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Dead Space |OT|


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
TeethMummy said:
ok, so now im in Chapter 6. The objective key keeps pointing me to
the feeding mechanism, but im in the room with with the 3 floor elevator. i killed every creature inn the room, but no matter what, the objective says I need to go to the feeding mechanism. Help?

yeah, I know, I should be able ot figure this out, but the game's a rental and I'm trying to pound it out in a few days. being stuck doesn't help my cause. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Look in the feeding mechanism.

T.M. MacReady

nevermind, got it.

keeping your laptop too close to your PS3 will often cause such fristration-led posts to neogaf. I figured it out with some patience.

Kydd BlaZe

Finally beat it. Game was a fucking mindfuck. Loved every bit of it.

GOTY 08 so far, and best graphics on any console (and this is coming from a HUGE HUGE Gears of War fan). I was thoroughly impressed with the game.
plagiarize said:
pc tidbits. AA is a software AA. i haven't been able to override it using the nvidia control panel. here is a comparison...


sorry that it's a jpeg. i forget to save it as a tif. software AA is on the right. you'll see a kind of edge blurring going on rather than true AA. i prefer it to no AA JUST personally, but real AA would have been nicer. not sure what the engine is doing that makes this happen but whatever.

vsync in game locks it at 30 fps... however... if i force vsync on in my nvidia drivers and leave it off in game, i get a tear free locked 60 fps. w00t. with vsync off i've not seen a drop below 100 fps yet on my 9800 gx2, core 2 extreme q6850.


i can post some uncompressed pngs at 1920 x 1200 if anyone knows of a free host that'll accept them.

pc controls... you want a pad. but then that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone for this sort of game. they show all the 360 controller onscreen prompts using my 360 pad just as you'd want.[/QUOTE]

Whoooaa, very nice.


on chapter 11 now.

i was loving every minute of it, until the game started becoming real fucking annoying with tons of fucking monsters on your ass and "lockdowns" which meant you had to kill every single shit for the doors to open.

ugh. now im kinda hating it. some parts are ridiculously difficult. wanna beat the hell out of it, so i can trade it in.


I've only had the chance to play about an hour of this game so far but I'm pretty impressed.

Quick thoughts:

- Graphics and lighting are great. As everyone has said the sound is fantastic and the controls work really well.
- The character design for Issac is kinda crappy, and I don't know why, but he has a weird hunch. Very strange.
- The game kinda starts off with a weird, quick, and unoriginal premise. I realize it's good to throw people into the action quickly, but there's no build up or introduction of the setting or anything. Feels a bit weird.
- The premise itself is sort of super, super generic, which is pretty typical of a western game. Mining ship? Arghhh. Seriously can we not think of anything that anyone would ever do in space other than mine for things? Oh well... I'm sure it'll make for an alright setting over the course of the game.


Tiktaalik said:
- The game kinda starts off with a weird, quick, and unoriginal premise. I realize it's good to throw people into the action quickly, but there's no build up or introduction of the setting or anything. Feels a bit weird.
- The premise itself is sort of super, super generic, which is pretty typical of a western game. Mining ship? Arghhh. Seriously can we not think of anything that anyone would ever do in space other than mine for things? Oh well... I'm sure it'll make for an alright setting over the course of the game.

I'll agree that the entry into the game might be a little rough. My gripe actually lies with the manual. It's so tiny, sad, and pathetic. Just another reminder of how awesome manuals used to be. The free 6 part 'animated comic' helps a lot.

I don't even know where you're going with the other point. Perhaps next time it will be on the love boat? There are quite a few plot points major and minor that tie the whole premise together.
Really enjoying this game. On chapter 9 right now playing on Hard my first time through and it is difficult for sure. Anyways, I'm wondering if I already passed the shooting gallery and zero-g basketball parts because I haven't found them yet. If anybody could tell, be much appreciated. Spoiler tag your answer since it is achievement related. thanks.


Mindlog said:
I don't even know where you're going with the other point. Perhaps next time it will be on the love boat? There are quite a few plot points major and minor that tie the whole premise together.

It's not really a big deal at all, it's just that I think it's funny that "mining ship" shows up so god damn often in sci fi. Personally if I was trying to develop a new IP I'd really attempt to come up something more unique. It's obviously not a big issue, just makes me sort of roll my eyes.


Tiktaalik said:
I've only had the chance to play about an hour of this game so far but I'm pretty impressed.

Quick thoughts:

- Graphics and lighting are great. As everyone has said the sound is fantastic and the controls work really well.
- The character design for Issac is kinda crappy, and I don't know why, but he has a weird hunch. Very strange.
- The game kinda starts off with a weird, quick, and unoriginal premise. I realize it's good to throw people into the action quickly, but there's no build up or introduction of the setting or anything. Feels a bit weird.
- The premise itself is sort of super, super generic, which is pretty typical of a western game. Mining ship? Arghhh. Seriously can we not think of anything that anyone would ever do in space other than mine for things? Oh well... I'm sure it'll make for an alright setting over the course of the game.

I mean that suit must be very comfortable ;)


Neo Member
I am impressed.

Especially the technical aspect of the game is perfect. Awesome graphic, no slowdowns, very deep 5.1 sound, great controls (I thought the controls are kind of lagged when I watched the videos, but thats not the case).

Really like the game, and it's the only A++ title this year, which is not a sequel, so go and get it :)
I've heard some comparisons to RE4 - is it true that the two games are alike?

Damn you GAF. I really don't want to spend too much this holiday but these impressions are making it tough.


_Alkaline_ said:
I've heard some comparisons to RE4 - is it true that the two games are alike?

As far as actual gameplay is concerned I'd say Dead Space is more like RE4 than any other game. The control mechanics are almost straight from RE4 and then modernized a bit to be even less like the tank controls we all know and love. While the game's atmosphere can go from System Shock 2 to Metroid Prime to Doom 3, the movement and gun play (and inventory for that matter, but going to inventory doesn't pause the game which is nice) is all RE4. It'll be interesting to see how similar the controls are to RE5 when that eventually comes out
_Alkaline_ said:
I've heard some comparisons to RE4 - is it true that the two games are alike?

Damn you GAF. I really don't want to spend too much this holiday but these impressions are making it tough.

Dead Space is slightly less cartoony and obviously the graphics are much, much better, but if you enjoyed RE4, you should have no problem enjoying Dead Space.


Always-honest said:
quick question: i'm buying the game in two hours:

360 or PS3???

thanx ahead

I think they're very similar. PS3 version has Trophies, if that matters, but as far as I know both are fine.


After seeing videos of this game and some streams, this is my goty.

Seriously, alien ambient, scary and fucking polished. Why this game didn't get more advertising?

I hope it sells like mad, it looks polished as hell and fun to play with some scary moments.


360 owner here and I say go for the PS3 version. One of the few games where the better audio and video quality the PS3 offers is appreciable.


Always-honest said:
okay, no aliassing issues on the ps3 version?

Well, I don't normally fuss over stuff like this. IMO the image quality is great on the PS3, but a little jaggy when the lighting is in full effect, but it might well be the same on the 360.

It's a great looking game.
nofi said:
Well, I don't normally fuss over stuff like this. IMO the image quality is great on the PS3, but a little jaggy when the lighting is in full effect, but it might well be the same on the 360.

It's a great looking game.

well, i'm a little allergic to jaggies, but from the sound of it the ps3 version seems fine..
heard/read no complaints so far. thanx. i'm buying the ps3 version for the ...... sound...


RavenFox said:
I would like to see the answer to this to.

I'll answer it myself.


Mostly the same goals for each level (get a star), but the variety and theme between them (from gravity races, to deep sea diving, to flying as a bee, to navigating a level that's completely invisible...

...it doesn't get old, so to speak.

In defense of Dead Space however, it DOES have a little bit of variety (some hybrid realtime/QTE situations, anti-gravity sections, and then areas with no oxygen). However, those aren't very frequent (thank God as it makes you appreciate them more), and the game really does boil to "run into room, prepare for scares, kill enemy, get key item, head back to tram".

Still, variety isn't the game's claim to fame imo. It's atmosphere. Something a lot of games in this genre have a hard time trying to convey. Dead Space doesn't pretend to be something it's not; it's an atmospheric horror-action title, and probably the best one in a looooong time.

My personal GOTY so far.


Always-honest said:
okay, no aliassing issues on the ps3 version?
Not really noticeable. I'm in chapter 4 and the only time I've really seen it is in the opening sequence (the pics posted above on this page).


Knowledge is power, guard it well
plagiarize said:
all in all solid port definately. no one loses really apart from PC games dead set on using mouse and keys... but as i've said before, 3rd person games where you have to hold down a button to aim... just play better on the pad anyways imho. just feels too weird holding down a button to aim when using the mouse.
You can toggle Aim mode with Caps Lock, sir. It stays on until you hit caps again.

I'm really impressed by how well this game is running on my laptop so far. I do have a high end 15.4" Clevo (P8600 2.4Ghz C2D, 9800m GT, 3GB DDR3 RAM....), but being able to run the game with a constant 60fps+ at 1680x1050 all settings maxed surprised the heck out of me.

Once I turned off Vsync and upped the mouse sensitivity, I've had no issue with the m/kb setup


Im' in Ch.3 and starting to get my ass kicked playing on Hard. I am wishing I had set the difficulty to Medium.

Question - I finally downloaded the black suit and equipped it, is it stronger than my regular suit? I had already paid to upgrade the regular suit once, which one is stronger? At this point I will take whatever upgrades I can get, I am getting killed by these friggin' aliens.


Always-honest said:
well, i'm a little allergic to jaggies, but from the sound of it the ps3 version seems fine..
heard/read no complaints so far. thanx. i'm buying the ps3 version for the ...... sound...
Pfft the PS3 version is more than fine. Game is an absolute stunner.

I'm kinda stuck in Chapter 5 right now.
Regenerating bastard, don't know what to do
. :lol
I think the sound is still great for the 360. I was planning on getting it for PS3 because of that single reason. I really don't regret picking up the 360 version at all, even if it was all they had.

Great game so far by the way. Has been creeping the shit out of me so far. I am in Chapter 2 and I am starting to wish there was someone here to watch me play. Haha.


I think what's so also so interesting about the sound is that it isn't just layered, it's MIXED extremely well. One example is near the beginning with the malfunctioning door. The mix on that when you get closer to it makes it sound like something big is coming up on you before you even actually see the door. It made me turn around the first time. :lol
Tokubetsu said:
I think what's so also so interesting about the sound is that it isn't just layered, it's MIXED extremely well. One example is near the beginning with the malfunctioning door. The mix on that when you get closer to it makes it sound like something big is coming up on you before you even actually see the door. It made me turn around the first time. :lol

i'm really looking forward to the 5.1 sound in the dark now :D


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I have the PS3 version. I bought it from Gamefly after finishing the first chapter. The audio alone is truly worth experiencing if you have a surround sound system (hence why I went with the PS3 version). I do think that the X360 controller may be a little better for this game because of the firmness of the X360 sticks compared to the PS3. I find it harder to make pinpoint adjustments in aiming with the DualShock3 compared to the X360 but this is more of a personal preference. Trophies, graphics, load times, etc are all top-notch and on par if not better than the X360 version from what I hear. Basically, EA Redwood Shores has made a game that proves multiplatform development is very possible without having one side suffer and they have also guaranteed that I will invest in their next project on the merits of Dead Space alone.


I'm gonna pick up this game and Silent Hill: Homecoming today. Does anybody happen to have a spare preorder code laying around?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just found out that I can just buy it through the marketplace store.


keep your strippers out of my American football
itxaka said:
After seeing videos of this game and some streams, this is my goty.

Seriously, alien ambient, scary and fucking polished. Why this game didn't get more advertising?
I hope it sells like mad, it looks polished as hell and fun to play with some scary moments.

Ummm...what? They had a huge advertising blitz for the game. Just last night there was a special on Sci-Fi about the game. I still see the commercial nightly. Maybe you just are looking at the right shows.

I do find it funny that you call this your GOTY without even playing it though. :lol

Back to the special. It was called "Sci vs Fi". They had a Fable 2 one on right before this one. It had designers of the game being interviewed along with other "celebrities". I didn't recognize any of them, but they had good things to say about the game. They really broke it down and talked about decisions they made and how they effect the game. It was really well done and tried it's best not to show many spoilers.

pogo pita

Neo Member
Played this for four hours last night. So far a really good game. It's just so fucking intense. I really love the overall feel of it. It's very polished in almost every aspect. The setting is great! Ishimura is one beautiful mining ship, and it feels really coherent and believable. It's immersive as hell. I don't love the enemies, but they work.

So far it's been a well paced thrill-ride. I'm playing it on normal and difficulty wise it feels well balanced. I've only died a couple of times, which is good. I don't really like sky high difficulties in these kind of games. Having to stare at a Game Over screen every fifteen minutes kinda spoils the tension and atmosphere for me. Someone here said the game gets extremely difficult in the last two chapters -- I really, really hope he just sucks at it.
DenogginizerOS said:
I have the PS3 version. I bought it from Gamefly after finishing the first chapter. The audio alone is truly worth experiencing if you have a surround sound system (hence why I went with the PS3 version). I do think that the X360 controller may be a little better for this game because of the firmness of the X360 sticks compared to the PS3. I find it harder to make pinpoint adjustments in aiming with the DualShock3 compared to the X360 but this is more of a personal preference. Trophies, graphics, load times, etc are all top-notch and on par if not better than the X360 version from what I hear. Basically, EA Redwood Shores has made a game that proves multiplatform development is very possible without having one side suffer and they have also guaranteed that I will invest in their next project on the merits of Dead Space alone.
apart from load times which are supposedly a few seconds faster on PS3, i can't see any difference in graphics. sound may be better on ps3 with the right sound system, but i wouldn't know. i didn't hear any difference between the two versions on the cans i got to use when i saw them both at EA... and i'm playing on PC at home.
plagiarize said:
apart from load times which are supposedly a few seconds faster on PS3
I have to mention that I blame a number of of my deaths purely on the 360's loading times. On the odd occasion, I'd be high tailing it away from a regenerator, run up to a door, hit the button, the 360's disc drive would whirrs into motion, whirr, whirr and whirr a bit more 'C'MON! CAN'T YOU FIND NEXT ROOM'S DATA??' whirr whirr... at which point, a slicing blade would tear my body in half. On the other hand, the unreliability adds to the overall panic!


marvelharvey said:
I have to mention that I blame a number of of my deaths purely on the 360's loading times. On the odd occasion, I'd be high tailing it away from a regenerator, run up to a door, hit the button, the 360's disc drive would whirrs into motion, whirr, whirr and whirr a bit more 'C'MON! CAN'T YOU FIND NEXT ROOM'S DATA??' whirr whirr... at which point, a slicing blade would tear my body in half. On the other hand, the unreliability adds to the overall panic!
Hahaha nice. Reminds me of Metroid Prime. Shooting the door fifty times before it actually opens.

I think I'll have to give the polish of the year award to Dead Space. The lighting keeps on wowing me.

Taking an off screen image does result in some crappy color lining but you get the idea. :D



marvelharvey said:
I have to mention that I blame a number of of my deaths purely on the 360's loading times. On the odd occasion, I'd be high tailing it away from a regenerator, run up to a door, hit the button, the 360's disc drive would whirrs into motion, whirr, whirr and whirr a bit more 'C'MON! CAN'T YOU FIND NEXT ROOM'S DATA??' whirr whirr... at which point, a slicing blade would tear my body in half. On the other hand, the unreliability adds to the overall panic!
PS3 version does the same exact thing all the time. Door will take 4-5 seconds to load.


Yeah, the PS3 version loads up those rooms quickly. Occasionally, if it's a big room, it'll take 3 seconds or so to open the door but most of the time it's pretty instant.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This game really helps me appreciate my plasma. I showed this game to a friend of mine yesterday using his 32" LCD and, holy shit, the game looked absolutely awful. Even with in-game brightness cranked to max, the display could hardly resolve the Ishimura logo present in the calibration screen. Transitions from bright lights to dark areas were abrupt with those dark areas filled with glowing gray LCD backlight completely devoid of detail. It does allow me to realize just how much LCDs have improved as this is a 2006 model and most recent LCDs, while still bothersome, are a huge leap from this Sharp panel. I honestly do not believe I could enjoy such a game on that display. In all honesty, I'd sooner play the game on an old SD CRT than a low quality HD LCD.

Draft said:
PS3 version does the same exact thing all the time. Door will take 4-5 seconds to load.
I disagree, actually. I've found that, in general, most doors open almost immediately with only the animation requiring any waiting time. Only once can I recall a door requiring additional time to open and, yes, that moment did indeed remind me of Metroid Prime. It's very smooth on the whole, however. I suppose it is similar to Metroid Prime in that most doors in the original game opened quickly with the occasional slow loading room popping up from time to time. Metroid Prime 3 was a huge step down in that area with nearly every room requiring some serious waiting.


Damn last night I gave the
a proper send off to hell. Issac is so badass.
Plasma cutter was all that was needed even though I had a full load out of other weapons. I did use the
contact beam on the vulnerable part of the tentacles
So damn satisfying. I'm taking my time savoring every nook and cranny of this beautiful beautiful game.
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