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Dead Space |OT|


Post Count: 9999
endlessflood said:
This actually surprises me. I would have thought the PS3 would have slightly better sound (generally the extra storage space on Blu-Ray means that devs don't have to compress their audio as much) and slightly slower load times (since Blu-Ray access is generally slower than DVD access, and there is no HDD install for Dead Space).

It's possible that an audio difference was there, but it could be that the testers didn't have the right setup/environment to notice it.
But the load times are a fairly cut and dry thing. I wonder if the EA guys have packed the Blu-Ray data in an unusual way to help load times, with the drawback being that it didn't leave as much extra space as usual for improved audio?

I wouldn't be surprised, given the conditions many reviews are made under :\

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Onix said:
I wouldn't be surprised, given the conditions many reviews are made under :\

Or the audio gear they have to review the game with.

Plus, many people simply don't have the ability or the experience to determine what is better sound quality.

For many people louder=better. The 360 and PS3 versions probably are level matched and since neither was 'louder' the reviewer was unable to decipher a difference, possible ignoring the nuances and separation that may or may not exist.

I'm not saying there is a difference but if there is one some people may notice it and some won't.

Hell, some people think 128kb Mp3s sound amazing and can't tell the difference between those and lossless files.


Post Count: 9999
Witchfinder General said:
Or the audio gear they have to review the game with.

Plus, many people simply don't have the ability of the experience to determine what is better sound quality.

Yeah, that's what I meant when I bolded, "it could be that the testers didn't have the right setup".


RoboPlato said:
Go with the one you have less games for?[/QUOTE
I'm not a fanboy or anything but I'm going to go with the PS3 version because I have more hard drive space and I think the ps3 doc suit looks more appealing and sleek.
Takuhi said:
In Dead Space, typically every door except the one you're supposed to take is locked. The next time you go through that area, with a different objective, the doors will be unlocked for no real storyline reason.

It's disappointing to hear that, when surely it would have been easy to write a convincing explanation into the storyline. Are you sure they didn't?

Looking at it from the point of view of the writers: if you arrive on the ship and find that it's gone to hell (figuratively), surely one of your first objectives should be locking the ship down (i.e. locking all doors) to contain the necromorphs and keep them off your back? And then, when it becomes necessary to travel to certain parts of the ship, wouldn't it make sense to only unlock doors along the direct path that you have to travel? To me that seems reasonable, and even a good basis for objectives (e.g. reach a control room to override door locks, etc.).


Gamecrazy actually pulled through for me! Just finished about the first hour of the game and it's great. Lots of tension so far. Can't wait to get a few more hours into it.
Wal mart people.. Wal mart!!

FUCK ME! These graphics are INSANE!!! This game look absolutely STUNNING on the 360. Wow.. oh my goodness does this title look falt out amazing, move over Crysis!! This game at times looks photo-realistic alot of times.. the character models are super detailed and the environments are just flat out amazing along with the lighting in this game, damn the visuals are phat!!

The sound... im so damn glad i have a nack for high end home theater sound systems..this game is simply stunning in the sound dept. Wow.. adds much atmosphere to the experience.

Once you get into a good 30-40 minutes.. you'll be in the Maintenance Bay, When you see this area..then your gonna start to begin realize beautiful this game really is.. the further you get the more you are blown away by this complete presentation this game offers.

The controls, wow perfect controls for a 3rd person shooter, it just works very well, the in-game menu system will be something games of the future will defiantly follow and at the same time enhances the overall atmosphere of the game because it removes stat overlays off the screen giving you a much better, bigger looking screen which again gives you this feeling that your actually playing a movie rather then a game..

The game FEELS FRESH, this is game of the year material right here imho. You must play it to really appreciate this game. As with the gamespot review i totally agree with it and at the same time i must add my own thoughts, i keep stressing that this game FEELS FRESH because it IS, it does alot unique things, has a unique style to the game that could very well become a great franchise..infact this game has "franchise" written all over it.

Nice game.. some pic's i tried to take of the game, im in awe with it. The story is decent..not as deep as i would of liked but its good and compelling and does the job just fine..it just could be a bit more deep thats all but thats for Dead Space II anyhow.. not gonna say too much else, the gamespot review pretty is pretty much how i feel..one remarkable game here and to a HUGE suprise to me..this is one hell of HIT...this game is HOT!!

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walmart got the fucking game already??! I tried to return my TRU games for store credit earlier but got turned down :(

Ugh, I called a bit earlier and Wal-mart claimed they did not have it. Could they have waited to put it out until after midnight?

EDIT: Looks like I've gotta wait until tomorrow, that's so shitty! Wal-mart has been very disappointing lately...
jaaz said:
GamesRadar says that the Normal difficulty setting is too easy:

Is anyone playing on normal that can confirm this?

Yup, it is. Play on hard. I'm 3 hrs in right now, and I wish I could go back.

Oh well. I'm sure I'll beat this game over and over. It's really damn good.

Also yeah; anyone that saw that Dead Space special tell me how it is (or at least if I sounded like a moron, or more of one than usual). I haven't seen any of it yet...


I'll be honest, I thought all the video previews looked mediocre/shit, but the trailer on the official site sold me.
Fuck it. Can't wait for the PC version and playing this on my dad's wall sized projector when I go to visit is too tempting. PS3 version it is for me.
Do I get this for 360, which my monitor for some reason makes Xbox games look way better (no jaggies,smoother picture) then for my PS3, or play it on my PS3 where I dont have to deal with the plane engine rumbling while I play.
Sound vs Graphics.
Both strong selling points for this game :[
I agree, the comics are great. I'm hoping they don't ruinany of the game's storyline.

I like the Brahm (sp?) character, hope he pops up in the game if he doesn't meet his end in the comics or movie.


What do the DLC suits do? Anyone using them?

I couldn't download either so I'm using the standard one. If they're anything other than a cosmetic upgrade, wouldn't they destroy the difficulty balance?
Takuhi said:
What do the DLC suits do? Anyone using them?

I couldn't download either so I'm using the standard one. If they're anything other than a cosmetic upgrade, wouldn't they destroy the difficulty balance?

Supposedly they add some extra protection and carrying capabilities...


Costanza said:
walmart got the fucking game already??! I tried to return my TRU games for store credit earlier but got turned down :(

Wait, why did you get turned down?
They didnt take the game back or they didnt have dead space in?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Mr. Potato Head, a man of fine taste :bow

I'm kind of "stuck" on a puzzle right now. Hmmm...


should have it by the end of the week

i'm actually excited to play it but i want to see more early game footage since i'm not going to get the demo before i buy it.


Bozon-IGN said:
Yup, it is. Play on hard. I'm 3 hrs in right now, and I wish I could go back.

Oh well. I'm sure I'll beat this game over and over. It's really damn good.

Also yeah; anyone that saw that Dead Space special tell me how it is (or at least if I sounded like a moron, or more of one than usual). I haven't seen any of it yet...
But how hard is hard? I don't mind a challenge and dying every so often, but I'm generally not one to get satisfaction due to finishing a game that has been maddeningly frustrating, which a lot of people seem to get their kicks from.
Flunkie said:
Yeah, just got done with the comics. The religion shit kinda spooked me.

My favorite part about the comics/story overall, I think...It's definitely very spooky. The entire Dead Space universe just has this uneasy tension I cannot seem to place...


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Can any of the early players/press who have beaten it help me with this? I think I'm just completely missing it. Chapter 7:
Room with the asteroid release. I can see two gravity wheels and I use stasis on those two...but nothing happens. What am I missing


Borg Artiste
Y2Kev said:
Can any of the early players/press who have beaten it help me with this? I think I'm just completely missing it. Chapter 7:
Room with the asteroid release. I can see two gravity wheels and I use stasis on those two...but nothing happens. What am I missing

Try shooting in the gap when they slow down


Borg Artiste
Y2Kev said:
edit: ohhhh shit now I got it

Cool, hehe I worked on the damage state for that object, sadly you can't really see it because it got covered up by this outer casing thing. It used to have all kinds of neat wires and stuff.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
nathkenn said:
Cool, hehe I worked on the damage state for that object, sadly you can't really see it because it got covered up by this outer casing thing. It used to have all kinds of neat wires and stuff.
Aww! Thanks for the help. But how
do you get to the other side of the asteroid to take out the other two wheels? I got the first two easy enough but I'm still stuck as to how to slow down those globe-holder things. I can't stasis them to get to the other side.


Gold Member
Mr.Potato Head said:
FUCK ME! These graphics are INSANE!!! This game look absolutely STUNNING on the 360. Wow.. oh my goodness does this title look falt out amazing, move over Crysis!! This game

Really? I'm looking at your grabs and I don't see it...at all. The pc version comes out a week from now. Can't wait to see how it stacks up.


Borg Artiste
Y2Kev said:
God, why can't I do this? This is making me feel retarded.

Sorry, that I cant remember exactly, too much god mode and it's been a while. I could have sworn though when you blew those up it would slow down or something. Are you sure there isn't another hallway that leads to the other tethers?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hmm, let me check. The thing that might be throwing me off is the navigation guide telling me to jump RIGHT INTO IT.

edit: Good lord, I'm such a moron. I got it. lol.

awesome game!


Wow.. I was just playing in a completely darkened room on a 50" Kuro plasma with my home theater cranked up, Man this game is so atmospheric and the graphics and audio are top notch. (X360 ver).


No bald cap? Lies!
Ok this is bullshit, I preorder on Gamestop.com to get free overnight shipping and the artbook which I thought at the time was a really great deal but thats too god to be true. I look just now to see if it shipped today and what do I find, Gamestop has canceled my order without any notification or justification.
i saw the sci-fi program on the game. it was pretty cool i guess, basically just interviews with the producers as well as horror movie directors and others. various clips of the game but i think there should have been a spoiler alert warning because im PRETTY sure the show spoiled a major plot twist near the end.

i have no evidence to back this up, but those of you who have seen the show know what im talking about

don't read the below sentence unless you want to be spoiled!

they show a human doing tests of some sort on another human implying that there will be a human behind the entire alien infestation with something to gain from it ala the aliens series. i could be wrong but they certainly made it look that way with the guys dialog "you will play your part" speaking to you
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