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Dead Space |OT|

garath said:
Awesome. I died for the first time and when the camera panned out on my dead body I was missing an arm. :lol

You must not be playing on hard. I've died so much lol. My body has been ripped to shreds in so many different ways.:lol

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
garath said:
Awesome. I died for the first time and when the camera panned out on my dead body I was missing an arm. :lol

I love how many different deaths there are. Last night I saw myself get decapitated, whereupon the beastie started feeding on my neck-stump, and I also had a necromorph that I thought was dead hop up as I was walking by and cleanly sever my upper torso from my legs. I could see part of my backbone and everything.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
You must not be playing on hard. I've died so much lol. My body has been ripped to shreds in so many different ways.:lol

I am on hard, only chapter 2 though. I'll die many more times I'm sure :)

This time I was trying to stomp the ugly bastard to death. Didn't work so well haha.


newsguy said:
I'm making a point that gamefly didn't order enough of this game.

This is pretty much true for any rental program. Netflix, Gamefly, Blockbuster, anything. They order enough copies that they can reasonably make money off of. New games/movies are always high demand and you should expect them a month later. Not getting it day one is a bit childish, and we all appreciate you stomping your feet around.

If you want a game day one, you know what to do.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I just bought this game since my class was cancelled due to the teacher being sick. So now im at a crossroads on whether or not I should skip my next class and head home to play...gaf help me decide :)


Zeliard said:
Holy shit, that's not the number I had in my head as a guess. Seems like a pretty lengthy game.

Only on chapter 2 myself after 2.5 - 3 hours play (first couple of hours of these games always takes me ages as I examine every single detail I can), if the overall game ends up around 10 hours or so I'll be happy. Perfect play time for a game like this.

As much as I enjoyed Doom 3, it really did outstay it's welcome. Cut around 1/3 of that game and it'd have been perfect.


wenis said:
I just bought this game since my class was cancelled due to the teacher being sick. So now im at a crossroads on whether or not I should skip my next class and head home to play...gaf help me decide :)

Stay in school! :D


Neo Member
the most hilarious thing that keeps happening to me is that whenever my torso is seperated from my legs, there's a little holographic display eminating from my pelvis.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Jazzy Network said:
Am I the only one who turns off the lights just to play this?

when I get home today I know I will for sure. Maybe even bust out the headphones for this one as well.


Beat chapter 1 really tense game, can't see myself marathoning this. Liking it alot so far, graphics and presentation are awesome. Time for a WoW break and ill hit up chapter dos.
Jazzy Network said:
Am I the only one who turns off the lights just to play this?

Nope waiting for it to get dark out to start playing again, I didnt know what to expect last night when I first started playing. I had my headphones almost all the way up, ill just say I had to pause the game a few times, the game kept making me paranoid and looking over my shoulder, I loved it ha
Variable said:
Is there any special reason most people here seem to be choosing the PS3 version?

Apparently sound and the free PS3 suit looks better. I'm not a tech junkie and I don't have a PS3 at my dorm room so I got 360. Not dissapointed in the least.


Variable said:
Is there any special reason most people here seem to be choosing the PS3 version?

I chose it because I didn't want my obnoxiously loud 360 ruining my immersion.

I would have gone 360 if I could install to my hard drive, though. Simply because I'm just about to beat all my friends gamerscores and this would have put me past. E-Peen.

That said, no complaints with the PS3 version. It looks and sounds beautiful. No hitches that I can tell. None.


Ok I have a question that may or may not be the dealbreaker for me ;

Are the environement always the same; as in the same assets always used like in Doom 3 or Space siege ? Or is there great variety ?

I like sci-fi games, but I hate when all the game takes place on the same ship and everything looks the same except for ennemies.


Unlimited Capacity
Beaulieu said:
Ok I have a question that may or may not be the dealbreaker for me ;

Are the environement always the same; as in the same assets always used like in Doom 3 or Space siege ? Or is there great variety ?

I like sci-fi games, but I hate when all the game takes place on the same ship and everything looks the same except for ennemies.

Nope. I walked down some tight corridors today that looked like i was on the inside of someones ribcage.

It all has a very "spaceshipy" feel to it, but i find myself asking what nutjob designed this fucking thing.


Variable said:
Is there any special reason most people here seem to be choosing the PS3 version?
at this point I think it's pretty safe to say that GAF has a more PS3 centric gaming audience. I think the majority of the gamers here probably prefer to game on the PS3 in general. Though that discussion is outside the context of this thread.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Beaulieu said:
Ok I have a question that may or may not be the dealbreaker for me ;

Are the environement always the same; as in the same assets always used like in Doom 3 or Space siege ? Or is there great variety ?

I like sci-fi games, but I hate when all the game takes place on the same ship and everything looks the same except for ennemies.

The game takes place on the same ship. Having said that, there is level variety, like a "Hydroponics" level, and then of course there's going outside the ship or at least into zero-g, etc.
Somnia said:
No real spoiler so don't freak out =) But I just picked up a audio file on Chapter 7
that had a guy talking about how he was going to end it because he did not want to be like the rest of them...so he started cutting off his limbs while recording
...holy shit =O

Uh, do you know what a spoiler is?


Chernobyled said:
Uh, do you know what a spoiler is?

Ya I do and this in no way is a real spoiler. It in no way gives away anything to do with the game itself. It's a nice little thing yes, but it in no way affects your game reading what I put.
Somnia said:
Ya I do and this in no way is a real spoiler. It in no way gives away anything to do with the game itself. It's a nice little thing yes, but it in no way affects your game reading what I put.

It affects the reaction you'll have when you come to that part. Would you have reacted the same way if you knew it was coming?


WHOAguitarninja said:
It affects the reaction you'll have when you come to that part. Would you have reacted the same way if you knew it was coming?

Ya I would have actually. Reading what I put and hearing the actual acting would have made a big difference. That thing I put is no more than you'd see or hear in a trailer for a movie...and you'd get the same reaction seeing it in theater the first time.


Anyways this is a stupid argument since everyone has a different opinion on this shit. I spoil tagged it since someone mentioned it...end of story...if you don't want to read it don't highlight it. Let's move on and talk about the game...last bit of chapter 8 was fucking awesome!
garath said:
I am on hard, only chapter 2 though. I'll die many more times I'm sure :)

This time I was trying to stomp the ugly bastard to death. Didn't work so well haha.

LOL yeah... that doesn't work that well usually. :p
Philthy said:
I chose it because I didn't want my obnoxiously loud 360 ruining my immersion.

I would have gone 360 if I could install to my hard drive, though. Simply because I'm just about to beat all my friends gamerscores and this would have put me past. E-Peen.

That said, no complaints with the PS3 version. It looks and sounds beautiful. No hitches that I can tell. None.

November 19th will be your friend :D
Does the PS3 Exclusive Suit look different when you start than it does in all the promo shots? The suit I'm seeing on Isaac looks nothing like the original or PS3 suit... but I did get a message about scanning for downloadable content when I started the game up. Do I need to toggle the PS3 suit on?


StrikerObi said:
Does the PS3 Exclusive Suit look different when you start than it does in all the promo shots? The suit I'm seeing on Isaac looks nothing like the original or PS3 suit... but I did get a message about scanning for downloadable content when I started the game up. Do I need to toggle the PS3 suit on?

You need to buy the suit in the store for 0 credits. You'll get to the first store within an hour or so (depending on how often you have to pause to change your shorts :p)
Bought the 360 version at CC for the $10 gift card deal. They did have several remaining for both 360 and PS3 though, so concerns of a possibly wasted trip were unfounded.

Also nice to have had a 1-month free Live card lying around for a year just in case some nonsense happened like the bonus Dead Space suit requiring Gold (which I have no interest in otherwise).

Edit: nevermind, that card lives another day, DLC suit is now open to all
Jazzy Network said:
Apparently sound and the free PS3 suit looks better. I'm not a tech junkie and I don't have a PS3 at my dorm room so I got 360. Not dissapointed in the least.
Yea I like the PS3 suit over the 360s plus there isn't any major differences (framerate, etc) so I am going to pick up the PS3 version.


Would you guys say this is a rental or purchase? I know that you guys are enjoying this a lot and most of you are going to say it's an instant buy because of the first impression, but in terms of content available after completing the game (length, extra modes, etc), is it a buy?


ezekial45 said:
Would you guys say this is a rental or purchase? I know that you guys are enjoying this a lot and most of you are going to say it's an instant buy because of the first impression, but in terms of content available after completing the game (length, extra modes, etc), is it a buy?
It's a buy because we want EA to make more games like this.


Jealous Bastard
one thing i just noticed and really love: when you enter an area that has a defined number of necromorphs, they'll come at you. naturally, one strategy for avoiding them might be to just duck into a room and use the doorway as a choke point, much like i did several times in resident evil 4. here, though, the necromorphs will follow you into that room through vents in the walls or under the floor--they come at you viciously and quickly, from all angles. really well done.


Costanza said:
It's a buy because we want EA to make more games like this.

Could you be a little more specific? I only have a small window to get this game now. Or else i'll have to wait a while to play it.


ezekial45 said:
Would you guys say this is a rental or purchase? I know that you guys are enjoying this a lot and most of you are going to say it's an instant buy because of the first impression, but in terms of content available after completing the game (length, extra modes, etc), is it a buy?
That depends, do you need the game to make it fun for you or can you do that yourself? I plan on doing a pistol only run after my run on hard mode and judging by the difficulty of hard mode right now it is going to be a blast. Then there is the impossible difficulty and whatever interesting handicaps I can give myself.

Just beat the first chapter. On the first enemy I fought I ran out of ammo and had to curb stomp him.


HugBasket said:
That depends, do you need the game to make it fun for you or can you do that yourself? I plan on doing a pistol only run after my run on hard mode and judging by the difficulty of hard mode right now it is going to be a blast. Then there is the impossible difficulty and whatever interesting handicaps I can give myself.

Just beat the first chapter. On the first enemy I fought I ran out of ammo and had to curb stomp him.

A little of both. What i really hope is that the game will offer me an experience so engaging that i'll want to play through it more than once. Like RE4.

How are the weapons? I've heard that there is a limited amount, but customizing them more than makes up for that. Would you agree with that?


How does one get the pre-order code for the Scorpion Suit if Gamestop doesn't have my email? I was never given a code at checkout, nor asked for my email.

Kinda pissed.
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