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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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fartblast said:
humans are shit. if you make a game called 'too human' its obviously going to be terrible but no all the reviewers are going to be in DENial when they play it and 7.9 it. theres a pattern here, can you spot it. DENis. DENial

I think I see the problem here.
fartblast said:
denis. denis my son, it is time we had a talk. not about the birds & bees, not of life, not of anything outside the internet and gaming realm. it's time we talked about... you. yourself as a person, a game designer, an internet forums poster.

you released eternal darkness on the nintendo gamecube many years ago to critical acclaim. no doubt, it was pretty cool. it introduced a lot of new things to gaming and it used history way better than many games have attempted. but you released it on the gamecube. really it's like being the first kid to get off the shortbus without falling off the steps. had ED been released on say ps2, or xbox, it would have been another game on the shelf. but you released it on gamecube. the gamecube lmao. of course it did better.

then there was MGS the twin snakes. i played that game on ps2 as did many others. really it was just 'omg look ps2 did it look gamecube does it too but with a few more characters and a shittier framerate'. sorry guy. it was a gimmick. should have just been released on the ps2 where it could have actually been playable. nice try but im glad i traded it in and i dont miss it at all. its so easy to take a good game and redo it on another system. it seems you are really big on taking franchises and introducing them to another console audience, but we're smarter then that. im surprised there hasnt been an ED 360 port with better graphics and more scare scenes. thats some laughable shit.

now you have your debut next-gen game on the 360. the gamers are smarter. the margin for error is smaller. the competition is much greater and the same tactics cant be used this time around. no more taking another console's flagship and throwing it on 360. no more attempts at redoing the classics. too human better be the best thing in years. would almost be better off ripping off god of war before gow3 comes out. this... attempt at defaming gaf is obvious that your grasping at straws of desperation in a world where putting out mediocre games on content starved systems and redoing classics has come to an end.

denis. your entering a world where hyping your next project will only land you in a world of hurt. shutting down gaf wont help. getting every site to post amazing previews and reviews wont help. doing that will only make the final product that much more of a disappointment when the jaded pop that disc in. where the elite will laugh at the 9.0-9.5 score it receives. denis, your game better be perfect. fartblast out


whua my game is being destroyed by the media because it was not ready for exposure and i was forced to show it earlier than i wanted by my publisher. Tantrum!


whua my game looks broken because the engine I was using to make it was not delivered on time / incomplete by the competition in order to deliberately make my game looks like crap. SUE!


whua the neogaf is destoying my game even though they've never even played it and only based on the intro animations which are CLEARLY NOT part of the game. A-and they're making gifs that hurt my feelings. POUTS.

pre-emptive excuse for aug 2008

whua my game will do badly in sales and critical acclaim because the media is in league with the Neogaf and they're being told what to think so they're clearly against me. TEH BIASED!!

here's these 15 books that i happen to be reading that describe exactly what is happening to me and how i'm being victimized not by being a pretentious ass but because there is a conspiracy of machines agianst humans that have as their ultimate goal to make me sad because this game matters so much to me and i'm so emotionally invested that every criticism that is said against it is as if it were said to my own child!!1

whua whua whua!!!!

running out of excuses, aren't we?
Personally, both Denis and all the haters just need to shut up. Let the game come out and further discuss then. Until then everyone just looks like groveling rabid dogs ready to jump on anyones throat. Blah Blah blah my game is the best. Blah blah blah he attacked NeoGAF. Blah blah blah... its really all I hear. Game is due out in August, lets talk more then.


How much money did Microsoft pay to have this game made?

I need to calculate the total opportunity cost for Denis ever being born.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Personally, both Denis and all the haters just need to shut up. Let the game come out and further discuss then. Until then everyone just looks like groveling rabid dogs ready to jump on anyones throat. Blah Blah blah my game is the best. Blah blah blah he attacked NeoGAF. Blah blah blah... its really all I hear. Game is due out in August, lets talk more then.

dude its never going to come out


BlueTsunami said:
"Can love bloom in a Battlefield?"

Its not a direct quote of anything but Kojima's hands are far from clean. KOJIMA-SAMMA!~ ;_;

american soldier...... iraqi princess on the street fetching water. the soldier thinks, "I've been holding this rifle so long. if only i could know a woman's touch... yet everyday i feel this trigger, this selector lever. i look through my scope more than i do into a woman's eyes."

yet one day the warrior looks into the iraqi woman's eyes rather through his scope to examine the area for threats. he halts the patrol and enters her house. he is loved, she is caressed. love can bloom on the battlefield


Iaido Sword said:
I just wiki'd Mr. Nietzsche.

"Mental breakdown and death (1889–1900)"

Glad you're following in the same roots, Dyack. :lol

Er, I think that Dyack is anachronistically pretentious and ill-informed, but that's not funny or merited.


MisterHero said:
I didn't read this whole thread, did he post in it after his initial complaint?

No. He's stayed out of this, so far.

I really have to wonder what he'd say though. He seriously has some major problems if:
A) Internet trash talk bothers him
B) He thinks a majority of it isn't deserved

When you look at Cameron, Mario, David Jaffe or CliffyB (Fuck him, that's his name), there's a share of heckling for them, but still a lot more respect than Dyack earned for himself. I am worried if he thinks he didn't bring this upon himself. The way he talks it's as if it's somehow our fault for him being a failure at life. And it's not about him only posting in his own threads. It seems the only time I notice Jaffe is in any thread that appears to summon him. That's fine. Threads about your works feel like an obligation to contribute to.

Really, every time he rants, there's no humble apology or debate to it. It's just coming out and whining, continually. The man is in greater denial and has become a parody of himself. It's like he's a joke character that doesn't really exist, but tries to find the most outlandish way to make himself known.


Iaido Sword said:
Yeah I suppose so... I'll remove it.

Thanks. I wasn't trying to be a jerk or anything, but I appreciate it.

Edit to fit Dyack's view of us: YAH RITE DOUCHE SHUT UR FACE NEXT TIME
GhaleonQ said:
Thanks. I wasn't trying to be a jerk or anything, but I appreciate it.

Edit to fit Dyack's view of us: YAH RITE DOUCHE SHUT UR FACE NEXT TIME
I wonder if I left it up there, would he have quote me in his next interview. :lol


In Front and Drawing Away


what a fucking douche.

if hell froze over and too human got great reviews i was going to pick it up. but now i will just rent. what makes this fuckwad and his game immune to internet shenanigans? hello jackass, its been in development for what, 14 years? and pretty much gets trashed every time its shown in playable form somewhere. maybe he woke up one morning and realized he'd wasted 1/5th of his life on a turd, and then realized he had to make 2 more.


Nice, JW.

I know he's reading every word of this thread and trying to come up with a mature-sounding response, but failing. I mean, he actually thinks NAMETAGS are the end-all-be-all of your existence on NeoGaf and ranted about Kittowny. (Who at one point was mentioned to be a girl, but maybe that was a joke...?)
You know alot of you guys actually prove one of his points though, you guys do some of the most immature bashing bullshit. Last I heard you can't fight fire with fire... but then what do I know. Everyone is in the wrong here. Not Denis, and not any of the haters really have any place to say anything.

Edit. Didn't mean to post yet

Denis, we don't have the game to form a true opinion, so please don't think we should take yours, the creator, until we have the product in our hands.

All the haters, sure, impressions can seem bad, changing from person to person. Yet we don't have the product, and while the animation and voice acting leave alot to desire, what about core gamplay and fun factor?

And then the fanboys, we don't know if this game will suck or be average or hell amazing. So don't continue to avoid the possibility that this game could be really bad preaching that it will be all that and a bag of potatoe chips.


Just got through the podcast now.

Dyack is certifiable. Evilore did a good job deconstructing it, but really. His whole rant about message boards and previews is just fucking stupid.
he put himself in this postion. it's him igniting the flames to ever higher peaks with his own delusions. neogaf only responds to his insanity. if he were to just keep quiet and go about his business, all of this would not have to be.


You know, I think Denis is just a guy who isn't happy with just sitting back, making his game, and telling people how good it is. He has well-thought-out (though misguided, IMO) opinions about things in the gaming industry, and he wants to talk about them. And if there's anything I'd like to not see in this thread, it's these "When will MS shut him up" posts, because I'd much rather have developers who actually speak their minds than just a lot of salesmen.

I still feel that Denis makes several good points, but it is lost in what I believe to be his misguided view of the place of message boards. Of course he takes NeoGAF too seriously, and that's unfortunate, especially for him, but it's not realy crazy to think that he might start taking things seriously after a while. It's no different from school, when you have a lot of kids making jokes about one kid. To them, each of them is making a little joke about the kid, no big deal. To the kid, it's him against the world, and everyone's out to laugh at him. So when Dyack comes onto NeoGAF and sees people being encouraged by moderators to mock the game he's put years of his life into, sees people photoshopping him into hamburgers or posting screencaps of his status when he lurks, I think it's reasonable to think that it gets to him. I mean, in the end, it's really about perspective. A lot of people bash him and/or the game for fun and making some jokes... or maybe letting off some steam. But to him, it looks like a lot of people hating on a game that he's worked on for years and they've never played. And he can't understand it.

So in conclusion, it's really simple: everybody but the target of the joke can see that it's a joke. It's not really some awful thing worth getting worked up about from either side.

For his own sake, I hope Denis realizes that GAF is about entertainment and up-to-date news, and he should try not to take things personally. There are a lot of people on this board who really hope that Too Human is an excellent game.

Also, I believe when Dyack refers to GAF as "The NeoGAF," he's saying it in the same way some might say "some GAFers." It's to reflect a large group of members on the site.
Mr. Dyack has proven in the past to be a bit of an eccentric character but I wonder why everyone except Garnett seemed so agreeable with him? Shane in particular seemed to take a pretty dim view of our fine Gaf.

I just wonder if this will be like the episode where they had the Hellgate London guy on and politely humored him during the show but the following week totally ragged on the guy? :lol


fartblast said:
american soldier...... iraqi princess on the street fetching water. the soldier thinks, "I've been holding this rifle so long. if only i could know a woman's touch... yet everyday i feel this trigger, this selector lever. i look through my scope more than i do into a woman's eyes."

yet one day the warrior looks into the iraqi woman's eyes rather through his scope to examine the area for threats. he halts the patrol and enters her house. he is loved, she is caressed. love can bloom on the battlefield

:lol :lol


Endow said:
Dyack likes to be a pro-active member when it comes to the evolution of the industry. I think people don't give him enough credit for having no problems in putting his work's popularity on the line so that he can comment on some of these issues (previews, message boards, E3, importance of story).

This is not just about TH.

that's just his ego talking.

some of these issues (previews, message boards, E3, importance of story).

This is not just about TH.

yeah, his comments on those have nothing to do with Too Human. :lol


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
junkwaffle's back! please stay, I miss your on point drawings.

I'm pretty much tired of this whole Dyack thing. The section was interesting to listen to, but right now the gaf vs dyack thing has run its course, I'm done. The demo/game needs to come out so we can start to actually discuss what really matters.

The one part of the diatribe where I agree with Dyack is the ethics thing. The internet does make rude assholes out of people, but that's been established ages ago. Still, this place has a lot of people that think twice before hitting that 'submit reply' button, you just have to ignore the rest.


junkwaffle said:

I think the filename is quite appropriate. You should have put it as a caption in the drawing, or make dyack say it.

Represented like this, Dyack looks like Reducto in Harvey Birdman.


They must be stopped ! SHRINKGUN !!


fartblast said:
denis. denis my son, it is time we had a talk. not about the birds & bees, not of life, not of anything outside the internet and gaming realm. it's time we talked about... you. yourself as a person, a game designer, an internet forums poster.

you released eternal darkness on the nintendo gamecube many years ago to critical acclaim. no doubt, it was pretty cool. it introduced a lot of new things to gaming and it used history way better than many games have attempted. but you released it on the gamecube. really it's like being the first kid to get off the shortbus without falling off the steps. had ED been released on say ps2, or xbox, it would have been another game on the shelf. but you released it on gamecube. the gamecube lmao. of course it did better.

then there was MGS the twin snakes. i played that game on ps2 as did many others. really it was just 'omg look ps2 did it look gamecube does it too but with a few more characters and a shittier framerate'. sorry guy. it was a gimmick. should have just been released on the ps2 where it could have actually been playable. nice try but im glad i traded it in and i dont miss it at all. its so easy to take a good game and redo it on another system. it seems you are really big on taking franchises and introducing them to another console audience, but we're smarter then that. im surprised there hasnt been an ED 360 port with better graphics and more scare scenes. thats some laughable shit.

now you have your debut next-gen game on the 360. the gamers are smarter. the margin for error is smaller. the competition is much greater and the same tactics cant be used this time around. no more taking another console's flagship and throwing it on 360. no more attempts at redoing the classics. too human better be the best thing in years. would almost be better off ripping off god of war before gow3 comes out. this... attempt at defaming gaf is obvious that your grasping at straws of desperation in a world where putting out mediocre games on content starved systems and redoing classics has come to an end.

denis. your entering a world where hyping your next project will only land you in a world of hurt. shutting down gaf wont help. getting every site to post amazing previews and reviews wont help. doing that will only make the final product that much more of a disappointment when the jaded pop that disc in. where the elite will laugh at the 9.0-9.5 score it receives. denis, your game better be perfect. fartblast out
The internet it scares me :(

But anyway, Dyack shouldn't whine about GAF. As everyone knows, the internet has no scanning abillity to sort out the assholes with the good people who are trying to discuss about real stuff. Face it, internet is cool and all but a lot of idiots ruin it.


Ether_Snake said:
A video game is a product, not a life achievement!
I disagree strongly. I know how connected I feel to games that I spent a year, or two years on - I can't imagine how I would feel about a game I spent an entire decade on.

And hopefully never will!

They are hugely, hugely important parts of your life and things you will be remembered for many years from now.
sometimes even positively


Sadist said:
The internet it scares me :(

But anyway, Dyack shouldn't whine about GAF. As everyone knows, the internet has no scanning abillity to sort out the assholes with the good people who are trying to discuss about real stuff. Face it, internet is cool and all but a lot of idiots ruin it.

It's not so much that the internet is full of idiots, it's more that the internet is like a state of nature with no common authority. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of plain dumb people posting on almost any message board, but the supposed issue Dyack was trying to pinpoint was simply the Penny Arcade Fuckwad theory with a few cultural observations. I could throw in some Hobbes or Rousseau to support this but I'd run the risk of sounding like a pretentious dick like Denis did with his boring namedropping. The internet is a state of nature, in terms of information, by design. Some of us choose to adhere to a set of rules like we do on Neogaf but the site owner's are pretty much free to set their own rules. Some of us find the Neogaf rules and the mod's decisions fair, if we don't like them, we can fuck off. Like Denis can.


Mash said:
It's not so much that the internet is full of idiots, it's more that the internet is like a state of nature with no common authority. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of plain dumb people posting on almost any message board, but the supposed issue Dyack was trying to pinpoint was simply the Penny Arcade Fuckwad theory with a few cultural observations. I could throw in some Hobbes or Rousseau to support this but I'd run the risk of sounding like a pretentious dick like Denis did with his boring namedropping. The internet is a state of nature, in terms of information, by design. Some of us choose to adhere to a set of rules like we do on Neogaf but the site owner's are pretty much free to set their own rules. Some of us find the Neogaf rules and the mod's decisions fair, if we don't like them, we can fuck off. Like Denis can.
That's the better explanation of it all. And I'll look up Hobbes and Rousseau just to read up on it.


Sadist said:
But anyway, Dyack shouldn't whine about GAF. As everyone knows, the internet has no scanning abillity to sort out the assholes with the good people who are trying to discuss about real stuff. Face it, internet is cool and all but a lot of idiots ruin it.

Uh, there IS a "scanning ability" out there already and it's called "moderation". I guess that's why Denis Dyack said that maybe it (neogaf/message boards) should/could be moderated a little "better".


bj00rn said:
Uh, there IS a "scanning ability" out there already and it's called "moderation". I guess that's why Denis Dyack said that maybe it (neogaf/message boards) should/could be moderated a little "better".
I was talking about the internet as a whole, not just messageboards. Sorry if that wasn't clear enough. But Dyack should understand that when messageboards should be stricter moderated, we can't laugh anymore about the "not so serious people". Some of those people are just around and still have posting rights because of the laughs and giggles they produce. They will eventualy be gone, of course.
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