Wow, onlines dead. Only two lobbies open around me at this time it seems.
I never try for lobbies, but I can always find a ranked game easily.
Play ranked!
Wow, onlines dead. Only two lobbies open around me at this time it seems.
You guys never heard of SMAA?
meh, never mind.
I never try for lobbies, but I can always find a ranked game easily.
Play ranked!
I've been playing ranked, but the inability to decline matches no matter the connection is inexcusable. I should be able to see my opponent's connection and DC ratio before accepting any match.
I agree, it's maddening. Even with the improved netcode, it's impossible to counter on 1-bar. And considering how little health and power Kasumi has, I have to just play hit and run tactics.
Everyone has the same amount of health. Kasumi has little nothing.
official mouse pads for DOA5 releasing in Japan.
You're blowing my mind.
Little power?
official mouse pads for DOA5 releasing in Japan.
I would buy these. I don't even own a mouse anymore (I use the touchpad on my laptop) but I would buy one just for an excuse to use these.
Waiting it out for Tina.Now the biggest question. Which one will you get?
Now the biggest question. Which one will you get?
Actually, post patch, I've been having almost flawless matches on the 360. None of the hiccuping from before. It's a huge relief. There are still some issues for me, such as the game telling me I'm "not connected to a network" (whatever the hell that means) and disconnecting me from lobbies. I still occasionally have to go to the dashboard after a lockup, too. I can deal with those sort of issues, though, as long as my fights aren't lagging over the place.The netcode's still that bad? I was waiting for the patch but I guess it didn't fix much?
Waiting it out for Tina.
Trying to do survival with the cheap Leifang method but for some reason I keep screwing up her attack. I can pull it off no probs in a normal match but when the pressures on I hit left instead of down/left and she just waves her arms around like a tard. Curse this ps3 faux-dpad.
Whats a good and reasonably priced arcade stick for PS3? Doa5 one is too much. Theres a tekken one with a similar layout for £50, is it any good?
Yesterday I had the same problem and I had any selected. It seems the match making system got screwed up. I managed to get some matches later but it took me a lot of tries.
Its the Tekken 6 arcade stick bundle.Need more info than that. Is it the Tekken TE?
Its the Tekken 6 arcade stick bundle.
This is the stick![]()
DOA doesn't really require the use of a stick, in fact I kind of find it silly for most 3D fighters.
I think it's only common sense for people to use what they're most comfortable with. I hate pads for fighters, period.
I think it's only common sense for people to use what they're most comfortable with. I hate pads for fighters, period.
Ayane's ending in DOA4 was awesome. Anyone know what song is played?
The only stick I'm comfortable playing with is my own. Arcade sticks just hurt, maybe if I tilted the stick. . .
The only stick I'm comfortable playing with is my own. Arcade sticks just hurt, maybe if I tilted the stick. . .
Ayane's ending in DOA4 was awesome. Anyone know what song is played?
lol, I got so used to the new faces in DOA5. She looks like a 12 year old kid with some left over baby fat in this video.
lol, I got so used to the new faces in DOA5. She looks like a 12 year old kid with some left over baby fat in this video.
Yeah she looks a lot like the Ayane from DOAU opening. I don't dislike neither btw.
@matmanx1: story was cool indeed. I wish it was more serious and longer, lots of potential here.
Oh great I will never get insomniac and exercise newbie trophy because the story doesn't tell which command training and cutscene I missed.
I finished the Story Mode last night and I can honestly say that it was a fun ride. Lots of laughs and campy action galore. I still don't know who I favor the most although I do have it narrowed down somewhat.
Downloded from PSN. Spent a little time in practice and noticed some freeze during fight, like it's loading something. Is it normal?
Turn off throwdowns and see if it helps.
When you select your offline mode, you'll notice a 'Throwdown notifications: enabled' message on screen: press square or triangle (sorry, can't remember now) to turn it off.Sorry but how to do that?
I wouldn't have the first clue about modding it. I can possibly get it cheaper on ebay so I'll give it a try. Looks the best one available within that price range.It's not too bad of a stick but the Madcatz SE sticks are a better deal overall if you can find them since you can mod them later with better parts. The Tekken stick is hard wired so it's very difficult to improve upon unless you're handy with a soldering iron and a dremel.
I wish they would of actually threw more hints at Rig besides his scenes with Christie and the ending though.
Finally done with story command training. Jann Lee's 8 hit combo from behind got me stumped and his one of my favourites, but got it even if it was on a fluke. 38 more titles before I unlock Alpha and punish Survival mode.