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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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Endow said:
Dyack likes to be a pro-active member when it comes to the evolution of the industry. I think people don't give him enough credit for having no problems in putting his work's popularity on the line so that he can comment on some of these issues (previews, message boards, E3, importance of story).

This is not just about TH.
The only time he discusses any of those things you mention are after they make him or his game look bad.


One interesting thing was that it seems like he's starting to backpedal on the demo he promised over a year ago. At the time he was so adamant about it, but now he says "I'm FOR a demo," intimating that Microsoft might be pushing them not to release one. Which would lead to the next question -- why doesn't Microsoft want them to release a demo? Garnett calls him on that ever so slightly, but as in the rest of the podcast, he bows the floor to Dyack and fails to follow up.

There is a whole veil over the Microsoft-SK angle on this game that we only catch faint glimpses of in the Microsoft-Epic complaint. From what Dyack has said, it's pretty obvious that he did not want TH on the floor at that fateful 2006 E3 (I wish to god one of the 1Up'ers would ask about this). It wouldn't be apropos for him to lash out at his publisher for making him put a bad build on the floor, so instead he lashed out at the community of journalists. Now this attack has expanded to include the evil journalists that put negative semi-evaluative statements in their recent previews, as well as the gamers that have reacted to those previews.

It will be interesting to see whether Microsoft gives the game a "good faith" marketing push with lots of TV/internet/print ads, or whether they simply cut their losses and send it to die like they did with Shadowrun. Right now it's kind of hard to glean where they stand on the game, whereas with Shadowrun the $60 pricetag immediately told you that they were done with it.

Denis Dyack said:
What I have found with companies, if they're unethical, eventually if they continue to be unethical, they make mistakes, they hurt everyone, and they will eventually go down.

That's kinda funny considering the name of the company on his paychecks.

DCharlie said:
as we said at the time - use gaf, everyone who plays the game says what they think.

Huh? How can you expect GAF posters to be honest about their opinion of the game when they're the ones that made the bet? Presumably everyone will just voice whatever opinion doesn't get them a humiliating tag. At that point it just becomes a numbers game of how many supporters there are versus how many detractors there are. That makes it an election rather than a wager.


goku3000 said:
why do most people on gaf trash too human while they never play it yet?

Why do people praise games when they never play it? The purpose of putting preview footage is to get opinions on it. You can't say that it's bad to have a bad opinion on preview stuff because you haven't played it.
goku3000 said:
why do most people on gaf trash too human while they never play it yet?

They're commenting on what footage has been shown so far. C'mon its not that much of a mystery is it?

Have you SEEN that opening cinema? The gameplay footage with some of the wost animations on the 360 (published by MS no less)

But i'll say this, gamers are very weak willed, and their opinions will flip real quickly if you give them a good demo, or convincing word of mouth starts up.


gketter said:
They're commenting on what footage has been shown so far. C'mon its not that much of a mystery is it?

Have you SEEN that opening cinema? The gameplay footage with some of the wost animations on the 360 (published by MS no less)

But i'll say this, gamers are very weak willed, and their opinions will flip real quickly if you give them a good demo, or convincing word of mouth starts up.
nope didn't see it yet. link?


Okay, I've read more of the thread.

This whole situation is bad comedy. The most sensible course of action for a man in Dyack's position would have been to temporarily withdraw from the internet, publicly if not privately, and focus on shipping the game he claims to have such confidence in. If I were to sit in a room for a week and ponder the worst reactions to NeoGAF's criticism (within reason), an alarmist, righteously indignant call for censorship with pretentious allusions to philosophy and literature would be pretty damn high on the list. Dyack has embarrassed not just himself but Silicon Knights as a whole. I'll be flabbergasted if anyone who hears about this burlesque episode takes him seriously ever again.
goku3000 said:
nope didn't see it yet. link?

Opening cinema part 1 & 2

And this from a game that has been touted for wanting to convey a story & leverage off classic mythology, etc. *shakes head*

Gameplay footage. Although the 1up show seemed to have Too Human's best showing.

I don't think the game will suck, but i don't think it'll be great either. And really with all the other antics by Denis i'm not going to really bother with it. But in no way do i think that the criticism and mockery of what has been shown so far has been unfair.


There are alot of interesting discussion in the first half of the podcast. Thanks to Dyack all those topics have been shot to hell.

I am skipping the Dennis Dyack nonsense in the podcast in protest. Dennis if you are reading this, screw you. (Yeah you want to take it outside? I am driving to Canada to see you. See I can be an internet tough guy too.)


I think Dyack's observations of forum culture are pretty sound. His little ultimatum or whatever, is completely retarded, though.

GAF will never change, because people never change. Take the mob consensus with a grain of salt.


tino said:
I am skipping the Dennis Dyack nonsenes in the podcast in protest. Dennis if you are reading this, screw you. (Yeah you want to take it outside? I am driving to Canada to see you.)
You won't even hear him out? Damn, that's weak.


I don't follow developer hype and hyjinx usually, but I listened to the podcast. This guy sounds like a whacko. He has a point about pre-judging stuff based on internet hype and the idea of no accountability online, but it's so bogged down by his crazy hyperbole and bullshit that the point is lost.

I don't have any animosity toward the guy, but he isn't exactly winning me over to convince me I should try his game either.


Tom Penny said:
1700+ replies over a Dyack rant. He got what he wanted and is laughing at all of you.
The art of trolling is a matter of using an economy of words to gain a multitude of reactions, and acting as though you don't give a shit and haven't put much effort into it. When you show up on a podcast with an hourlong lecture short of everything but a Powerpoint presentation, you've ultimately failed as a troll. Not only do you fail on the requirement of "brevity", but the longer you go on the more it becomes apparent how butthurt you are. The guys from Epic can enrage an entire forum with a mere sentence about MGS4/Wii, whereas Dyack needs an hourlong speech full of rambling and namedropping just to get a similar reaction.

What's worse is that Dyack seems legitimately sincere though -- he's not trolling; he legitimately thinks he's some kind of social reformer. Which is pretty hilarious considering that all he's railing against is a forum full of internet goofballs and their animated GIFs.


Super Member
I didn't read this whole thread, did he post in it after his initial complaint?

Even as a skeptic I would play his game after some tweaking; I loathe MS and Sony and still play their systems and game demos and still consider whether or not they are something I'd spend so much to enjoy.

Maybe more letting the public play the game from time to time at various shows would help. Has SK allowed that?

They aren't making it easier on themselves, really.
I totally agree with DD on this topic. Most of the stuff here is rubbish. I try to wade through the mountains of crap to find interesting information, but it's difficult to find anything insightful because everyone is bashing someone or something.


The Old Man said:
I totally agree with DD on this topic. Most of the stuff here is rubbish. I try to wade through the mountains of crap to find interesting information, but it's difficult to find anything insightful because everyone is bashing someone or something.

SHUT GAF DOWN! Call the authorities and activate the social reformation machine! This calls for Operation Pickled Jars!


The Old Man said:
I totally agree with DD on this topic. Most of the stuff here is rubbish. I try to wade through the mountains of crap to find interesting information, but it's difficult to find anything insightful because everyone is bashing someone or something.

Congratulations, you just described the Internet. A new and interesting observation on it.


The Old Man said:
I totally agree with DD on this topic. Most of the stuff here is rubbish. I try to wade through the mountains of crap to find interesting information, but it's difficult to find anything insightful because everyone is bashing someone or something.

I too am shocked by this revelation. Not quite as shocked as I was yesterday, when I discovered water was wet, but shocked nontheless!
Dyack concludes, "NeoGAF and other forums like this that don't have good management are not only hurting society and hurting the videogame industry, they're in decline, and they need to reform quickly before people stop listening to them.... If the moderators and people who run the site think they aren't doing any damage, they are sorely mistaken, and it's only a matter of time before something bad happens."

:lol :lol :lol There are not enough :lol :lol
The Old Man said:
I totally agree with DD on this topic. Most of the stuff here is rubbish. I try to wade through the mountains of crap to find interesting information, but it's difficult to find anything insightful because everyone is bashing someone or something.

Tamanon said:
Congratulations, you just described the Internet. A new and interesting observation on it.

Actually, he pretty much described all human endeavor.


Hey look at what I did:

"Silicon Knights and other companies like that that don't have good marketing staffs are not only hurting the video game industry and hurting the the sales of their games, they're in decline, and they need to reform quickly before people stop listening to them... If the marketing and people who run those companies think they aren't doing any damage, they are sorely mistaken, and it's only a matter of time before something bad happens."
He's overreacting with the whole put you out of business tangent, but in many ways he's right.

There are a lot of double standards and loads of people wrapped up in console wars. To be honest it's annoying, but that's really what the ignore list is for. You can't expect everything to be fully regulated, especially when the boards are moderated in people's free time.

Seriously though, I think most of you are just absolute trash that make up their minds before bothering to analyze. NeoGAF never asks "why", like Dyack said a poster is either "for" or "against".

Like a delicate flower
Rooted in the sand
Unsure of its place
In a foreign land
So eager to please
Crushed again and again
Each blow requiring more
For fragile limbs to mend
Shaped by the forces surrounding it
However cruel and malevolent
The yearning flower prays into the wind
For an opportunity to fit in
A chance to be acknowledged instead of crushed
An opportunity to build fortifying trust
For those who have been only hateful and mean
How sad for the flower, misery unseen


I found this, and thought of you. It must be hard being so delicate in such a hostile environment. Wipe those tears away and stay strong!


PuppetMaster said:
He affected his own life! He had no one to blame for his embarassment but himself.

Just like Denis has no one else to blame but himself if his game is an embarassment.

Blaming GAF for thier social suicides is like blaming the ground for someones death when they intentionally jump off a building.

This needs to be quoted over and over again. As a director, he has control as to what goes in to his game so all of the crappy animation, script, voice acting, game mechanics are his decisions. If he doesn't like it, he should have directed his crew to do what he thinks would be a better alternative. However, the result that we've seen seem to be what he would want in his game, tacky Nietzsche quote and all.

But seriously though, did we expect him to not blame us? This is the same guy who blames another company when his product doesn't look good. He has the mentality of a child who thinks that he's always right and everyone else is wrong.


The Old Man said:
Did you think that up all by yourself or did you have help?

I needed help from Denis, then changed like four words yes.
Replicant said:
He has the mentality of a child who thinks that he's always right and everyone else is wrong.

Well unfortunantly your preaching to the choir with that statement. If you got a nickel for everytime someone said or did something childish here on GAF, you'd have a shit load of nickles.
Tamanon said:
Congratulations, you just described the Internet. A new and interesting observation on it.
No. 2-3 years ago I would come here because this was a good spot for informed discussion involving the players in the industry. Now I show up every now and then because the latest news from all over the web gets posted here quickly. The days of intelligent conversation involving peeps in the industry has died. I can't say when it happened but it has. Dumping on Dyack doesn't change the reality of the "culture" of this forum.
I will be kinder to strangers online after listening to this podcast. As for the game, If they want us to play the game and make our own opinions they need to put up a demo so we don't have to pay 60 bucks to see if we agree with the negative previews.

Also "The NeoGAF" lol
Scrow said:
once his entertainment value has run out dyack needs to be banned from these forums
Nah, if he doesn't care, it wouldn't do any impact.

I say...

1) Change his title as it should be.
2) Give him a proper avatar.
3) Post on his account with an apology to the world.
4) Sticky it for the rest of eternity.


denis. denis my son, it is time we had a talk. not about the birds & bees, not of life, not of anything outside the internet and gaming realm. it's time we talked about... you. yourself as a person, a game designer, an internet forums poster.

you released eternal darkness on the nintendo gamecube many years ago to critical acclaim. no doubt, it was pretty cool. it introduced a lot of new things to gaming and it used history way better than many games have attempted. but you released it on the gamecube. really it's like being the first kid to get off the shortbus without falling off the steps. had ED been released on say ps2, or xbox, it would have been another game on the shelf. but you released it on gamecube. the gamecube lmao. of course it did better.

then there was MGS the twin snakes. i played that game on ps2 as did many others. really it was just 'omg look ps2 did it look gamecube does it too but with a few more characters and a shittier framerate'. sorry guy. it was a gimmick. should have just been released on the ps2 where it could have actually been playable. nice try but im glad i traded it in and i dont miss it at all. its so easy to take a good game and redo it on another system. it seems you are really big on taking franchises and introducing them to another console audience, but we're smarter then that. im surprised there hasnt been an ED 360 port with better graphics and more scare scenes. thats some laughable shit.

now you have your debut next-gen game on the 360. the gamers are smarter. the margin for error is smaller. the competition is much greater and the same tactics cant be used this time around. no more taking another console's flagship and throwing it on 360. no more attempts at redoing the classics. too human better be the best thing in years. would almost be better off ripping off god of war before gow3 comes out. this... attempt at defaming gaf is obvious that your grasping at straws of desperation in a world where putting out mediocre games on content starved systems and redoing classics has come to an end.

denis. your entering a world where hyping your next project will only land you in a world of hurt. shutting down gaf wont help. getting every site to post amazing previews and reviews wont help. doing that will only make the final product that much more of a disappointment when the jaded pop that disc in. where the elite will laugh at the 9.0-9.5 score it receives. denis, your game better be perfect. fartblast out


Junior Member
NeoGAF and other forums like this that don't have good management are hurting society.
Dyack's ideas about NeoGAF and other forums are based on a lengthy thought process inspired by various sources of philosophy, science fiction, and social theory

Dennis, you do realize you're talking about the gaming industry, no?


Saint Gregory said:
Not true. One (ED) was very good and the other was several extra months of dev time away from being excellent.


you could say that about damn near every game that comes out and blows shit. "several months of extra time and this would've been a gem!"


It's like he took a class in the Jack Thompson School of Attention Whoring.

Just shut the fuck up already and let your game live or die on its own merits. At this point the only thing hurting your game is YOU.


Denis' problem is that he thinks he's better than NeoGAF and isn't ashamed to say so. That diatribe was atrocious.

I do share one sympathy with Denis though. We know who he is, most of his attackers remain cloaked in anonymity. The asymmetrical relationship is disadvantageous to someone with his personality. He can't help it that he holds the forum in contempt, his mistake was revealing his identity to GAF while expressing his content for the forum over various posts.
fartblast said:
you released eternal darkness on the nintendo gamecube many years ago to critical acclaim. no doubt, it was pretty cool. it introduced a lot of new things to gaming and it used history way better than many games have attempted. but you released it on the gamecube. really it's like being the first kid to get off the shortbus without falling off the steps. had ED been released on say ps2, or xbox, it would have been another game on the shelf. but you released it on gamecube. the gamecube lmao. of course it did better.

He didn't complete the game and then decide, "I know, I'll release it on the GameCube!" He entered into a contract with Nintendo long before completing the game. Back when it was planned for the N64.

then there was MGS the twin snakes. i played that game on ps2 as did many others. really it was just 'omg look ps2 did it look gamecube does it too but with a few more characters and a shittier framerate'. sorry guy. it was a gimmick. should have just been released on the ps2 where it could have actually been playable.

You are aware the original MGS came out for the PS1, not the PS2, right? You're also aware that no version of MGS:TT was released for the PS2, aren't you? You also aware that TT added no new characters to the MGS1 story, correct? How would it have been more "playable" on the PS2?


Night_Trekker said:
He didn't complete the game and then decide, "I know, I'll release it on the GameCube!" He entered into a contract with Nintendo long before completing the game. Back when it was planned for the N64.

You are aware the original MGS came out for the PS1, not the PS2, right? You're also aware that no version of MGS:TT was released for the PS2, aren't you? You also aware that TT added no new characters to the MGS1 story, correct? How would it have been more "playable" on the PS2?

SK dev alert
fartblast said:
SK dev alert


Check my earlier post in the thread. Denis has clearly brought this backlash on himself. If TH bombs and gets low scores, SK has nobody to blame but themselves. The game's not looking too good at this point, in my opinion.


fartblast said:
denis. denis my son, it is time we had a talk. not about the birds & bees, not of life, not of anything outside the internet and gaming realm. it's time we talked about... you. yourself as a person, a game designer, an internet forums poster.

you released eternal darkness on the nintendo gamecube many years ago to critical acclaim. no doubt, it was pretty cool. it introduced a lot of new things to gaming and it used history way better than many games have attempted. but you released it on the gamecube. really it's like being the first kid to get off the shortbus without falling off the steps. had ED been released on say ps2, or xbox, it would have been another game on the shelf. but you released it on gamecube. the gamecube lmao. of course it did better.

then there was MGS the twin snakes. i played that game on ps2 as did many others. really it was just 'omg look ps2 did it look gamecube does it too but with a few more characters and a shittier framerate'. sorry guy. it was a gimmick. should have just been released on the ps2 where it could have actually been playable. nice try but im glad i traded it in and i dont miss it at all. its so easy to take a good game and redo it on another system. it seems you are really big on taking franchises and introducing them to another console audience, but we're smarter then that. im surprised there hasnt been an ED 360 port with better graphics and more scare scenes. thats some laughable shit.

now you have your debut next-gen game on the 360. the gamers are smarter. the margin for error is smaller. the competition is much greater and the same tactics cant be used this time around. no more taking another console's flagship and throwing it on 360. no more attempts at redoing the classics. too human better be the best thing in years. would almost be better off ripping off god of war before gow3 comes out. this... attempt at defaming gaf is obvious that your grasping at straws of desperation in a world where putting out mediocre games on content starved systems and redoing classics has come to an end.

denis. your entering a world where hyping your next project will only land you in a world of hurt. shutting down gaf wont help. getting every site to post amazing previews and reviews wont help. doing that will only make the final product that much more of a disappointment when the jaded pop that disc in. where the elite will laugh at the 9.0-9.5 score it receives. denis, your game better be perfect. fartblast out

I think my brain just broke.

I got to "grasping at straws of desperation" and nearly cried.


Night_Trekker said:

Check my earlier post in the thread. Denis has clearly brought this backlash on himself. If TH bombs and gets low scores, SK has nobody to blame but themselves. The game's not looking too good at this point, in my opinion.

humans are shit. if you make a game called 'too human' its obviously going to be terrible but no all the reviewers are going to be in DENial when they play it and 7.9 it. theres a pattern here, can you spot it. DENis. DENial
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