Destiny 2: Forsaken |OT| Destiny's endgame is no longer forsaken

Spoiler tags have been used for easier reading. No story spoilers will be included in this post.

Want to join a Destiny clan with fellow NeoGAF members? Forum member Dthomp Dthomp has volunteered their clan, which I suggest everyone use if they're looking for people to play with.

If you guys still need a clan, my clan has room. A few of the old Gaffers who don't enjoy the Era stuff. Vex Enthusiasts is the Clan name

PSN is the same as here

So what comes with this Forsaken thing?
Nine new supers, each being a part of nine new perk collections, one for each subclass.

An all new campaign and new patrol destinations, which are located in the reef.

A new class of enemies called the Scorn. They're related to the Fallen, but they are not reskins.

An all new Raid.

A new PVE / PVP mode called Gambit which sees two teams each racing to complete their own separate public event like PVE task, with players able to invade the opposing team.

New legendary and exotic weapons and armor, and a new weapon type, the bow.

Random perk rolls for the new Forsaken weapons and armor.

What's new in the Forsaken update, even for those who don't buy the expansion?
Shotguns, Snipers, and Fusion Rifles are no longer considered power weapons. While you can still equip two primary weapons, you can also trade one or both out for any of these three classic special weapons.

A new collections tab in the menu will allow you to view all of your collected weapons and gear. In addition to this being amazing / a nightmare for competitions, any of the gear that you've ever collected can be remade and obtained again for a small amount of game currency.

All crucible maps are free for everyone, so the community isn't split.

The Eververse store has been updated with new cosmetic gear, which can be earned by all players.

Looking for some Forsaken DLC tips?
Level cap is 50 with a gear softcap of 500. Anything higher will require powerful gear engrams, or end-game area loot drops.

Early into the DLC, you will get to choose ONE new subclass / super. Choose very carefully, and look at all of the new perks and supers before you decide. You won't be able to unlock the other two supers / perk trees until you finish the main campaign, and get to the post-campaign content.

You can buy a masterwork cores from the main Tangled Shore vendor. The price is 10 legendary shards per day, but double that if you're buying more than one, so you should probably buy one each day. The same vendor also allows you to spend glimmer to buy other forms of currency or upgrade materials, and has weekly wanted bounties that reward lots of glimmer.

Pretty sure the above is all accurate, but let me know if I got anything wrong, and I'll be happy to correct it.

Also enjoy these new character class trailers that were just released:

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Xaero Gravity

Honestly, I wasn't feeling it at all. I hate Cayde so his death meant nothing to me and as a result the story wasn't enticing. Then I got my first bow. Now I feel like a badass and the expansion is growing on me.
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Loving it so far! Always do....up until I reach level cap and then the problems start showing. Hoping that all changes this time. Only downside so far is how expensive upgrading armor/weapons is.
Loving it so far! Always do....up until I reach level cap and then the problems start showing. Hoping that all changes this time. Only downside so far is how expensive upgrading armor/weapons is.

Yeah, I've heard the best way to go about that is not upgrading anything until you stop getting gear upgrades on their own. Makes sense to me.


Yeah, I've heard the best way to go about that is not upgrading anything until you stop getting gear upgrades on their own. Makes sense to me.

Yea, im not touching a thing besides keeping my bow relevant - lvl wise. Straight blue armor like a n00b right now. Currently 47 and on the last mission, so I am hoping I see some end game gear start to drop tonight.


LegendOfKage LegendOfKage Go for it. I was going to but this weekend got too busy with life. As long as there's a place to talk about it we should be good.

So far, pretty cool. Bow as a primary is awesome. Just unlocked the Titan arc special, which turns you into a human missile. Very happy that every class for every element has a new special. I have a feeling this is a nice meaty expansion.

Do we have a neogaf clan with openings? Time to get busy my friends...

The original GAF clan was renamed to Era stuff, but then was very inactive so I left and joined a random one.
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I downloaded the free with PS+ base game and after what seemed like 5 hours of "installing" I can't even start the campaign because I'm "returned to orbit" after a couple of minutes. Worst first impression ever.
I downloaded the free with PS+ base game and after what seemed like 5 hours of "installing" I can't even start the campaign because I'm "returned to orbit" after a couple of minutes. Worst first impression ever.

Hang in there bud, it's worth it


Is there any exclusive content to PS4? I've been playing PC now and found that pretty annoying. much stuff to play this week.....bfv beta....spiderman....and this

I loved the gambit mode and if you saying I get a bow I guess I'm gonna have to fire this up tonight


Anyone had a chance to try out the endgame content yet? Is there more endgame content/more reason to keep playing, or is this another "do everything in 1 day and log in next week" mess?
I'm not going to sink another 40 bucks on Activision after the train wreck they pulled of with vanilla D2.


Anyone had a chance to try out the endgame content yet? Is there more endgame content/more reason to keep playing, or is this another "do everything in 1 day and log in next week" mess?
I'm not going to sink another 40 bucks on Activision after the train wreck they pulled of with vanilla D2.
I just got to and am messing around in the Dreaming City. Tried the Blind Well (end game?) activity. Just a typical type horde mode thing with a timer. Without seeing what the raid has to offer, I'd always assume we end up back in the same old loop
Anyone had a chance to try out the endgame content yet? Is there more endgame content/more reason to keep playing, or is this another "do everything in 1 day and log in next week" mess?
I'm not going to sink another 40 bucks on Activision after the train wreck they pulled of with vanilla D2.

Pretty sure they said the raid isn't even unlocking for 1.5 weeks (.5 weeks longer than usual) can leap to the kneejerk reaction conclusion that they're padding, or you can take the optimistic approach that they're hoping players will make more of an investment in all aspects of the expansion (crucible, gambit, deeper armor/weapons system) before rushing to finish the raid.

For me, the simple return of random rolls is enough to get my buy WHICH is WRONG but there it is. Those contribute so much to the longevity of the game for a mostly solo player who loves chasing that optimal loadout for any and all pvp and pve scenarios. They should've been in the game to begin with though, so it's not like I was setting the bar all that high. Warmind was a baby step. This feels (so far) like a stride but how long of one will take a lot longer to figure out.

loki 16

I played around 20 hours and I really like it so far. I been doing exotic quest and other quest and everything’s been fun and engaging. I’m 510 light so far. Btw Ace of spades is awesome.


What's the solo game like? I want to love Destiny but not being able to multiplayer outside of PVP kills it.
What's the solo game like? I want to love Destiny but not being able to multiplayer outside of PVP kills it.
I've put in about 70 hours solo, with some strikes with others which is multiplayer PVE. It really is a brilliant game that doesn't really shine until post campaign and now with the Dlcs that really flesh it out
I played around 20 hours and I really like it so far. I been doing exotic quest and other quest and everything’s been fun and engaging. I’m 510 light so far. Btw Ace of spades is awesome.

Same here. Finished the main campaign and they introduced a completely new area in the Dreaming City - probably one of the best visually enticing locations Bungie has created thus far. Really love the mystery surrounding it. And I absolutely LOVE the Ace of Spades. Probably one of the best exotics in Destiny, ever. This thing is like the OG Fatebringer on coke. Even the mission to get it was so well done. An amazing send off to Cayde 6.

All in all, end game is looking really strong. There are so many quests and activities to do, with good loot to boot that it's a little overwhelming, but in a good way.
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I have no remaining friends playing D2 on PS4, so I'm thinking of hopping back on board but this time with the PC version - for the obvious reasons. Still, I've put in about 80 hours in D2 which I know is not a lot for some, but it's a bunch for me. I know I can level up a character instantly in Forsaken, but that feels like a lot of exotics and gear and such to be leaving behind. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.


Some more thoughts:

Infusing is something I never do now. I just keep switching weapons since I don't want to bother farming planet resources to infuse stuff. Don't really care much for this change.

Gambit was fun though I've only done it once. I went through the portal once and bow'ed two people and survived, felt good, though was more luck as I'm not very good at PVP. I feel like there should be some sort of incentive for being the person who invades but I'm not sure what.

Still coming to grips with the weapon system possibilities. I keep falling back on my bow thinking it's overpowered but then I switch to a handcannon then think I'm killing stuff faster.

I like the return of dailies. I missed them from D1.

The new supers seem to level super slow. Not enjoying that too much either, but there's probably a way to minmax the process.
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I've put in about 70 hours solo, with some strikes with others which is multiplayer PVE. It really is a brilliant game that doesn't really shine until post campaign and now with the Dlcs that really flesh it out
And in case you missed it, if you have a PS4 and PS Plus, the base game of Destiny 2 is free right now.

I have the original game, but the price of all the DLC together is a little much. I think it adds up to £50. How many hours of new missions are in all the DLC? If it's 10+ hours of new stuff I might bite...basically a full game at that point.


Neo Member
I got burnt out and haven't played in quite a while. But I did end up trying out Forsaken and it definitely left me impressed. Waiting to see how the first raid is on the 14th, but the campaign is awesome and the new Gambit mode is a ton of fun. Any review roundups yet? I see a lot in progress and a few video reviews at the moment. Here is one I found.

Destiny 2: Forsaken Review (PS4 Pro) - Pixelated Gamer
I have the original game, but the price of all the DLC together is a little much. I think it adds up to £50. How many hours of new missions are in all the DLC? If it's 10+ hours of new stuff I might bite...basically a full game at that point.

It's hard to say how many hours of missions there are, because there's also the traditional leveling and loot gathering to be done, but I'm really impressed by the amount of content so far. I also never played the smaller DLC episodes before this, so those added a bit as well. I'd say they're a little longer than DLC 1 and 2 in the first Destiny, and they seem like they'll both have more post-game content.

I'll try to be somewhat vague here, but Taken King was "Go play some new missions in the old areas for a while, and then we have this NEW area to play in. After that, there's some post-game content. How about we send you back into the vault of glass for a mission? Pretty cool, right?

Meanwhile, Forsaken is "After an impressive intro mission, we're going to get you to a new area, where you have nine bad guys to kill. So that's at least 10 main missions there. After that, there's some post-game content. How about we send you to
a completely new area that is entirely designed for end-game challenges and leveling, while also continuing the story and giving you a better understanding of what happened."

When reviews hit, I have to think quite a few critics are going to be saying this is better and longer than Taken King.
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Updated the thread to include Dthomp Dthomp 's GAF clan, and some additional tips that I wish I knew when I first started, especially that the tangled shore vendor has items that can be purchased for glimmer, and he also sells masterwork cores for legendary shards.

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I really, really, really fucking hate having to use masterwork cores to infuse.


Thanks for the sticky for my clan buddy. Please shoot me messages if anybody joins from here and I can hook ya up with a discord invite as well. Happy hunting guardians


Not too happy about how slow it is to unlock other subclasses. Feels like a pretty damn artificial time buffer, and makes me much less likely to feel motivated to play my alts/get them maxed.

Just beat the campaign and I'd say it was pretty good. Not as good as TTK. Final Boss was cool. Not a single exotic engram in all my time playing. Do these just not exist anymore? Kinda shitty if so.


My first Gambit game disconnected and I got a warning about leaving the game. Wtf.

Liking the expansion except for the fact you now need extra consumables to infuse instead of just legendary shards. Thats really crappy imo
I don't play Forsaken, so I can't test this but apparently it's possible to glitch into the raid and get a chest early.
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I just finished the campaign and haven't unlocked the end area yet or tried Gambit, but man, this has been fun. Destiny always has a place in my heart, primarily because the shooting mechanics are so damn perfect and the game is presented in such a way where a casual like me can find the genre appealing. It's involved, but not convoluted for the most part. I admittedly no longer play lots of games, particularly of this sort, but I can't really think of another game where something like wandering just picking off enemies with headshots is so enjoyable. But I digress...

This campaign was legit fun, complete with impressive cut scenes and a pretty engrossing story, at least by Destiny standards. I did have to slog through with crap blue weapons, once my bow was underleveled (infusing is too damn expensive to do anything about it) and admittedly I did have to switch from trying to level up my subclass (which takes FOR-EV-ER) back to my Warlock Voidwalk Devour build so I could get through it more easily, but it was well paced and enjoyable.

I spent some 12+ hours or so on the game this weekend alone, and am still looking forward to going home tonight and exploring some of the end area stuff and doing some of the bounties for purple gear. Whether or not I'll still be into it in a few weeks remains to be seen, but for now, I'm glad I picked it up. I'm primarily a solo player, so I'm hoping the game still has legs for a guy like me.

Also, I was tempted to switch to the PC version for the frames/POV, but I'm glad I stuck with PS4. Yeah, 30 FPS sucks and always will, but the game looks pretty damn nice on a Pro with HDR enabled and the Triumphs and Collections tabs are a joy for anyone with even the slightest collector's bug. I would have to hate to have given up all the items I had found in D2 Year 1.

So yeah, I loved D1 - one of my favorite gaming experiences of all time. D2 lost my interest pretty quickly, but Forsaken seems to be on point so far. There's really a ton of stuff to do, and a little something for everyone with even the slightest affinity for Destiny.


Love it. Campaign sucked tho. It was good but nothing as special as some make it out to be.

Funny how people don’t even realize the dreaming city is a thing tho and don’t even have it unlocked. That’s the meat and potatoes of the game.... Gambit is great. Weapon rolls is awesome. Great expansion so far
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I don't play Forsaken, so I can't test this but apparently it's possible to glitch into the raid and get a chest early.

Already patched a day or so ago, but thanks for posting this either way.

Update 1.25 is 12.514GB on PS4

My guess is that it's the Raid update. If you watch the video above, you'll see when the raid chest is collected, it seems to be missing a lot of geometry and textures around the area. I imagine a lot of it was never put into the original download.


So I played through the entirety of the first DLC, and I've started the second. I'm feeling it. It's the kind of game I need right now. I just hope I can play some of the end-game content without having to search for people to play with. Destiny needs matchmaking.


So I played through the entirety of the first DLC, and I've started the second. I'm feeling it. It's the kind of game I need right now. I just hope I can play some of the end-game content without having to search for people to play with. Destiny needs matchmaking.

Join the clan Dthump set up if you’re on PS4! I picked up Forsaken yesterday and played non-stop, all the way to level 50 and LL 500. No shame :p
I’d be up for playing with you. I haven’t even done any co-op PvE things but I played a few rounds of Crucible.


The dreaming city secrets are driving me insane. I can play gambit forever ... at least it seems so right now.
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Please be aware there is a bug with the Offering to the Oracle. I got hit with it yesterday and likely cost myself 2-3 power levels. Do not turn in the bounty for the offering until you are at the oracle machine to turn it in right away. You can lose the oracle very easily if it is in your inventory. I loaded the API by accident and it deleted mine, another clan mate fast traveled and lost his. This is the best milestone available so please be wary with this item.


I want that Ace of Spades but I'm really not looking forward to this quest - namely the 5 invasion kills in Gambit. I want to try out the mode (I haven't yet), but as a solo player, I feel this will be an exercise in frustration.


I want that Ace of Spades but I'm really not looking forward to this quest - namely the 5 invasion kills in Gambit. I want to try out the mode (I haven't yet), but as a solo player, I feel this will be an exercise in frustration.

I did it in 2 rounds by using Sturm/Drang and playing on the outskirts of the map. Use Drang/Heavy to kill mobs and keep a full mag of charged shots for Sturm. When invader enters, crouch and peek cautiously to find invader and (hopefully) wait until he engages the rest of your team. Then when he's distracted just pop him with a couple charged Sturm shots. It takes some patience but after a few games you'll get it for sure, people just have trouble because they freak out and rush invader instead of playing cautiously.
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I want that Ace of Spades but I'm really not looking forward to this quest - namely the 5 invasion kills in Gambit. I want to try out the mode (I haven't yet), but as a solo player, I feel this will be an exercise in frustration.

If it's not clear (and it's really not from the game's description) you have to kill invaders. You don't kill people while you're invading. That won't count.


I did it in 2 rounds by using Sturm/Drang and playing on the outskirts of the map. Use Drang/Heavy to kill mobs and keep a full mag of charged shots for Sturm. When invader enters, crouch and peek cautiously to find invader and (hopefully) wait until he engages the rest of your team. Then when he's distracted just pop him with a couple charged Sturm shots. It takes some patience but after a few games you'll get it for sure, people just have trouble because they freak out and rush invader instead of playing cautiously.
I've got those in my inventory, I believe...was going to give Crimson a shot, but I'll try your idea, as I've heard it suggested before.

If it's not clear (and it's really not from the game's description) you have to kill invaders. You don't kill people while you're invading. That won't count.
It's clear. Just trying to figure out how to steal those kills from my teammates in a mode I've never played before....but only one way to find out!
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I've got those in my inventory, I believe...was going to give Crimson a shot, but I'll try your idea, as I've heard it suggested before.

It's clear. Just trying to figure out how to steal those kills from my teammates in a mode I've never played before....but only one way to find out!

I've got those in my inventory, I believe...was going to give Crimson a shot, but I'll try your idea, as I've heard it suggested before.

It's clear. Just trying to figure out how to steal those kills from my teammates in a mode I've never played before....but only one way to find out!

Pick up a long range hand cannon (the newly 'fixed' sunshot will do better than all the rest) and hang out near the edge but the edge of the middle, if that makes any sense. Try to pick a spot where you're close enough to some of your teammates so that the invader advancing doesn't single you out (as you'll be on their radar instantly, highlighted in red) but they'll have to have their back or side facing you to engage the rest of your teammates.
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