codecow said:
Out of curiosity why are you folks so against a Dead Space multiplayer feature?
I read the older thread on it, but with how awesome Uncharted 2 is looking (which also has a nice looking MP feature) despite similar initial grumblings from neogaf I'm wondering if there is something in particular about Dead Space?
I hear you on MP achievements. I'm currently playing MTG and it is difficult to get some of the Live achievements because people DC instead of letting you win and the game doesn't count a DC as a win (lame).
I can only speak for myself here but Dead Space is "pure".
It's me against the game. Nothing else. The graphics and environments were tight and seemed to show that the developer had a sense of pride and ownership of the game they coded.
I'm not a developer so I don't know the ins and outs of it but if it takes a team of five guys to work on, and implement a multiplayer angle. (Be it co-op, be it VS, with people being the aliens etc...) I feel it would be better to put those five guys to work on fleshing out the single player aspect of the game instead.
Just because you're not ventilating some thirteen year old d-bag who shouldn't even own the fuckin' game to begin with doesn't mean that it's not going to sell well.
You guys dropped the ball in some respects regarding the New Game + as well as unlockables etc and putting in a robust set of options after completing the game would enhance the replayability far more than multiplayer.
I played the hell out of RE5. Well over a hundred hours and it wasn't because of the co-op. It was because of the unlockables and the fleshed out new game +.
As for multiplayer achievements...Infinity Ward proved that a game can be brilliant without multiplayer achievements and it would be nice if all developers followed their lead.
As much of a fuckin' crime against nature it is for the new Bioshock game to have multiplayer...the same could be said for Dead Space Two.