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Dead Nation |OT| This Is Thriller, Thriller Night


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Agent X said:
I'm glad they're patching in voice support. At least they're responding to consumers' requests. But it shouldn't have ever been released without voice support in the first place, and I can't blame reviewers for banging out complaints over it.

Bear in mind this game wasn't supposed to offer online multiplayer at all. They added it at the very last minute after community request. Online coop wasn't even in the beta.


Passing metallic gas
Played a bunch of co op and its pretty fun. Having sad that the game does have some issues. Im not entirely too fond of some of some of the weapons and both me and my buddy were inexplicably getting stuck to random objects. Its definitely a fun romp co oping.


ChryZ said:
Such a great game. It really shaped up nicely since the beta. I'm having a ton of fun :D

I'm really losing more and more respect for Giant Bomb. What a bunch of nonsense. My review of their review: 2/5

I lost respect for them long time ago when I found they rather play any shitty game for the achievements than a good game on any other console.


His complaints about the controls just make it sound like he sucks at games :x

His other complaints are all in the game though.
TTP said:
Bear in mind this game wasn't supposed to offer online multiplayer at all. They added it at the very last minute after community request. Online coop wasn't even in the beta.
just had a great dead nation session with a friend tonight. I am glad I purchased this game, I had a lot of fun tonight! What is up with the Virus Cycle percentage in the stats? What happens when it hits 100% for your region?


erotic butter maelstrom
KingOfKong said:
just had a great dead nation session with a friend tonight. I am glad I purchased this game, I had a lot of fun tonight! What is up with the Virus Cycle percentage in the stats? What happens when it hits 100% for your region?
your save is reset and you have to start over

actually, no one knows. most likely, nothing happens.


kassatsu said:
His complaints about the controls just make it sound like he sucks at games :x

His other complaints are all in the game though.
Come on, 2/5 is a 40% rating. WTF? I usually don't care about reviews, but this is plain wrong.
Just unbelievable at the review scores. Guess Sony didn't give out any freebies for it...

But anyways, finished the game last night. Very good and quite challenging in places. The last level is an onslaught and very fun Did anyone catch the
Bombie Zombie? :lol . My only disappointment was there wasn't an
end boss. You just run to the end and... that's it.
Felt a bit anti-climatic unfortunately.


Just finished the campaign on Normal. Good game, though not perfect. Some pros and cons:

+ Graphics are fantastic, and the lighting is some of the best found on the PS3. Too bad there are some severe frame drops on the last stage when TONS of zombies swarm you.
+ The game manages to scratch an itch really nicely. It has that "meh, I can play one more level" feel to it.
+ The areas are designed really nicely, especially some of the later ones.
+ The feeling of the weapons is fantastic. Meaty and chunky. This combined with the awesome physics makes it awesome to slaughter several zombies at once.
+ The global leaderboard is a very nice addition.

- Some levels are too long, and combined with sometimes poor checkpoint placing and unbalanced difficulty spikes, it can become annoying or downright tedious.
- Maybe I haven't looked into it that much, but I would like a more comprehensive statistics screen that shows additional stats like "X number of enemies killed by fire" and so on. Also, not being able to see how many items you've found on a stage SUCKS.
- Enemy placement is sometimes very cheap, since the game has a habit of dropping those ultrafast red zombies right behind you.
- They should've cut down on the regular zombies a bit and provided more super-zombies.
- No bosses, WTF

Haven't tried co-op yet so won't rate it. Right now I'd give the game an 8/10 I think. Solid fun.

P.S.: The VA for the male character sounds like Geralt from The Witcher. :lol


that review basically says "I can't see shit, I can't aim and I can't talk to my online buddy" so the 2/5 is just a reflection of his frustrations. I have my TV settings in place and didn't need to fiddle with the gamma options, also I know how to handle a DS3 so to me the game is superb and just super fun, one of the best PSN games if not the best so far. I agree voice chat should have been there from day 1 though. 2 weeks delay > discouraging reviews.
Brad said:
The camera is pulled further out from the action than I would have liked, making your targets small and relatively hard to aim at (especially since only the default rifle gets a laser sight).
1. Easily fixed by sitting at an appropriate distance from the TV, I don't have any trouble picking off even the fastest zombies with the rifle.

2. I wonder what other weapon he felt needed a laser sight? The shotgun? Every other weapon has a large spread so your flashlight is enough for all your aiming purposes, but given that it's Brad I guess he needs all the help he can get!

Anyway I'm past the graveyard level on "hard" and I'm loving it, the difficulty feels just right. The random spawning of crap in areas you've already cleared and that goddamn camera can get pretty annoying though. Not that the camera is too far away, but zombies blocked off by crap in the foreground is extremely annoying, highlighting hidden zombies or transparent buildings would've been much less frustrating. Still, second time through you'll know about all that, so eh.


The biggest issue I found with the camera is when it pans to a topdown perspective. It takes too long for the camera to reset when you move away from a wall, and this issue has been a major cause for lost multipliers for me.


Me and a friend of mine played a couple of hours of this yesterday on the Hard difficulty and I must say that I really enjoyed the game even if there are some flaws which makes for a less compelling experience then it could have been. To its favor though I have to say that they really nailed the importance of items in this game and I really like that. Mines and Flares are absolutely crucial on the Hard setting and the Molotov cocktail has proven to be very useful as well, slightly disappointed with the Blade Gun or whatever it is called, hopefully that thing gets better as I upgrade it :I

Also I don't get the complaints about the Giant Bomb review, can totally see where they are coming from despite me not necessarily agreeing with them.


Finished offline-coop on normal with a friend last night. We started around 22:00 and were done at around 5 in the morning. Loved every single minute of the game. We already plan to play it again on a higher difficulty, which is really rare for me. I usually lose motivation before I even finish a game. This little game right here might actually be my game of the year...


Played 4 levels so far. No online co-op yet.
Game is good, I quite enjoy it, but it's nowhere as good as SSDHD.
anyone know if all the hidden items and stats are consistent across all gametypes?

for example if there's some items i havent found in levels, i can find then in any game mode on any difficulty level and they will stay found?

edit: also LOL at Giantbomb's 4/10. i denounced them back when one of them said "that game has nothing for me!" about Demon's Souls and was acting all aggressive towards the game and its fans, having never even played it... and now i shall denounce them again! buncha weak ass gamers.
Just beat the game on Normal. It sure was a fun experience, but I think it's way too ambitious for its own good.
I'm sure creating a whole campaign with 10 lengthy levels took a lot of time and effort and was certainly the reason why the development took so long, but I don't think it paid of at all and it may even hurt the replay value for me. The most fun I had with the game were the arena-like parts where the game threw waves and waves of zombies at me and I was forced to use my whole weaponry to shred through them. At those times it played more like a regular twin stick shooter with non-stop action and not so much like a so-so paced top down survival-horror game. I don't know if I really want to go through the boring parts to come to the good parts again (actually, I already started my Grim playthrough, but still! :lol )
I also think the game would've benefited from unlimited ammo for every weapon (with adjusted balancing of course) or at least should've made the SMG the standard. Shooting with a semi-automatic weapon for 60% of the game is not great and made the more tedious parts of the game even more tedious.
Some too dark areas, annoying enemy placement, a half-assed online mode and some other minor flaws hurt the overall impression, too.

It's still a cool game, though, but I was certainly expecting a more focused and polished game from the Super Stardust developer.

/edit/ Oh, and I placed second in the ranking with my fellow countryman. I'm sure it helped that the game isn't even out here, though. :lol



Going from the "should have been in from the start" talk, I say developers just close fucking shop once there realisation of the game is complete.

Fuck community requests.
Fuck post release support.

Online CO-OP wasn't going to be there, they add some of it pre-release because there FANS wanted it, they plan on patching the rest post-release and they get fucked for it in the meantime.

Good going GB, your reviews are becoming tedious.


Finally completed level 4,after 3 restarts from the beginning...I noticed a few paths I hadn`t seen on my first tries,so it wasn`t all bad...especially the last part,where I kinda went off path,to get extra kills and stuff but an onslaught started and I was backing off shooting and trying to rush out of harm`s way,when I entered the completion screen hehe... not sure i`ll be able to finish this on normal hehe but i`ll give it my best shot,even if it takes weeks(judging by the difficulty so far on normal,after only 4 levels),for some reason I hate shooting and aiming when I face the left of the screen or a little southwest :lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I do have to agree with Giant Bomb that the game's darkness is it's weakness. Trying to find or aim at enemies without a laser sight is hard and is a waste of non-infinte ammo. Why use anything else other than the single-shot assault rifle and mines?

I had to turn the gamma up just to have the traditional "twin-stick corner of your eye" mechanics. Shame, as the game could be better if it was slightly brighter. Just because we're able to see the zombies coming doesn't mean it's eaiser. Far from it at times, as the swarm can and will catch up and kill you on Grim.
One thing: the health pack balancing is a joke.

I mean I'm getting sometimes like three health packs at once when there are barely zombies around me and I can't use them, because my healthbar is full. But when the shitstorm aka zombie flood starts, I get one health pack if I'm lucky enough. Plain shit.

Other than that, it's fun.


Trucker Sexologist
CozMick said:
Going from the "should have been in from the start" talk, I say developers just close fucking shop once there realisation of the game is complete.

Fuck community requests.
Fuck post release support.

Online CO-OP wasn't going to be there, they add some of it pre-release because there FANS wanted it, they plan on patching the rest post-release and they get fucked for it in the meantime.

Good going GB, your reviews are becoming tedious.
That would make a great company motto.
slaughterking said:
Just beat the game on Normal. It sure was a fun experience, but I think it's way too ambitious for its own good.
I'm sure creating a whole campaign with 10 lengthy levels took a lot of time and effort and was certainly the reason why the development took so long, but I don't think it paid of at all and it may even hurt the replay value for me. The most fun I had with the game were the arena-like parts where the game threw waves and waves of zombies at me and I was forced to use my whole weaponry to shred through them. At those times it played more like a regular twin stick shooter with non-stop action and not so much like a so-so paced top down survival-horror game. I don't know if I really want to go through the boring parts to come to the good parts again (actually, I already started my Grim playthrough, but still! :lol )
I also think the game would've benefited from unlimited ammo for every weapon (with adjusted balancing of course) or at least should've made the SMG the standard. Shooting with a semi-automatic weapon for 60% of the game is not great and made the more tedious parts of the game even more tedious.
Some too dark areas, annoying enemy placement, a half-assed online mode and some other minor flaws hurt the overall impression, too.

It's still a cool game, though, but I was certainly expecting a more focused and polished game from the Super Stardust developer.

/edit/ Oh, and I placed second in the ranking with my fellow countryman. I'm sure it helped that the game isn't even out here, though. :lol



3rd place >.<
CozMick said:
Going from the "should have been in from the start" talk, I say developers just close fucking shop once there realisation of the game is complete.

Fuck community requests.
Fuck post release support.

Online CO-OP wasn't going to be there, they add some of it pre-release because there FANS wanted it, they plan on patching the rest post-release and they get fucked for it in the meantime.

Good going GB, your reviews are becoming tedious.

While I appreciate what you are saying, HM did decide to give the game multiplayer trophies, one of which requires that you complete the entire campaign in coop. This, to me, indicates that HM views coop as a major component of the game.

We also have to keep in mind that many of these games are only really active for a week or two after release and then people move on, so to have features missing for that period of time is a major mark against the game.

I don't agree that the game is worth a 2/5, but I don't think the reviewer was off in any of his comments. Perhaps he graded it out of zombie fatigue and frustration, but the text of the review hits all the points that a potential purchaser should be aware of.
CozMick said:
If I quit half way through a level (Level 5 is damn hard) does my score reset?

Please say no!

Multiplier resets (same as when you die) and you reset to that stats you held at the beginning of the level. You will have to restart at the very beginning of that level when you play the game again.


the_prime_mover said:
Multiplier resets (same as when you die) and you reset to that stats you held at the beginning of the level. You will have to restart at the very beginning of that level when you play the game again.

Thank you, thank you, thank you :D

Mailenstein said:
One thing: the health pack balancing is a joke.

I mean I'm getting sometimes like three health packs at once when there are barely zombies around me and I can't use them, because my healthbar is full. But when the shitstorm aka zombie flood starts, I get one health pack if I'm lucky enough. Plain shit.

Other than that, it's fun.

If you melee health packs you will get somewhere between 1,500 and 6,000 credits depending on the size of the health packs (your character will stomp the health pack like Isaac from Dead Space). This means that when you pass vending machines and you don't need to use them, you should still melee them anyway for the money.


was up till 4am beating this. played co-op on grim the whole way through. I'd go into more detail but I have to go to work, but, it was awesome. tried to play the single player but it just wasn't the same, co-op is the way to play.
CozMick said:
If I quit half way through a level (Level 5 is damn hard) does my score reset?

Please say no!

I literally came here to post this, level 5 was goddamn brutal (grim difficulty)

The guys with blades are one hit kill (even when doing the charge move with L2) and the whole level had terrible checkpoint locations, felt like I was killing nearly 20 waves of enemies inbetween each one, hoping level 6 is kinder.


ChryZ said:
Come on, 2/5 is a 40% rating. WTF? I usually don't care about reviews, but this is plain wrong.

I used to love their reviews, but between this 2/5 and the GT5 score along with all the good reviews for Kinect shoevelware, I'm starting to think they should stick to the casual games and maybe start advertising on Oprah.


kyo_daikun said:
I literally came here to post this, level 5 was goddamn brutal (grim difficulty)

The guys with blades are one hit kill (even when doing the charge move with L2) and the whole level had terrible checkpoint locations, felt like I was killing nearly 20 waves of enemies inbetween each one, hoping level 6 is kinder.

Level 7 is the most difficult...


Just finished the campaign on Grim. The section after the last checkpoint is BRUTAL. Will try Morbid level but frankly I may not be up to the task of doing that last bit and the final Graveyard set piece with the screamers on a higher difficulty. Kudos to that guy who's netted over a billion points playing through on Undead that's really, really impressive


Am I the only one bitching about the one hit kill zombie type? If you don't see him in the middle of the madness and he manages to get near you, you're dead. Add this to the terrible checkpoints in this game and you have a great recipe to frustration.

I wish this game had smaller levels because in most of them, I start to get tired of the setting near the end. Even the replay value would benefit from smaller levels since the game don't have mid level saves.

By the way does the loot percentage carry on to a 2nd playthrough or do you start from 0% when you replay a level?


NHale said:
Am I the only one bitching about the one hit kill zombie type? If you don't see him in the middle of the madness and he manages to get near you, you're dead. Add this to the terrible checkpoints in this game and you have a great recipe to frustration.

I wish this game had smaller levels because in most of them, I start to get tired of the setting near the end. Even the replay value would benefit from smaller levels since the game don't have mid level saves.

By the way does the loot percentage carry on to a 2nd playthrough or do you start from 0% when you replay a level?

I'm on level 5 now and I completely agree with everything you've said. I haven't run into that type of zombie yet but the no saving thing is ridiculous.


the best way to take down the tank guys is one person shoot them with the SMG, it will stun them, the other person runs up to him and shoots him with the shotgun. if he's surrounded by normal zombies, throw out a flair to distract them.
NHale said:
Am I the only one bitching about the one hit kill zombie type? If you don't see him in the middle of the madness and he manages to get near you, you're dead. Add this to the terrible checkpoints in this game and you have a great recipe to frustration.
If you don't see them you should hear them, I just toss a flare for the trash mobs and use the RL or the Shotty to focus on the big guys, they're pretty easy to outrun if your path is clear. And you can "survive" a hit (on Grim) if you get your endurance high enough.
Mesijs said:
Level 7 is the most difficult...

Finished level 7 about an hour ago, the only part where I died was the end crescendo and I managed to beat that after 3 attempts (dynamite and launcher ftw)

On the last level of Grim difficulty now, gonna be interesting :lol

Im also number 65 in the Uk playerboard (top guy has like 750 million...)
Holy shit we just plowed through the first 8 levels on Grim difficulty, local coop action!

Most levels took around 50 minutes to complete and the game kept mocking us with those 21 minute completetion target times :D

Fun as hell!


Does anyone want to play this right now?
I just bought it and feel like it'd be a lot more fun online.
feel free to add me; i'm up for some matches: turn-


Noisepurge said:
Holy shit we just plowed through the first 8 levels on Grim difficulty, local coop action!

Most levels took around 50 minutes to complete and the game kept mocking us with those 21 minute completetion target times :D

Fun as hell!

I was surprised at how hard Grim actually is. Played the campaign through once in local co-op and once as solo on normal, which was totally manageable but the first level alone had me at the edge of my seat on grim.

Oh and Finland is #3 on the leaderboards. ;)
spats said:
Oh and Finland is #3 on the leaderboards. ;)

Yeah got to keep it there!

And Grim is pretty damn grim indeed. It's just important not to get too cocky and keep playing strategically.

I mainly used the shotgun and my friend used the flamer. Good combo!
+obviously the frags,flares and mines.

Hated the Soldiers the most, they take 4 charged headshots from a rifle to go down :E
The red guys aren't anything since the first level SMG can mow them down 1 hit 1 kill style.
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