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Dead Space |OT|


Just beat the
in chapter 6. Took me way too many tries because for some reason it didn't cross my mind to
shoot his crap back at him with telekineses
. Awesome awesome boss battle. :D


Onix said:
Except I'm not a console warrior.

So based on your logic, technical discussions between multiplatform titles is basically no longer allowable? How about this, once you become a mod/admin, you can go enact such a rule. Until then ... just stop.
I answered your question. Several times. So you stop. There's no difference. Buy the version you want. So stop.
Played the 360 version for an hour last night, didn't notice any loading door issues, is it meant to happen later in the game? I'm still on chapter one and haven't encountered a loading door situation a la Metroid.
Happens just like in Metroid Prime. At first you're going slow, fighting a lot, taking in the scenery. Doors open instantly. Later on you backtrack, or you simply get better at the game and clear rooms much faster, doors can't keep up.


Big-E said:
Dude just press X or Square for a med pack. It automatically uses your lowest strength med pack so you don't have to worry about wasting a large med on a small heal.


I feel stupid, but I didn't even know this. Went through the entire game going to the inventory to heal.


Shins said:
I have a love/hate relationship with the menu when I'm getting rushed by enemies and need to use a medpack.

Dude, the square button will satisfy all of your healing needs in combat. No menus are necessary.

And beaten...


Big-E said:
Dude just press X or Square for a med pack. It automatically uses your lowest strength med pack so you don't have to worry about wasting a large med on a small heal.
Mind blown! What the hell!


Zeliard said:
I feel stupid, but I didn't even know this. Went through the entire game going to the inventory to heal.
Now I'm curious about why else I've been missing in the controls. It took me to chapter three to realize you could throw objects with kinesis by pressing L1.

I thought I was so astute about reading those on-screen guides. :- (


Post Count: 9999
Draft said:
I answered your question. Several times. So you stop. There's no difference. Buy the version you want. So stop.

No, you really didn't. If you don't see that, I really don't know what to tell you. Maybe you should drop the r in your name?

Whatever, thanks for helping with the derail ... good show.

Shins said:
shuuuuuuttttt uppppppp

Fine. How I am AT ALL in the wrong here ... I don't know. Whatever, Draft if anything is being a troll ... I'll stop feeding him.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled program ...

Can't wait to get back Friday. The game is calling out to me.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
Played the 360 version for an hour last night, didn't notice any loading door issues, is it meant to happen later in the game? I'm still on chapter one and haven't encountered a loading door situation a la Metroid.

Most sane people won't really noticed. I recognize that there are quite a few places where opening doors quickly becomes desirable, but it's nothing a proper application of stasis or leg shots won't fix.

:lol Shins

I wish their was a quick key for stasis pack (I could have sworn there was.) Needing a stasis charge while being chased rabid pack of necromorphs desperately seeking my autograph can be a bit daunting at times.

Phthisis said:
I see reading the instruction manual has become a lost art...

It's not a manual. It's a pamphlet :(


Shins said:
Now I'm curious about why else I've been missing in the controls. It took me to chapter three to realize you could throw objects with kinesis by pressing L1.

I thought I was so astute about reading those on-screen guides. :- (
Same here. :lol


Mindlog said:
It's not a manual. It's a pamphlet :(

I was so happy to finally see EA put some effort into a manual when I opened up FIFA the other day before I realized it was one pamphlet in 5 different languages.


Post Count: 9999
Does EA do any manuals in color at this point?

I had to laugh when reading the Dead Space one. During the part where it goes over how to interpret the map, its cites the different colors things will appear in ... and has the nerve to actually refer to the picture on the page. I was looking at the pic thinking wtf? :lol


keep your strippers out of my American football
Onix said:
Does EA do any manuals in color at this point?

I had to laugh when reading the Dead Space one. During the part where it goes over how to interpret the map, its cites the different colors things will appear in ... and has the nerve to actually refer to the picture on the page. I was looking at the pic thinking wtf? :lol

Strategy guides sell too much to do a decent manual.


Post Count: 9999
I think you may actually be right :\

The art book that came with the game (for preordering at GameCrap) is actually pretty nice though.
okay........picture this: Dead Space, HD projector, 100 inch cinema screen, totally dark, 5.1 sound system.... i'm shitting myself here...

but damn, this game has some atmosphere... and sound.. looks great tooo...... love the hud.. or lack of it.. love the direction hint.... this game is just great so far (lol.. chapter 2)


Mrs. Harvey
43 achievements out of 48. I'm done with this game. Had a blast. Wasn't scared one bit. A few jumpy moments but nothing a raise of a hand wouldn't slow down.


Mindlog said:
Most sane people won't really noticed. I recognize that there are quite a few places where opening doors quickly becomes desirable, but it's nothing a proper application of stasis or leg shots won't fix.

Well, there was this one time I died waiting for the door to open while I was running out of air. Shouldn't be so greedy and left the room earlier.


Taking my time with this one, just polished off Chapter 7.

I'm very impressed by the game; it gets so very much right. It's a wonderful visual experience, the sound design is beyond perfect, and it controls extremely well. Furthermore, it feels just right in terms of difficulty, and seldom becomes frustrating due to intelligent checkpointing and numerous 'save points'.

About the only thing I could complain about at this point is that the pacing is a tiny bit flat - the set pieces don't quite live up to something like Resident Evil 4; most of the time I am traversing through corridors or jumping through Zero-G environments taking out aliens and doing seemingly arbitrary tasks.

So far, 'big events', like being snatched by an enormous creature, or taking on a gigantic boss, have been pretty thin on the ground, and 'set pieces' like the Asteroid shooting section just aren't that great. If Resident Evil 4 was a rollercoaster filled with peaks and troughs and strange scenarios, Dead Space feels more like a flat line of constant intensity. It's good, but I hope the back half of the game changes things up a little.

Other than that rant, which is but a niggle considering that the core mechanics are so good, I'm loving this game. The mind boggles to think if Dead Space 2 could be to Dead Space what Resident Evil 2 was to its predecessor.

Also, just an interesting thing I've noticed while playing this and Fable 2 alternately - this game is tremendous and immersing the player in a 'world', with its lack of HUD and rare loading. Fable 2, on the other hand, feels scattered and splintered in a way which never really lets me think of Albion as a cohesive, convincing world. If one of the strengths of games as a medium is to transport a player into a WORLD, then Dead Space is doing it very right.


Kadey said:
43 achievements out of 48. I'm done with this game. Had a blast. Wasn't scared one bit. A few jumpy moments but nothing a raise of a hand wouldn't slow down.
The game definitely isn't scary though it did pull a couple of resident evil type scares on me. Just now I upgraded my plasma cutter at a bench. All fine and dandy, the bench closes, bam a necromorph jumps from out of nowhere.

The game may not be scary the way a Silent Hill or Siren is scary but the game is damn tense.


Jealous Bastard
i hope this sells a million copies. hope against hope. it deserves a lot of attention and accolades for all the badass stuff it does so so right where other games fail.


my posts are "MEH"

Im on level 7 right now and....

I just finished clearing out all the monster in the balcony in which you could see the previoud asteriod. so I go to check the "Bench"...Soon as I X out of it..."BAM" One of those Crab hand monster appears in back of me.....I almost shit myself....lol


I keep expecting the Alien Queen to show up and make me burn all her eggs with my flamethrower.

My GOD - could any imagine if a developer had been so talented as to make a game based off the Alien franchise with the technical smarts / engine / atmosphere of this?

Someone should make Alien 5 as a third person action game with Ripley on the Alien homeworld.

ANYWAY, back to reality. Love this game.


Was this part supposed to be scary? Ch 8. minor spoilers.
When you get on the "elevator" that moves horizontal that takes you to the area where you need to fix the satellite? I don't know what it was but riding that thing made me a little uneasy, I was very relieved to get off it, maybe it was the sound


dralla said:
Was this part supposed to be scary? Ch 8. minor spoilers.
When you get on the "elevator" that moves horizontal that takes you to the area where you need to fix the satellite? I don't know what it was but riding that thing made me a little uneasy, I was very relieved to get off it, maybe it was the sound

I felt the exact same way. You couldn't see very far down the tunnel and I kept expecting something to come out at me, but it never did. Just an unsettling feeling. It was the perfect combination: dark, solitary, and forcing you into an enclosed space where you couldn't cover both avenues of attack at once.


Onix said:
This is what happens when a team takes the time to tweak things for the respective consoles (unless of course the opposite is happening, and the 360 version doesn't control as well - was this a PS3 lead, or was it not really led on either?)

There is very little platform specific code that interprets the stick values; although since this particular module actually comes from the PS2 era it's more like we had the NGC and Xbox as re-mapped Dual Shock controllers and the same goes for the current stuff.

FWIW my personal preference is for the Dual Shock analog sticks, always has been. I think Dead Space controls great on both platforms but we certainly made an effort particularly with the button mapping on PS3 to "get things right". Placing the 'fire' button on PS3 was a point of controversy on the team right up until we shipped it.


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Anyone pick up the animated movie? seen it on DVD $27 and Blu-Ray $30 the other day was almost gonna get it but picked up Spaced, any good? worth it?

I haven't seen it myself but wanted to mention that it's $10.49 here
$24.94 Blu-Ray


Well, I swung by EB today thinking I'd be able to pick up my copy of Castlevania but they hadn't received it, so I picked this up on PS3. Did I do good, GAF?

I was going to get it on the 360, but yesterday I picked up Force Unleashed and it ran horrible on the 360! It was constantly loading, freezing for a few seconds in every area within the first level whenever an enemy Wookie came into view. Just horrible. So I was afraid that it was my 360, and not the game, that was the cause. That's why I went with Dead Space on the PS3.

I'm not really into horror survival games, but given the praise that it's receiving, I thought I'd just take the plunge. Can't wait to finish up work and get home to try this out.


codecow said:
There is very little platform specific code that interprets the stick values; although since this particular module actually comes from the PS2 era it's more like we had the NGC and Xbox as re-mapped Dual Shock controllers and the same goes for the current stuff.

FWIW my personal preference is for the Dual Shock analog sticks, always has been. I think Dead Space controls great on both platforms but we certainly made an effort particularly with the button mapping on PS3 to "get things right". Placing the 'fire' button on PS3 was a point of controversy on the team right up until we shipped it.
Didn't know we had a Dead Space developer on the board. Excellent work on the game, I hope it sells enough to warrant a sequel. ;)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Okay that's it for me tonight... I am fucking amazed. Fucking amazed.

EDIT: :lol at the guys not reading the manual...


Post Count: 9999
codecow said:
There is very little platform specific code that interprets the stick values; although since this particular module actually comes from the PS2 era it's more like we had the NGC and Xbox as re-mapped Dual Shock controllers and the same goes for the current stuff.

FWIW my personal preference is for the Dual Shock analog sticks, always has been. I think Dead Space controls great on both platforms but we certainly made an effort particularly with the button mapping on PS3 to "get things right". Placing the 'fire' button on PS3 was a point of controversy on the team right up until we shipped it.

Thanks for the insights.

You guys/girls did an amazing job on the this game ... on all levels. Really enjoying it!

Seiken said:
Okay that's it for me tonight... I am fucking amazed. Fucking amazed.

EDIT: :lol at the guys not reading the manual... soon, people will tell me they don't know how to use cover/blind fire in the game.

Glad to see you're loving it. I wasn't sure how to interpret your last post.

I'm not sure how someone can't be amazed by this game.
codecow said:
There is very little platform specific code that interprets the stick values; although since this particular module actually comes from the PS2 era it's more like we had the NGC and Xbox as re-mapped Dual Shock controllers and the same goes for the current stuff.

FWIW my personal preference is for the Dual Shock analog sticks, always has been. I think Dead Space controls great on both platforms but we certainly made an effort particularly with the button mapping on PS3 to "get things right". Placing the 'fire' button on PS3 was a point of controversy on the team right up until we shipped it.

Devs should take note, R1 > R2 for shooting. Congratulations on the success of DS.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Onix said:
Glad to see you're loving it. I wasn't sure how to interpret your last post.

I'm not sure how someone can't be amazed by this game.
No seriously, if the pace is just as good throughout the whole game, I'll definitely consider this to be the best action horror game ever.


codecow said:
There is very little platform specific code that interprets the stick values; although since this particular module actually comes from the PS2 era it's more like we had the NGC and Xbox as re-mapped Dual Shock controllers and the same goes for the current stuff.

FWIW my personal preference is for the Dual Shock analog sticks, always has been. I think Dead Space controls great on both platforms but we certainly made an effort particularly with the button mapping on PS3 to "get things right". Placing the 'fire' button on PS3 was a point of controversy on the team right up until we shipped it.
The ultimate sincere props to you and the guys who brought this into my life. I havent been so satisfied with a game in this genre for such a long time. I have the PS3 version and personally I think you guys aced the controls and button layout. Well done.
Sorry cant wade through 9 million pages but how do you revert outfits? I hate the free dlc one. Also, anyone have pics of the PS3/360 outfits? I heard they are different. I have the 360 version.

Edit: Read OP, thanks anyway.

Ew Fuck the 360 version is hideous, im guessing the scorpion suit is also the buyable one, I might grab that.

Still like to know the bold though ^


Unlimited Capacity
Seiken said:
No seriously, if the pace is just as good throughout the whole game, I'll definitely consider this to be the best action horror game ever.

I seriously dont know how the kept that pitch perfect pace the entire game (assuming they did, im in chapter 11).


I'd be in the dick
Just finished the game and HOLY SHIT! I adored this game and I really hope that it becomes the franchise that EA wants it to be.
The end boss was spectacular, even though it was really easy it was a lot of fun. It really felt like a playable cutscene.
I can't wait to go through this one again.


Mrs. Harvey
Lion Heart said:
Sorry cant wade through 9 million pages but how do you revert outfits? I hate the free dlc one. Also, anyone have pics of the PS3/360 outfits? I heard they are different. I have the 360 version.

Edit: Read OP, thanks anyway.

Ew Fuck the 360 version is hideous, im guessing the scorpion suit is also the buyable one, I might grab that.

Still like to know the bold though ^

They should be highlighted in the store so you can change them, costing 0. I was changing back and forth between military and Scorpion.


Nork unification denier
codecow said:
There is very little platform specific code that interprets the stick values; although since this particular module actually comes from the PS2 era it's more like we had the NGC and Xbox as re-mapped Dual Shock controllers and the same goes for the current stuff.

FWIW my personal preference is for the Dual Shock analog sticks, always has been. I think Dead Space controls great on both platforms but we certainly made an effort particularly with the button mapping on PS3 to "get things right". Placing the 'fire' button on PS3 was a point of controversy on the team right up until we shipped it.

Congratulations on the fantastic work of art, codecow. I hope you all get great bonuses this year - you certainly earned them with this game.

One favor though: could you please ask TPTB to patch the new+ game/difficulty level issue? That would make DS just about perfect. :D


I just got the game on PC, but it looks like I'll be trying to return it to Best Buy and pick up the PS3 version.

My main gripes are:

Mouse movement still has lag, even when running in my native resolution. Its slight, but its definitely there.

FOV is awful. Playing games with this on the PC gives me raging headaches and eye strain. Since I can sit back further with a console game, its not as much of an issue for me.

I can't use arrow keys for my movement. They wont let you bind them

All in all, an awful port. Though, It runs ace on my rig. Even with vsync forced via the nvidia drivers it runs like butter. Unfortunately, the drawbacks are too much.

Anyone want to trade their PS3 version for the PC version? :(


Mrs. Harvey
codecow said:
There is very little platform specific code that interprets the stick values; although since this particular module actually comes from the PS2 era it's more like we had the NGC and Xbox as re-mapped Dual Shock controllers and the same goes for the current stuff.

FWIW my personal preference is for the Dual Shock analog sticks, always has been. I think Dead Space controls great on both platforms but we certainly made an effort particularly with the button mapping on PS3 to "get things right". Placing the 'fire' button on PS3 was a point of controversy on the team right up until we shipped it.

Tell everyone great job on the game. If it were up to me, GOTY. I never had so much beating the crap out of monsters. :lol
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