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Dead Space |OT|


Crayon said:
Overall it feels like a dumbed down re4. Or a dumbed down doom 3.

Basically, it feels like a survival horror game for people who would rather be playing a shooter. It started off as a good survival/adventure game. I waited till nite time to play and everything. The first big hit was when the enemies became so unintersting so quickly. Both in their design and action. After that the puzzles where dissapointing me in their simpictiy.

I went in expecting a different game I think. This game is really polished and got alot of hype but it feels just like Dark Sector or Uncharted to me. Both of which I find boring. The gameplay is just too thin.
I'm sorry, but how does RE4 have deeper gameplay than Dead Space? I enjoyed RE4, but there wasn't much to the gameplay.


mr stroke said:
thinking about giving this game a shot, but considering its length(enough to finish in a weekend?) would you guys suggest renting it vs buying?
some here are saying its not a multiple play through game so I cant decided weather to drop the 60$
Depends if you're into marathon gaming. I neither have the time nor inclination. 15 hrs is way to long for me to finish during a weekend, or even a 5 night rental. When I finish Dead Space (I expect no replay value) I'll trade it in for Gears 2 or Resistance 2.


Zeliard said:
I recall you saying that Dark Sector is "not that bad".
Typical forum troll. You come in here and call the game boring with nothing even approaching specifics, and then start crying like a little bitch when people call you out.

I already elaborated on what I found boring when somebody asked me nicely. There's not much to it. If the game's hooks don't hook me then im going to find it boring. They did some nice work on a derivitive environment and fiction. They polished it up nicely. That's all the game seems to be offering and neither is doing it for me.

You are more than welcome to follow me around and offer commentary on my opinions. It's obviosuly made for great reading so far.

I should clarify my stance on re4 vs deadspace tho. I respect re4. I enjoyed re4 immensly 3 years ago. But if it came out today I would not hold it in such high regard. I might even find it boring. And if they released it today with more cliched themes, and off the shelf shooter mechanics to fill in gameplay gaps and called it dead space I would definitly find it boring.

Decado said:
I'm sorry, but how does RE4 have deeper gameplay than Dead Space? I enjoyed RE4, but there wasn't much to the gameplay.

There really isn't much to RE4's gameplay.

Take that, graft on "normal" shooter controls so you can more effectivly backpedal/shoot and paint a blue line on the ground for you to follow. You can look at these as enhancements or dumbing down. That argument has been had.


On my second play through and I am in love. Fantastic game. Played the 360 version on my Sony DG720 in 5.1 and the sound is amazing.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Decado said:
I'm sorry, but how does RE4 have deeper gameplay than Dead Space? I enjoyed RE4, but there wasn't much to the gameplay.

lol, one thing we dont need is people saying RE4 didnt have good gameplay. Thats more wrong than saying Dead Space doesnt improve upon it


azz0r said:
Can only play this in short bursts.

Just finished chapter 5. I can't handle more than one chapter on hard. Too fucking intense!

gregor7777 said:
nigh identical from all reports.

comes down to which plastic case you prefer
Actually, the lower noise level of the PS3 is an advantage.
azz0r said:
Can only play this in short bursts.

Good game though, be glad to get more weapons.

I just started playing this and those are my thoughts exactly. Loving it so far though.

My first HOLY SHIT moment came
after your small ship exploded and you're facing the Necromorphs that were on the hull. Two of them lunged at me, one a scorpion that I put in stasis right in front of me, and the other I shot midair and its limbs flew off and landed behind me

So awesome.


not very far into the game but so far i wasn't very impressed with anything about it except sound. Oh, and holographic menus, those are cool.

Graphics are nice, but the amount of stuff the game needs to deal with certainly isn't overwhelming; small dark areas, which, being the only location in the game a space ship, are rather angular and simplistic: not very demanding in terms of geometry. I surely hope the game would look good and polished, with such a simple graphical premise. Still, i have already encountered a couple slowdowns and a few horribly pixelated shadows.

Oh well. Worst part is how quickly aliens stopped being interesting and more of an annoyance. Nothing too remarkable about them, i only encountered 3 or 4 types of them (and definately far too many of each ) so far though.

Mechanics feel like very standard stuff: "go to A, shoot monsters, do this, doing this unlocked door b, shoot more monsters, backtrack to door b" etc.

Storytelling so far has been neglectable, and you can guess what the plot twists are going to be right from the start.

Uh, better than RE4 ? Well, speaking about the game's core mechanics (controls, shooting, character movement) only yeah, DS is a bit better. As a whole, though ? so far it's been like dark sector compared to gow (2 !); its smaller, thinner, poorer little brother who always wished he'd be like him.
Seriously, i'd say RE4 is huge, it's Capcom magnum opus and one of the most complete and well crafted gaming experience ever. Dead Space is a solid game with a good presentation which owes most of the hype to the alien setting which hasn't been put to good use in years, not much more imho and unless a lot of incredibly amazing stuff start happening in the game at this point
Really, really enjoying this. It's most certainly the most suprisingly good game this year. I wasn't hyped and I expected not to like it but it's got to be the best survival horror type game I've played in a long, long time. It just does a lot of things right. Just on chapter 6 now and I couldn't put it down last night.

Watched Downfall too I I very much enjoyed that too. Can't wait to play more of this tomorrow.
dk_ said:

Just finished chapter 5. I can't handle more than one chapter on hard. Too fucking intense!

Actually, the lower noise level of the PS3 is an advantage.

Given that he's asking, can't we assume that he owns both systems? Makes sense I think. Also given that he owns both, he's probably well aware of what they sound like.

So when he asks if there's any differences in the games, the correct answer is none (if reports are true, I can't attest to that personally).

Speaking of the 360 version, if you can hear the system over the game, either something's wrong with your system or you need to turn the sound up. Mine is an older version and it's not noticeable unless the sound is near muted. FAR quieter than the PC when it's on.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Quick question: What carries over into a New Game+? All the upgraded gear of course but what about consumables and credits? Nodes?

I have an absolute ton of ammo...


my posts are "MEH"
eso76 said:
not very far into the game but so far i wasn't very impressed with anything about it except sound. Oh, and holographic menus, those are cool.

Graphics are nice, but the amount of stuff the game needs to deal with certainly isn't overwhelming; small dark areas, which, being the only location in the game a space ship, are rather angular and simplistic: not very demanding in terms of geometry. I surely hope the game would look good and polished, with such a simple graphical premise. Still, i have already encountered a couple slowdowns and a few horribly pixelated shadows.

Oh well. Worst part is how quickly aliens stopped being interesting and more of an annoyance. Nothing too remarkable about them, i only encountered 3 or 4 types of them (and definately far too many of each ) so far though.

Mechanics feel like very standard stuff: "go to A, shoot monsters, do this, doing this unlocked door b, shoot more monsters, backtrack to door b" etc.

Storytelling so far has been neglectable, and you can guess what the plot twists are going to be right from the start.

Uh, better than RE4 ? Well, speaking about the game's core mechanics (controls, shooting, character movement) only yeah, DS is a bit better. As a whole, though ? so far it's been like dark sector compared to gow (2 !); its smaller, thinner, poorer little brother who always wished he'd be like him.
Seriously, i'd say RE4 is huge, it's Capcom magnum opus and one of the most complete and well crafted gaming experience ever. Dead Space is a solid game with a good presentation which owes most of the hype to the alien setting which hasn't been put to good use in years, not much more imho and unless a lot of incredibly amazing stuff start happening in the game at this point

Your on a damn Spaceship.....This game isn't meant to have an environment as if you were outdoors. Also what are you talking about saying their are only 3-4 different monsters? there are about 9-10 different one's I can think of.


Goddamn this game has reminded me why I love a tight single player experience. Act 5 here I come

I think this might be the most polished 360 game I've ever played. Not a hint of slowdown or tearing or anything ANYWHERE. It's so fucking smooth. And the level design - the ship ... everything about it is brilliant. The most impressive spacecraft design I've ever seen in a videogame. The lighting and the art direction .... amazing. And it just keeps getting more amazing.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
eso76 said:
not very far into the game but so far i wasn't very impressed with anything about it except sound. Oh, and holographic menus, those are cool.

Graphics are nice, but the amount of stuff the game needs to deal with certainly isn't overwhelming; small dark areas, which, being the only location in the game a space ship, are rather angular and simplistic: not very demanding in terms of geometry. I surely hope the game would look good and polished, with such a simple graphical premise. Still, i have already encountered a couple slowdowns and a few horribly pixelated shadows.

Oh well. Worst part is how quickly aliens stopped being interesting and more of an annoyance. Nothing too remarkable about them, i only encountered 3 or 4 types of them (and definately far too many of each ) so far though.

Mechanics feel like very standard stuff: "go to A, shoot monsters, do this, doing this unlocked door b, shoot more monsters, backtrack to door b" etc.

Storytelling so far has been neglectable, and you can guess what the plot twists are going to be right from the start.

Uh, better than RE4 ? Well, speaking about the game's core mechanics (controls, shooting, character movement) only yeah, DS is a bit better. As a whole, though ? so far it's been like dark sector compared to gow (2 !); its smaller, thinner, poorer little brother who always wished he'd be like him.
Seriously, i'd say RE4 is huge, it's Capcom magnum opus and one of the most complete and well crafted gaming experience ever. Dead Space is a solid game with a good presentation which owes most of the hype to the alien setting which hasn't been put to good use in years, not much more imho and unless a lot of incredibly amazing stuff start happening in the game at this point

Are you dense? RE4 but better is like gaming mana.

YOu are also nitpicking things the game does well or with reason.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Jive Turkey said:
Quick question: What carries over into a New Game+? All the upgraded gear of course but what about consumables and credits? Nodes?

I have an absolute ton of ammo...

Everything save Stasis and Kinesis, but you get both back with any upgrades when you find them in the game

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
HK-47 said:
Everything save Stasis and Kinesis, but you get both back with any upgrades when you find them in the game
Yeah I figured you got those again when they get introduced in the story.


Mr. Smith

if this game is the beginning of an new area of how ea will make games fron now on, color me very impresed. ds is a really good game, once i started it i couldnt let my fingers of it. the story alone sucked me in till i finished the game. and after playing trought it i wanted to start right away from the beginning. that only happend with gears 1 before. i liked it so much i even watched that crappy ds animation on dvd. the atmosphere is so intense, everything is designed with so much love. everything in this games just fits pefect into its universe. maybe this is what happens if you let real scripters do the story telling, godd move ea. i cant wait for mirrors edge, if it is any way near ds quality it will be a joy to play. im calling it here first folks, the new ea is evil no more, it is the first address when it comes to new ips this generation. i cant wait what they will show us next. this is how you make a nextgen game!


Crayon said:
I should clarify my stance on re4 vs deadspace tho. I respect re4. I enjoyed re4 immensly 3 years ago. But if it came out today I would not hold it in such high regard. I might even find it boring. And if they released it today with more cliched themes, and off the shelf shooter mechanics to fill in gameplay gaps and called it dead space I would definitly find it boring.

I challenge you to name a single shooter from this generation that has superior gunplay to Dead Space. The only thing that even comes close is F.E.A.R., a last gen game, and it was far ahead of its time in the gunplay dept. Its only real challengers look to be Gears 2 and Killzone 2, neither of which are out yet.

Crayon said:
There really isn't much to RE4's gameplay.

Take that, graft on "normal" shooter controls so you can more effectivly backpedal/shoot and paint a blue line on the ground for you to follow. You can look at these as enhancements or dumbing down. That argument has been had.

I guess offering superior controls at the expense of nothing is "dumbing down", in your world. What you're saying would be like saying that using a keyboard/mouse instead of analog sticks for a shooter is dumbing it down. Stop drinking the Capcom kool-aid.


Bought the game yesterday, plus a case of beer and a bag of pistachios. The wife went out and I had the place to myself. It was the perfect set up.

After initially thinking the game was pure rubbish, I started to get into it.

The first level is incredibly horrible. Nothing in it got me interested or made me feel like I was playing anything other than a generic shooter where you go to point x, pick up item y, take it to point z, go back to point x. The monsters were boring, the atmosphere completely lacking. I was honestly starting to think I made a big mistake buying this game and was already considering getting my money back.

Luckily, that all changed by the time I got through most of level 2. It actually became really fucking cool. The environment atmosphere picked up a lot, the story picked up, the generic linearity of the levels picked up. By the time I was in level 4 I was really, really enjoying the game.

It reminds me very much of DOOM 3, which is my favourite single player FPS of all time, and the best FPS horror game ever made in my opinion. Dead Space doesn't do atmosphere even half as good as DOOM 3, but it's still good enough. I'd describe the game a mix of Gears (generic shooter go from point a to point b killing boring monsters (I don't like Gears)), DOOM 3 (story, attempt at atmosphere), and the movie The Thing (monsters, story).

One thing I'm really enjoying is the sound. While a lot of the sound cues are repeated far too often, making them not scary at all (metallic objects moving or bouncing, over and over again the same sound). The quality of it is amazing. Even playing on my 2.1 set up it still sounds like it's coming from all directions.

And the main thing I love about the sound. They've taken a lot of the scary atmospheric music from The Shining. It's almost a direct rip off. I love The Shining (my avatar) and love the fact they're using the awesome sound work in that movie. It really adds to the atmosphere.

So yeah, I'm up to level 5. Really enjoying the game. Too early to call it to be honest. But those are my impressions so far.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I'm at chapter 6 now and somehow I get the feeling that
what's gonna meet me at the end of this level isn't going to be pretty


I'm really early on, just now activated the computer and whatever.

I can't play this game. I think the intro is horrible, it rushes into the action when it should've took it's sweet time to make us feel connected with the characters that were on the ship with us, and it should've built up the 1st contact, and it doesn't, it happens right away.

The reason why i can't play this however is the sound, it freaks me out, and i get stressed because these fuckas apparently come out of all kinds of places, and ya know fuuk dat, i'm gonna wait for some trainer to allow me to be invincible.

I know i suck, but i'm horrible at this kind of horror game.


Post Count: 9999
OMG ... this game just gets more and more amazing.

I thought the third chapter was cool. Holy shit, the 4th chapter is INFUCKINGCREDIBLE.

The set pieces are nuts. First there's the initial room where you can see the asteroids along with the collision ... there's there's the control room - the lighting is ridiculous, the way the main computer is shining on the walls ... then there's the miniboss ... and now I'm in the area with the broken magpads. Damn its fun tossing bodies into them, and watching them explode on the ceiling :lol

The view you can see in that area basically combines everything that's amazing into one room.

This game has the most cohesive, 'I'm there', Sci Fi settings I've ever scene. The music, graphics, art ... its just incredible.


Mrs. Harvey
Mar_ said:
Bought the game yesterday, plus a case of beer and a bag of pistachios. The wife went out and I had the place to myself. It was the perfect set up.

After initially thinking the game was pure rubbish, I started to get into it.

The first level is incredibly horrible. Nothing in it got me interested or made me feel like I was playing anything other than a generic shooter where you go to point x, pick up item y, take it to point z, go back to point x. The monsters were boring, the atmosphere completely lacking. I was honestly starting to think I made a big mistake buying this game and was already considering getting my money back.

Luckily, that all changed by the time I got through most of level 2. It actually became really fucking cool. The environment atmosphere picked up a lot, the story picked up, the generic linearity of the levels picked up. By the time I was in level 4 I was really, really enjoying the game.

It reminds me very much of DOOM 3, which is my favourite single player FPS of all time, and the best FPS horror game ever made in my opinion. Dead Space doesn't do atmosphere even half as good as DOOM 3, but it's still good enough. I'd describe the game a mix of Gears (generic shooter go from point a to point b killing boring monsters (I don't like Gears)), DOOM 3 (story, attempt at atmosphere), and the movie The Thing (monsters, story).

One thing I'm really enjoying is the sound. While a lot of the sound cues are repeated far too often, making them not scary at all (metallic objects moving or bouncing, over and over again the same sound). The quality of it is amazing. Even playing on my 2.1 set up it still sounds like it's coming from all directions.

And the main thing I love about the sound. They've taken a lot of the scary atmospheric music from The Shining. It's almost a direct rip off. I love The Shining (my avatar) and love the fact they're using the awesome sound work in that movie. It really adds to the atmosphere.

So yeah, I'm up to level 5. Really enjoying the game. Too early to call it to be honest. But those are my impressions so far.

That's pretty much a huge consensus. The similarities are mind boggling when you think about it yet the game feels so refreshing thanks to the use of great presentation and the amount of things you can do.


Onix said:
OMG ... this game just gets more and more amazing.

I thought the third chapter was cool. Holy shit, the 4th chapter is INFUCKINGCREDIBLE.

The set pieces are nuts. First there's the initial room where you can see the asteroids along with the collision ... there's there's the control room - the lighting is ridiculous, the way the main computer is shining on the walls ... then there's the miniboss ... and now I'm in the area with the broken magpads. Damn its fun tossing bodies into them, and watching them explode on the ceiling :lol

The view you can see in that area basically combines everything that's amazing into one room.

This game has the most cohesive, 'I'm there', Sci Fi settings I've ever scene. The music, graphics, art ... its just incredible.

Exactly dude! It's like Ridley Scott quit being a filmmaker and started game design - this shit is TIIIIGHHT


I beat it on hard last night. Great game, very well designed with stellar production values. It has the best sound I think ive every heard in a game. Although... I never found the game scary at all. I bought it thinking it would scare the shit out of me, but it certainly failed there for me. I just came off beating Silent Hill Homecoming, and found that to be a much scarier game for me.

I hope for the sequel they do more than... go to point A get item.. take item to point B and fix ship system... end chapter. Enjoyed the game, def not goty for me, but its up there with the best of this year. Oh have to say the last boss was very epic, the cut scene and sound introduction for the last boss was awesome. Do me a favor EA after ive seen the cut scene let me skip it. The boss opening was great but after the 5th death Im not as amused. Especially having to wait at a loading screen, and then watch the cut scene.


Darunia said:
I'm at chapter 6 now and somehow I get the feeling that
what's gonna meet me at the end of this level isn't going to be pretty

You are correct. That was possibly my favorite chapter in the game. Loved the split objectives which gave it a more open-ended feel, and that part you're talking about is great.


Just started to play it today.
So far so good. A good marriage between RE4 and Doom 3. The spaceship reminds me Nostromo from first Alien movie. I loved the design of HUD!
One thing i didn't like is monster designs. They are not scary nor disturbing.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Darunia said:
I'm at chapter 6 now and somehow I get the feeling that
what's gonna meet me at the end of this level isn't going to be pretty

Its pretty.



Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Kadey said:
That's pretty much a huge consensus. The similarities are mind boggling when you think about it yet the game feels so refreshing thanks to the use of great presentation and the amount of things you can do.

Expect instead of stupid monster closests, its actually explain that they are using the vents, which is a major step up over Doom


HK-47 said:
Expect instead of stupid monster closests, its actually explain that they are using the vents, which is a major step up over Doom

You can also actually see them crawl out of the vents at various points. You hear them banging against the interior of the vents and shit, too, as you're walking through the ship.
Heading out and leaving the game at mid-4th chapter on Impossible. Both of the
encounters on this level were insane.

Going with the Line Gun as focus on second gun after the always-useful Plasma Cutter. Love the LG's secondary bomb function, try to stasis a batch of enemies and shoot it in their midst. And the primary fire is a good heavier-hitting variant of the horizontal Plasma Cutter mode.


Sorry if old but I just realised that taking the first letter of all 12 chapters of the game spells out NICOLEISDEAD
This game is my GOTY for sure, even though I'm a big MGS fan and I'd say MGS4 might be a better game but DS was just such a big surprise, only bought it cause of the LBP delay. Some of the zero gravity areas have such a great atmosphere and I just stand still watching shit float around to the alien inspired soundtrack. Not done yet (chapter 6), but this far it feels as if its been underrated, definitely worth 9-10/10. A lot of reviews says its a solid, polished game etc, but the polish is just icing on the cake. Even with so many great games coming out this fall, DS is a must buy.
Also it seems as if the trophies/achievements are realistic to acquire, not GTA style, spend 300 hours grinding to get them.
I think sales numbers for this are going to be huge. It is sold out (360) everywhere I go. I've only seen a few PS3 copies here and there. That or EA didn't print enough and ran out really quick. Fable 2 is also really hard to find right now.
This game hits on so many levels for me. As someone who treats Alien and Aliens with near religious reverence, and thinks Doom 3 is genuinely scary, this is easily my GOTY so far.

I'm going to do a full impressions once I finish it, but man, I just can't get over how much I'm enjoying this title.


Best game so far this year. Some parts of the story felt a bit meh though.
I'm on my third run, impossible mode, easier than I expected so far but maybe things will change.
gregor7777 said:
Speaking of the 360 version, if you can hear the system over the game, either something's wrong with your system or you need to turn the sound up.
I can't wait until we get to install games, I've had three 360's and every single one has been loud as hell. Atleast now I got my unit in another room but I get controller drop outs.


Ok either I've found a bug in the game or I'm stumped. Hopefully someone who has gotten past chapter 6 can help me.

I'm currently killing all the pods and I'm down to my final pod. The pod is right below the elevator next to these green tubes. I go to initiate the feeding system and nothing happens. Am I missing something? Right before I had to do this, the game starting getting weird on me and directed me to areas that I hadn't been do yet. For instance, it wanted me to initiate the feeding system BEFORE killing the last pod in Zero G on the 3 level. Is this a fucking bug?
J2d said:
I can't wait until we get to install games, I've had three 360's and every single one has been loud as hell. Atleast now I got my unit in another room but I get controller drop outs.

I've had two now (none broken) and while I'd say they're louder than your typical home theater component, I've never found them overly loud. All told, they really shouldn't be that loud. But that's not to say I don't believe people saying they are. I just haven't heard it personally.
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