Think I'll give up on the final boss. Like I could probably spend 10-15 hours on it again like I did the Sekiro final boss but it isn't fun. Tried using summons and if the other players got to the elevator they died straight away too.
post a video of your run and we can show you what you are doing wrong. it's a pretty easy boss fight because you can heal all you want. the run isnt really that bad either since you only have to kill two knights on the way there. its by no means as hard as the sekiro final boss. it's not even at the level of Genichiro or Lady Butterfly.
Some tips:
- Bring a magic shield like the one you get from the 5-3 boss. Rune shield will give you magic defense as well. Just put it behind you and dual wield your sword.
- If you are dying in two hits, you need to up your vitality. You shouldnt really attempt this boss below Soul Level 60 imo.
- Use warding, second chance or protection.
- Wear heavy armor and ring of great strength so you can dodge roll effectively.
- Attack him when he does his AoE attack, he will take double damage, just be sure to back out after one hit.
- Always attack him from behind or from the side, never take him on head on. Or he will suck your soul levels.
- use demonbrandt on him if you have pure black or pure white character tendency. it does substantial damage especially if you screwed up like I did and split points across the board.
- use magic buff or fire buffs on your weapons to increase damage.
- take your time. you have all the time in the world. He will not go aggro like the Sekiro final boss in his final two forms. He is very passive and leaves you alone to heal.
Here is one of my strength build runs. Timestamped: