as they should be - they're reanimated carcasses. They shouldn't be able to survive an explosion in their direct proximity.

Taking into account the story of Dead Nation, okay, I understand why some of the bigger monsters don't go down in one explosion (
they're experiments or some such nonsense
), but standard zombies who just happen to be fat? Guys in firefighter suits? Soldiers?? I'm sorry but I've never heard of any fully geared soldier surviving a blast in direct proximity of him with all of his limbs intact. I guess one could say that the armored infected in The Parish of L4D2 can be likened to these guys... sure, but there aren't dozens upon dozens of them running at you at a time, as Dead Nation often does to you... and they still blow up with one blast from the grenade launcher.

The game just relies way too much on "throw everything at you and see how it goes", rather than the nice crescendo events peppered throughout that require you to use your resources and wits rather than how well you can twitch shoot. If they wanted to make it a twitch shooter like SSHD, then give us unlimited ammo. Otherwise, you've got to find a nice balance between being difficult and just being cheap.
Revolutionary said:
Sigh, I really hate these red zombies. For so many reasons, I've decided to list them:
- They spawn behind you 80% of the time, sprinting at you faster (probably) than you can run at default
- they're virtually silent aside from their initial growl
- they're very skinny and easier to miss than other zombies
- they make a conscious effort to get away from gunfire/your flashlight later in the game (which goes hand in hand with above)
- the second they touch you, they've already got two hits in
- and they resemble ash flying across the screen in very dark areas, thus making them extremely hard to spot sometimes
Damn near everything is in their favor, aside from the fact that they've got very low HP (on Normal and Grim, at least).

The more and more I play, the more I understand the lower reviews. It's just not as balanced as it probably should be. Valve did an amazing job in the creation of their infected and their abilities - there's nothing that truly feels "cheap". Every infected with the exception of the Tank has low health, as they should be - they're reanimated carcasses. They shouldn't be able to survive an explosion in their direct proximity.

Taking into account the story of Dead Nation, okay, I understand why some of the bigger monsters don't go down in one explosion (
they're experiments or some such nonsense
), but standard zombies who just happen to be fat? Guys in firefighter suits? Soldiers?? I'm sorry but I've never heard of any fully geared soldier surviving a blast in direct proximity of him with all of his limbs intact. I guess one could say that the armored infected in The Parish of L4D2 can be likened to these guys... sure, but there aren't dozens upon dozens of them running at you at a time, as Dead Nation often does to you... and they still blow up with one blast from the grenade launcher.

The game just relies way too much on "throw everything at you and see how it goes", rather than the nice crescendo events peppered throughout that require you to use your resources and wits rather than how well you can twitch shoot. If they wanted to make it a twitch shooter like SSHD, then give us unlimited ammo. Otherwise, you've got to find a nice balance between being difficult and just being cheap.

i think your reaching way too much for zombie logic in this downloadable game.....who cares about cop zombies being harder.
Revolutionary said:
If they wanted to make it a twitch shooter like SSHD, then give us unlimited ammo.
I'm not saying that your criticisms are incorrect, but you do have unlimited ammo.

Also, SSHD (in its original mode) isn't much of a twitch shooter, and Dead Nation is clearly intended to be even more methodical.


I just realized that the chests contents cycle depending on the color lighting up. At first I thought it was just to let you know it was there and cycled lights for no reason but after testing to see they do change. Kind of wish I would have known that earlier because most of the time I do not need ammo and have been getting that.

Also I am to the point at which the rifle is becoming less reasonable to use. Luckily I have the smg and shotgun but my smg has not been upgraded much.
TrAcEr_x90 said:
i think your reaching way too much for zombie logic in this downloadable game.....who cares about cop zombies being harder.
It's more of a complaint of the scaling in difficulty than just other zombies being harder. In Normal the fat zombies were no real problem, but starting on Grim they becoming stupidly strong - unbelievably so... and that's where the question of "zombie logic" comes into play.
Liabe Brave said:
I'm not saying that your criticisms are incorrect, but you do have unlimited ammo.
Only on one, semiautomatic weapon.
I had a great co-op session with TTP last night. It was fun but there are some fairly major problems.
First is that any lag in this game comes through as input lag, making it very hard to properly shoot. I adjusted a bit and got used to it, but it was so hard to do precise aiming with that lag. I know part of the problem is that I'm in Denver, and TTP is somewhere in Brigadoon but I've had similar issue with closer people.

Two, and this is a major horrible bug so LISTEN HOUSEMARQUE! I kept losing money and upgrades to my weapons when we beat a level. I lost 80k money and all the upgrades to my rifle (which is all I spent it on) and had to start over when we got to level 2. I lost my last 2 weapon shop visits worth of upgrades and all my money when we got to level 3. We never could beat level 3 and it was because my character was just too underpowered.

I haven't played any more online but I mention if it happens again. The worst part is that because my guy sucks I can't continue my campaign from stage 3 or I won't be able to help anyone.

Still a fun game otherwise.


Revolutionary said:
It's more of a complaint of the scaling in difficulty than just other zombies being harder. In Normal the fat zombies were no real problem, but starting on Grim they becoming stupidly strong - unbelievably so... and that's where the question of "zombie logic" comes into play.

Only on one, semiautomatic weapon.

Okay that makes sense now. On normal, the skinny guys are the easiest to take out. You just use the SMG or regular rifle and they are goners. On Grim, though, the cops and the larger zombie types almost force you to use the shotty. The SMG and rifle is nearly useless on those guys because they take at least 4 consecutive shots to take down and the SMG just wastes ammo.


see5harp said:
Okay that makes sense now. On normal, the skinny guys are the easiest to take out. You just use the SMG or regular rifle and they are goners. On Grim, though, the cops and the larger zombie types almost force you to use the shotty. The SMG and rifle is nearly useless on those guys because they take at least 4 consecutive shots to take down and the SMG just wastes ammo.

Are you not using the powered-up (hold R1 til laser beam thickens) rifle shot? It will take down cops, fat guys, pretty much any non-uber zombie type with a single round even on Grim. Line it up correctly and you can down multiple zombies with it.


FredFish said:
Are you not using the powered-up (hold R1 til laser beam thickens) rifle shot? It will take down cops, fat guys, pretty much any non-uber zombie type with a single round even on Grim. Line it up correctly and you can down multiple zombies with it.

Yes it will, but it will not take out multiple cops, so in the later stages, I found that you cannot rely on that tactic even if you are taking it super slow and backpedaling. Much easier to to get up close and personal when they start to inch closer. The shotty can take out 5 or so in a single shot.


see5harp said:
Yes it will, but it will not take out multiple cops, so in the later stages, I found that you cannot rely on that tactic even if you are taking it super slow and backpedaling. Much easier to to get up close and personal when they start to inch closer. The shotty can take out 5 or so in a single shot.

Odd. I'm getting multi-kills with the rifle super shot on everything except the "soldiers" (the green clad guys that make a sound effect like firecrackers going off when they get low on health).
You mention backpedaling and I wonder how much cash and points I lost on my Normal campaign playthrough because the orbs couldn't reach me before they snuffed out ;)


FredFish said:
Odd. I'm getting multi-kills with the rifle super shot on everything except the "soldiers" (the green clad guys that make a sound effect like firecrackers going off when they get low on health).
You mention backpedaling and I wonder how much cash and points I lost on my Normal campaign playthrough because the orbs couldn't reach me before they snuffed out ;)

It may just be on coop because difficulty is ramped up there but to what degree I don't know.
Beat all the missions on Normal today. What a blast this game is, and like wow at that last mission. I'm playing through it again, this time as the woman. Judging by the trophies, I will be playing this game for a long time trying to get them, but that's not an issue at all.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
To those that completed it, which were the most difficult areas to get through for you?

To me they were:
the graveyard (with 4 "screamers" hidden in 4 crypts) and the highway (so many fucking soldiers everywhere!).


The hardest part, and the only section I died (on Normal), was the graveyard on Chapter 7. It was more not knowing the screamers were hidden though. I just stood at the gate shooting those skinny zombies until I ran completely out of ammo.


TTP said:
To those that completed it, which were the most difficult areas to get through for you?

To me they were:
the graveyard (with 4 "screamers" hidden in 4 crypts) and the highway (so many fucking soldiers everywhere!).

Absolutely the first one you mention. That one was really frustrating on normal, I would have no idea how that would be possible on Grim.

The second section you mention wasn't that hard because you had good choke points.

The last level was really overwhelming but you didn't really had to care a lot about ammo management and weapon costs anymore so you could go crazy with the weapons.


TTP said:
To those that completed it, which were the most difficult areas to get through for you?

To me they were:
the graveyard (with 4 "screamers" hidden in 4 crypts) and the highway (so many fucking soldiers everywhere!).

Those were difficult (I died at the Graveyard one because I didn't realize what was going on quickly enough).
The memorable one for me was the set piece at the elevator platform you have to clear before you ride up to the Tower. I hadn't given much thought to weapon upgrades and was wasting money on unlocking any new ones as soon as they were available. I also hadn't been using the L1 stuff much but that confined space and sheer number of mobs forced me to rethink how I went about the game. Wised me up to this game being less "twitchy" and more "crafty" if you will
I wonder what's going to happen when a new virus cycle is reached? I hope more than just art is unlocked.

A survival mode would be nice :/
just finished the rooftops mission. loving this game so far, but it's not without it's shortcomings:

-needs some of the zombies tweaked. see the posts above regarding fatties, cops, etc.
-needs a newgame+ WITH WEAPON UPGRADES. hell, make it an option and note that score won't go to online leaderboards if you have to. but at least let us try for the loot and no hit trophies.
-melee desperately needs tweaking. 80% of the time i nail a zombie directly in his face it doesn't register as me hitting him, yet registers as him hitting me. if they have such a wide scope of melee against the player, the player should have the same- only limited by speed and damage.
-would be nice if grenade would actually TOSS instead of drop. the flare tosses, but the grenade drops? only the mine should drop.
-i HATE reloading with R3. way too many accidental reloads while a swarm is closing in.
-i can't play single missions with any of my armor or weapons? .....why?

looking forward to DLC though. i can already feel the itch for an expansion coming. wouldn't mind a Crimsonland-ish arena mode.


erotic butter maelstrom
agree with your issues, cept this one can be fixed:

-i HATE reloading with R3. way too many accidental reloads while a swarm is closing in.

I mapped reload to square and it works perfectly. Kept everything else the same and it feels just right.
Snuggler said:
agree with your issues, cept this one can be fixed:

I mapped reload to square and it works perfectly. Kept everything else the same and it feels just right.

:lol :lol :lol

i'm so addicted to getting through my campaign i haven't even found the option to change it yet. just saw the mapping and kept playing.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
35MB patch is out. I'm guessing this is the voice chat/friend list patch?


Only played through 2 levels, but loving the game so far. Its atmosphere is great, very tense, i'd love to see a sequel with more exploring elements, not only shooting :)
Story seems to be ok too.


Killthee said:
35MB patch is out. I'm guessing this is the voice chat/friend list patch?

Oh god, it's nearly 2am.

What to do, what to do?

Lie here and fall asleep watching tv on the seatee ooooooooooor play DN to see what this patch does.


CozMick said:
Oh god, it's nearly 2am.

What to do, what to do?

Lie here and fall asleep watching tv on the seatee ooooooooooor play DN to see what this patch does.
add me: kassatsu if you wanna do a quick test :)
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